Chapter 122 Discussion (2 in 1)

A few days later, in Spirit City, Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Bibi Dong leaned against the main throne, her gaze was impassive as she looked at Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo, who had walked into the main hall.

Arriving at the bottom of the steps, the two bowed respectfully, "Greetings, Your Holiness."

"Hm." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, her tone was bland, "Speak. What is it?"

Ghost Douluo arched his hand, "Your Holiness Pontiff, word has come from Platinum Bishop Salas of Heaven Dou City that the child Ah Man, who was mentioned last time, has already arrived in Heaven Dou City, and has become involved with Dugu Bo."

"It seems, he has become his grandson-in-law."

"Eh?" Bibi Dong raised an eyebrow and inquired, "Tell me, what's going on?"

How did a commoner child get into such a relationship with someone like Dugu Bo, who is still a Titled Douluo?

"This matter has not been ascertained for the time being, Salas was able to learn of this news only because that child had participated in a solo duel in the Great Spirit Arena of Heaven Dou City a few days ago wearing a mask, defeating Yu Tianheng of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, whose Spirit Power had already reached level 39, and it was still an uncontested complete victory." Ghost Douluo orated fluently, "In addition, throughout the battle, that child, without even summoning his martial soul almost suppressed Yu Tianheng who had finished executing his Augmentative Third Spirit Skill in terms of strength, and then displayed a speed that far surpassed Yu Tianheng's."

"Afterwards, Yu Tianheng became infuriated and called out that child's real name and Salas confirmed his identity as a result."

"Afterwards, that child summoned his Sword Martial Soul and subdued Yu Tianheng in a single move. Of course, there was also the factor of Yu Tianheng's rashness and timidity at the scene. According to the description, Yu Tianheng originally wanted to use his spirit skill to catch that child's slash, but when the blade was approaching, Yu Tianheng suddenly dodged it, and then that child seized the opportunity and changed the horizontal slash into an upward swing, stopping directly at the throat."

"After that, Yu Tianheng left a message on his way out, telling him to treat Yan well."

"According to Salas's years of information collection, Yu Tianheng had been pursuing Dugu Yan during his stay at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and Yan is what Dugu Yan is called within the battle team. A little over two months ago, Dugu Yan suddenly announced that she wanted to withdraw from the Academy. Calculating the time, that time should be exactly when that child arrived at Heaven Dou City. From this, it can be deduced that the child should have known Dugu Yan for a long time."

"Salas surmised in his letter that Dugu Yan should have met him on her way to the Star Dou Great Forest with her team to hunt for spirit rings two years ago. As for what exactly happened in between, it's unknown. However..."

Ghost Douluo suddenly paused, his tone turning solemn, "Your Holiness, according to Salas' verification, Dugu Yan had already broken through the Spirit Ancestor when she fought in the Spirit Arena, and her martial soul has somehow evolved, with its appearance traits changing into a dragon type with water attribute, and a small change in her physical appearance, and her Spirit Power was only at level 37 when she withdrew from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy."

"Therefore, Salas hypothesised that Dugu Yan had most likely gotten rid of the Martial Soul inherited poison in her body."

"By inference, I'm afraid that Dugu Bo is also"

"Elder Ghost, are you trying to say that the poison on Dugu Bo's body has also been detoxified, and was most likely detoxified with the help of that boy Ah Man?" At this time, Bibi Dong's body was already sitting upright, and her face turned serious.

"Your Holiness, after all, Dugu Bo has been poisoned for decades, and there has been no solution before. But once that child Ah Man arrived, Dugu Yan's Martial Soul evolved, and her strength also increased slightly. Other than the fact that the poison has been dispelled and the cultivation that was previously used to suppress the poison has been exerted, this subordinate really can't find any other reason to explain it."

Ghost Douluo bowed slightly and respectfully said.

Bibi Dong nodded slightly and did not reply immediately, but asked again, "Is there any other news?"

"There is." Ghost Douluo continued, "According to the news from Salas, Dugu Bo has applied to establish a Spirit Master Academy to the Imperial Family, to form a battle team to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament. Your Holiness, the purpose of that boy Ah Man coming to Heaven Dou City is to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament and his martial soul... Your subordinate speculates that Dugu Bo's sudden decision to open an academy might have something to do with child Ah Man. In addition, other than Ah Man, six other teammates followed Dugu Yan to the Spirit Arena."

"Although they were all wearing face scarves, based on the martial souls that were summoned on the arena, two of them should be Skywater Academy's Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er."

"There are also three female spirit masters."

Ghost Douluo's face suddenly looked odd, "All of their martial souls are Hell Civet of the Star Luo Empire's Zhu Family. As far as subordinates know, all three direct daughters of the Zhu Family are no longer in the Star Luo Empire. Zhu Zhuyun disappeared together with Zhu Zhuqing, the rumour is that Zhu Zhuyun hunted Zhu Zhuqing due to the Imperial Throne dispute, and both of them died in the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest after being chased by a thousand-year-old Stormwind Demon Wolf pack. Moreover, Nuoding City, where Ah Man lives, happens to border with the Star Luo Empire's border, so subordinate thought that there might be a connection somewhere in the middle."

"As for Zhu Zhuyu, it is said that she disappeared overnight in the Star Luo Imperial Academy. Now it seems that she should have privately received a message from two others and fled to come to the Heaven Dou Empire to reunite. In addition, all three women of the Zhu family seem to be behaving intimately with that child Ah Man."

A hero rescuing a beauty and committing themselves in return? This idea suddenly popped up in the hearts of the three people present.

However, how did he manage to save two people from the mouth of a thousand-year-old Stormwind Demon Wolf pack in quick succession?

Inwardly, they were filled with doubts again.

"And the last member of the team, although she didn't step up in the arena, she has been confirmed to be Ye Lingling of the Ye Family. As this person has also withdrawn from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it is believed that she was invited by Dugu Yan. In addition, there was also a person leading the team as a team teacher, who had been confirmed to be Shui Zilu, the cousin of Skywater City's City Lord, Shui Chaozong. As for why he and the two from the Shui family suddenly joined Dugu Yan's battle team, it is currently unknown."

"However, according to Salas' investigation, the two from the Shui family suddenly became good friends with Dugu Yan two years ago, and at that point in time, the two had also travelled with their team to the Star Dou Great Forest. Perhaps, it was at the same time as Dugu Yan that they got to know Ah Man. In addition, Shui Yue'er among the two from the Shui family also seems to like that child Ah Man."

"At present, all of them are living in Dugu Bo's mansion, and it is currently unknown where Dugu Bo has gone."

After listening to Ghost Douluo's report, Bibi Dong tapped her fingers on the edge of her seat, her eyes slightly closed, it was unknown what she was thinking.

On the other hand, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo on the side were silent, and a thought suddenly spurred in their minds.

This child called Ah Man, is really blessed with a lot of pink luck.

Not long after, Bibi Dong opened her eyes and her sandalwood lips lightly opened, "Ghost Douluo, have Salas send someone to try to secretly contact the other instructors and team members of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and the Skywater Academy who had followed Dugu Yan and the two daughters of the Shui Clan who had been to the Star Dou Great Forest two years ago, and find out about Ah Man's experience and what he had said in his encounters with them back then."

"In addition, send someone to keep a close eye on Ah Man's movements, being able to easily defeat Yu Tianheng, whose spirit power has already reached level 39 head-on, and also being approved by Dugu Bo as his grandson-in-law, as well as being able to save the two daughters of the Zhu family from the mouths of a thousand-year-old Stormwind Wind Demon Wolf pack back then. I believe that this child's strength and martial soul is not as simple as it is assumed to be, I suspect that his current spirit power level has already reached level 30 or above."

"This..." Both Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo were taken aback, in their hearts they understood the potential represented behind this. At the same time, there was doubt in their hearts, that the child's innate spirit power was clearly only level 3. And it took two years for him to rise it to level 10, this is confirmed data. With such talent, breaking through to Spirit Elder at such an age, how is it possible? Even the storytellers didn't dare to write a story like this.

Then he heard Bibi Dong say, "If it's not a special chance, then it's due to his martial soul."

"A Mutated martial soul, with low innate spirit power, is unable to retain spirit rings and spirit skills, yet it allows the spirit master's spirit power to increase at a speed that isn't any slower than that of a genius, I have thought of a possibility."

"Please enlighten us, Your Holiness Supreme Pontiff!" Ghost Douluo inquired respectfully, and the Chrysanthemum Douluo on his side followed and bowed.

"Well, when absorbing the spirit ring, the spirit ring energy is all absorbed by the body and martial soul, the effect is similar to the Clear Sky Clan's Explosive Ring Skill." Bibi Dong's eyes flickered, "The huge spirit ring energy all converges into himself, part of it raises his cultivation, part of it strengthens his physical body and martial soul. That's why when others absorb the spirit ring when they first break through to Spirit Master they can only raise 1 level to 2 levels, while that child can directly raise 3 levels."

"With the first absorption of a spirit ring to strengthen his physical body as a base, he must have raised his cultivation even more by absorbing a more powerful spirit ring later on, which invariably erased quite a bit of the gap in cultivation speed brought about by talent. As for the strength of his physical body and martial soul, it was naturally not low. This was why he was able to overpower Yu Tianheng in terms of strength and speed. Beast Martial Soul Spirit Masters' ability to perceive danger is inherently superior to other Spirit Masters, the reason why Yu Tianheng retreated from the front battle should be because he perceived that the strength of that child Ah Man's Martial Soul was not low, and was not something he could withstand, and thus chose to retreat."

Spirit ring energy is fully absorbed, isn't that equivalent to being armed with a self-exploding ring skill? Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo immediately looked blank, their minds couldn't help but recall the fear of being dominated by Tang Hao back then, while at the same time sighing in their hearts: it's just a pity that this kid's cultivation talent is a bit poor.

The more a Spirit Master cultivates to the end, the slower the speed becomes, and although the cultivation enhancement brought about by the full absorption of Spirit Ring energy can erase part of the gap, it ultimately can't change the mediocrity of the talent and qualification. At a later stage, the gap would eventually be widened. In addition, this child wasn't born in the Clear Sky Clan, and without a self-created spirit skill inheritance, he simply wouldn't be able to utilise the advantages brought about by this kind of martial soul talent.

Not to mention that he is a close combat type spirit master, and without spirit skills, when he encounters a long-range offensive spirit skill, wouldn't he become a target? Thinking of this, Ghost Douluo couldn't help but arch his hand.


Bibi Dong seemed to be able to see the thoughts of the two men, and calmly said, "Don't forget how the poison on Dugu grandfather and granddaughter was detoxified, regardless of who actually detoxified the poison, in any case, they have the ability to do so. In the future, they might be able to assist that child Ah Man's cultivation by way of medicine and resolve the gap brought about by talent. Therefore, before there is a conclusion, we still need to maintain a wait-and-see attitude."

"And, what if?" Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with a brilliant glint as she said meaningfully, "If it works out, it might be of great benefit to my Martial Spirit Hall as well. In addition, if Dugu Bo is like Dugu Yan, not only the poison in his body is eliminated, but his martial soul also evolved, then what level of strength has he reached now, this matter also needs to be confirmed, you guys don't forget what his martial soul ability is."

Upon hearing this, Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo's hearts were suddenly alarmed, that Dugu Bo could release a swarm of poison that targeted a large area.

Now that the poison had been dispelled from his body, it would be terrifying if his martial soul ability was further enhanced.

Spirit Douluo and Titled Douluo might not be afraid of such a spread-out poison, but under that, it would be absolutely possible to poison a large number of people at a time.

"Then shall we?" Ghost Douluo hurriedly asked.

"Stupid!" Bibi Dong frowned at once, her sceptre stamped the ground, and her aura suddenly exploded, "Do you want the spirit masters under my Martial Spirit Hall to be buried to pay for your big bet?"

What kind of person was Dugu Bo, he would take every penny into account, and if he couldn't be killed in a single blow, the consequences would be simply unimaginable. Whether they threaten the people around him or threaten himself, it is useless, this guy is a stubborn stone in the latrine, the kind that stains the whole family a little.

"It is your subordinate's stupidity." Ghost Douluo instantly figured out the crux of the matter and bowed with trepidation.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong retracted her aura, and her tone returned to a flat one, "Since that child Ah Man has a soft spot for the Martial Spirit Hall, this is a good opportunity for us. Doesn't Dugu Bo want to create an academy? The continent-wide spirit master tournament requires an academy to be promoted to a senior spirit master academy to participate, and the vetting of the promotion has always been the responsibility of us, who are the organisers of the continent-wide spirit master tournament."

"Elder Ghost, when Dugu Bo's academy is constructed and the ceremony is held, you should personally make a trip there. Although Dugu Bo is a Titled Douluo, he is only one person after all, and with his character, he might show part of his strength after the evolution of his martial soul in public at that time to deter outsiders. You bring along a generous gift and act as you see fit. If necessary, it would be best to use this opportunity to write off the matter of that year."

As she finished her sentence, she glanced at Chrysanthemum Douluo who was not far away, if this guy went over, with the grudge between the two of them, he might fight directly, it is better to let Ghost Douluo who has a more stable disposition to make a good deal. Then she continued, "Elder Ghost, I hope that you can keep the big picture in mind."

"Subordinate understands." Ghost Douluo immediately responded.

The meaning was clear, if Dugu Bo's strength had soared after the evolution of his martial soul, it would be difficult to take him down easily. Then try to make friends first, it would be even better if he had the opportunity to rope him in.

When he looked at Chrysanthemum Douluo next to him, he felt that the chances of winning him over were very low. When Dugu Bo was looking for antidote herbs, he set his sights on Chrysanthemum Douluo, who loved flowers as much as his life, cultivated exotic herbs, and almost ransacked his medicine garden. After that, the two of them had formed an unbreakable relationship, and they had fought for more than ten years, it was unknown how many times they had fought.

The reason why Dugu Bo went to Heaven Dou City, to put it mildly, it was Chrysanthemum Douluo who chased him all the way there.

"In that case, step down." Bibi Dong's body once again leaned against the main throne, closing her eyes and resting her mind.


Ghost Douluo hurriedly bowed and retreated, and beside him, Chrysanthemum Douluo glanced at his best mate and followed with a tangled expression on his face.


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