Chapter 184 It is very good, I also learned from it.

"Skywalker Academy wins."

As the referee's voice trailed off, the Heaven Dou Region Continent-wide Spirit Master Tournament Qualifier was declared to be over.

The staff began to walk into the rest area, informing the top five teams to gather in front of the VIP seats.

Lin Manshan and Feng Xiaotian also led their teams off the ring under the host's instructions and rushed to the front of the VIP seats.

Because the ring had previously been broken by the oversized tornado created by the Godwind Battle Team and had been slashed by Lin Manshan, the ground was now a mess. Therefore, the final awards ceremony was simplified and only the top five teams were required to participate. Based on the points, Skywalker Academy ranked first with a full winning record, followed by Blazing Academy, Godwind Academy, Thunder Academy, and finally Shrek Academy.

Not long after, the top five teams were all assembled.

"Next, His Majesty, Clan Leader Ning, and Platinum Bishop Salas will personally present the vouchers and prizes for the five teams who have entered the tournament's championship round." The awards ceremony began, and as the host read out, the top five team captains and vice-captains came onto the stage in order. As the first place, Lin Manshan led Shui Bing'er to the front, where Xue Ye personally awarded the qualification vouchers and 10,000 gold soul coins bonuses.

Not long after, the awarding of the rewards ended, and the host handed over the speaking position to Xue Ye.

After some congratulations, he finally got to the point, "As the team's captains and vice-captains, you guys played a pivotal role in the matches, and your performances were also stunning. For this reason, I have decided to confer you with the title of Viscount, and the rest of the participating teammates with the title of Baron. Upon your graduation, the doors of the Imperial Palace will be open for you at all times, and your respective fiefdoms will be uniformly assigned at that time."

"In addition, this Emperor hereby solemnly promises. Any of your teams that can win the final victory of the tournament for the Empire, your entire team's titles will also be promoted by one level. At the same time, the prefix of the academy will be added with the word Imperial, and will be supported by the Empire's finances."

As the words fell, Salas, whose countenance had already become irked, grimly interjected, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this isn't appropriate, is it?"

"Your Excellency Salas, what's not appropriate?"

Xue Ye responded blandly.


Lin Manshan watched quietly, his heart didn't have any fluctuations, as a senior worker who had experienced countless big cakes drawn by his bosses, he had long been immune to this kind of rhetoric, and was well aware that the so-called knighthoods were nothing more than just for show, and revoking them was just a matter of a single sentence from the Emperor. In this world, a big fist is the only thing that counts. Besides, it wasn't like he lacked money, and the title didn't bring him any benefits.

As for adding the Imperial prefix to the front of the academy's name, wasn't that just an empty glove?

"The advanced tournament will be held in a month, so I hope you guys can make another breakthrough within this month. Alright, I won't say much else. You are all smart children and know how to make the right choice." After saying that, Xue Ye glanced at Salas. Behind him, Xue Qinghe and a group of high-ranking imperial officials who accompanied him turned to leave.

The Empire and the Martial Spirit Hall; chose one of the two, all five battle team members present understood Xue Ye's meaning.

With different expressions, they watched Xue Ye walk away, and after the host finished his closing speech, they left in order.

Especially Little Bald Tang San, who left the fastest!

Lin Manshan glanced at the spectators who were crowding out of the arena with his afterglow and decided to lead the group back to the rest area first and wait.

Just as he stepped out of the passageway entrance and entered the rest area, he saw the Skywater Battle Team led by his mother-in-law, Bai Xue, sitting in silence and waiting.

When Lin Manshan approached, Bai Xue immediately opened her mouth, "Man Er, Skywater Academy's side has already made arrangements and will start relocating tomorrow, so I'll rush back later to preside over the relocation work. As for Xue Wu and the others, since the distance is so close, they'll go directly back to Skywalker Academy with you guys."

The Skywater Sub-Academy was constructed long ago within the Skywalker Academy, built along the mountains and by the water, no worse than the original Skywalker Academy.

According to the prior discussion at the meeting, the entire Skywater Academy would be relocated into Skywalker Academy, with the former site being divided into primary and intermediate spirit master branches, continuing to enrol students and reserving sources of students.

The performance of the Skywalker Battle Team in the qualifiers was obvious to all, especially Lin Manshan's strength, which could be described as formidable. The increase in strength of Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er after joining Skywalker Academy was even more of a revelation. Coupled with the fact that Skywater Academy could maintain independent teaching after joining Skywalker Academy, her persuasion work could be considered very smooth.

Lin Manshan nodded and turned his head to look at the girls of the Skywater Battle Team, his gaze settled on the captain, Xue Wu, "Miss Xue Wu, do you guys want to participate in the tournament further?"

"Of course we do!" A few girls behind Xue Wu almost spoke in unison, the continent-wide spirit master tournament will be held once every five years, with their strength and age, they could have graduated a long time ago, the reason why they still stayed in the academy was to participate in the tournament, if they miss it this time, they definitely won't be able to hold off for the next one.

"Ah Man, you have a way?" Xue Wu couldn't help but ask.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, "The Spirit Master Tournament can't change members in the middle, but there is no explicit rule stating that the participating members who have already signed up and recorded their names can't change academies temporarily. What's more, the qualifiers have only just been played out now, and the finals' participation slots for the battle teams have yet to be determined. According to the regulations, the number of replacements for a team is the same as the number of players on the field in the team competition, making it easy for players to change one-on-one. In other words, each team's final participation quota is capped at 14 people, and our team only has 8 people."

In other words, 6 more people could be added to the list!

The Skywater Battle Team's girls immediately brightened up, their faces showing some faint excitement.

On the side, Bai Xue took over, "This is indeed a solution, however, it has to be agreed by the organising committee to be filed properly."

"This is simple, I can go to Platinum Bishop Salas right now to confirm this matter." Lin Manshan gave a slight nod, "I think he'll give me and Grandpa Dugu face for this kind of small matter that's within the rules."

Bai Xue nodded slightly and turned her head to look at the Skywater Battle Team's girls, "In that case, Xue Wu, Qingbo, Hairou, Ruoshui, and Liuyu, let the five of you join Ah Man's battle team. You are all Bing'er and Yue'er's old teammates, and although there is only a month of bonding time ahead, it should be enough." Saying that she turned her head to look at the other two team members whose spirit power is only level 35.

"Haiyan, Qingqing, the intensity of the finals must be clear to both of you, almost all of them are strong teams, so I'm afraid that it will be difficult for you two to have a chance to play. However, you guys are still young and can still participate in the next tournament. It's better to stay at the academy and cultivate properly next."

"Alright." The two girls nodded their heads in agreement despite their reluctance.

The 8 members of the Skywalker Battle Team were all above the strength of Spirit Elder, and Xue Wu and Yu Hairou were Spirit Ancestors, adding up to a total of as many as 10, no matter the strength, or the martial soul pairing, it was indeed difficult to arrange for the two of them to go on the stage. Not to mention that there was only a month bonding period, which really wasn't enough time either.

"In that case, let's go. Let's go find Salas," Lin Manshan immediately said.

The crowd nodded and followed Lin Manshan to the organising committee's location. When they walked into the office, Salas was indeed still there, seemingly handing over something to the supervisor of the Great Spirit Arena. When he saw Lin Manshan bring people in, he immediately got up to greet them.

"Young friend Lin, do you have something important to discuss?" His tone was polite.

"Greetings to Bishop Salas." Lin Manshan arched his hand and spoke out the matter.

Salas also replied back dryly, "Since it's not against the rules, it's naturally fine. Young friend Lin, wait a moment."

After saying that, he directly pulled out a handwritten journal of the same type as the qualification vouchers for the advanced tournament that had been issued earlier from his spirit tool, wrote the list of names and stamped it on the spot.

He then got up and handed it over to Lin Manshan.

This simple?

Until they followed Lin Manshan out of the room, all the girls of the Skywater Battle Team were still in a daze.

It's good to have a Titled Douluo in the academy. Inwardly, they couldn't help but sigh.

Together, they walked out of the Great Spirit Arena, "Ah Man, then I'll return to Skywater City first." Bai Xue excused herself and left on the carriage.

"Let's go. Let's go back to the academy, I'll personally cook and treat you to a good meal tonight." Lin Manshan smiled.

In the evening, in the backyard of Skywalker Academy.

April's evening breeze is not too cold and not too hot, cool and comfortable, the crowd moved tables and chairs to sit in a circle in the centre of the courtyard, smoke curls up not far away, the carbon fire is bright, Lin Manshan is fiddling with rabbit meat skewers on the barbecue grill, the aroma is overwhelming. Dugu Bo sat in the main seat to eat and drink, not long after, glancing at the chattering and non-stop discussion of the women, he ran away patting his stomach contentedly.

Seeing Dugu Bo leave, the originally still somewhat formal Skywater Battle Team women finally opened up the conversation box.

Gu Qingbo glanced at Shui Yue'er, who was hanging onto Lin Manshan with a nymphomaniacal gaze, and ate dog food on the spot, then said seriously, "Seventh girl, I don't mind being your younger sister now. Why don't you help me set it up?"

After saying that, she picked up a string of rabbit meat skewers and placed it on the porcelain plate before Shui Yue'er, "My big sister, this will be my filial tribute to you."

"???" Shui Yue'er was instantly alert and gave her a blank look, "Sister Qingbo, stop it!"

There were already enough sisters in the family.

Shui Bing'er looked over with a red face, "Qingbo, how come even you are a nymphomaniac."

"Bing'er, not to mention her, even my heart is moved." Yu Hairou, who was on the side, joined in the conversation, "Strong, considerate and caring, and a good cook, where can we find such a good man? Hey, why wasn't I the one who was separated by the Spirit Beast back then? Without comparison, there is no harm! I can't think of any better guys to date."

"I don't think that's a problem at all." Sitting on the other side, Zhu Zhuyun smiled and nodded slightly, "Anyway, we spirit masters spend most of our time cultivating, it's not like we need to be accompanied every day."

After saying that, she didn't forget to elbow Zhu Zhuyu, who was on her side and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was sitting on the other side, with a slightly regretful gaze, and the latter turned red and lowered her head.

Skywater Academy's girls:"????"

"Cough." A light cough came from Lin Manshan.

I suspect that you are joyriding in this, but I don't have proof...Yu Haibo hurriedly changed the topic. "Seventh girl, we haven't slept together for a long time, let's sleep in the same room tonight."

At those words, Xue Wu on the side couldn't help but turn her head to look at Shui Bing'er, they were good sisters who could use a Martial Soul Fusion Skill together, "Bing'er, let's chat tonight?"


Late at night, Shrek Academy.

Inside the forest at the back of the mountain, Tang San spoke in a solemn tone, "Father, I've already made a deal with the dean. In the future, this valley area of the academy is forbidden for other students to enter."

"Hmm." Tang Hao nodded.

One month is too short, and it would take half a month to go back and forth to train in the valley where Ah Yin is. To use the time effectively, he picked a training ground close by.

"Then, from today onwards, apart from training and practising fusion skills with your team members in the morning, the rest of the time you'll be coming here to receive my practical special training."

When he said that, a black giant forging hammer appeared out of thin air in his hand and he continued, "Summon your Clear Sky Hammer. If you want to acquire the top techniques of our Clear Sky Clan, the current you are not qualified. Next, you only have one month to prove to me that you have the qualifications to learn."

"Yes, Father!" Tang San's face was solemn, his right hand clenched, and the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul appeared in his hand. With that, his calves sprang up, and he violently sprinted out, swinging the hammer upwards.

"Bang!" It directly flipped back.

"Not even close!" Tang Hao's tone was bland.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The sound of gold and stone crashing constantly echoed in the valley, and not far away, spiders made webs and birds flew up.

Skywalker Academy, in front of the bedroom window in the backyard, Lin Manshan reached out to release the magpie bird, his eyes flickering, "As expected of Tang Hao, who had walked out from the Killing City, his real-world combat experience is truly extraordinary, especially when it comes to battling with the Clear Sky Hammer."

It had to be said that the means Tang Hao used to break Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer martial soul attacks were very worth learning from.

Very well, I've learned as well.


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