Chapter 136 Three Things (2 in 1)

A few days later, Shrek Academy.

After the Great Spirit Arena grinding training came to an end for the time being, and after a small gathering with his teammates, Tang San slowly walked into the dormitory bedroom, as soon as he entered, he caught a glimpse of a letter on the desk, and his heart fluttered, "Is it a letter from father?"

He hurriedly jogged over.

Quickly picked up the letter and opened it for inspection.

"Copy down the contents of the ancient book, Father will let the right person search for them..." Familiar handwriting, the lines were plain, but the care contained within was what made Tang San's eyes moisten a little, 'Father has always been paying attention to me, he's always been by my side.' This thought suddenly surged into his heart, causing Tang San to rejoice from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, it also made Tang San consider deeply, 'I guess Father's identity isn't simple... When I was in the hotel, Father's voice went straight into my mind, and not a single person around me reacted...'

After a moment, he shook his head slightly.

'In any case, since Father has a way of helping me look for Immortal Herbs, it is better than letting outsiders look for them no matter what.'

As soon as he thought that there were Immortal Herbs in this world and that his father had the ability to look for them, his heart couldn't help but fire up.

If I have Immortal Herb, my strength will definitely be able to get a leap, and defeating Lin Manshan will be a breeze.

He took out a piece of paper and began to draw the Immortal Herb details with his head buried in his hand.

In the corner of the room, the spider web was thinly spread, and a fat spider silently climbed to the top of the ceiling.

On the other side, within the forest, Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo jumped off the waterfall, smiled at each other, and left straight away.

A few days later, at the south of Suotuo City, late at night.

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes and turned his head towards Dugu Bo with a thoughtful expression on his face, "Grandpa, let's go back to the hotel first."

"Okay." Dugu Bo nodded.

Arriving at the hotel room, Lin Manshan went straight to the point, "Got a few pieces of news, firstly, Tang San got an ancient book from somewhere, which recorded a lot of information about immortal herbs. Furthermore, Shrek people including Ning Rongrong and Tang Hao already know about this. In addition, Tang San has already transcribed the contents of the ancient book, which was taken away by Tang Hao, and I think he's going to let the Clear Sky Clan search for it."

"If Ning Fengzhi knew about this, I'm afraid that he would also conduct a huge search." Dugu Bo's face was gloomy.

"That's not the point, the point is the second thing." Lin Manshan's face was slightly gloomy, "Shrek has already learnt about how I met Yan back then, as well as what happened between Bing'er, Yue'er and me, from Yu Xiaogang's mouth. The Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team came to the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena and fought with the Shrek Battle Team. If I'm not wrong, it should have been revealed by Yu Tianheng."

"After all, Yu Xiaogang is his own uncle."

"Hmph! How dare he ignore my warning based on his background in the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan." Dugu Bo's face instantly turned gloomy.

"The good news is that they are still only suspicious right now." Lin Manshan said and sighed, "Grandpa, after all, the matter of martial soul evolution is bizarre, and you are still Titled Douluo in strength, so it's normal for them to wonder if we got the Immortal Herb to do that. However, because of the highly volatile medicinal power and scarcity of the Immortal Herb, and its special picking and consuming methods, along with my existence, everyone thinks that Grandpa, you may have obtained one or two Immortal Herbs, but must have already used them up."

"The bad news is that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and the Clear Sky Clan definitely won't let go of any hint of possibility, even if it's just a suspicion."

"Therefore, we must make preparations early!" Lin Manshan frowned slightly, "When we return to Heaven Dou City, I'll speed up the development of a potion that can mask the scent of the Immortal Herb."

The original Chrysanthemum Douluo could directly discern that the Shrek Seven Monsters had consumed Immortal Herbs from their bodies, a factor that he had been on guard against for a long time. Therefore, the method of concealment had always been in his thoughts. With so many people consuming it, a potion (can be used like perfume) is undoubtedly the most applicable way.

"In addition, I will copy the contents of the ancient book that Tang San transcribed and compile it into a book too."

Saying that he slightly nodded towards Dugu Bo and smiled, "Grandpa, in the future, you can just claim this book as something inherited from your own ancestors."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Bo's eyes instantly lit up, "In that case, if Ning Fengzhi comes to ask, hehehe."

Immortal herbs, I already knew about them.

Did you find any Immortal Herbs? If I had found it, would my family still be left with only two people alive? Would I still be poisoned? Would I still be only this strong? As a matter of fact, I have been searching for the Immortal Herb for the past few decades, but unfortunately, I never found it, and ultimately, I relied on my grandson-in-law to cure the poison. 'Sect Master Ning, if you find it, you must tell me' Countless response dialogues flashed through his mind all of a sudden.

"Laying things out in the open is undoubtedly the best way to dispel the suspicions of outsiders." Lin Manshan smiled faintly.

"Even if we sell that Book to Ning Fengzhi for an extremely high price, heh, how can Immortal Herbs be so easy to find? Besides, I don't think Tang Hao would give the entire contents of the Immortal Herbs to Ning Fengzhi, but we can give it generously."

"Such a comparison will surely create a gap between them, and it will further reduce our suspicion."

I've been searching for decades and haven't found one, so I don't believe you can find one, pay up and take it away. Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Makes sense, let's do that when the time comes! Let the dogs bite each other."

A greedy snake swallowing an elephant, then will bulge up and die. As long as you keep the treasure land, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, are you still afraid of running out of Immortal Herbs in the future? If there are wild ones outside, you guys will fight to the death to get them, right? Inwardly, he coldly sneered.

"However, the timing of the sale has to be grasped, it must be done after Clear Sky Clan gave them to be effective." Dugu Bo said.

"With the Beast Control Technique in play, there's no need to worry about this." Lin Manshan smiled and continued, "As for the third thing, Tang San, to be precise it should be Tang Hao, has already guessed that my current strength might be related to the full absorption of soul ring energy. However, no one in Shrek seems to think that I have a way to solve the problem of cultivation qualifications, and believe that my future achievements will be limited by my talent and qualifications."

In fact, he actually has a solution for that, it's just that it's more troublesome.

Regardless of whether it is an Immortal Herb or an ordinary herb, the medicinal properties are essentially similar. Besides, Immortal Herbs themselves are transformed from ordinary medicinal herbs, and after a hundred thousand years of growth, what medicinal herbs can't become Immortal Herbs? The difference is still mainly reflected in the medicinal power. And, as long as someone can collect the right ordinary medicinal herbs, through a reasonable combination, he could make pills, potions, medicinal diets, medicinal baths and other ways to improve the cultivation qualification of the body, but it's just not as simple and fast as the Immortal Herb.

The former is time-consuming, labour-intensive and expensive, while the latter is a one-step process.

So I choose the latter. Inwardly, he secretly thought.

After all, even if there are medicinal herbs, choosing and refining medicines takes time too.

"Ignorant people are most likely to be confident." Dugu Bo laughed coldly, "In this world, the vast majority of people are always more than happy to accept things within their own perceptions and be convinced about everything, once things are beyond their perceptions, they will become assumptive and think that other people are wrong, and find all sorts of reasons to undermine them. This is why the world is full of dull mediocre people and few geniuses."

"Because they will ruin their own prospects."

"This is also the reason why I guessed that Ning Fengzhi would definitely send someone to investigate us." Lin Manshan sighed, "For an auxiliary spirit master with a defective martial soul to be able to take care of the sect and securely sit in the seat of the three upper clans is a sign that he is not simple. Such a person, if he knew about the effects of the Immortal Herb, would never easily dispel his doubts and let go of any hint of potential opportunities and possibilities."

"That guy Ning Fengzhi is indeed not simple." Dugu Bo also had a slightly strained expression on his face.

"To be on the safe side, Grandpa, while Ning Fengzhi and the others haven't got the news yet, we'll have to strengthen the protective measures over at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well." Lin Manshan continued, "After all, in the past, when you went in and out of the Sunset Forest, Ning Fengzhi, as a local snake figure in Heaven Dou City, might not be unaware of it, and might be able to tell from the records of entering and exiting and send out people to search there."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Bo's expression suddenly changed, "In that case, we have to rush back as early as possible."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, "There's no time to waste, Grandpa, let's hurry up and set off overnight."

"Good." Dugu Bo immediately got up, and Lin Manshan followed.

Not long after, the two of them walked out of the hotel together.


Heaven Dou City, the top floor of the Moon Pavilion.

Inside the beautifully furnished bedroom, a graceful beauty wearing a long palace dress who appeared to be twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old was sitting in front of the window, and the chair made of incense wood was emitting a fresh fragrance. The moonlight shone brightly, reflecting the perfect curves of the beautiful woman, her delicate and beautiful face carried a trace of melancholy, her right hand resting on her chin as she looked at the moon as if she was thinking about something.

"Yuehua." A slight vicissitude voice suddenly rang out in her ears.

Tang Yuehua's body instantly trembled, her exquisite body quickly turned back to look around the room, and then she shook her head slightly as she had hallucinated.

"Yuehua." Another call rang out, but not directly in the ears, but from outside the door.

An expression of disbelief instantly creeping onto her face, Tang Yuehua jolted up and quickly ran towards the door, opening it with a trembling hand.

What met her eyes was the upright figure standing in the centre of the living room, his slightly aged face facing the door of the room.

"Yuehua, long time no see." The voice was soft, with a hint of hoarseness.

"Brother!" Tang Yuehua's lips trembled as she quickly ran to Tang Hao and jumped into his arms, trembling and sobbing.

Tang Hao quietly patted Tang Yuehua's back until her emotions stabilised before speaking, "Yuehua, I came here to ask for your help on something important. It's also to bring a gift to the clan, as a way to make up for the losses of all these years."

Saying this, he gently pushed Tang Yuehua away, and with a flip of his hand, a booklet appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"The information inside this is all true, you'll know once you've read it."

"Brother, we're a family, so why are you talking about helping." Tang Yuehua lightly wiped her tears and looked up at Tang Hao, looking at the pale face, her eyes filled with heartache, and she just wanted to inquire, but she saw Tang Hao's expression harden and his tone take on a solemn note, "It's important to focus on the main business now."

Only then did Tang Yuehua take the booklet, open it and flip through it in front of him.

"This!" Her expression changed drastically, and she stared in disbelief.

"This is something my child obtained by chance, his name is Tang San, and he's studying at a place called Shrek Academy, and has now formed a battle team in preparation to participate in the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament, and Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi's daughter, is also on the battle team. Xiao San has never known my real identity, so he wanted to use the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan to look for them, revealing two Immortal Herb information..." Tang Hao spoke in a flat tone, "Yuehua, you can bring this booklet back to the Clan. Even if you can't find them now, there might be an opportunity in the future."

"Also, Xiao San awakened Twin Martial Soul. So, if you can find any in the near future, I hope that the Clan will give priority to grant one to him."

"Twin Martial Soul!?" Tang Yuehua's expression instantly flushed with excitement.

"That's right, Xiao San has successfully inherited both my and her martial souls." Tang Hao's face was tinged with a trace of reminiscence and sadness, "I haven't fulfilled my father's responsibilities over the years, but Xiao San is very obedient and cultivates hard, and now his spirit power has already broken through level 32."

Level 32. Tang Yuehua's expression turned even brighter, and then she saw Tang Hao turn around, "Yuehua, I still have important matters to attend to, so I won't stay any longer. When I'm done with my things, I'll take Xiao San for a period of special training, and then let him come to you. Xiao San's nature is stubborn and sometimes a bit impulsive and quick to anger, not being able to control his emotions from time to time, Yuehua, I hope you can lend a hand."

"I believe that under your influence, his nature of mind will improve greatly."

After saying that, he picked up his pace and walked towards the balcony.

"Brother!" Tang Yuehua's expression changed, and just when she wanted to chase after him, Tang Hao's figure suddenly disappeared from her sight.

Tears flowed down her face, and her feet didn't budge for a long time.


In August, in the backyard of Dugu Mansion, all the women who finished the day's cultivation were called into the bedroom by Lin Manshan.

When the women were seated, Lin Manshan pulled out seven exquisite wooden boxes carved from incense wood with their respective names on them from his spirit tool and placed them on the table.

"This is the potion used to mask the scent of the Immortal Herb, divided into internal and external use, all labelled with remarks."

"The external ones can normally be used as perfume, they are all of your favourite floral scents."

Having spent long days together, with his medical skills, it was easy to figure out what flavour of perfume each of them liked to use.

A few women with pleasantly surprised faces took the wooden box belonging to them and carefully opened it, there were two rows of neatly arranged wooden compartments, one row of porcelain vials, and one bottle of glass vials, with the former marked for internal use, and the latter marked for external use. Zhu Zhuyun took the lead in picking up the glass vial and opened it, immediately the fragrance of flowers overflowed, the surprise on her face couldn't be hidden, looking up at Lin Manshan, her eyes brimming with emotion, she softly and mushily shouted.

"Thank you, Ah Man."

"Thank you, Ah Man." The rest of the few women followed suit and said.

Lin Manshan suddenly had a jolt of spiritual satisfaction and a sense of feeling that everything was worth it, then he smiled and continued, "In addition, the academy dormitory and the Mimicry environment for the few of us to use, and the training room have all been constructed, and the training equipment that I had asked Uncle Tie Shan to make earlier has also been put in place. Let's all pack up tomorrow, and Grandpa will almost be back the day after tomorrow, so we'll all move there then."

Dugu Bo was as rich as he claimed, 9 million gold soul coins were sent directly to Emperor Xue Ye's hands, with a request for both quality and speed in the construction of the academy. Emperor Xue Ye was also very helpful, sent the entire Ministry of Industry to the construction of the academy, and by the way, also dragged a 10,000 men legion and all the reserve army of Heaven Dou City to help dig the river and move the stones, which not only can play the effect of training, but also can save the military expenses. This wave was truly a win-win situation.

In addition, it is worthy of being a world where everyone has a martial soul, the construction of the academy is very fast, and it is really no worse than in his previous life. If it wasn't for the fact that there were too many materials used that needed to be transferred from all over the empire, he doubted that the main construction of the academy could be done in a few months.

"All of our training will take place in the academy next, and I will formulate a targeted training plan based on the characteristics of each of your martial souls." Lin Manshan said, turning his head to look at the three girls of the Zhu family, "For example, Zhuyun, Zhuyu, and Zhuqing, the three of you have the Hell Civet as your martial soul, with speed being the greatest advantage, and your means of attack basically being claw attacks, so you need to specialise in arm strength, wrist strength, grip strength, finger strength, leg strength, body flexibility and so on. I will further refine and improve the training in those aspects, and strive to maximise your strengths."

Brother is a traveller, I have a brain full of ideas thanks to the Internet era, so if I casually come up with something, I can crush Yu Xiaogang in this backward era. As he thought inwardly, his mouth continued, "When this part of the training is completed, your foundation will also become more solid. At that time, we will then proceed to the next step of the training plan."

Zhu Zhuyu had broken through to level 40 on the way back to Heaven Dou City last time, and after turning to the Sunset Forest to hunt the spirit beast, her spirit power had smoothly risen to level 43, and with the addition of Ye Lingling, the team all of a sudden now had two team members who were not able to reveal their spirit rings to the outside world for the time being. As a result, the group battle training programme at the Great Spirit Arena could only be halted, however, the team's bonding had been completed, so it didn't really matter.

As a matter of fact, not only did Zhu Zhuyu's spirit power improve, but all the team members, including him, had improved by 1 level last month.

With the Immortal Herb coupled with the Meridian Skill and the diligent training, everyone's spirit power cultivation speed was very fast, and basically, they all could maintain the rate of 1 level upgrade in 3 months.

He believed that in the upcoming training, everyone's strength would be able to increase once again greatly.

"Well, good." The women nodded in unison.

"Since everything has been settled, let's all head back to our rooms and have a rest." Lin Manshan looked around and said with a smile.

"Hmm." The girls nodded their heads.

One after another, they got up and walked towards the door of the room.


#Kraxis93, #Yomax Aioria, and #Edgar Gonzalez, Thanks for all your love and support.

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