Chapter 173 Won’t they spend some money?

The sound was sharp and aggressive, sweeping forwards like ripples, and the ground dust particles shook and flew.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The Heaven Dou second team members were instantly hit by a heavy blow, they were born from nobility, and pampered, so how have they ever been subjected to this kind of torture, their bodies were extremely uncomfortable, their spirit skills were instantly interrupted, their hands subconsciously covered their ears out of self-protection and they bent over with a painful look on their faces.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately launched her Spirit Skill, "Third Spirit Skill, Hell Decapitation." The ten fingers immediately extended into slender purple razors, and the toes of her feet pressed forward, 'Blinking Steps.' Even if she deliberately reduced the amount of spirit energy injected into her meridians, her movement speed instantly skyrocketed, dragging out residual shadows behind her on the spot.

With just a few flashes, she arrived at the side of the Heaven Dou Imperial Battle Team, and at that exact moment, the dolphin sound was interrupted.

The Heaven Dou second team members' bodies felt as if they had been hollowed out, their faces were pale, and in order to resist the sound wave attack, their entire body muscles were taut just now, now that the sound was interrupted, they finally had a chance to catch their breath. At the same time, the body suddenly felt a sense of relief, the eardrums tingling, the pupil of the eyes rolled up, and the brain is also bloated with buzzing pain, they subconsciously shook their heads and blinked their eyes to drive away the discomfort, and their bodies were also swaying slightly.

Those with slightly weaker strength even directly bent over in place to gasp or vomit, the sonic attack not only shook their eardrums but also shook the organs of the whole body.

Coupled with the shocking dizziness in their minds, their abdomens were also uncomfortable, a wave of revulsion, they really wanted to vomit.

And right at this moment, an enchanting figure suddenly dashed into their line-up like a butterfly threading through flowers.

"Ah! Ah."

The five people who possessed the Beast Martial Soul with slightly stronger defence were directly slashed by Zhu Zhuqing, while the rest of the team members were kicked in the vitals one by one and fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. In less than three breaths, there was a pile of people lying on the ground.

"This... this is the end?" The entire arena was silent, the entire battle lasted less than a minute, and the audience was dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for the fact that after releasing the spirit rings, while the second team of the Heaven Dou Team was dumbstruck, the two sisters on the opposite side didn't take advantage of that opportunity to launch a direct attack, and the two sides were spaced more than ten metres apart. They felt that this battle would have ended in less than 30 seconds.

"Crap, awesome!" As the first cry of surprise rang out, a tsunami of cheers erupted both inside and outside the arena.

"Two against seven and still crushing, so strong!"

"Dad, Mum, when is Skywalker Academy enrolling? I want to join!"

"Speaking of which, captain, it shouldn't be illegal to bring earplugs to a match, right?" These were the voices coming from the players' viewing area.

Shui Yue'er's third spirit skill was just too effective, it could be completely used as a control spirit skill and had to be defended against.

"Go back and arrange for some adaptive training." The instructor leading the team on the side made an analysis, "Judging from the physical reactions of the members of the Heaven Dou second team, they should have never suffered a similar sonic-type spirit skill attack before, and thus their bodies were unable to adapt in a short period of time. If they had adapted, it wouldn't be so bad that they wouldn't even be able to make resistance and evasive manoeuvres."

"Makes sense."

Compared to the exuberant and cheering spectators, the participating academies were obviously more concerned about how to crack their future opponents' means of attack.

Of course, some academy teams showed some decadence.

"Hey, I'm afraid it's going to be difficult this year."

"Two team members with the 10,000-year fourth spirit ring, the strength of this Skywalker Academy is too terrifying, right?"

"Who says it isn't?"

"I announce that in the first match of the first round of the qualifiers, Skywalker Academy has won!" The referee's voice rang out loudly.

At the sound, Zhu Zhuqing and Shui Yue'er, who had already reunited, turned to leave the arena.

"Zhu Zhuqing, Yue'er, beautiful win." Inside the rest area, Lin Manshan led the team and came forward to greet them with a smile.

After saying that, he hurriedly added, "Let's go. Let's hurry and go out, or else there will be quite a few people outside when the audience leaves the stage later."

"Hmm." The several women nodded their heads in succession.

They didn't want to be mobbed.

Thus, the crowd quickly walked into the participant passageway and quietly left the arena.

Not long after, outside the Great Spirit Arena.

Ning Fengzhi, who was walking out of the VIP passageway, glanced at the carriage that was already far away, his gaze flickered, and he turned his head towards the Shrek Battle Team, who had just walked out of the participant's passageway and had already taken off their uniforms and replaced them with ordinary attire.

Skywalker Academy had long announced to the public that all visits were rejected during the tournament, so it was not good to chase after them.

"Rongrong." With a gentle wave of his hand, he called out.

"Dad." Hearing Ning Fengzhi's voice, Ning Rongrong quickly turned her head, and then with an excited face, she trotted over.

At nightfall, inside the bedroom, Lin Manshan, who was cultivating, got up and walked over to the window.

Ning Rongrong still taught distraction control to Tang San, just like what I thought before, the gist of this technique lies in multi-use. Shaking his head slightly and letting the bird fly away, Lin Manshan walked back to the bed.

He had practised distraction control after obtaining the Soul Devouring Spider King's external spirit bone. If he could use the Eight Spider Spears in the right way, it would obviously be able to play a greater role in battle, so how could he not study and practice it?

The External Spirit Bone is a good thing, and he was still thinking of one day being able to use it as a natal weapon and integrate it into his soul.

Glancing at Zhu Zhuyun beside him, he closed his eyes and continued to cultivate.

The next day, the qualifiers continued, Lin Manshan entered the arena early with his team, and since that battle yesterday was considered the first match of the first round of the qualifiers, they did not play today. However, it was still beneficial to watch the other battle teams in action. As expected, Shrek Academy won easily, and Tang San revealed his 10,000-year fourth spirit ring, earning a burst of cheers from the audience.

In the afternoon, there was a match between Blazing Academy and Thunder Academy, and Lin Manshan continued to lead the team to watch the match.

The Shrek Battle Team, who had also come to watch the matches just finished playing in the morning, were also present.

As soon as they left the rest area, they immediately saw Lin Manshan and the others standing not far ahead.

The rest area prepared by the Great Spirit Arena for the participants was separate from the spectator area, and the rest area was mainly for the convenience of the participants to rest and wait for the start of the match. Outside the rest area was the competition viewing area, and unlike the rest area, there were no fixed seats in the competition viewing area, simply because there were five rings below, and the Great Spirit Arena didn't want to offend anyone by assigning seats, so they simply didn't specify them.

Therefore, if one wanted to obtain the best viewing experience for a certain match, the best way was to walk to the area close to the corresponding ring to watch the match, and bumping into them was inevitable.

Coldness flickered in Tang San's eyes, and on the side, Dai Mubai's fists were clenched tightly, his face was somewhat gloomy.

Without a word, he followed the expressionless Yu Xiaogang and his teammates to a location not far away.

Lin Manshan just glanced at Tang San with his afterglow, and then he stopped looking at him and turned back to continue looking at the ring.

Not long after, the match began, Blazing Academy went to the ring, and the crowd watched the match attentively.

However, the match ended very quickly, in less than five minutes Blazing Academy was victorious.

Huh? Why does it feel like the strongest teams are matched with the weakest teams? Thinking back to the match list read out by the MC yesterday, Lin Manshan couldn't help but get lost in thought, and then suddenly realised.

Officials are deliberately speeding up the process of the tournament, after all, there are nearly thirty teams in the Heaven Dou Region, with the points system to play in turn, they need to play more than ten games a day, so it's not good to let teams of the same level dawdle and drag their feet.

In addition, this is also using the weak team as a stepping stone to help the strong team grind. After all, there are only a few teams that can hope to make it to the finals, and everyone has long been aware of most of them in advance.

This should have been pushed from behind by Xue Ye, as he wanted the Heaven Dou Empire's team to win the championship.

To put it another way, when the weaker teams were done playing, the strongest teams would be the ones to compete later on, and the audience would love to see it. Having this kind of match as the finale, was also good for the Great Spirit Arena.

Because the audience would choose to stay.

In this way, the forces with industries in Heaven Dou City would also follow and profit. After all, it was all realised traffic.

You've been in Heaven Dou City for so long, and you don't consume our goods?

For example, my Aphrodisiac Wine has been selling like hotcakes in Heaven Dou City recently. Thinking of this, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl.

These days, who would have trouble earning a good chunk of money?

In between his thoughts, an enquiry suddenly reached his ears.

It was Tang San's voice.


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