Chapter 137 Tang San arrives at Heaven Dou City (2 in 1)

Three months later, Shrek Academy.

Tang San dragged his slightly tired body towards the dormitory, a light smile hanging at the corner of his mouth, his heart filled with anticipation.

'In a few days, we'll be going to Heaven Dou City, then I'll be able to see Father again.'

Pushing the door into the bedroom, his eyes lit up, a letter was lying on the desktop, as well as a necklace.

He hurriedly trotted to the desk, hung his head and looked, the necklace was small, with an overall silver colour, and the front pendant was inlaid with five thumb-sized cherry-pink scales, which were polished as smooth and translucent as crystals.

His fingertips lightly touched the necklace, and was about to move away to pull out the letter, when he felt a faint fluctuation of spirit power, and couldn't help but look surprised, "This necklace is actually a spirit tool!"

"The scales are real, and I don't know what spirit beast it came from." Subconsciously his spirit power moved slightly, "Apart from having spirit power converge quite a bit, there doesn't seem to be any other function."

He was a bit puzzled, shaking his head, his complexion turned back to one of excitement once again, and he hurriedly picked up the letter and opened it to check it, the corner of his lips tugged with a smile, "So it's a gift for Xiao Wu! Converging spirit power internally, it can also slowly gather heaven and earth aura at normal times. I failed to sense it just now, I guess the effect of gathering heaven and earth energy is very weak." He shook his head slightly, "However, gathering less will become more, and there will be an effect after a long time."

He continued to look down.

"Surprisingly, it's mother's legacy..." His eyes instantly reddened, and he carefully picked it up and cupped it in his hand, rubbing his fingers over it. There was a long period of silence before he shook his head slightly, his face showing joy, "No matter what, the fact that Father has specially prepared a gift for Xiao Wu means that Father has already approved of Xiao Wu."

When he had decided to tie the knot with Xiao Wu in private, he hadn't informed his father about it.

'Let's wash up first, then go give it to Xiao Wu, I'm sure Xiao Wu will like it.' Putting the letter and necklace into the spirit tool, he quickly ran into the bathroom.


Outside the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.

Flender looked at the towering mountain peak with lush trees and clouds in front of him as well as the clear blue pond at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Ning Rongrong with a strange expression on his face, "Rongrong, it is truly this place right?"

This is clearly a mountain.

"Yes!" Ning Rongrong nodded her head affirmatively, "What we're seeing right now belongs to the jurisdiction of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy."

"By the mountains and the water, it is truly a good place." Glancing at the dazed Flender beside him, Yu Xiaogang leisurely said.

"Indeed." The several instructors nodded their heads approvingly, they were all satisfied to be able to retire in such a place.

"What's the big deal about a good environment and a big place? Can it produce capable individuals? If you want to talk about the quality of students, you still have to look at our Shrek Academy. Although our place may be small, we have a lot of monsters." Flender returned to his senses and said defiantly.

Yu Xiaogang nodded his head in deep thought, "I really can't refute this point. However, Flender honestly speaking, I can't even figure out now, just what method did you use all these years to trick those children with outstanding potential into Shrek Academy?"

"Of course, it's nothing but nonsense! What do you mean by tricking? That's charisma on my part." When he said the truth, Flender instantly glared at Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang did not want to bother him and stepped forward.

The crowd followed.

Before they could take a few steps, "Stop, who are you people?" A sudden shout came from the front.

The crowd looked, it was ten spirit masters wearing the uniforms of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy.


After some dramatic scuffles, Xue Beng was beaten by Dai Mubai for a while, and Sun Buyei arrived late.

"Shrek Academy, what a Shrek Academy! Hmph, you wait. With me here, you guys won't be able to stay here." Looking at the crowd that was gradually fading away under Sun Buyeo's lead, a trace of resentment could not help but flash through Xue Beng's eyes.

After an unknown amount of time.

"Hmph, what a Prince Xue Xing. Leaving is just the right choice, a Prince can arbitrarily interfere in the affairs of the academy, and the management of this Heaven Dou Imperial Academy is also rotten to the bone. The students are even worse, if we really join, we might encounter many more students like Xue Beng looking for trouble in the future." Flender led the Shrek crowd as well as Qin Ming out of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy with a furious face.

Only Xiao Wu, not only there was no exasperation on her face, but instead, there was a faint trace of happiness plastered on her face.

'This Spirit Tool Necklace given by Third Brother's father can really shield the senses of a Spirit Douluo powerhouse.'

The Scaled Breath Beast, also known as the Hidden Treasure Beast. As a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast, she was aware of this kind of spirit beast. It is an extremely rare earth attribute spirit beast that often dwells underground, preferring to inhabit around crystal deposits, and the name Hidden Treasure Beast came from this. Of course, this is what humans call it. Nowadays, the reason why it is rare, large part of the reason behind it is due to the excessive mining of minerals by human beings.

The only place where it could still be seen a few times by chance nowadays was within the Star Dou Great Forest, a piece of pure land.

As an earth-attribute spirit beast, the Scaled Breath Beast possessed notable defensive power, but it barely had any combat power. So once humans found it while digging, it would either be captured or killed.

Of course, that wasn't the point, the point is it possesses an extremely unique survival ability, that is, Converging Breath. As the name suggests, it converges its own breath and shields itself from external perception.

As an herbivorous spirit beast, the Scaled Breath Beast only comes out at night to forage for a period of time, during the day they will sleep underground, and the ability to converge breath has evolved to reduce the body's energy consumption while sleeping underground. And as long as it cultivates to 10,000 years, even if the Scaled Breath Beast has walked right beneath your feet, even a 100,000-year-old Spirit Beast will not be able to perceive its existence, and it can only be observed with the naked eye.

On the second day of wearing the necklace, Flender noticed that he couldn't perceive her spirit power, and was surprised for a moment. Yu Xiaogang then looked at the scales and quickly recognised that the scales on the necklace came from the Scaled Breath Beast, and judged that the necklace's function should be to mask the breath. As for gathering heaven and earth aura, it was merely something the maker of the spirit tool did, to strengthen and maintain this ability for a long period of time.

'Third Brother mentioned that this necklace is a legacy left by his mother, and it is his father's gift to me for being his righteous daughter. Since it's a relic of Third Brother's mother, it must be that Third Brother's father didn't give it to me on purpose, and my identity hasn't been exposed.' While inwardly sighing with relief, her spare glance flashed to the side of Tang San's face, her mind subconsciously guessing that this necklace should be the love token Tang San's father had given to his wife in the early years, her pretty face couldn't help but slightly redden, 'My big wooden head! How could there be a wife's legacy given to a righteous daughter as a meeting gift.'

'Now Third Brother's father gave this necklace to me, doesn't this mean hehehe.'

Thinking of this, her pretty face turned even redder. The hands wrapping around Tang San's arm couldn't help but hug a little tighter.

Soon, after deliberation, the crowd decided to enter Heaven Dou City first.

Then they saw the Blue Tyrant Academy's recruitment notice for instructors right next to the city gates.

After displaying their strength and easily passing the academy's examination, the crowd came to the forest hut under the guidance of Teacher Yin Shu.

Seeing the silhouette in the distance, Yu Xiaogang's face changed dramatically, and he turned around to run, but was grabbed by Flender who whispered, ''Xiaogang, how long are you going to run away? Twenty years, how many twenty prime years a girl can have? Whether it's break up or reconciliation, Xiaogang, it's time for you to make a decision, now it is the opportunity, do you really want to become the coward that Lin Manshan talked about?"

Yu Xiaogang's body suddenly shook, make a decision? At the thought of saying those kinds of heartless words, he couldn't help but feel a sourness in his heart, as well as an inexplicable sense of unwillingness and resistance. But if they get together, what would outsiders think?

His face instantly revealed a look of pain and struggle, and with a bewildered face, he was dragged along by Flender.

A series of footsteps quickly startled Liu Erlong, who turned her head with a displeased expression on her face and then froze.

With a flash of her figure, she arrived in front of Yu Xiaogang with a swish, her voice quivering, "Xiao, Xiaogang, is it really you?"


At night, outdoors.

Yu Xiaogang's face was pained as he recounted his past events with Liu Erlong to Tang San, who had followed him over.

"Master, is the world's view really that important," Tang San couldn't help but speak out, and seeing that Yu Xiaogang's face was still struggling, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and continue, "Master, I've heard that there's an extremely noble form of love in this world, which doesn't need any title or physical bonding, it only needs genuine love for each other, and spiritually regard each other as companions."

"And this form of love union is called a spiritual couple."

"Master, since you and Aunt Erlong love each other, why don't you continue to get along in this way?"

Yes! Erlong and I love each other sincerely and purely, as long as we don't go beyond that step, it's not considered against the world. Moreover, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but look down at Tang San, his gaze softening as he thought to himself: Xiao San once said that once a master, a lifelong father. As my only personal disciple, all my life's learning has been poured into Xiao San. How could Xiao San not be a continuation of my spirit, a child that I have poured my heart and soul to nurture? As for the continuation of the bloodline, is it really that important?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang suddenly had a feeling of clarity, his hands which was held behind his back, placed on Tang San's shoulders, his face looked agitated, ''Xiao San, you're right, before, it was my thoughts that went into a dead end. Master has only accepted you as a disciple in his life, all my life's learning has been poured into you, how can you not be a continuation of my spirit? As for bloodline descendants, it doesn't matter anymore."

"The love between Erlong and I is pure and flawless, being able to become a spiritual couple is enough."

"Master" Master actually regards me as his only spiritual continuation. Tang San was inwardly shocked, instantly infected, in his previous life he was fatherless and motherless, he was adopted by the clan for training from a young age, and had never experienced parental care. In this life he lost his mother as soon as he was born, in addition to his father, his master is the second person to give him the warmth of a father's love, and after years of spending time together, their bond has become like that of a father and son.

If Aunt Erlong can be together with my master, then she will be my mother, the two of them as a spiritual couple, will not have children in the future, and I am the only disciple of my master, I think that Aunt Erlong will treat me as if she is my own mother. I have never experienced a mother's love. Tang San's eyes suddenly moistened, and his feelings were hard to restrain, so he said excitedly, "Master, you have treated me like a son for many years, and in the future if Aunt Erlong really wants to have a child, the student, to honour the filial piety and duty, will not hesitate to pay homage to Aunt Erlong as a righteous mother together with Xiao Wu."

"Good good... good child." Yu Xiaogang burst into tears.

It's fine to accept a righteous son or daughter, but I want my own child as well. Xiaogang, with your strength you can't stop me. Liu Erlong, who was standing behind a tree not far away and peeking, lightly wiped her tears and slowly stepped out, walking towards the direction of the two.

Yu Xiaogang, you are thinking about eating a fart. Hidden on the other side of the tree, Tang Hao skimmed his mouth, full of disdain, my son is a Twin Martial Soul Spirit Master, in the future he will recognize his ancestor and become the master of the clan, and will lead the Clear Sky Clan to destroy the Martial Spirit Hall, and set foot on the peak of the Spirit Master world. The two people, one clan outcast and one illegitimate child, paying homage to such a people as a righteous father and mother, isn't it degrading the clan and disgracing the ancestor?

I would never agree!

In addition, after Lin Manshan's initial scolding, he thought that Yu Xiaogang would come to his senses and draw a clear line between him and Liu Erlong.

This way, at least he is still a man.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang has chosen to become a so-called spiritual couple with Liu Erlong, which is simply a disgraceful and degrading act! Besides, she doesn't want an heir? The most important thing for a family is the bloodline inheritance, let's not mention whether it's right towards the ancestors or not, this idea is ridiculous to the extreme. If a man and a woman are alone in a room together, how could something not happen?

'If a child is born, it is even more of a disaster for future generations with a high probability of degraded martial souls. As the clan descendant, this is something that should never be done.'

My son is still young and doesn't understand the situation, but you, a man of several dozen years old, are still so naive in your thinking.

This kind of lack of responsibility, without bearing want to climb to my son, to climb the relationship with me is simply a dream!

It seems that it's time to inform Xiao San of my identity so that he can understand the responsibility he carries. When Xiao San finishes familiarising himself with the academy and the environment of Heaven Dou City these days, I'll take him out for special training. When the Spirit Master Tournament is over, then I'll take him to that place. When he comes back, Xiao San's strength should be qualified to know about Ah Yin, and then he will recognise his ancestor. Tang Hao secretly thought.

'The several students of Shrek Academy do have good talents, they can become Xiao San's helpers in the future.'

On the other side, Tang San who saw Liu Erlong approaching, wisely retreated and left, leaving space for the two of them.

The next day, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

"Beautiful Silk Tulip, Beautiful Silk Tulip."

Ning Fengzhi murmured incoherently with a shocked look on his face, his eyes flashing with a brilliant aura, followed by a warm smile.

"Immortal Herbs, Hidden Weapons, Rongrong, you've brought quite a few surprises to Dad this time you came back."

"That child called Tang San, when you return to the academy tomorrow, Dad will personally go with you to meet him."

"Mmm." Ning Rongrong put her hidden weapon into her spirit tool and nodded with a smile, then added, "There's one more thing," she said, speaking out the information related to Lin Manshan.

"Lin Manshan," Ning Fengzhi's face became more and more serious the more he listened, and when Ning Rongrong finished speaking, he finally couldn't help but murmur, "I never thought that the poison on Dugu grandfather and granddaughter was actually detoxified by such a young child."

"And the battle power is also impressive."

"Taking an alternative path, relying on one's own strength to walk out of a path of growth alone, truly a young talent."

"If he really grows up, I'm afraid he'll be another Tang Hao," Sword Douluo beside him said with twinkling eyes.

"Grandpa Sword, do you think Lin Manshan can solve his cultivation qualification problem?" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but ask.

"If it was just Dugu Yan getting married, Grandpa might not believe it. After all, it's a life-saving favour, and with Dugu Bo's character, it's normal for him to agree. But with the Shui family and the Ye family also agreeing to marry their daughters, this is something that begs people to be suspicious."

Sword Douluo nodded slightly.

"These two families aren't loners like Dugu Bo, it's impossible for them not to consider the issue of family heritage."

"I don't think Grandpa needs to say more about how special Ye Lingling's martial soul is. Shui Bing'er's mutated martial soul Ice Phoenix is also a superb beast martial soul that is not inferior to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, and her strength is also outstanding among her peers, so she is basically considered to be the heir of the Shui family. The heirs of both families were unexpectedly allowed to marry Lin Manshan outside, if he didn't show enough potential to be convincing, I think the elders of both families, as long as they aren't stupid, would not possibly make such a decision."

"Especially the Ye family," As he said this, Sword Douluo's eyes became somewhat more intriguing.

"Grandpa, do you mean that Lin Manshan helped Ye Lingling solve her martial soul flaw?" Ning Rongrong instantly revealed a look of shock on her face, then she sharply turned her head to look at Ning Fengzhi and blurted out, "Dad, then wouldn't our family's martial soul defects be fine as well?"

"Perhaps this is the reason why Ye Lingling never made an appearance in the Spirit Arena before." Ning Fengzhi also had a heavy expression on his face, he was aware of the effects of the Nine Heart Flowering Apple Martial Soul, if the flaws were resolved, the challenge for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan would be absolutely enormous.

"Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan, plus another Ye Lingling, if it's an Immortal Herb, then it's three plants, a person possessing three plants at the same time and still being able to match them, in accordance with Rongrong's introduction to the Immortal Herb, the possibility of this can happen is extremely low. If it wasn't Immortal Herb, then it could only be that Lin Manshan boy's medical skills are truly superb. And with the herbs that Dugu Bo had collected over the years, it was indeed possible that they could meet the demand. However, all of this is still just speculation..."

Saying this, he raised his head and looked at Ning Rongrong with a smile on his face, "Rongrong, the 1st of next month is the day that Dugu Bo's Skywalker Academy will be founded, and he has already put out the word that all major powers are invited to observe the ceremony, so you'll follow dad there at that time. Dad will ask Dugu Bo for information on Immortal Herbs as a test, and by the way, I can ask Lin Manshan to help you formulate an elixir to aid in your cultivation."

"Will Dugu Bo agree to this?" Ning Rongrong was a little sceptical.

"He'll agree." Ning Fengzhi smiled faintly, "If that boy Lin Manshan's method of using medicines is really going to be that magical, with the number of people in the Skywalker Battle Team, if they want to supply medicines to be used to aid in cultivation for a long period of time, the demand for medicinal herbs will definitely be massive."

"Then aren't we just sending ourselves to Dugu Bo's door to be slaughtered for a large amount of herbs?" Ning Rongrong instantly deflated her lips.

"Rongrong, if it really helps you with your cultivation, everything is worth it." Ning Fengzhi shook his head and laughed.

Ning Rongrong instantly stopped talking.

"Alright, Rongrong, go back to your room and wash up first, later on, our family will get together and have a meal." Ning Fengzhi continued.

"Mmhmm." Ning Rongrong nodded and trotted out the door.

"Fengzhi, this Lin Manshan, if he grows up, I fear he'll become a great threat! There's also Tang San, the Immortal Herbs and Hidden Weapons he holds in his hands are also of great significance to the clan. Should we," Bone Douluo, who was at the side, said in a slightly raspy voice with a cold look in his eyes.

Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "Now that Dugu Bo's martial soul has evolved, and his strength is still unknown, we can't afford the consequences given his martial soul's ability, as you also know. We'll wait for the day of the Skywalker Academy's ceremony before we discuss this. As for Tang San."

Ta ta ta, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly came from outside the door, followed by the sound of respectful reporting.

"Reporting to Patriarch, Moon Pavilion Master Tang Yuehua is visiting."

"Hmm?" Ning Fengzhi stared blankly, then his eyes narrowed slightly as he exchanged glances with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

"Could it be?" Sword Douluo was the first to speak.

"Let's go take a look first." Ning Fengzhi shook his head slightly, striding out of the room.

Not long after, he led Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo to the guest hall.

"Greetings, Sect Leader Ning, greetings to the two crowned ones." Tang Yuehua slowly got up and bowed.

"I wonder why Pavilion Master has come this time?" Ning Fengzhi smiled warmly.

"For my nephew, Tang San, as well as the Immortal Herb." Tang Yuehua smiled kindly.

At those words, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo's hearts sank.

Tang Xiao hadn't married and had children, so this nephew of Tang Yuehua could only be Tang Hao's son.


PS: Counting the ages and ranks of the Shrek Seven Monsters made my scalp numb.

Using their data in the Great Spirit Arena against the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy as the basis for re-calculating once again, in the future it will follow my calculations.


#Yomax Aioria, #Edgar Gonzalez, #Jiang Chen, and #Gabriel, Thanks for all your love and support.

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