Chapter 199 Idiot failed to accomplish anything but still caused trouble after failing (2 in 1)

A quarter of an hour later, on the carriage.

This is too miserable, isn't it? Looking at Yu Xiaogang, who was stripped down to just a trouser lying on his back on the soft cushion, Ning Fengzhi was also taken aback, his skin was ghastly white, and a large portion of wounds on his back, buttocks, and the exterior of his limbs were festering and pus-filled.

The entire person was already unrecognisable. He was completely unable to imagine what Yu Xiaogang had gone through over the past few days.

The wounds hadn't been treated in depth yet, it should be because Flender and Liu Erlong didn't dare to make a move when they saw that the injuries were too severe.

Looking up at Flender, he shook his head slightly, "I'm sorry, please forgive Ning for not being able to do anything about Master's injuries."

He had been called over by his own daughter at the request of Flender, as Jiang Zhu and Oscar's spirit skills were unable to do anything regarding Yu Xiaogang's injuries. The body was weak, the wounds were severely pus-filled and not fresh injuries, which had indeed gone out of the scope of action of the vast majority of healing spirit skills.

Using spirit energy to stimulate the body's activity without damaging the injured person's physical body, accelerating self-healing and achieving the purpose of rapid healing, is the principle of the majority of healing spirit skills. However, in the case of Yu Xiaogang, his body was already extremely weak, and his body functions had dropped to the freezing point, so naturally, using spirit skills to treat him would have little effect.

It might even be counterproductive.

A large influx of foreign spirit energy would overwhelm the body, and the situation might become even worse. After all, Yu Xiaogang's martial soul had already been abolished, and his body had no spirit energy to protect itself.

In addition, even if the Healing Spirit Skill worked, it would have to solve the problem of the wounds first, the festering and dying skin, the lesions attached to it, the toxins that had already entered the body, and so on, or else it would be a wasted endeavour.

And these were clearly out of his area of expertise.

He just had a relatively powerful healing spirit skill, it's not like he is a real doctor. 

Besides, with his status, going to treat Yu Xiaogang's festering and pus-filled to the point of stinking wounds, wouldn't that be ridiculous?

Sighing he voiced out the difficulties of healing, then Ning Fengzhi's tone changed again, ''However, there are two people in the accompanying academy team who are capable of treating such injuries. Dean Flender, I think you should be able to guess who these two people are."

"In addition, I'm afraid that given Master's physical condition as it is now, treatment cannot be delayed for much longer."

At those words, Flender's face turned a little ugly, but he still politely arched his hand towards Ning Fengzhi.

"Thank you, Sect Master Ning, for pointing this out."

"No harm done." Ning Fengzhi waved his hand, then arched his hand, "Since I can't be of any help, I shall take my leave first."

"Take care, Sect Master Ning." Flender nodded politely.

When Ning Fengzhi stepped out of the carriage, Liu Erlong, whose eyes were red and swollen beside him, immediately wiped the corners of her eyes, propped herself up, and gritted her teeth, "I'm going to go beg Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo, the worst thing that can happen is that I will kneel down and kowtow."

"It's better for me to go." Flender pressed on her shoulder, "Erlong, you stay and look after Xiaogang."

After saying that, without waiting for Liu Erlong to respond, he pulled open the carriage door and got up to walk out.

Seeing Flender step out of the carriage, the Shrek crowd waiting outside immediately gathered around, and Qin Ming was the first to speak, "Dean Flender, how is Master's condition now?"

During the process of Yu Xiaogang being carried into the carriage, Jiang Zhu used a healing spirit skill at the first opportunity, but it didn't have much effect, then Liu Erlong used the recovery sausage created by Oscar and cleaned up Yu Xiaogang's wounds together with Flender when they all got out of the carriage to make room, after that, Flender told Ning Rongrong to go and ask for help from Ning Fengzhi, and they weren't sure of the specifics as of now.

"You guys keep guarding, I'll be right back." Without much of an explanation, Flender spoke in return and turned around to leave at a quick pace.

Looking at the direction Flender left, the group looked at each other in disbelief and fell into silence for a moment.

Not long after, outside the carriage where the Skywalker Academy was positioned, Flenders' voice rang out, "Coronet Dugu, Friend Lin, Flender seeks an audience."

It seemed like Yu Xiaogang was badly injured. The surrounding onlookers' thoughts flickered all of a sudden.

There were healing spirit masters in the team, and they had even called Ning Fengzhi over, but it was all useless, so the injury must have been extremely serious.

However, with the feud between Lin Manshan and Yu Xiaogang, would he be willing to help?

Immediately, they saw the sliding door of the luxury carriage being opened, Lin Manshan jumping straight down from the carriage, followed by Dugu Bo who glanced at Flender with an indifferent face, the former slowly walking up to Flender, his tone was flat:

"Dean Flender, let's go."

Flender was frozen in shock, then he arched his hand with a complex expression, "Many thanks!"

"No need, I'm willing to help just because I'm a doctor." Lin Manshan said indifferently.

After saying this, he took a step towards the direction of Shrek Academy's carriage, and Dugu Bo followed suit.

Seeing this, Flender also hurriedly followed.

Perhaps this is the healer's benevolence, the onlookers sighed inwardly, with admiration on their faces.

In a short while, the three rushed to the Shrek carriage.

All of Shrek's students were silent and retreated to the side in silence, and others such as Ning Rongrong and Oscar showed surprise in their eyes.

She really didn't expect Lin Manshan to be willing to come to the rescue.

Lin Manshan didn't say much, letting Dugu Bo wait outside while he climbed onto the carriage after Flender.

Pulling open the carriage door, Liu Erlong immediately lowered her head and consciously moved to the side. When Lin Manshan walked in, Flender behind him smoothly closed the door, then glanced at Yu Xiaogang, and politely spoke out, "Friend Lin, the process of today's healing, I hope you can keep it a secret."

Yu Xiaogang didn't have that thing anymore, he also didn't know until he saw it today.

"If I wanted to say it, I would have said it earlier." Lin Manshan said indifferently, but inwardly, he was surprised.

Yu Xiaogang's injuries were too miserable.

It turned out that Lin Manshan had noticed it long ago. Flender and Liu Erlong were also shocked inwardly. But thinking about it, it was normal for Lin Manshan to notice it given his high level of medical skills.

The former slightly arched his hand, "Then, we'll trouble you."

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, taking out tools as well as medicine vials from within his spirit tool and placing them on the side, he then stretched out his hand and began to check the injuries, and the more he examined him, the more shocked he became:

Yu Xiaogang's bodily functions had actually decayed to such an extent, that this was more than ageing by ten years.

The martial soul was abolished and he suffered such serious injuries, that even if he is healed, he may not be able to live for many years.

It was too late to receive the treatment.

According to the theory in his previous life, the inflammation of the wound led to the entry of germs into the body, severely damaging the body's immune system and causing a sharp decline in the function of the body's tissues and organs.

Even if he is treated, the body will rapidly age as the functions of the organs deteriorate, becoming worse with each passing day.

The foundation was too poor.

Even if he channelled a large amount of life energy, it would be rapidly lost unless it was injected on schedule and constantly revived.

He wasn't stupid, so of course he wouldn't do that.

Not long after, Lin Manshan sat up straight, his brows slightly furrowed, and Flender hurriedly asked, "Friend Lin, how is it?"

"Very bad!" Lin Manshan said bluntly, "Judging from the wound's distribution and shape, he should have been injured when he fell off his horse on the way back. Afterwards, he made some simple self-rescue efforts on his own, but later on, he should have been drenched in the rain, causing the cold to enter his body, and at the same time causing the wound to become inflamed, and because he didn't manage to provide proper treatments promptly, the wound thus developed pus and worsened, further damaging his body."

Drenched in rain. The two of them instantly recalled the rain that had fallen earlier.

"And now, his bodily functions have dropped to the freezing point, if he isn't rescued in time, I'm afraid he won't make it through the night." Lin Manshan continued.

"What?!" The two instantly panicked.

Flender hurriedly responded, "I request Friend Lin to provide medical treatment as soon as possible, and I will try my best to fulfil whatever request is made."

"The request is simple, when he wakes up, I want him to personally come before me to apologise for what happened back then." Lin Manshan's tone was flat, the current Yu Xiaogang, with his martial soul abolished, no fertility, and his lifespan nearing the end, had completely lost the prerequisites for flourishing life.

Most importantly, with 'True Eye' watching over him, not only could he not make any waves, but he might even be able to get some useful information out of his mouth in the future, and use it to deal with Tang San.

This was also regarded as Yu Xiaogang's last use. If not for his master-disciple relationship with Tang San, Yu Xiaogang is really nothing, an invalid.

In addition, in some cases, it was a torment to live. Perhaps this is the reason why Bibi Dong did not kill him but chose to abolish Yu Xiaogang's martial soul. He didn't even need to guess, Yu Xiaogang's martial soul being abolished was definitely Bibi Dong's handiwork. After all, he was the one who sent the letter in the first place.

Now that he had stepped in to save his life, it was also considered to be for the sake of Bibi Dong's favour. Depending on the follow-up, the attitude of Bibi Dong in the end, whether she really put it down completely, or her heart is still remembering the old feelings, can be seen.

Without having met, it's hard to tell.

However, no matter what, anyway, it was not a loss to save him. At worst, it'll help to make a name and help to advertise the academy.

So simple? Flender was taken aback, while a trace of shame rose within him. Lin Manshan actually never took the initiative to offend Shrek Academy, instead, Yu Xiaogang pitted Lin Manshan in Nuoding Academy, while Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, and Ma Hongjun also committed repeated offences, which caused Lin Manshan's resentment and targeting, and now that he thinks about it, it can also be regarded as a bit of a self-inflicted wound.

With this thought in mind, he nodded his head without the slightest hesitation, "I'll promise on behalf of Xiaogang in this matter."

Lin Manshan nodded and turned his head to look at Liu Erlong, "The healing process may be a bit bloody, would Ms Erlong like to step out?"

"No, no need, I can stay and help." Liu Erlong suppressed her tone and immediately said.

Lin Manshan nodded, carried the needle bag and a vial of medicine from the side, opened the vial, pinched out a few silver needles and put them in, after a short while, pinched up one of them, slightly tilted his body and stabbed the silver needles into the acupoints behind Yu Xiaogang's back.

Then the second, the third.

During the process, Liu Erlong was asked to prepare a basin of water as well as a basin of charcoal.

After inserting the silver needles, Lin Manshan swiped his right hand and conjured up three sharp daggers, "Next, I would like you two to help me clean up the wounds on his body with the sharp edge that has been exposed to the fire, and then," he carried two porcelain vials and handed them forward, "apply this medicinal powder externally."

"Good." The two didn't hesitate to take the dagger and the vials, they still knew some of the basic means of treating wounds.

"." Lin Manshan ordered the two to assist while he moved his hands to heal.

An hour later, Yu Xiaogang was flipped over to clean off all the wounds on his body and was tied up like a dumpling.

"He has no spirit power right now, and his body is extremely weak and has lost a lot of blood, we can't use the healing spirit skill to treat him, because the injection of foreign spirit power will otherwise overwhelm his body. This bottle of elixir has the effect of replenishing blood, Dean Flender, you take it. One every morning, midday, and evening, it should be about enough to use it up." Lin Manshan packed up his things and handed a porcelain vial to Flender, before, during the healing process, he had already channelled a fraction of life energy to hang the life of Yu Xiaogang, to avoid him passing away in the middle of the rescue process in public.

As for the future, by taking good care of his health and not getting too emotional, he should be able to live for a few more years before dying of normal ageing.

However, according to visual estimation, he should not be able to last past the age of 60, after the age of 55 is a high-risk stage, the body organs will decline terribly, a carelessness might lead to a violent death on the spot.

"Thanks a lot." Flender hurriedly arched his hand and received it, saying politely.

Lin Manshan nodded and arched his hand in farewell.

When he walked out of the carriage, the sky was already dark, sweeping a glance at Tang San and the others, he directly brought Dugu Bo to leave.

Then Flender came out of the carriage with a basin filled with bright red water that reeked of an unpleasant fishy odour.

Shrek's crowd of students immediately covered their mouths and noses with their hands, and some others such as Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun immediately bowed and turned around to walk away, vomiting.

The night wind was blowing, and the other academy students who were downwind also quickly smelled it.

"Shit, what's this smell?!" They all covered their noses and ran away.

With a glimpse of Flender, who walked off the carriage with a basin in his hand and headed towards the other corner, a sudden realisation dawned on them. They could not help but shift their gaze to Lin Manshan who had already walked away, and respect and goodwill immediately appeared on their faces, Lin Manshan had stayed in the carriage for an hour before.

Eyes then moved back to Tang San who was lifting his feet to get into the carriage, contempt immediately crept up on their faces.

Lin Manshan repaid the grudge with kindness and saved a life, while Tang San, the so-called personal disciple, was actually watching the show from the outside.

Previously, he didn't enter the carriage to help out, truly a superficial master and disciple.

How can the gap between people be so big?

In between their thoughts, Tang San had already entered the carriage, looking at Yu Xiaogang who was wrapped into a dumpling, there was no fluctuation in his heart. Just a slight frown, very curious about what exactly happened to Yu Xiaogang, not only was his martial soul abolished, but he was also seriously injured.

Hearing the movement, Liu Erlong turned her head back, just in time to see Tang San with a slightly furrowed brow, thinking that he was concerned about Yu Xiaogang. Wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes, she softly said, "Xiao San, don't worry, Xiaogang's injuries have been stabilised."

"Aunt Erlong, can you tell why Master was injured?" Tang San couldn't help but ask.

"According to the diagnosis, he was injured by falling down from a horse, and his injuries were aggravated by the rain afterwards, as for the martial soul being abolished" Liu Erlong's expression suddenly turned wrathful, "I think it must be that woman's doing, Xiaogang went to the Spirit City ahead of time, he originally went to ask about the Twin Martial Soul cultivation method for you... "

Surprisingly, it was for me. Tang San's heart immediately touched a little, while he quietly pondered.

'That woman, could it be Bibi Dong?'

Then he heard Liu Erlong's voice once again, "Alright, Xiao San, you go and rest early. Just leave everything else to me."

"Then I'll trouble Aunt Erlong." Tang San nodded and turned to walk out of the carriage.

"Hey, Lin Manshan's character is really good." Inside the rest of the carriages, all the academy teams were expressing their feelings about today's events.

"Well, distinguishing between grudges and being able to repay grudges with kindness at critical times, a very worthy person to befriend."

"Compared to him, Tang San is simply scum, as Yu Xiaogang's disciple, he didn't even get on the carriage to help out."

"Yu Xiaogang isn't much better, this time, it's considered a deserved punishment."


After a night without words, the next day afternoon.

"No, don't!" Yu Xiaogang, who was lying inside the carriage, woke up suddenly.

"Xiaogang." Liu Erlong immediately pressed him down to pacify him.

Hearing the voice of Liu Erlong, only then did Yu Xiaogang's emotions stabilise, sweeping a glance around, seeing that he was inside the carriage, while secretly breathing a sigh of relief, he hurriedly turned his head and hastily said, "Erlong, quickly, go and call Xiao San over."

"Okay." Liu Erlong nodded, "Xiaogang, your injuries have just stabilised, don't be in a hurry, resting well is the important thing."

While saying that, she turned around and walked towards the outside of the carriage.

In a few moments, Tang San followed Flender and Liu Erlong into the carriage in succession.

The door had only just closed, when Yu Xiaogang's voice came out abruptly, "Xiao San, you shouldn't participate in the next finals."

"Master, for what reason?" Tang San instantly looked puzzled.

After he learnt that Yu Xiaogang had gone to Spirit City early yesterday to help him ask about the Twin Martial Soul cultivation method from Bibi Dong, he thought back to the teachings Yu Xiaogang had given him over the years. Although there were some omissions in terms of theoretical knowledge, he had been extremely attentive in teaching him.

In terms of livelihood, he had also taken care of him in every possible way, giving him the best. No one is perfect, it is indeed impossible for a person to understand everything and know all the knowledge, it is normal for Yu Xiaogang not to know some of the spirit master theories.

Previously, it was he who had got between the bull's horns and was too harsh.

"Ai, this is all the fault of Master." Yu Xiaogang immediately let out a sigh, somewhat blaming himself, "The other day I brought the Pope's Order that your father had given me into the Pope's Palace to meet Bibi Dong, and I originally wanted to ask about the Twin Martial Soul Cultivation Method for you. However, I didn't expect that Bibi Dong would deduce the origin of the Pope's Order in my hand from the rule of issuing the Pope's Order, speculating your father's identity as well as your identity."

When he said that, his tone turned indignant, "And as a result, I was sent out by her to have my martial soul abolished."

Stupid bastard who can't achieve anything but is more than capable of ruining everything.

Anger rose in Tang San's heart, overturning all the changed opinions towards Yu Xiaogang that he just had.


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