Chapter 185 Training Arrangements

Early the next morning, the living room.

The twelve beautiful girls sat in a circle, with graceful postures and long, white and straight legs, all looking towards Lin Manshan.

After sweeping a glance, Zhu Zhuyun and several girls looked as usual, while Xue Wu, Yu Hairou, Gu Qingbo, Shen Liuyu, and Qiu Ruoshui were all slightly flushed pink, their eyes were a bit evasive, and they looked as if they hadn't slept well last night.

I clearly closed the doors and windows last night. Lin Manshan was a bit puzzled.

Last night, the light shining down from the first floor was shining in the middle of the night, was the light broken? Or is Ah Man really that tough? So long, how is it different from what the other older sisters said? The five women who had not opened the entrance to adulthood yet were filled with reverie in their hearts.

In addition, Lin Manshan who took off his mask, looks so handsome!

"???" Feeling the five sisters' soul fluctuations intensify, Lin Manshan coughed lightly, "Cough cough."

The faces of the girls suddenly straightened.

"Regarding the next training plan, I have a few ideas." Lin Manshan turned his head towards Xue Wu in a serious manner, "Sister Xue Wu, you and Bing'er can team up to use a Martial Soul Fusion Skill, this is an extremely rare thing."

"Next, I hope that the two of you will be able to skilfully use your Martial Soul Fusion Skills again, and have Yue'er join in to try out a Trinity Martial Soul Fusion Skill."

"Regarding the principle of the Martial Soul Fusion Skill; I once discussed it with Bing'er and Yue'er, and they have already gained some insights, so you guys can explore it later."

After saying that, he looked towards Shui Bing'er and Dugu Yan, "Bing'er, Yan, both of your martial souls come with the ability to fly. I once said that as long as one has enough perception of the martial soul, coupled with one's own control of spirit power being strong enough, martial souls that come with the ability to fly can rely on the martial soul itself to comprehend the ability to fly even if they don't have a flight spirit skill attached to them or if they didn't break through the Spirit Saints to have a Martial Soul True Body Skill."

If a spirit master with a flight-type martial soul wanted to have that ability, there were only two ways known to the spirit master world at the moment, one was to attach a flight spirit skill in advance. One was to break through the Spirit Saint and possess a Martial Soul True Body, which came with the ability to fly while in the state of the Martial Soul True Body. However, in his opinion, by attaching a flight spirit skill to a martial soul in advance, there would be an overlap in the abilities, and it would be a waste of an available spirit skill slot.

This was also the reason why he hadn't let Dugu Yan and Shui Bing'er attach flying spirit skills to their martial souls.

Besides, how could an additional spirit skill be as good as the one that would come with understanding your martial soul?

"And with your current spirit power control, I think it's completely sufficient." Lin Manshan continued, "The only thing that's missing is the familiarity and perception of your own martial souls."

"Regarding this, I had an idea during the Spirit Master Tournament qualifiers. That is to forcibly raise your cultivation to the Spirit Saint realm through the Multi-Person Fusion Skill. The Martial Soul True Body is a solidified skill of the Martial Soul itself, and as long as your cultivation breaks through the Spirit Saint, I think it's likely that you'll be able to perform the Martial Soul True Body on your own."

"At that time, you will be able to perceive the mysteries of the martial soul's own flight ability while in your true body state."

"The Multi-Person Fusion Skill can still be used like this?" The newly arrived Xue Wu five were taken aback in unison.

"Why not?" Lin Manshan smiled, "Besides, the Multi-Person Fusion Skill is also one of the elements that we need to train next, so what's the harm in giving it a try?"

"Hmm." The five women nodded in unison.

"Then next, our training session this morning, that's actual combat!" Lin Manshan turned his head to look at the Xue Wu five girls, "Sister Xue Wu, in order to familiarise ourselves with the specifics of your physical body strength, fighting skills, martial souls, spirit skills and so on, and to formulate an effective training plan for the next month, I will have Yan, Zhuyun and the girls carry out one-on-one practical combat exercises with you later on."

"Both sides must not hold back, make sure to go all out."

"Yes!" The girls solemnly responded.

Lin Manshan nodded and stood up.

"Let's go then, let's go to the training ground."

In the evening, inside the house. The water misted, a thick medicinal fragrance filled the air, and twelve bathtubs were neatly arranged.

"So comfortable! Seventh girl, no wonder your strength has increased so quickly, Ah Man's medicine refining technique is just too amazing! I was half dead tired just now, and now just after taking a medicinal bath, I feel relaxed all over." Gu Qingbo had an incredulous look on her face.

"Hey, why wasn't I the one who was chased by the spirit beast back then?" Yu Hairou once again let out a loud sigh of regret.

Two-quarters of an hour later, everyone gathered in the living room once again.

Lin Manshan sat on the sofa and pulled out a small booklet from his spirit tool, "Sister Xue Wu, you guys have joined the inner academy for a while, enough to advance to the core, this is the meditation technique and the Blinking Steps technique that the core students can learn, so you guys can read it over and memorise it right now."

Because of the Skywater Academy's hard enrolment regulations, which stipulated that the martial soul must be either water attribute or ice attribute, and one must be a beautiful woman, this resulted in most of the Skywater Academy's students being commoner spirit masters, and even if there are nobles, they are still small nobles promoted from commoners, and there are very few students who were truly born in large clans. After all, the martial soul attribute requirement is harsh enough, not to mention only female recruitment, and it is also necessary to be a beautiful woman.

Based on these enrolment requirements alone, there are not a few large families on the entire continent that meet the requirements. Even if there are, the gender requirement is also destined to limit the number of people. Adding to this, there is also a Heaven Dou Imperial Academy that has the backing of the Imperial family on top, those princes and nobles would rather send their offspring straight into the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy for gold-plating than let them join the Skywater Academy, which is one of the reasons why there are very few noble spirit masters within the Skywater Academy. In fact, the Blazing and Godwind Academies were in a similar situation, it was just that the requirements of the Skywater Academy were even more extreme and harsh.

The Xue Wu five were of such origins, none of them having a clan or large family background.

Thus, as the most prominently talented students within the academy right now, they were the first group of students to go back to observe and were privately invited to join the inner academy after the initial meeting with Bai Xue.

The granting of the Meditation Method would also cause the strength of several people to be a bit higher than the original.

Right now, Xue Wu is at level 43, Yu Hairou is at level 42, Gu Qingbo is at level 39, Shen Liuyu is at level 38, and Qiu Ruoshui is at level 37.

Their strength was pretty good.

"Top Secret Technique!?" Xue Wu and the others were instantly taken aback.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, "Hurry up and read it together, I have to retrieve it afterwards."

Core students would be the key nurturing objects of the academy, when going out, of course, they should run and save their lives before anything else, and this was the reason why they could learn the Blinking Steps.

"Oh." The five women nodded in succession, bringing their heads together to flip through the pages together, their faces becoming more and more shocked the more they looked at it.

After a quarter of an hour, they all raised their heads in unison to look at Lin Manshan, and Yu Hairou was the first to speak out, "Ah Man, this Blinking Steps should be the self-created spirit skill that you used back when you saved Bing'er and Yue'er, which is so fast that it's almost equivalent to an Instant Displacement, right?"

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded, "However, it's not easy to practise it to the point where it's equivalent to instantaneous teleportation."

This is a self-created spirit skill... The several women looked at each other in disbelief, and then they all got up and bowed, revealing their snow-white ravines as they solemnly said, "Thank you!"

"It's all what you deserve, let's work hard together for the academy in the future." Lin Manshan smiled.

The few women nodded their heads repeatedly, "Well, we will definitely work hard."

Lin Manshan retrieved the booklet and slowly got up.

"Alright, everyone go back to your rooms and cultivate. Sister Xue Wu, you guys should also go back to your rooms to try out the new meditation method."

"Mm." Everyone got up in unison and ganged up to go to their respective rooms.

Not long after, Yu Hairou's voice came from the distance, "Seventh girl, why don't you reconsider? I can warm the bed."

"Actually, I can too!"

"???" Why are they all craving for my body? The corners of Lin Manshan's mouth twitched twice.

On the side, Zhu Zhuyun's body pressed on him, her breath blowing out like orchids, "In fact, it's not like I can't do that."

"Stop it." Lin Manshan moved his palm down and gently patted her bum, "Let's go, we can't neglect our cultivation."



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