Chapter 131 The teeth were kicked to pieces (2 in 1)


There is some network and electricity problem in my area due to typhoon, so this chapter has not been proofread, I will check this out later


"Shameless!" Seeing that Tang San was using a man-made weapon to gather and attack Shui Bing'er, Dugu Yan instantly became furious, "Balless."

"Yan." Zhu Zhuyun, who had been rushed over, spoke out to stop her and seemed not to be bothered about Lin Manshan's safety at all, looking at Tang San with a mocking smile on her face.

"Using a man-made weapon and hidden arrows to injure someone on the Spirit Arena, Tang San, is this something your master taught you as well?"

"Heh, isn't it too shameful."

"Second Spirit Skill, Parasite." Tang San looked straight at Zhu Zhuyun with a calm expression, at the same time, his right hand lightly clenched, and a fresh blue silver grass scurrying sound suddenly came from behind him once again.

While it became even more dense, Tang San responded flatly, "The Great Spirit Arena doesn't prohibit the use of man-made weapons, everything is within the rules, so what's stopping us from using them?"

The third spirit skill dispersed parasitic spores, and the second spirit skill triggered by it, so now Lin Manshan and Shui Bing'er, who were inside the vines, were definitely unable to move, so the only Spirit Ancestors in the arena who were still able to fight in the Skywalker Battle Team are Dugu Yan and the female Spirit Master who possessed the Hell Civet Martial Soul. In addition, their side had an auxiliary system spirit master, Ning Rongrong, who could currently increase the strength and speed attributes, while the Skywalker Battle Team did not.

The gap in hard power has undoubtedly narrowed significantly, and the advantage is mine. Inwardly, he thought confidently.

And right at that moment, behind him suddenly came Lin Manshan's slightly muffled response, "Indeed there is nothing that stops you from doing so."

Although the voice is flat, but it carries an endless chill that makes one's scalp go numb.


The thick blue silver grass vines were like tofu, and suddenly there were smooth cuts. The flying sword light did not have the slightest stagnation, "Puh!" Another sword light suddenly cut through the vines and attacked towards Shrek's line-up.

"Not good, retreat!" Shouting, he hastily dodged with a jump. At the same time, his heart shook violently, how could this be possible?

This is a control net that he had woven together with his third and second spirit skills, but it was actually broken apart so easily.

"Retreat, where can you retreat to?"

Zhu Zhuyun seemed to have anticipated this, and the moment Lin Manshan made a sound, she brought her sisters to close in on them, and the situation in the arena was suddenly reversed. "Got trapped?" Zhu Zhuyun's flat voice caused Tang San's countenance to sink instantly.

Ta Ta Ta Ta, crisp footsteps echoed in the air, and vines fell in large chunks, revealing Lin Manshan's disdainful sword-wielding posture as well as cold, abyssal eyes, "Tang San, didn't Yu Xiaogang tell you that you can only use your martial soul and spirit power to fight in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament?"

"You have disappointed me too much! Using foreign objects to fight makes this battle worthless."

"Hmph! How nice to stand high and talk, your team has three Spirit Ancestors and our team has three Great Spirit Masters, if we don't use it, should we wait to be beaten?" Xiao Wu tilted her neck and said indignantly, "This battle, from the very beginning, is not fair!"

"Fair?" Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Xiao Wu and didn't make much of a rebuttal, but rather had a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Good! Since you want fairness, Xiao Wu, today I'll give you the opportunity to have the fairness you want, so that you can lose convincingly." After saying that, he turned his head and glanced towards the girls, "You guys leave the arena first, just leave the next battle to me."

Letting his wives stay here, hell knows what kind of messy hidden weapon Tang San will throw again later to sneak attack.

"Okay." Zhu Zhuyun nodded without hesitation, glancing at Xiao Wu as if she was looking at a fool, and turned to leave.

The remaining few women looked at each other and followed closely behind, jumping off the Spirit Arena one after the other.

Regarding Lin Manshan's words, they absolutely trusted him to win easily knowing his strength.

"???" The audience outside the arena was instantly confused.

"Is this the intention to have a 1 on 7 fight?"

"Why do I get the feeling that this Skywalker Battle Team's captain is a bit upright. Where is fairness in this world? The battle itself is about creating unfairness, whether it's in the wild, or in the arena, will the opponent especially pull down their battle power to fight you?"

"I guess in this chick's eyes, what's in her favour is called fair."

"However, I feel that she is also right, this battle is indeed unfair in terms of raw strength. Of course, using a man-made weapon to sneak attack in a spirit arena is, frankly speaking, really quite disgraceful. If a spirit master doesn't use his martial soul to fight, then why is he still called a spirit master?"

"Whatever? As long as the match is enjoyable to watch, now I am looking forward to the performance of the Skywalker Battle Team's captain"

"Hehehe, in the current situation, if Shrek Battle Team loses the match, it will be a real humiliation."


Where did Lin Manshan get the courage to fight alone in the Spirit Arena, the Shrek team was also confused.

"Xiao Wu, still want to fight one on one?" Lin Manshan's slightly teasing voice suddenly sounded.

"." Xiao Wu instantly froze, her eyes subconsciously looked at Lin Manshan, his stature was tall and sturdy, and the green sword held horizontally by his right hand reflected the coldness of the blade under the light. Her mind couldn't help but recall the sharp sword light just now, which easily cut through the vine cage created by her Third Brother with two Spirit Skills, as a 100,000-year-old transformed Spirit Beast, her perception of danger was naturally not bad.

The knife light just now, she thought to herself that it was not something that her current self could withstand.

Moreover, once Third Brother's second spirit skill Parasite was unleashed, it was a close binding, Lin Manshan should logically not even be able to lift his sword, how did he manage to break free from the binding? Could it be that his physical strength was so strong that he could directly break free from the Third Brother's spirit skill combination? Also, Lin Manshan's spiritual power was able to rebound my second spirit skill, Charm, and shock me directly into unconsciousness.

In a one-on-one fight, I'm afraid I'm no match.

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu immediately crossed her arms and snorted coldly, "What one-on-one fight? Do you understand that it's never too easy to trick someone? Do you want to provoke me? This is a team match, it's your own stupidity that makes you want to dismiss your teammates, it's not my fault." Saying that she took a fighting stance and said loudly, "Don't talk nonsense with him, now he's only one person, as long as we beat him, we'll win. Let's go out and collect the money as soon as we finish the fight."

The Great Spirit Arena Supervisor had said that there would be 20,000 gold soul coins if we won.

I'll eat extra food tonight. She thought happily.

If I can beat you, it's because I'm strong, but if I can't beat you, it's because you're too powerful and it's an unfair match. Lin Manshan nodded slightly, raised his sword, pointing it straight at the Shrek team, and said lightly: ''In that case, all of you should come together! I think that by now, there should be no one among you who would question the fairness of this match."

Upon hearing this, the Shrek crowd's faces stiffened in unison.

How humiliating. Ning Rongrong and Oscar lowered their heads slightly as their eyes dodged.

"It's useless to talk more!" Tang San reacted quickly, raising his right hand, "First Spirit Skill, Bind."

The vines under his feet swarmed, spreading rapidly towards Lin Manshan like tentacles.

It is just the right time to get rid of the hatred in my heart. Dai Mubai's gaze turned cold, "First Spirit Skill, White Tiger Shield Body Barrier." Thinking back to when he was beaten up even while layering himself with protection, he turned back and said loudly, "Rongrong, give me a boost."

After saying that, he directly rushed out.


Ning Rongrong skimmed her mouth, but still did as she was told, "The Seven Treasures revolve and produce a glaze, one is power, the other is speed."

Between the flashes of light, the light pillars fell straight onto both Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai who rushed out almost simultaneously.

As long as you injure Xiao Wu, Tang San will never admit defeat. Lin Manshan's eyes showed a cold glint, as he laughed coldly inwardly, "Naive! Today, I'll take you guys to test the results of my cultivation over the past two years." Saying that his spirit power surged, his arm tensed, and he swung violently.

'Ominous Moon Light Slash!'

"Whoosh!" Sharp sword lights less than three metres in length flashed out diagonally. Two of them broke through like slicing bamboo, slicing through the rushing vines in an instant, and with swift residual force, they continued in Tang San's direction, as if they were going to tear everything in front of them to shreds.

'How is this possible?' Tang San's pupils shrunk, hastily dodging to one side.

Three went toward Dai Mubai. The white light shield only blocked one and then instantly dimmed and disintegrated, while the remaining two directly hit his arms that were temporarily raised up.

"Ah!" Blood gushed out, the wounds were deep enough for bones to be seen.

"Third Spirit Skill, Teleportation." Xiao Wu used her spirit skill and successfully dodged.

"Pfft!" The Tie Long who followed up was directly sliced in the chest, blood spurting out, the wound was obviously much smaller than Dai Mubai's, but he also instantly lost his combat ability.

Ma Hongjun hid behind Dai Mubai, unscathed, but his face was deathly pale. Ning Rongrong and Oscar who stood at the end of the team were also unscathed, but their faces were covered in shock.

Dai Mubai's third spirit skill can increase his own defence by a factor of two, and the light shield condensed by the first spirit skill is also not low in defence, but even he was directly injured by the sword light swung out by Lin Manshan, comparing to Tie Long's injury, his injury was serious. Lin Manshan's attack is absolutely targeted, every sword light swung out contains a precise manipulation of the spirit power, and this kind of control is too strong. Ning Rongrong inwardly shook dramatically.

Perhaps this was the reason why Dugu Bo truly recognised Lin Manshan? At such an age, creating his own spirit techniques?

"Dodged? Will you be able to dodge this too?"

Lin Manshan's gaze narrowed as he held his sword in both hands and raised it sharply, his body's spirit power suddenly erupted, colouring the surrounding atmosphere into a glowing green, "Boom!" The ground under his feet suddenly crumbled, and his body directly rose up in the air in place.

"This is?" The crowd inside and outside the arena were dumbstruck as the figure rose into the air.

Dots of green starlight covered half of the sky above the Spirit Arena, and when they looked closely, they were tiny sword blades.

"Ominous Moon Light!" Under the crowd's incredulous gazes, Lin Manshan's feet seemed to have gained force as his figure bent in the air and swooped down sharply in the direction of Xiao Wu. As his sword blade pointed, countless blades followed behind him.

The blades were like light and electricity, swift and unrivalled.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San's eyes were wide with rage, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track mobilised, the Eight Spider Spears behind his back stretched out violently, and he rushed towards Xiao Wu's direction. "Third Spirit Skill, Teleportation!" Xiao Wu's face turned pale, and her figure once again made a flash.

However, the distance of the teleportation was only five metres, there was no way to escape the range of the attack, and it was only about the time it took for the Spirit Ring to light up and launch a teleportation, the blade was near her body in an instant.

"Spirit Bone!?" Many Spirit Masters in the audience stood up, their eyes wide open, burning with fervour.

At the same time, "Puff, Puff, Puff", dense crashing sounds like raindrops resounded throughout the Arena

"Ah." With no room to dodge, the pale-faced Xiao Wu subconsciously clasped her head, and was instantly struck in the back by the fine blades, letting out a miserable scream, "Ahhhh..." The one who also let out a miserable scream was Ma Hongjun who also failed to flee out of the range. At such a range, the strength of the blade's attack was not high, but falling from a high altitude, without a defensive spirit skill to resist, it was easy to pierce the skin and injure the flesh.

"Ding ding ding" Tang San with eight spider spears and Mysterious Jade Hand used together, resisted the blade as much as possible.

With both eyes spitting fire, the whites of his eyes seeping with blood, his eyes stared straight at Xiao Wu who was holding her head and crouching down, with blood flowing from her back, her face was pale, and her body was shivering.

"Lin. Man. Shan." While running wildly, his voice was muffled, almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar stood in place, also trembling slightly, the ground two metres around them was left undamaged. The two of them were aware that the dense blades were lacking above their heads when they looked into the sky just now, and that they wouldn't be attacked, but still, they couldn't help but feel fear, deeply afraid of being affected by the spillover.

"Cough." Dai Mubai, who had released his first spirit skill once more to fend off the blades, had his hands drooping naturally, and blood slid down his arms like a small stream to the ground.

Raising his head, he looked in the direction of Lin Manshan with a ghastly white face, his pupils shrinking and flooding with panic.

"What a fast speed!" A black light flashed by, and Lin Manshan arrived behind Xiao Wu even earlier than Tang San.

The disdainful figure directly obscured Xiao Wu's entire body, the black shadow enveloped the ground, Xiao Wu's pupils instantly shrunk, her body rigidly stiffened, her heart was like falling into an abyss, her body subconsciously reacted out of fear, "Third Spirit Skill"

"Bam!" Before the spirit ring could light up, she was kicked in the bum like a ball by Lin Manshan, "Ah!" The whole person instantly jumped, and a nightmarish murmur sounded in her ears, "Xiao Wu, I reminded you a long time ago that swearing indiscriminately will offend people. Tang San didn't seem to have disciplined you after that day, but sooner or later, there would be someone out there who would do that for him. And today, I'll be the first."

In the next second, a black shadow flashed.

Before Xiao Wu's body, which was leaning forward, could stabilise, "Poof!" She was kicked in the mouth and was sent flying on the spot.

"Xiao Wu!"

Just in time to be caught by Tang San who rushed over.

"Third brother." Xiao Wu instantly cried like a pear blossom, covering her mouth and sobbing as she raised her head.

"Xiao Wu." Tang San's eyes instantly flared in anger, within his line of sight, Xiao Wu's face was completely red and swollen in the area where her small hands were, and blood was flowing out along her fingers.

Obviously, the mouth was smashed by the kick.

"Lin. Man. Shan!"

Raising his head, his thick killing intent was undisguised.

"Hehe, Tang San, what would you do if Xiao Wu was scolded in public and called a broken flower? What would you do if you yourself were called a trash in public?"

Lin Manshan let out a cold laugh, then plunged his sword into the ground and said bluntly, "If you want revenge, then come."

"I'll wait for you right here!"

A broken flower? Ning Rongrong and Oscar immediately froze, their gazes looking towards Xiao Wu, and their minds were enlightened, 'No wonder Lin Manshan is targeting Xiao Wu, her mouth, really stinks, how can you curse like that? Dai Mubai is being targeted because of ogling at other people's wife before, and Ma Hongjun as well...'

"This tells us, never to swear in public, also don't indiscriminately gaze at the opposite sex meow. Because there might be a strong and vindictive cranky boyfriend standing not far away" The surrounding audience also figured out the situation and couldn't help but lament.

"There's one thing to be said about the captain of the Skywalker Battle Team, Lin Manshan, he's really strong! The big sword is just so swish swish swish..."

"The Shrek people were all scared silly!"

"Speaking of which, is that legendary self-created spirit skill he just used? His martial soul doesn't have a spirit ring, but his attacks are relevant to his martial soul, I can't tell."

"I don't know, anyway, this person is fierce, his wives are more than justified, he is simply a wife-protecting demon!"

"So handsome! If I were me, I'd marry him too."

"What a surprise. Tang San actually has a spirit bone, I just don't know how old it is"



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