Chapter 128 Xiao Wu’s cunning plan

The centre of the main Spirit Arena.

"Snap!" With a sound, the surrounding spotlights suddenly flashed, and in the centre of the Spirit Arena stage with a diameter of more than 70 metres, a round platform with a diameter of about two metres slowly rose, and along with it, there was a thick golden pillar under the platform, as well as a young and delicate young woman who looked to be eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed in a long white waist-length dress and holding a conical microphone spirit tool, leaning on the golden pillar.

With long wavy brown hair, her figure was exquisite, her chest was bulging and jiggling, and there was a gully that was sure to catch fire.

"Tu Duo! Tu Duo!" As the golden pillar continued to rise, the woman's mellow and protruding curves were displayed inch by inch in front of the audience's eyes, instantly attracting whistles from the audience, and there were even a few 'wolves' standing in place sporadically, leaning forward and shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Hello everyone, I'm Tu Duo, it's an honour to see all the honourable visitors once again!" With a gentle smile and a melodious voice like a silver bell, when the golden pillar stopped rising, Tu Duo's delicate figure smoothly hand-held the golden pillar and rotated in a circle, highlighting her prominent curves. Subsequently, she strode across the platform with a bewitching stride, and her beautiful and pure face was tinged with luscious gestures, which undoubtedly aroused the greatest desires under the light reflection.

"Tu Duo! Tu Duo! I love you!" Directly bringing the atmosphere of the arena to a new climax, the cheers continued.

The next moment, Tu Duo's pleasant voice sounded again under the microphone's amplification, "It's Tu Duo's honour to host this Spirit Arena Team Match for all of you once again. Next, Tu Duo will introduce the two teams that will be fighting in this Spirit Arena Team Match."

"First is Shrek Battle Team, Captain Evil Eye White Tiger, Martial Soul White Tiger, Spirit Ring two yellow and one purple."

Shrek Battle Team, the audience was familiar with them. Listening to the introduction, some people applauded, while others listened calmly.

"Next is the Skywalker Battle Team, Captain Against the Sky, Martial Soul Fierce Sword Against the Sky, Spirit Ring Nil."

"? A sword is just a sword, so what's the point of calling it Against the Sky, so damn pretentious. Moreover, what the hell is no spirit ring?" The audience was instantly baffled, and there was a great deal of discussion.

A short while later, Tu Duo's magnetic voice finally introduced the next person to go to battle, "Deputy Captain Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor, Martial Soul Jade Phosphor Jiao Emperor, Spirit Ring two yellow and two purple."

"Holy cow, Spirit Ancestor!" The audience gallery erupted with excitement.

"Team member Ice Phoenix, Martial Soul Ice Phoenix, Spirit Ring two yellow and two purple, Level 41 Control System Battle Spirit Master."

"!!!" The audience was dumbstruck.

"Team member Yellow Spring Civet, Martial Soul Hell Civet, Spirit Ring two yellows and two purples, Level 43 Agility Attack System Battle Soul Master ."

"???" The audience was directly baffled, "Hey, is this surely not a game of abuse? Shrek Battle Team's highest strength, Dai Mubai, is not even a Spirit Ancestor, but this Skywalker Battle Team has three Spirit Ancestors on the field, how can they fight?"

As Tu Duo finished introducing the members of both teams, the audience's voices were already in complete disarray.

"All of them are Spirit Elder and above strength, such a strong team, how did Shrek Battle Team match up with them?"

"Regardless of how they were matched, Shrek Battle Team's decision to fight is courageous!"

"Indeed, it's courageous, but it can't change the fact that this is a match of abuse, there is no suspense in this match."

"Hehe, listening to the title, how do I feel that many of the members of this Skywalker Battle Team are female Spirit Masters?"

"Bro, hearing you say that, I'm interested!"


"Alright, Tu Duo won't say any more superfluous words. Next, we request both team members to enter the arena" As the words fell, a bright white light burst out from the host Tu Duo's body, and then the third spirit ring under her feet lit up, and with a swish sound, the white feathered wings behind her unfolded, and her body rose up in the air as she lightly flapped them.

At the next moment, on both sides of the Spirit Arena, the two gates simultaneously opened up without a sound. Ta-ta-ta, the sound of neat footsteps followed, and the two sides' combatants entered the arena.

"???" The crowd of men in the audience immediately looked blankly, although the black veil was covering their faces, the perfect to the extreme body, the snow-white and flawless skin, were all telling the crowd that the Skywalker Battle Team, except for the captain, who was a man.

The rest were all great beauties.

Especially the three female members walking on the right side, the curves that were so hot to the point of exaggeration were outrageous!

"Shit! Skywalker Battle Team is actually one man and six women team, I admit it, I adore him."

"Extremely attractive, absolutely all of them are extremely attractive, I don't even need to look at their faces."

"Regardless of whether who wins or loses this battle, the battle process alone is worth the price paid."

Whistles and shouts immediately resounded throughout the audience.

'Sure enough, it's Zhuqing' Dai Mubai's eyes quickly flickered, and soon fixed on Zhu Zhuqing, after not seeing her for a few months, her figure was taller and hotter, that familiar hairstyle, familiar pupil colour, surely it was his fiancée without a doubt, looking up and down, he suddenly breathed a secret sigh of relief, secretly thinking, 'It's still a complete body. It seems I was right to think that Zhuqing still has me in her heart.'

Thinking of this, his gaze softened.

The next second, he subconsciously swept the other women, his eyes flashed with amazement, and his heart inexplicably gave birth to jealousy and doubt, 'How did this Lin Manshan gather so many top quality beautiful teammates around him? And their identities are all not bad, how on earth did he do it?'

The last time they met, Lin Manshan was really not handsome except for his strong physical body and strength!

"Lin Manshan!" Behind him, Xiao Wu gritted her teeth and stared with eyes that spewed fire.

The last time they sparred, she was shocked by the spirit skill backlash and woke up with dirty clothes and a scratched face, which was still fresh in her mind.

Tang San's face was flat, sizing up without saying anything, 'Lin Manshan, no matter if you took some heavenly material to make a big breakthrough in spirit power. The gap between talent and qualification is always hard to bridge. An innate level 3 spirit power martial soul, heh, let me see if you can cleave through my Blue Silver Grass martial soul control today. In addition, the account of injuring Xiao Wu last time should also be settled.'

Thinking of this, his eyes subconsciously tightened, and a coldness spewed out.

"Damn, why are there so many beautiful women around this Lin Manshan? Such a body, so curvy, superb, all superb ah." Ma Hongjun's throat knot surged, swallowing loudly, his eyes glowing as he glanced back and forth, focusing on the private parts.

The next second, "!!!?"

The hairs on his body seemed to be raised by reflex, a chilling feeling, as a Beast Martial Soul holder, his perception of danger was not low, and now that the distance between the two sides was already less than twenty metres, the feeling as if he was being stared at by a fierce beast was particularly strong.

His neck subconsciously shrank, and he turned his head to look at the source of the danger signal.

Lin Manshan's height of more than 1.9 metres stood tall, his face was covered by a black mask, only revealing eyes that were as deep as a cold abyss. With just a frown on his brows, an aura that was not imposing but fierce like a sword burst out naturally, intimidating others.

"Isn't he just a rubbish spirit master with an innate level 3 spirit power? Just looks taller than me and has a better body than me, what's so great..."

His neck subconsciously shrank, his eyes dodged as he looked away, and he lowered his voice to mutter.

Although he didn't know how Lin Manshan had broken through level 30, in his opinion, it certainly wasn't from normal cultivation. A Spirit Master's talent was innate and could not be compensated for through later life, and Lin Manshan's poor talent was an unchangeable fact.

My martial soul is a fire phoenix, one day I will surpass this Xiao Man. He thought so inwardly.

The next second, "????" His body subconsciously trembled, and goosebumps crawled all over his body.

In the spare glance, the entire Skywalker Battle Team's gaze stared over.

"Gulp." The knot in his throat surged, a chill ran down his spine, and he hurriedly lowered his head.

Only then did Lin Manshan turn his head back, his gaze resting on Tang San, less than 1.75 metres tall, ordinary looking, not as handsome as him.

As for Xiao Wu, her eyes were spitting fire, and she looked very angry.

"Attention both teams participating in the team battle spirit match!" Seeing that the participating spirit masters from both sides had already walked to their designated positions to stand, Tu Duo hurriedly flapped her wings, came to the sky above the two teams, and used her soft and sweet voice to loudly announce, "Next, you will have 1 minute to summon your own martial souls. Only when I announce the start can you attack. The judgement of victory or defeat will be based on whether one side admits defeat, and the entire team collapses to the ground or falls off the Spirit Arena. Now, I request both team members to switch on their respective martial souls."

Almost at the same time, spirit energy surged, light glowed and shined, and all the team members from both sides released their own martial souls.

Only Lin Manshan did not.

"Not even releasing your martial soul, this Skywalker Academy's captain guy is so arrogant!"

"It can't be that he wants to hug their thighs, right?" For a while, there was a lot of talk in the audience.

As for Shrek Academy's side, the entire team's faces changed, fighting in the Spirit Arena and not even releasing the martial soul, although it was personal freedom. But for the opponent, this was a highly insulting act that represented contempt.

"Heh, this is trying to hug your teammate's thigh!" Xiao Wu skimmed her mouth, her gaze flashed with contempt, and her mocking and ridicule values were pulled up to full capacity, although her voice was lowered, the crowd in the arena was able to hear, "I told you that with this guy's talent, how could he rely on himself to cultivate to Spirit Elder. He must have used some external evil method to force a breakthrough, and his foundation is so weak that he can't exert much battle power at all."

Old rabbit, you're overthinking it. I'm only doing this for the convenience of punching your rabbit head later. If I don't use my big fists to beat the shit out of you today, I won't be called Lin. Lin Manshan instantly raised his eyebrows, his gaze swept over Xiao Wu and finally rested on Tang San, his eyes showed disappointment as he shook his head and faintly said, "Tang San, it seems like you didn't listen to the advice I gave you back then."

"Xiao Wu's habit of speaking in a way that offends people still hasn't changed at all."

Seeing Lin Manshan speaking out, or purposely targeting speech, as the person in question, Xiao Wu instantly exploded, tilting her neck and loudly rebuking, "Manshan, it's not your turn to be in charge of my affairs, you punk! Hmph, I still hold the grudge for the last time."

After saying that, gritting her teeth, her gaze fixed on Lin Manshan, "If you're a man, you'll fight one-on-one later, let's wait and see me beat you into a pig's head."

Xiao Wu, you say less. Didn't you see the spirit ring configuration on the opposite side? Oscar in the back tugged the corners of his mouth, inwardly agonising.

There's such a good thing? This is what you mentioned yourself. Lin Manshan nodded briskly, "Okay."

This guy is still as stupid as before. Third Brother once said that a warrior should never be afraid of using deception, hehe. Xiao Wu was inwardly delighted, and hurriedly continued to pick up the conversation, nodding her head and exclaiming, "This is what you said, you're not allowed to ask your teammates to help out later on."

"This is natural, my words have always counted." Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Wu instantly revealed a smile as if she had succeeded in her cunning plan, squeezed her fists, and stopped speaking.

On the other hand, Dai Mubai always had a soft, affectionate face as he stared at Zhu Zhuqing, not budging for a full thirty seconds, as if there were words in his eyes as if he was stating his love, and as if he was apologising and trying to hold back. Then, he heard Zhu Zhuyun's voice coming from Zhu Zhuqing's side.

"Hey! That one over there, have you seen enough?" The tone was flat as if it was just a reminder.

"Our family Zhuqing is a married woman."

When she said that, there was a brief silence.


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