Chapter 172 The Ten Thousand Years Fourth Spirit Ring

Looking at the two teams of participants who were escorted by golden beams of light after stepping out of the passageway. Whether it was the spectators or the members of the academy watching the match, they all froze.

On the one side, there were seven full team members.

On the other side, after looking for a while and confirming their eyes, there were really only two people walking out.

"What's the situation?!"

"How come there are only two people on the Skywalker Battle Team's side? It's still two girls! But, I have to say, what a great body"

"Is this preparation for two against seven?"


Xue Ye, who was sitting in the VIP seats, also looked surprised, turning his head to look at Ning Fengzhi with a warm smile.

"It seems that Nephew Lin is very confident in the strength of his team members. It's a pity that Brother Dugu doesn't like to draw attention to himself and didn't accept the guest invitation to come and sit with me in the same row, otherwise, I would have asked him for some exclusive insights on how he trains his students usually."

"... " Salas immediately glanced at Xue Ye with his spare glance, inwardly sneering, a mouthful of Nephew Lin, as if the other party had recognised you.

He scoffed at Xue Ye's attempt to climb the friendship ladder in public, as well as his intention to provoke.

"It is indeed a pity." Ning Fengzhi smiled, then lamented, "It's said that Brother Dugu had taken the battle team to the Sunset Forest for special wilderness training, fighting against spirit beasts, so I think that the training regularly was exceptionally hard, and it's only natural that the team members' strength is not bad."

The reason he knew about this was because he saw that Dugu Bo had taken the group out for many days and had not returned, so he sent someone to send an invitation to the Skywalker Academy to try and find out, and the person who received it told him directly.

He was also surprised for a moment after learning the news, this type of special training was indeed uncommon.

However, thinking about it, it is also reasonable, after all, the team has Ye Lingling and Lin Manshan, so why be afraid of a little injury?

Xue Ye was immediately surprised for a moment, and followed with emotion, "Brother Dugu is quite willing to part with so much."

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the Ye Clan girl is also in Brother Dugu's battle team." Ning Fengzhi reminded with a smile.

"Not to mention that there's also Nephew Lin."

Xue Ye revealed a dazed expression and nodded slightly, "That's true."

"With Nephew Lin's medical skills, coupled with that Ye Clan girl's martial soul, as long as they don't get too badly injured, they'll be fine."

While the two of them were chatting, the team members from both sides had already walked to the ring and stood.

Although the Skywalker Battle Team only sent out two people, which was somewhat belittling, the members of the Heaven Dou Second Team didn't relax because of this, and didn't dare to make a big statement or something like that, but just silently got ready for the battle. After all, it was an academy founded by Dugu Bo, and Lin Manshan had even once fought against seven people all alone in the Suotuo City Great Spirit Arena, which had long been spread. This time, only two people were sent out, and it was obvious that they had something to rely on.

This is a continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament, and it's in full view of everyone, so who would want to lose?

All of them looked serious and did not dare to be careless.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing a light veil, stood side by side with Shui Yue'er on the opposite side, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the referee's clear and powerful voice sounded.

"The first match of the first round of the qualifiers officially begins!"

As the words fell, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er pressed their bodies together in a battle stance, their martial souls opening at the same time.

The halo under their feet was dense, and the four yellow, yellow, purple and black spirit rings suddenly unfolded under both of them.

"Crap!" The audience burst forth, and many people directly sprang up from their seats.

"Ten thousand-year fourth spirit rings, moreover both of them have them!?" All of them were dumbstruck, and all of them were in disbelief.

"The ten thousand-year fourth spirit ring..." Xue Ye also had a sudden change in expression, his eyes flashing with an eye-catching lustre.

This. Ning Fengzhi was also no longer calm, one 10,000-fourth spirit ring could still be said to be coincidence and luck, but two could never be considered luck anymore. Dugu Bo, or rather Lin Manshan, had definitely already researched ways to allow people to absorb the ten-thousand-year-old spirit ring as early as the fourth spirit ring. In addition, Shui Yue'er was fine, but Zhu Zhuqing's age was even younger than his daughter's, and now she had even broken through to Spirit Ancestor!

This was definitely brought forth by the medication Lin Manshan had researched.

A trace of regret could not help but well up inside.

In the beginning, if he could have found a way to send Rongrong into the Skywalker Academy as well, perhaps... His mind could not help but give birth to such thoughts.

While he was thinking, Xue Ye's voice suddenly sounded, "Sect Master Ning, do you know the reason for this?"

Only then did Ning Fengzhi return to his senses, turning his head, and after a brief moment of contemplation, he replied, "Brother Dugu had once exchanged a ten-thousand-year-old spirit bone of the Netherwolf from Ning, and now that I think about it, I think that it must have been absorbed by that child down there who possesses a cat-type martial soul. As for that child of the Shui family."

He glanced at Salas who was frowning slightly on the other side, seemingly in thought, and said, "Coronet Ghost Douluo had gone to the Skywalker Academy three times to ask for medicines, and I think there must have been a request to use ten-thousand-year-old spirit bones in exchange for the number of times of refining medicines, and the Martial Spirit Hall is a big establishment, so naturally, it doesn't lack a few ten-thousand-year-old spirit bones. On the contrary, the rare herbs required for the extremely high-quality pills that Nephew Lin is refining can not be found in a large quantity, and are also extremely difficult to collect."

"Your Majesty, these two children's martial souls are both beast martial souls, and their physical qualities aren't low to begin with, so if they have ten-thousand-year-old spirit bones to add to their strengths, it is indeed possible for them to withstand the energy impacts that come with ten-thousand-year-old spirit rings. However, Ning is very curious as to how these two children managed to survive the soul shock contained within the 10,000-year spirit rings. Regarding this point, Your Majesty, perhaps only Brother Dugu or Nephew Lin can answer."

"As for why these two children were able to break through to Spirit Ancestor at such a young age, apart from the spirit bones, I believe that Nephew Lin's pill refining technique has a lot to do with it. You have to know that the medicines that Nephew Lin refines are all without side effects."

"Even ordinary medicinal herbs in his hands have the effect of turning decay into magic."

"With the continuous assistance of these medicines, coupled with diligent cultivation, the speed of spirit power improvement is naturally not slow."

In this match, the reason Lin Manshan would send Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er out to fight directly should be to expand their influence to advertise the academy and to facilitate future enrolment.

With that said, Zhu Zhuyu and Ye Lingling shouldn't have a 10,000-year fourth spirit ring, or else they would definitely be in the arena as well.

Anyway, they would have to be exposed in the arena in the future, so there was no need to hide them. Putting them all out, the publicity would be much more effective.

When Lin Manshan first arrived at Heaven Dou City, Zhu Zhuyu and Ye Lingling were both still far away from breaking through to Spirit King, so it was reasonable to say that they could also be arranged to absorb the 10,000-year-old spirit rings when they broke through to Spirit Ancestor.

But now it seems that there is no such thing.

Ye Lingling is an auxiliary spirit master, her physical strength is not good enough to meet the requirements. Zhu Zhuyu is also a beast martial soul, and since Lin Manshan can exchange spirit bones from the Martial Spirit Hall, the problem of physical strength should be solved for her.

But why didn't she absorb 10,000 years for her fourth spirit ring? Could it be that there was something else that wasn't up to par?

For example, the strength of willpower and mental strength strong enough to resist soul shocks

However, since Lin Manshan had helped Shui Yue'er and Zhu Zhuqing absorb ten thousand-year spirit rings at the Spirit Ancestor level, he could definitely do it on his own as well. Even his first three spirit rings were also absorbed at a cross-level, thus he had derived the theoretical basis for absorbing spirit rings at a cross-level on himself and transpired it to the two girls.

The over-level absorption of spirit rings was also one of the reasons why he had been able to defeat the Shrek Battle Team all by himself back then.

Connecting these things together, Ning Fengzhi instantly had a feeling of enlightenment while sighing in his heart.

Such strong comprehension, such strong vigour and courage, by no means he is comparable to Yu Xiaogang.

Spirit bones, my, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan does not lack them, if I let Rongrong absorb them, I might be able to find an opportunity.

"Nephew Lin's medical skills are indeed extraordinary." Xue Ye nodded, then smiled, "As for the method of resisting the ten-thousand-year-old spirit ring soul shock, Sect Master Ning, perhaps the next time we meet, we can ask Brother Dugu in person for some advice."

"No matter what, they're all children of our Heaven Dou Empire, and it's a blessing for the empire that they can achieve so much at such a young age." Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyu, Zhu Zhuqing, and the Hell Civet Martial Soul, he naturally guessed the identities of the three. However, so what? Since they had voluntarily married into the Heaven Dou Empire, they were people of the Heaven Dou Empire, how would the Star Luo Empire dare to cross over and snatch them?

Moreover, there is still Dugu Bo in front of them. Would the Star Luo Empire's Imperial Family dare to come over?

"Sect Master Ning, seeing these two children, I'm more and more confident in what you said before." Xue Ye smiled broadly, if the Skywalker Battle Team could win the continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament, it would be a great thing for the empire as well.

"Haha, Ning has the same idea as His Majesty." Ning Fengzhi laughed and answered.

"Hmph." Salas, the outsider, snorted coldly, not saying anything on his lips, but inwardly, he was laughing coldly, Skywalker Academy had already entered a cooperation with the Martial Spirit Hall on the matter of dealing with the Clear Sky Clan.

After that, it will be your turn next... He gave a glance at the two men who were talking and laughing, and chilliness welled up in his heart.

On the other hand, at the Shrek Academy location, 'How is it possible, how is this possible?!' Tang San's gaze was blank, reciting inwardly, the 10,000-year fourth spirit ring, he had previously thought that he was the only one who possessed it and that it was absolutely unique in the continent.

And now, in front of his eyes, there were actually two of them popping up directly, and they were still two girls with only a single martial soul. Zhu Zhuqing was even younger than him.

It is really difficult to accept.

Moreover, if Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er had a 10,000-year fourth spirit ring, then wouldn't Lin Manshan also have one?

In addition, the youngest Zhu Zhuqing has the strength of a Spirit Ancestor, what about the other members of the Skywalker Battle Team?

Can the Shrek Battle Team I lead have a chance of defeating the Skywalker Battle Team? Can I really defeat Lin Manshan alone? His teeth were clenched, and his mind was in turmoil.

Zhuqing has already broken through the Spirit Ancestor and has the 10,000-year-old fourth spirit ring. Dai Mubai was inwardly shocked.

His face was filled with disbelief.

Similarly, the other people on the Shrek Battle Team were also showing signs of shock and disbelief.

Such a battle team, can we really defeat them? A sense of frustration surged within the team members.

The mentors' faces also turned grave.

This, how is it possible... Yu Xiaogang's face was even paler, his nails deeply embedded in his palms, his gaze blank and disorientated.

In the ring, the members of the second team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team were also frozen in their gazes, forgetting to attack for a moment.

Seeing that the opposite side had stayed for half a second without making a move, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er on the other side were not prepared to wait.

"Second Spirit Skill, Swimming Wave."

Shui Yue'er uttered a delicate cry, reminding the opposite side at the same time, and then a blue light swirled under her feet. Her body accelerated in an acceleration, and she swiftly drifted towards the opponent's line-up as if she were water-skiing.

Zhu Zhuqing did not release a spirit skill, but her running speed was not slow either, closely following behind Shui Yue'er.

The second team of the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team finally reacted, and the spirit rings under their feet lit up one after another, ready to unleash their spirit skills.

And right at this moment.

"Third Spirit Skill, Sonic!" Shui Yue'er stopped her stance, her little mouth opened, and a dolphin sound directly surged forth.


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