Chapter 160 This is perfect!

"The four great single attribute families!?"

Ghost Douluo's face changed slightly again, thinking of some sort of possibility, he couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that the Clear Sky Clan intends to re-conquer the four single attribute clans, and has already made contact, and even succeeded in doing so?"

If that was the case, then they could no longer keep their hands tied like before.

With the strength of the Martial Spirit Hall, it was completely possible to exterminate the four single-attribute clans back then, but in the end, they did not choose to do that.

For one, Clear Sky Clan's behaviour of abandoning the affiliated clans was truly disgraceful, and beating them half death and keeping them could weaken Clear Sky Clan's influence in the Spirit Master world. Of course, the biggest reason is that they are still afraid of exposing too much of their strength, after all, the four single attribute clans in their heyday back then combined together were not that bad in terms of strength. Exterminating them would cause excessive fear from other forces on the continent, especially from the two empires.

It did in fact produce adverse consequences.

The special funds for the Spirit Master subsidy were directly cut to the bottom by the two empires on the grounds that the treasury was empty and the finances were difficult to support after the Clear Sky Sect announced their retirement.

After Bibi Dong took office, she directly pointed out that not having a territory to govern and not being able to be self-sufficient on its own was the biggest obstacle restricting the expansion of the Martial Spirit Hall.

So she began to vigorously develop the industry under their banner, secretly soliciting the neighbouring duchies, biding her time to build up her strength.

Now they are just waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

"That's not true, Tang Hao intends to leave the four single attribute families for his son Tang San to subdue." Dugu Bo shook his head and continued, "And my idea is to strike first and try to pull the Breaking Clan and the Defence Clan, who hate the Clear Sky Clan the most into the academy. It just so happens that my academy is in its infancy, not to mention the lack of instructors, such a large area always needs to recruit some manpower to help take care of it."

"Brother Dugu's idea is good." Ghost Douluo first gave his affirmation, then his face showed difficulty:

"But these two clans have a grudge against my Martial Spirit Hall, I'm sure Brother Dugu also knows about it. Moreover, the four single attribute clans have very secretive dealings with each other, so I'm afraid that it will be difficult to divide them."

"This is something I've also considered." Dugu Bo nodded, "That's why I'm only going to call them over to try, even if it doesn't work out, I can still disgust Tang Hao, and in the meantime, make the Clear Sky Clan suspicious, so it won't be a loss in any case."

"And if we succeed in accepting them, then it will be more interesting." He raised his eyebrows and lifted his chin, "I just like to see Tang Hao displeased at seeing me but unable to do anything about it."

It was indeed quite detestable. Ghost Douluo inwardly agreed. If the two clans joined the Skywalker Academy, the clans would definitely have to move over, and Tang Hao is now in Heaven Dou City. Joining a hostile force right under his nose. Just thinking about it, one could guess that Tang Hao would definitely be in a foul mood when he found out.

And it was also true that even if it failed, it would still make Tang Hao suspicious, it would be a sure-fire plan.

"As for being an enemy of the Martial Spirit Hall, you can rest assured, as the main cause of that year's matter was Tang Hao and the Clear Sky Clan, and I'll use this as a basis to try to persuade and ensure that they live their lives in the academy peacefully and steadily. Of course, if they can't be subdued, feel free to do as you please." Dugu Bo said indifferently, "As for my Skywalker Academy, you know my character very well, or else I wouldn't have revealed so much to you today."

If the two clans were to migrate to the Skywalk Academy, with Dugu Bo watching, they would not dare to act out. Besides, these two clans together were not as big a threat as Dugu Bo alone, whether they joined the Skywalk Academy or not, there was not much difference. Most importantly, nowadays, the Martial Spirit Hall and the Skywalker Academy have a close relationship, and we have gained a lot from it, so there is no need to break the friendship. Thinking of this, Ghost Douluo slightly arched his hand.

"Then I will wish Brother Dugu success in conquering the two clans in advance. When I return to Spirit City, I will report this matter to the Supreme Pontiff together, and I believe that the Supreme Pontiff will support it."

"Hmm." Dugu Bo nodded, "Since that's the case, the business is done, let's go back to our respective homes."

"." Still the familiar flavour... Ghost Douluo got up and arched his hand, "Then I will take my leave first."

"No need to send you off, you've been here a few times. It's also considered to be a light walk," Dugu Bo directly stood up and stretched his lazy waist, "After rushing for a few days, I have to go and squint for a while."

"Elder Ghost, let me see you off." Lin Manshan who stood up after him said with a smile.

"No need to bother. Young friend Lin, the carriage has been bumpy for many days, you should also go and rest." Ghost Douluo smiled.

"Then Elder Ghost take your time." Lin Manshan slightly sidestepped and stopped after sending Ghost Douluo to the door.

Watching Ghost Douluo walk away, his eyes flickered, and his mind wandered.

Counting Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Clan possessed seven Titled Douluo, which was undoubtedly the greatest threat to the Martial Spirit Hall, and now that Bibi Dong had known about it, in the future, if they were to launch a Spirit Hunting operation, the first force to be targeted would definitely be the Clear Sky Clan.

And I believe Qian Daoliu, who knows about Clear Sky Clan's misbehaviour, won't stop it. Moreover, with Bibi Dong's ambition, would it be possible to stop it?

As long as the Clear Sky Clan is destroyed, then Tang Hao's death is the work of the Martial Spirit Hall, or at least that's what outsiders will think. Who would suspect me and Dugu Bo?

Even if Dugu Bo absorbed Tang Hao's spirit bone, without using spirit bone skills, it wouldn't be visible at all.

This would be perfect!

In addition, Bibi Dong's goal was to unify the continent. Before deciding to rise up and establish a Spirit Empire, she probably wouldn't launch a spirit-hunting operation against the powerful Clear Sky Clan, and might even postpone it. After all, the whole body will be affected by one hair, the Seven Treasure Glazed Clan, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, and then the even stronger Clear Sky Clan. How many Titled Douluo would have to be dispatched? How much combat power will be lost?

These are all issues that Bibi Dong desperately needs to consider.

As for me, I relied on having the ability to help Qian Renxue refine an elixir which would help her Martial Soul progress one step further, as well as being able to help Bibi Dong dissolve the hidden problems brought about by the soul contamination in her body.

With the two gold medals of death immunity in hand, it's enough to preserve everything in the Skywalker Academy during this turmoil. And buy enough time to improve my own strength.

As for Tang San, there is a Beast Control Technique to monitor, so once Tang Hao dies, when the time comes, hehe... Thinking like this, the corner of his mouth curled, he turned around and walked back to his residence, took a bath leisurely, and began to sit on the bed to cultivate his soul power.

In the evening, in the mimicry cultivation site, all the women who trained there came back one after another, after washing up, gathered in the room.

Looking at the crowd of women sitting in a circle with their skin tinged pink after bathing and wet hair, Lin Manshan smiled:

"In the past few months, everyone's foundation has been extremely solid, the only thing missing now is practical combat experience." After saying that, he looked around at the girls with a straight face, "Of course, I'm referring to experience in life and death combat."

"The so-called controlling oneself is the only way to control the enemy. Whether it's humans or animals, they are born with a natural reflex to avoid danger, for example, if your finger touches a flame, it will unconsciously retract, if a knife or axe is approaching, you will retreat..."

"Most of this subconscious avoidance behaviour stems from fear."

"Normally it's not a big deal, but once in a life and death battle, if it's not overcome, it's likely to become a fatal flaw. When weapons clash, if your opponent doesn't retreat and you retreat, then the rhythm of the attack will lean heavily on your opponent, and you're likely to be directly stabbed at the fatal point. But if you change the angle instead of retreating, you may be able to avoid a fatal blow. The key is to make the right judgement, and overcoming fear is all about that."

"To make the right judgement without distraction."

"But this experience is difficult to develop without experiencing it first-hand."

"So, I've decided to let everyone rest for five days first. Then the next phase of training will begin."

"Your next opponents will be me, Instructors Shui Zilu and Shen Qingyu, or even Grandpa Dugu or a high-level spirit beast in the Sunset Forest."

"Yes!" After hearing this, the girls nodded their heads in unison. After chatting and eating for a while, each of them went back to their rooms to cultivate their spirit power.


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