Chapter 130 Tang San’s desire and confidence

And just at that moment, Shui Bing'er's first spirit skill reached, and seven frosty white trails touched each side of the vines along the ground. Without a sound or a word, the cold glaze quickly spread upwards as if it were endless, quickly freezing the entire cage-like vine into a large pile of ice.

This was the power of Shui Bing'er's Martial Soul Ice Attribute after its advancement, and the coldness attached to each spirit skill was far better than in the past. Of course, there was also the hardness of the ice created, it was never too much to describe it as being as hard as steel.

Lin Manshan and Zhu Zhuyun's trio of girls stopped one after another and looked towards the top of the large ice mound.

The four sides were already surrounded, and with the disparity in hard power present in front of them, the Shrek Battle Team would definitely not be able to break through from the ground.

'If the plot hasn't changed, then the flying sausage made by Oscar's third spirit skill can provide a flight time of only 1 minute, and with Oscar's current spirit power level, making it on the spot, he definitely can't afford to make the entire team's amount.' Lin Manshan pondered quietly, 'There are less than 30 seconds left, what would Tang San do next if he were to successfully breakthrough from the top?'

In between his thoughts, the top of the large ice mound trembled violently.

"Second Spirit Skill, Bathing Fire Phoenix. First Spirit Skill, Phoenix Fireline!"

"Third Spirit Skill, White Tiger Vajra Transformation. Second Spirit Skill, White Tiger Blazing Light!"

The fire light was followed closely by the white aura, and with a bang, ice shards tumbled as seven figures rushed out one after another.

Without the slightest pause, a turn in the air, they directly swooped towards the direction of Shui Bing'er.

With a dense blue light in his left hand, Tang San should be preparing for the third spirit skill, and his right hand was placed on his waist...

'Not good!'

Lin Manshan sharply turned around, and with a shout, his figure disappeared in place, "Quickly spread out! Bing'er, second spirit skill!"

"Second Spirit Skill, Ice Armour."

Shui Bing'er did not hesitate to use her second spirit skill, the body surface of all the teammates in the arena was suddenly filled with blue light, and a layer of dark blue ice layer was faintly visible. At the same time, Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er quickly sped up and distanced themselves from each other.

Heh, do you think I don't know the effect of Shui Bing'er's second spirit skill? Tang San inwardly laughed coldly. Since Shui Bing'er is a Spirit Ancestor and has a defensive spirit skill, with the strength of the Shrek Battle Team's several members, if they want to defeat her in one fell swoop, they would need to simultaneously release at least three long-range attacking spirit skills, and all of them need to hit.

Choosing to land and gather to attack with melee spirit skills, surrounded by enemies on all sides, the risk was too great. While releasing many long-range spirit skill attacks at the same time, the consumption of spirit power on their side wouldn't be small either. If they landed on the ground in such a situation, they would have to face the remaining members of the Skywalker Battle Team who had not yet consumed much spirit energy in a sandwiched battle, which would similarly put their side at a disadvantage.

Therefore, it was necessary to conserve their spirit power.

In that case, he could only rely on another method to rally an attack on Shui Bing'er, a method that won't consume spirit energy, but has a decent amount of power.

He just happened to have it!

'Ah Man, having the team spread out is indeed a good decision. However, as long as we can take care of Shui Bing'er, who possesses a strong ground control spirit skill, in this battle the victory still belongs to our Shrek Battle Team!' In between his thoughts, with a flip of his wrist, a rectangular black box appeared in his hand.

In the surrounding area, apart from Tie Long, the other Shrek members also each pulled out a black box from their spirit tool or their bosom.

With the natural advantage of being in the sky versus the ground, several people came over to Shui Bing'er's back in the blink of an eye, looking down from a high position.

'Without the spirit skill enhancement, how could Shui Bing'er's movement speed be so fast? Those strides are similar to the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track, moreover, it can also instantly accelerate... So fast!' Tang San was astonished, and at the same time inwardly lamented, 'After all, it's a world where such a peculiar power as spirit power exists, and although no one has purposely researched such things as movement techniques, similar attempts have still been made.'

'Just like the results of the meditation technique research that my master had shown me at the Nuoding Academy before, the notes about the meridians in it were the shadows of internal gong methods.'

'There's also the Hammer Technique that my father taught me from a young age, which contains power generation techniques that are also subtle and extraordinary, which has benefited me greatly.' In the middle of his thoughts, he adjusted his direction and aimed at Shui Bing'er, 'What Shui Bing'er is exhibiting right now, is it an instantly accelerating leg power generation technique?'

'If I can learn it, the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track might be able to go further.' His eyes could not help but flicker blazingly.

At the same time, he shouted out, "Launch!"

Godly Zhuge Crossbow, with 48 built-in crossbow arrows, could be released 3 times, each time it had to be individually loaded on the machine, and there were a total of 16 holes at one end of the rectangular black box. Therefore, 16 crossbows could be released at the same time each session.

And if 6 people release them at the same time, it is 96 arrows, which is enough to cover a not-so-small area.

Moreover, the shooting speed was extremely fast, and the power was also extremely impressive, within a range of 50 metres it was enough to pierce through gold and crack rocks.

When used against a Spirit Ancestor like Shui Bing'er, who had executed a defensive Spirit Skill, even if it couldn't directly seriously injure her, it would be enough to pierce her skin and cause her body to bleed profusely in multiple places, temporarily losing her mobility, 'The most important part of this is, now that Ye Lingling is not on the arena, Shui Bing'er can only go off the arena to receive medical treatment once she's injured, resulting in the team being reduced in number. Ah Man, this is the price you pay for belittling Shrek Battle Team.'

"Shi Shi Shi" Ninety-six bolts were fired simultaneously. They seemed like a black cloud and rushed down directly on Shui Bing'er's back.

At the same time, there was also a black shadow with a greenish colour arrived there. In the next moment, "Ding ding ding ding" Two green lights with a light golden colour danced like phantoms.

The crossbow arrows that shot through the air were immediately like hitting gold and iron, making clanging and clashing sounds as they fell to the ground.

'Mysterious Jade Hand! Controlling Crane Catching Dragon?!'

Tang San's eyes instantly widened in disbelief, his mind running at high speed, recalling his memories from when he spent time with Lin Manshan, 'Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! The Mysterious Jade Hand need to have Mysterious Heaven Skill paired with it to cultivate it, I've never recorded it in writing, and I've never dictated it out loud, Lin Manshan simply didn't have the chance to secretly learn it!'

"Tear!" Crossbow arrows were rooted and bounced away, and Lin Manshan's sleeve was also torn, revealing the jade-green arm with dense golden light inside, with large areas on the back like dense scale-like material flowing with golden patterns and metallic lustre.

Under the crossbow attack, he was surprisingly unharmed.

'This... this is not a Mysterious Jade Hand!'

'It is also by no means a spirit bone, but a hand training technique that can cover the entire arm!' His eyes instantly sparked with fire.

'Although the technique of blocking crossbow arrows is somewhat similar to the Controlling Crane Catching Dragon, the force is much more rapid and domineering, like using the force of catching the dragon. Such a complementary technique, if I can get it, it will definitely be very beneficial to my future cultivation and use of the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul.'

I must find a way to obtain it in the future!

In between his thoughts, the blue light that had long been condensed in his left hand was flung down without hesitation, "Third Spirit Skill, Spider Web Restraint."

"Swoosh." Countless vines extended out from the light, shooting towards the surrounding ground at an extremely fast speed.

"Puff, puff, puff," The stone paved floor was pierced through on the spot, and the vines straightened up, enveloping Lin Manshan, who was in front of Shui Bing'er and had just blocked all the crossbow arrows.

Through the constantly surging layers of vines, Tang San could vaguely see a pair of cold eyes.

"Heh, impotent rage." Tang San laughed coldly, slowly landing on the ground with his teammates. A minute passed exactly, and the flying ability provided by the flying sausage disappeared.

Looking around at the remaining members of the Skywalker Battle Team who were scattered and standing apart, seemingly on the verge of an impending defeat, Tang San couldn't help but smile confidently. So what if you have three Spirit Ancestors? You're still going to lose in my hands. His backbone subconsciously straightened up.


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