Chapter 126 Ruining things?

"In that case, let's go."

Dugu Bo smiled and stood up.

"The two of us haven't relaxed much these days, as soon as we got back to Nuoding City, we immediately took a carriage to this Suotuo City, and we've been bouncing around for a few days. Once we got off the carriage, we looked for the hotel, then crossed the mountains to look for the Blue Silver Emperor, we haven't wandered around the city yet."

He said after stretching his waist, "It's just the right time, let's go out for a walk together, and then find a restaurant to have a big meal."

"Good idea." Lin Manshan nodded and got up to follow.

Going out of the room, he called everyone and went out of the hotel together.

Under Lin Manshan's deliberate guidance, they soon approached Tang Hao's location, which from a distance looked like a small wine shop. Tang Hao was sitting alone at the window at that moment, with a jar of wine, a plate of small dishes, and a disc of peanuts on the table, drinking by himself.

Shooting a glance at Dugu Bo, Lin Manshan led the crowd to pass by the street not far away.

Titled Douluo can normally control their aura, but very few low-ranked spirit masters can have such control, especially those who have just broken through not long ago, their aura will remain unstable, and Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er all belong to this category. When they didn't use their spirit power, perhaps it would be impossible to distinguish their specific rank, but their identity as a Spirit Master could be perceived from afar through the faint fluctuation of spirit power emanating from their bodies.

A bunch of spirit masters appeared, which immediately attracted Tang Hao's attention, due to the existence of Xiao Wu, he has been very sensitive to the appearance of spirit masters over the years, and to prevent mistakes and omissions, he will always pay attention when he encounters a spirit master. When he cast a brief side glance, his face instantly became grave.

His eyes were placed on Dugu Bo, and he couldn't feel any aura at all from him, but he was without a doubt a Titled Douluo who had been promoted a long time ago. If the promotion was recent, the body would have failed to fully adapt to the enhancement brought about by the absorption of the spirit ring in a short period of time, which could be perceived. This appearance, this dress, quickly fitted with the Dugu Bo that he remembered from many years ago.

'Back then, Dugu Bo was severely poisoned, and his aura simply couldn't be fully restrained, but now, after years of not seeing him is it possible that he had already gotten rid of the poison on his body?'

Tang Hao's face was cloudy, and as soon as he looked at the number of people in the group, he had a guess in his heart, 'He should have brought the group to the Great Spirit Arena to participate in the Spirit Fighting Match.'

As the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament approached, it was common for certain senior Spirit Master Academies to choose to go to other main cities to participate in team matches within the Great Spirit Arena for the sake of battle team bonding and training. He had recently been guarding within Suotuo City and had not gone to Shrek Academy to observe his son, just to guard against this kind of team that came out of nowhere, if the leading teacher had been a Spirit Douluo, then he would have had to think of a way to let Xiao Wu circumvent it in advance. But now, it is Titled Douluo, or Dugu Bo, so the situation is even worse.

He knew Dugu Bo, he is a person who takes every little thing to heart, if he can't get killed at once, he will find a way to retaliate by going after his whole family, he is a vicious character who is difficult to deal with.

'It's still early for Xiao San to enter the city, so let's follow him first and see what's going on.' Tang Hao pondered and got up in a hurry.

As for Lin Manshan's side, the group strolled around for a while and happened to pass by a nicely decorated restaurant, so they walked in together. Opening a private room, they started ordering food.

After eating, they walked out of the restaurant together.

Feeling Tang Hao hiding on the roof not far away, raising his head and glancing at the sun that was about to set in the west, Lin Manshan patted his belly and turned his head to casually say, "Grandpa, there's also a Great Spirit Arena in this Suotuo City, I'd like to take Yan and the girls to go and practice, do you want to follow along?"

"Forget it."

Dugu Bo held a toothpick in his mouth and said indifferently, "What kind of powerful battle team can there be in this Suotuo City? And it's so noisy in the Great Spirit Arena, I might as well rest in the hotel and get some peace of mind, let Xiao Zilu take you guys there."

"If you run into any trouble, come back and shout my name." After saying that, he waved his hand and left on his own.

'This Dugu Bo's character hasn't changed, he's solitary and arrogant, this time, he's willing to come with the team, I guess it's because he was worried about the safety of his only granddaughter and was compelled to come.' Tang Hao shook his head and hurriedly followed Dugu Bo.

'Just in case, it's better to follow and keep an eye on him.'

In his mind, he thought, 'The strength of this battle team brought by Dugu Bo seems to be good, the control of spirit power of these few little guys is not bad, surprisingly, even I can't tell the exact level, but looking at the fluctuation of the overflowing spirit power, the strength should be between Spirit Elder and Spirit Ancestor.'

'Well, Xiao San's battle team has been winning consecutively without any setbacks lately, and there are already some members in the team who have developed a sense of arrogance, which may not necessarily be a good thing. Now that there's a strong team to go and grind them down a bit, it would definitely help to reduce their arrogance, and it would also be beneficial to Xiao San's cultivation in the future.'

'In addition, it is necessary to think of a solution for Xiao Wu's identity exposure problem as soon as possible, it's not an option to keep guarding like this all the time. Now that the Spirit Master Tournament is approaching, sooner or later, the Shrek Battle Team will have to go to Heaven Dou City.'

Between the thoughts, his figure faded away.

As July neared, even if the time came to evening, the air was still warm, and in the trees and weeds on both sides of the street, there was a chirping of birds, and all sorts of ladybugs, ants, and spiders could be seen everywhere. This undoubtedly greatly helped Lin Manshan, and he easily grabbed three of them.

Holding them in his hands, he performed the Beast Control Technique while walking, and before he knew it, he arrived at the Great Spirit Arena.

Walking into the hall, he did not move and put down the little insects, giving instructions to crawl towards the area of registration for the team battle, single battle area, and two-player battle area, and then he went straight to the area for the team battle registration with his team. Shui Zilu walked up and took out the team battle badge and placed it on the countertop, smiling as he looked at the staff.

"Hello, please help sign up for the team battle."

The staff member smiled warmly, glanced down, and suddenly his face changed drastically, 'Silver Spirit Fighter Badge!'

'And the points are already over 500.'

The badge advancement mechanism of the Spirit Arena is 100 points to advance to the Silver Spirit Fighter Badge, and 1000 points to advance to the Gold Spirit Fighter Badge, although five consecutive victories will allow you to enjoy ten times the points as a reward for a winning streak, the winning streak will also result in an escalation in the strength of the matched opponents, and the matching difficulty will also be greater. More than 500 points is definitely not something that can be easily accumulated.

Why would a team of this calibre come to the Great Spirit Arena in a small city like ours? No team can fight against them at all. If we really arrange it, we'll lose money after the first match!

The staff member was bitter inward and raised his head with a professional smile, "This gentleman, please wait for a moment."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the back of the work area with the badge in his hand.

Not long after, ta-ta-ta, the staff member ran back again, followed by a more affluent middle-aged man. He quickly walked up to Shui Zilu and introduced himself with a smile, ''Respected Sir, it's a pleasure meeting you! My humble name is Ao, and I am the supervisor here."

"Supervisor Ao, hello! My name is Shui," Shui Zilu responded politely.

Supervisor Ao's face still maintained a smile, and he politely continued, "Mr Shui, your team's level is actually a bit high for our Great Spirit Arena, so if you want to match up with a suitable opponent," he said with a slightly entangled face, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, and you'll have to wait for a very long time."

"You also know that the arrival time of the team participating in the team match is not something we can influence in the Spirit Arena."

A few big lords, what are you waiting for, hurry home and sleep. Inwardly, he was shouting wildly.

Lin Manshan immediately spoke, "It's fine, time is still early, we just finished eating, we can sit down and rest and wait slowly."

Fuck#$%. Supervisor Ao glanced at Lin Manshan who was wearing a black mask and had an imposing appearance, he opened his mouth and wanted to curse, but his heart was inexplicably a little weak, he hurriedly turned his body sideways and nodded his head politely, "Then please come this way, when the team comes, I will personally come to notify you."

"In addition, please all of you deliver your respective badges to me, to register and match suitable opponents."

"Supervisor Ao, there is no need to bother with this." Shui Zilu smiled, pulling out a piece of paper from his spirit tool and handing it to Supervisor Ao, "This is the information of the members of our Skywalker Battle Team, just match the opponents accordingly."

"Good." Supervisor Ao received the data, and when he glanced at it with his spare glance, he shivered all of a sudden.

After confirming the data, all of them were little ancestors that couldn't be messed with, they didn't come to smash the arena, right?

Out of professionalism, he smiled and arched his hand, excused himself and left.


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