Chapter 127 Confident Tang San (2 in 1)

Not long after, Yu Xiaogang led his team into the Spirit Arena, then habitually went alone to the team battle area registration point, pulling out his team badge and handing it forward, and spoke in a flat tone.

"Please, sign up for the group battle."

"Yes sir, please wait." The staff member smiled professionally and received the badge, then his face changed, and he gasped out, "Shrek Academy, Shrek Six Devils?"

In the next second, his face flushed with excitement, and he hurriedly said, "Sir, please wait for a moment."

After saying that, Ta Ta Ta, squeezed the badge, and his footsteps sped up as he rushed straight to the back of the work area.

"???" Yu Xiaogang's expression changed to one of surprise, and then his brows furrowed. Although his heart was dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do, the badge was taken away, so he could not even change the division, he could only brush his sleeve and snort coldly, waiting patiently in place.

Not long after, hurried footsteps were heard again, Supervisor Ao walked quickly to Yu Xiaogang, smiling warmly, and politely said, "Hello, honourable Mr. ..."


"Alright, I agree. You go prepare the opponent's information now, I'll go and recall the students first."

The fight is hosted in the main Spirit Arena, with an appearance fee of five hundred Gold Soul Coins per Spirit Master, and an additional reward of ten thousand Gold Spirit Coins after achieving victory, coupled with the fact that the opponent is a Silver Spirit Fighter team, who can serve as a good sharpening element for the Shrek Battle Team, Yu Xiaogang believed that there was no reason for him to reject the battle.

Not long after, the Shrek Academy group gathered and entered the room under the guidance of the staff.

What's wrong with Master? Tang San pulled Xiao Wu to sit on the sofa, looking up at his master, Yu Xiaogang, the battle intent bursting from his eyes was something he had never seen before, 'Could it be that a strong team has been matched.' As he guessed, his fists were slightly clenched, and flames erupted in his eyes as well.

A truly strong person would be sharpened and grow in battle, constantly breaking through the limits of the self, he is looking forward to this.

Right at that moment, with a creak, Supervisor Ao pushed open the door of the room and arrived leisurely, with a smile on his face, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! The opponent you are fighting this time is coming to our Great Spirit Arena for the first time, and I have just gone to gather some information."

Saying this, he handed the information to Yu Xiaogang and said with a tangled face, "Esteemed Sir, I can only say that although your opponents this time have Silver Spirit Fighter Badge, their strength is a bit outrageous, so I was also caught by surprise. This is the information, read it yourself."

Now there is no Spirit Ancestor level team here, I'm sorry, I can only take you guys to fill the hole first. Inwardly, he thought to himself.

Outrageously strong? How strong can they be? Shrek's group immediately became interested, while Yu Xiaogang received the information with a suspicious face, glancing down, his pupils suddenly shrunk sharply, he then burst with fury as he swished his head up to look at Supervisor Ao, "Supervisor Ao, what do you mean by this!?"

"This is simply not an opponent that our battle team can deal with right now, you're being fraudulent!" No wonder they didn't state the opponent's true strength before, this was using them to cover the hole, and incidentally ending their team's winning streak.

Supervisor Ao felt aggrieved and said with a smile, "Esteemed Sir, this Skywalker Battle Team has come to our Great Spirit Arena for the first time, and they were indeed holding the Silver Spirit Fighter Badge in their hand when they registered for the team match. We are also just following the rules, and I only learnt about their spirit rings when I went to inquire about them just now, and now that it's all started outside, I am also riding a tiger."

"I don't care about that, collecting the information of the participating teams and matching the appropriate opponents is the duty of your Great Spirit Arena!" Yu Xiaogang's voice was cold, "Now since it was your Great Spirit Arena's dereliction of duty that caused our team to encounter an unfair pairing, we have the right to refuse to participate."

Upon hearing this, Supervisor Ao's face suddenly sank, and he said indifferently, "Sir, you promised to participate in the match just now, and now that the participation information has already been reported, if you reject it, as the party that has broken its promise, you will need to bear all the losses incurred by the Grand Spirit Arena. Moreover, from now on, all the members of your team will be blacklisted, and you will never be able to enter any major spirit arena to participate in any spirit fighting matches in the future. Furthermore, this kind of breach of trust may even affect the eligibility to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament."

"You have to know that all the previous continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament qualifiers have been hosted by our Great Spirit Arena."

"You!" Yu Xiaogang instantly turned red and trembled in anger, but not daring to speak out in anger. Not being able to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament meant everything he had done would be in vain.

At this moment, Supervisor Ao's tone changed again, and he sighed, ''Sir, I also know that you are very angry right now. But to put it another way, this battle is actually something you guys will have to face sooner or later. The members of this Skywalker Battle Team are all very young from what I observed just now, the oldest is estimated to be around twenty years old, and if my expectations are not wrong, they are a continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament participating team."

"Sir, if the team you lead is also preparing to participate in the next continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament, then it would not be a bad thing to face this team in advance and use this opportunity to familiarise yourself with your opponent's skills and fighting style." His tone turned flat again, and his face was bland, "Of course, if you guys aren't going to participate, just take it as if I didn't say anything."

When the words fell, there was silence, it seemed like he was waiting for a reply, and it was also as if he was trying to ask, now you can't afford to lose, then why are you still participating in the Spirit Master Tournament? Not participating, that's fine I absolutely have no intention of belittling you guys.

The teams participating in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament are all very strong teams. The faces of the Shrek Academy group suddenly became solemn, while their doubts became even greater. Just how strong are they? Surprisingly, it made the always arrogant Yu Xiaogang shrink back.

Tang San glanced at Supervisor Ao with a chilling look in his eyes, got up and walked up to Yu Xiaogang's side, ''Master, why are you angry, isn't it just an encounter with a strong team? It's not a life and death showdown, think of it as a sharpening."

"That's right, this little friend here made a good point." Supervisor Ao immediately had a warm face and responded.

"Ah, Xiao San, it's not about whether I'm angry or not, but this battle team, hey I'm worried that you guys will be discouraged if you lose." Yu Xiaogang glanced at Supervisor Ao with great dissatisfaction, "However, since it is a participating team in the Spirit Master Tournament, it is indeed beneficial for our battle team to engage in the battle in advance, Supervisor Ao, it is only right for us to participate in the battle."

"Then I will trouble you all." Supervisor Ao's face instantly turned joyful, arched his hand, and said seriously, "It was indeed a dereliction of duty on my part to misjudge the strength of your opponents before, therefore, to express my apologies, I am willing to add another 10,000 gold soul coins to the extra rewards for winning, to show that I am willing to make amends."

Regardless of the expressions of the crowd, he continued:

"Sir Team Leader, there is still a little more than half an hour left before the match, once the time comes, there will be a staff member who will come to notify you. During this time in between, you can meditate and formulate your tactics here. I will leave first."

After saying that, he arched his hand and turned to leave.

What's the use of adding more money if you can't win. Flender skimmed his mouth, and when Supervisor Ao walked out of the room, his body quickly leaned forward, and he hurriedly asked, "Xiaogang, what exactly is the strength of this Skywalker Battle Team's team members, are they really that strong?"

"Ay, you guys can see for yourselves." Yu Xiaogang sighed, bowing and spreading the profile on the desktop.

Everyone's heads instantly came forward and looked at it with their heads hanging down.

Captain: Against the Sky. Martial Soul: Fierce Sword Against the Sky, Level 32 Strong Attack System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit Ring: Nil

Deputy Captain: Jade Phosphorous Jiao Emperor. Martial Soul: Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor, Level 41 Control System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and two purple.

Team Member: Nine Heart Flowering Apple. Martial Soul: Nine Heart Flowering Apple, Level 35 Auxiliary System Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team Member: Ice Phoenix. Martial Soul: Ice Phoenix, Level 41 Control System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and two purple.

Team Member: Aqua Dolphin. Martial Soul: Dolphin, Level 32 Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team Member: Yellow Spring Civet. Martial Soul: Hell Civet, Level 43 Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and two purple.

Team Member: Jade Spirit Civet. Martial Soul: Hell Civet, level 35 Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and one purple.

Team Member: Hell Civet. Martial Soul: Hell Civet, Level 31 Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Master. Spirit rings: two yellow and one purple.

"Holy shit! Three Spirit Ancestors, two of them are still of the Control System, Ice Phoenix! Who the hell is the deputy captain, Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor? And what's the situation with Captain Against the Sky having no spirit rings?" Ma Hongjun stared directly with wide eyes and exclaimed in shock.

"This configuration, are you sure they're not screwing with us? All of them are above Spirit Elder strength, how can this be fought?"

"It's them?" Dai Mubai, who was scanning through the information, suddenly stared blankly, his eyes moving to Zhu Zhuqing's column as he exclaimed in shock, "This can't be!"

If it's true, such talent is enough to be the Crown Princess. If I can form a Martial Soul Fusion with her, my battle power will absolutely skyrocket, and my chances will be even greater... Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but flicker, and his fists clenched up.

"How is this possible!?" Ning Rongrong also covered her lips with her small hands, scanning the information back and forth with an incredulous expression.

How could the two daughters of the Shui family from Skywater Academy join another team? Nine Heart Flowering Apple, it should be Ye Lingling. Then this Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor should be Dugu Yan. How did her martial soul name change? Also, wasn't her Spirit Level 37 when I left? How did she break through to the Spirit Ancestor level in less than a few months? The three Hell Civet martial souls, are they the three daughters of the Zhu family? Zhu Zhuqing is even younger than me, how come she's level 31?

Then, Against the Sky, without a Spirit Ring, wouldn't that be Lin Manshan? According to Xiao Wu, he's the same age as Tang San, and his Spirit Power is level 32? Isn't his innate spirit power only level 3 with a waste martial soul? How could his spirit power increase at such a fast rate!

Moreover, how could he be the captain?

Her brain buzzed with many questions.

"???" The others present were also filled with question marks by this succession of shocked exclamations from Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong.

Flender turned his head and couldn't help but sweep a glance over the two, then tentatively asked, "Mubai, Rongrong, do you know any of the members of the Skywalker Battle Team?"

The two of them looked at each other, the older Dai Mubai turned his head towards Tang San and Xiao Wu, his face carrying a trace of puzzlement and disbelief, "Xiao San, Xiao Wu, if my guess isn't wrong, the captain of the Skywalker Battle Team should be the one who is from the same village as you, Lin Manshan. And these three team members who possess the Hell Civet Martial Soul should be those three females by his side."

"That's impossible!" It was only then that Xiao Wu came back to her senses from her incredulous expression, and then she jumped up directly from her seat in agitation, her face flushed red, "With his innate spirit power level 3 qualification, how could his spirit power have level 32?"

"Lin Manshan, the trash spirit master that Xiao Wu said before! Now his spirit power is level 32? No way?" Ma Hongjun and Oscar were all staring with blank expressions.

The surrounding Shrek instructors were also in disbelief, in the academy, Xiao Wu had dished out about Lin Manshan several times in the previous months, and they knew a little about it because of their super hearing, and they were deeply convinced that Lin Manshan was a waste spirit master.

Level three innate spirit power, a martial soul that has no spirit rings and spirit skills, if he is not a waste spirit master, then who would be?

How! How can that trash have level 32 spirit power? Yu Xiaogang's fists clenched, similarly full of disbelief. His disciple Tang San, an overwhelmingly talented Twin Martial Soul possessor with innate full spirit power, had been taught by him for many years, and now his spirit power is only at level 32. How could Lin Manshan, as a civilian spirit master with an innate level 3 spirit power and a waste that took two years to raise his level from level 3 to level 10, have cultivated a level 32 spirit power at this age? How did it happen in such a short period of time?

Could it be that he had taken some heavenly material? Or even a legendary immortal herb? Tang San lowered his head slightly, his eyes flickering. If that was the case, the treasure belonged to the one who had the ability to possess it.

If Lin Manshan still had it.

"Spirit masters registering at the Great Spirit Arena are required to test their spirit power, I'm afraid this data isn't fake." Flender frowned slightly, secretly regretting, 'If only I had said more in the shop and mentioned Oscar and Ma Hongjun's martial souls and levels a little more. A fire phoenix martial soul and an innate full spirit power food system martial soul might have been able to attract the Lin Manshan and a few into the academy.'

However, things have come to this point, it's useless to say more. When he thought of this, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Ning Rongrong, "Rongrong, the other members of the Skywalker Battle Team, do you know any of them?"

"Hmm." Ning Rongrong nodded, "If I'm not wrong, the one with the Ice Phoenix Martial Soul should be Skywater Academy's Shui Bing'er, while the one with the Dolphin Martial Soul should be Shui Yue'er. Both of them are the core of the Skywater Academy's battle team, and Shui Bing'er is even the captain of the battle team. Honestly, I don't know how they could have joined another academy. Moreover, this Tianxing (Skywalker) Academy, I've never heard of it before."

"Skywater Academy is one of the four elemental academies, and as far as I know, that's a veteran powerhouse that has participated in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament every session." Flender was taken aback.

Then he asked the pressing question, "Rongrong, do you know anything about the spirit skills of this Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er?"

"Well, know a little. Shui Yue'er's first Spirit Skill is called Water Attraction, which can condense the moisture in the air and create an environment that is favourable to her. The second Spirit Skill is called Swimming Wave, and its effect is to increase and accelerate oneself. As for whether there are any other effects, I don't know." Ning Rongrong shook her head, "Spirit skills are absolute privacy for any Spirit Master, and my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan can only get a glimpse or two when they use them outside and is unable to probe for detailed information. In addition, when I left Shui Yue'er's spirit power was level 29, her current level should have been broken through later."

"What about Shui Bing'er?" Flandre asked again.

"Shui Bing'er's Spirit Skill, all I can say is that it's very powerful." Ning Rongrong's face immediately became heavy.

"Her first spirit skill is called Ice Bind, which is an instantaneous control system spirit skill, and it's also a lock-on skill. The second spirit skill is called Ice Armour, which can cover the surface of her and her teammates' bodies with a layer of ice armour to increase their defence. The third Spirit Skill is called Ice Ring of Resistance, and the effect is a ranged knock-back."

"As for the fourth spirit skill, I'm not sure, when I left Shui Bing'er's spirit power was level 39."

"Instantaneous Control System Spirit Skill and it can also lock on to a target!!!" The people present were all gloomy.

"There's one more person that needs special attention." Ning Rongrong looked around the crowd, her fingertip pointed to the desktop information, and she said in a deep voice, "That auxiliary Spirit Master who possesses the Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul. If she comes on the stage, we must take the first opportunity to remove her from the stage no matter what."

"Why?" An Apple, flower? A plant-based auxiliary spirit master. Yu Xiaogang just couldn't help but ask.

"Because of the healing ability of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple martial soul," Ning Rongrong narrated in a deep voice with a grave expression.

After hearing this, the crowd fell silent.

Yu Xiaogang's face visibly stiffened, and he stood frozen for a while before slowly speaking, "This is indeed a martial soul that can create miracles, and she must be dealt with as a matter of priority." After saying that, he asked, "What about the Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor Martial Soul? Rongrong, do you have any understanding of it? As far as I know, the only martial soul with the word Jade Phosphor is that man's Jade Phosphor Snake martial soul."

"If my guess is correct, it should be that person's martial soul, and the person in this profile is his granddaughter, Dugu Yan. The reason why I suspected this, is because of Ye Lingling, who possesses the Nine Heart Flowering Apple martial soul has been her teammate before." Ning Rongrong's face remained solemn, "As for why Dugu Yan renamed her martial soul to Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor... Dugu Yan's spirit power should have been at level 37 according to the data that the clan had obtained from the Great Spirit Arena before I left, and now she has already broken through to Spirit Ancestor in a matter of just a few months."

"Perhaps that person has already figured out a solution to resolve the inherited poison within their family."

After saying that, she glanced at Dai Mubai with her spare glance, who should have deliberately led the introduction towards Tang San and Xiao Wu before, not wishing to expose the identities of the three daughters of the Zhu family.

Thinking of this, she didn't intend to introduce the Zhu Family's three daughters any further, and fell silent, no longer saying anything more.

"Jade Phosphor." After Flender heard the two speaking, he also reacted, his face suddenly changed, and he turned his head and tested, "The one you guys are talking about, it can't be that person, right?"

"???" Ma Hongjun instantly couldn't help but speak, "Dean, Grandmaster, Rongrong, can you guys stop speaking in dumb riddles? Hurry up and say it! Who exactly is he?"

"Jade Phosphor Serpent Martial Soul, compounded with the family name Dugu." With a gloomy face, the Grandmaster looked around the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Poison Douluo, I think some of you should have heard of him, right?"

"It's him!"

"A Titled Douluo!"


When the crowd's voices settled, Yu Xiaogang began to introduce the Jade Phosphor Serpent Martial Soul. As he spoke, Tang San on the side suddenly asked, "Master, what exactly does that Jade Phosphor Serpent Martial Soul rely on to control? Snake-type martial souls, they don't seem to be good at control, it can't rely on entanglement, right?"

"Poison." Grandmaster's reply was simple and short.

Poison, what I'm best at is poison, and I know how to counter most of the poison. Tang San's eyes flashed with brilliance, shining with confidence as he nodded slightly, "If that's the case, I might have a way to deal with this Dugu Yan."

"Oh?" Yu Xiaogang instantly showed surprise, turning his head to look at his own direct disciple, "What method?"

"Realgar wine and fire." Tang San smiled confidently.

Yu Xiaogang instantly lit up, nodding with pride on his face, "This is indeed a good method."

"What about Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling? There's also that Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Master, she is also a Spirit Ancestor." Ma Hongjun interjected with a glum face, hanging his head without any fighting spirit.

"What are you afraid of? Those few Spirit Ancestors are definitely older than us, so what's the harm in really losing? Failure is the mother of success, today we're not their opponents, but it doesn't mean that we're still not their opponents in the Spirit Master Tournament in the future, now there's still more than a year before the Spirit Master Tournament starts, and we still have time." Tang San spoke passionate and inspiring words, then his tone sank, "But if we even lose our confidence, then what kind of Spirit Masters are we? What is all the effort these days for?"

Lin Manshan, Blade Martial Soul, heh, once you are controlled by me, you don't even have the qualifications to hold a blade.

As for the other Agility Attack System Battle Spirit Masters, they are even more vulnerable in front of my control. Dugu Yan's Poison Attribute Martial Soul poses little threat to me as well.

As for the other two Spirit Ancestors, with the strength of my Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul, controlling a Spirit Master that is 10 levels higher than myself is completely feasible, and it just so happens that I can restrain the melee-type Agility Attack System Beast Martial Souls. The only thing I have to pay special attention to is that Control System Spirit Elder with the Ice Phoenix Martial Soul.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Yu Xiaogang, "Master, for this match, please let me have full authority to organise the arrangements."


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