Chapter 159 Revealing the News

"Immortal Herb!?" Dugu Bo was taken aback.

"Elder Ghost, allow me to examine it for a moment."

Lin Manshan also looked surprised as he quickly stepped forward. Firstly, he observed the surface in front of Ghost Douluo for a few seconds, confirming that the temperature was not scalding, and only then did he reach out his hand close, slowly channelling his spirit power to perceive it.

In a short while, he withdrew his right hand and said, "Elder Ghost, hurry up and put it away."

"Good!" Ghost Douluo hurriedly put it back into the spirit tool, before he came, Chrysanthemum Douluo had already warned that this herb had left the place where it was growing, there was no fire attribute energy to ingest in the surroundings, and if it was exposed to the air for too long, the medicinal power would gradually be lost as the heat was emitted.

"Unfortunately, Elder Ghost, this herb is not suitable." Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "This medicinal herb does not contain pure fire attribute energy within it, it also has earth attributes mixed in. If that person from before consumed it, not only would it not allow the martial soul to advance further, but it would instead cause the martial soul to be laced with the earth attribute, which would not be worth the loss. And if the earth attribute energy is removed, the medicinal power will be greatly reduced."

"In that case, the intensity of the fire attribute energy would be too low, so I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to help much."

"On the contrary, it's very suitable for spirit masters with earth-fire dual-attribute martial souls to consume, and it can make the magma created by the spirit skill much more powerful."

Well, isn't that a coincidence that there happens to be a... Ghost Douluo's heart fluttered.

For one it is not suitable, for the other it is suitable, it's not a waste of effort, it's just that the Great Worship might be a bit angry.

Thinking of this, the bottom of his heart could not help but be somewhat flustered.

"As for the method of consumption..." Lin Manshan pondered a little and continued, "My suggestion is to first drop in blood from the heart and then use the Martial Soul Essence to wrap it. If the quality and attribute fit with the martial soul is relatively high, the temperature felt shouldn't be too high, in which case, it can be chewed and consumed directly for refinement. And if a strong burning sensation is felt, then I'm afraid that we'll have to wait for another increase in strength."

"This herb alone is not too strong in terms of fire energy, taking it according to this method should be enough, and does not need to be neutralised with other herbs."

The reward is not mentioned straight out, is this meant to be given as a free gift? Ghost Douluo hurriedly arched his hand, "Thank you for telling me."

Young friend Lin is a good person.

Then he heard Lin Manshan's voice sound once again, "Elder Ghost, there's still an important matter that the junior needs to discuss with you here."

"Well, there's no harm in saying it." Ghost Douluo blurted out.

"Elder Ghost, let's sit down and talk." Lin Manshan smiled and made an inviting gesture.

"Good." Ghost Douluo arched his hand and walked to a side seat to sit down.

"Elder Ghost, I'm sure you know that Shrek Battle Team member Tang San, when he fought me in the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, had attacked me with murderous intent, and also stated on the spot that he wanted to kill me." Lin Manshan sat down and said.

And then got beaten up by you. Ghost Douluo nodded, "I did hear about it."

"With the way he acted that day, I could have directly killed him with my own hands, and outsiders wouldn't have said anything. Moreover, I myself have always been a person who repays favours with favours and feuds with feuds, and I don't consider myself to be a righteous person who repays grudges with virtues. For this kind of person who spoke of wanting to kill me and has already put it into practice, how would I keep my hands off?" Lin Manshan gave a slight nod, "But I didn't lay my hands on him that day, does Ghost Douluo know the reason for that?"

"Could it be that there's something else involved?" Ghost Douluo asked hurriedly.

Lin Manshan nodded.

"Because his father is Tang Hao."

Tang San's father is Tang Hao. Ghost Douluo's body suddenly stiffened; a hint of fear flashing in his eyes.

"See how scared you are." Dugu Bo skimmed his mouth and continued, "As a matter of fact, after Man'er severely taught Tang San a lesson, on our way out of Suotuo City in a carriage, Tang Hao followed us, and as for what he wanted to do, I'm sure you can guess."

"If it wasn't for my martial soul's evolution, using Tang Yuehua and the entire Clear Sky Clan as a threat, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see us now."

Ghost Douluo's expression turned a little embarrassed, then his face straightened, and he made a comment with a tone of deep hatred.

"For a dignified Clear Sky Douluo to commit such an act is truly disgraceful."

"Alright, let's not mention this, it hasn't been a day or two since Tang Hao being shameless." Dugu Bo waved his hand and continued, "Tang San is Tang Hao's son, but the martial soul that was displayed was Blue Silver Grass, Ghost Douluo, I'm sure you can guess something."

"Twin Martial Soul." Ghost Douluo's brows immediately furrowed.

"Not bad, but that is not the focus of our conversation today. So what if you have a Twin Martial Soul, aren't you still being beaten by my family's Ah Man? Who can't fight back, back then? As good as the Twin Martial Soul is, it also depends on the person who has it." Dugu Bo skimmed his mouth, disdain flashing in his eyes.

For example, my Spirit Hall's Pope Bibi Dong is quite fierce. Ghost Douluo nodded his head in agreement.

However, what if Tang Hao trained him later? Keeping him alive is always a threat. Inwardly, he thought as such.

But on the mouth, he asked slowly, "Then what does Brother Dugu want to say?"

Lin Manshan and Tang San are mortal enemies, which means the whole Clear Sky Clan is also a mortal enemy. Looking at this situation now, Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo were prepared to cooperate with their Martial Spirit Hall and work together to get Tang Hao father and son, and the Clear Sky Clan destroyed.

This, this is really good news!

If Dugu Bo poisons all the living forces of the Clear Sky Clan, it would be easier for the Martial Spirit Hall to come in and take over the high end of the battlefield.

There is no need to make a big fuss, without God knowing or ghosts realising it, it will end perfectly!

"Ever since the last time I clashed with Tang Hao, I've kept it in my heart. When Tang San came to Heaven Dou City a few months ago, I immediately sent someone to monitor him secretly. Furthermore, I also used the secret snake dispatching method to send a few small snakes with small spirit tools into the present-day Shrek Academy, and, of course, some went to Moon Pavilion as well. After all, I have to avoid the worst possibility, what if Tang Hao goes looking for Tang Yuehua?" Dugu Bo tapped his fingertips on the desktop, "And just today when I returned to Heaven Dou City, I happened to get a response. Tang Hao brought Tang San with him to Moon Pavilion to look for Tang Yuehua, and I got few information as a result."

"Oh?" Ghost Douluo immediately looked solemn, his body slightly leaning forward.

The secret method of driving snakes, did he tie up or let the snake swallow the spirit tool to eavesdrop? This wasn't a difficult task for the snake playing Dugu Bo.

Then he saw Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly flashing with a cold, murderous aura, "The first piece of news, Tang Yuehua felt that my family's several children were a potential threat and was tempted to kill."

No wonder Dugu Bo wanted to get Tang Hao father and son killed so badly and destroy the Clear Sky Clan. He was even willing to cooperate with the Martial Spirit Hall and tell me about this. This Tang Yuehua really stepped on the landmine with precision, nice job. Ghost Douluo's heart was ecstatic, but his face had an expression of loathing.

"I didn't expect this Tang Yuehua to have such an evil mind."

Speaking as if your Spirit Hall doesn't do this kind of thing. Dugu Bo glanced at him and continued, "The second piece of news, after the Clear Sky Clan has recuperated over the years, five elders have been promoted and become Titled Douluo."

Five Titled Douluo. Ghost Douluo first stared blankly, then his face instantly turned gloomy.

This was truly an extraordinary piece of news.

"The third piece of news, Tang Hao intends for Tang San to acknowledge his ancestor and let him lead the Clear Sky Clan to regain its glory. However, the several elders of the Clear Sky Clan felt that doing so is blatantly tearing up the agreement they made with your Martial Spirit Hall back then, and will bring danger to the clan when exposed. Thus, a condition was put forward for Tang San to prove that he was superior to Tang Hao and possessed the potential to shelter the clan in the future."

Dugu Bo gave a slight nod, "Probably comparing him with Tang Chen, hoping that Tang San could become a Limit Douluo like Tang Chen who was good enough to rival Qian Daoliu. After all, if he can't beat your Grand Worship Qian Daoliu, coming out of the mountain would be a waste of time and lives."

"As for the condition." When he said this, Dugu Bo looked Ghost Douluo up and down, "Kill a Titled Douluo of the Martial Spirit Hall alone before the age of 35."

"I feel like this person is either you or Old Chrysanthemum. After all, the two of you are the ones who walk outside the Martial Spirit Hall the most, and once you are separated, your battle power is immediately reduced. Especially Old Chrysanthemum, level 95 can't even catch a few moves from me."

After saying that, he glanced off in the afterglow and began to push the envelope.

"Honestly speaking, your Martial Spirit Hall has simply been raising tigers over the years. Look at the other people, Clear Sky Clan, not only didn't thank your Grand Worship for not killing them, but they also think about overthrowing your Martial Spirit Hall someday every day."

"With Tang Hao's enmity with the Martial Spirit Hall, if Tang San becomes the head of the clan, what's the result?"

"Tang San's penny-pinching personality, that battle with my family's Ah Man is already enough to glimpse a bit." Looking at Ghost Douluo's face that had already darkened to the bottom of the pot, Dugu Bo continued, "There's also a fourth piece of news, the Clear Sky Clan found a ten-thousand-year-old snow lotus in that snowy mountain they're secluded in, and gave it to Tang San, that kid has already broken through to Spirit Ancestor level and has a ten-thousand-year-old fourth spirit ring now."

"Regarding this, we'll know the truth once he steps on the stage at the Spirit Master Tournament."

Ten thousand year fourth spirit ring, this kind of talent... Ghost Douluo was inwardly shocked, while slightly nodding his head.

Dugu Bo had only just returned today, and had never met Tang Hao father and son. If Tang San really revealed a 10,000-year-old fourth spirit ring in the future on the arena, then the four pieces of news that Dugu Bo said today would definitely all be true.

"I wonder what Brother Dugu has planned?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you asking me about this? I'm just one person, supporting an academy, you're asking me to go and fight seven Titled Douluo? If I could beat them, would I still tell you about this?" Dugu Bo immediately rolled his eyes.

Then he gave his own advice:

"It depends on how ruthless your Martial Spirit is... If it were me, I would just find a reason and start the fight."

"Of course, to play it safe, it's best to secretly kill Tang Hao, who has already left the Clear Sky Clan."

"Otherwise, with his strength, it's enough to deal a devastating blow to the major sub-halls of your Martial Spirit Hall. On the contrary, Tang Xiao and the others who are staying in one place would be easier to deal with." Speaking of this, Dugu Bo faintly smiled, "Don't worry, as long as we keep an eye on Tang San, Tang Hao won't be able to run away. Regarding this, my side will move in line with you guys simultaneously, and I'll let you know if there's any latest news."

"However, it's best not to attack in the near future." With a demeanour of 'I'm thinking about you all', he continued, "The continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament is about to begin, such an event; if something is accidentally spread out, the impact will not be good."

Despite not making a move, the news informed today is already precious. Ghost Douluo nodded, "Indeed."

The upper three clans have to be destroyed altogether, no matter what people do, they can't cover up this kind of news.

"Hmm." Dugu Bo raised his chin, "The last news is about the four great single attribute families."


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