Chapter 200 Choice

"Sure enough, it's that damned woman who is so uncaring." Liu Erlong clenched her silver teeth with an indignant face.

Yu Xiaogang didn't pay any attention to her, but continued, "Xiao San, Bibi Dong now knows your identity and has a murderous intent towards you. To be precise, the moment you exposed the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul in the arena, she had already motivated to kill you."

"With your origin and talent, you are destined to become a hindrance to the Martial Spirit Hall, she will not let you go no matter what."

"Xiao San, if you enter the Spirit City to participate further in the tournament, perhaps she won't blatantly lay her hands on you before the end of the tournament." When he said this, his tone became grave, "But she can have the battle team that is affiliated to her specially create accidents on the match to hurt your life. Even if you are lucky enough to narrowly avoid a disaster, or even lead the team to victory, when the Spirit Master Tournament is over, I'm afraid that she will try to send people to intercept and kill you by any means possible."

"Xiao San, avoidance doesn't mean running away, the Spirit Master Tournament is indeed a good opportunity to train, but it's by no means necessary. With your talent and age, even if you don't participate, you can still sharpen yourself in other ways later on to achieve the same purpose."

On the side, Flender's eyes dimmed, but he didn't say anything.

Compared to the team's next tournament results, Tang San's life was indeed more important.

Leaving just like this? Tang San fell into thought.

Hide, and then come out to defeat Lin Manshan after breaking through the Titled Douluo and attaching a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul?

How long would it take in between? What will outsiders think of me during this period? Tang San has already lost three times and has lost the heart to fight. That's why, like a coward, he didn't dare to continue competing, didn't dare to fight Lin Manshan squarely in the arena again.

Tang San, who has Twin Martial Soul, is not as good as Lin Manshan, who has an innate spirit power of only three levels.

Tang San can reach the current achievement, all relying on talent and origin, if we throw away these, isn't he just a waste?

Even if he could defeat Lin Manshan later, it was only by relying on the advantage of the Twin Martial Soul and attaching eighteen spirit rings before he succeeded, and before that, he had been avoiding the battle meticulously.

Under the same conditions, Tang San is simply not as good as Lin Manshan.

At this moment, Tang San thought a lot, and at the same time, a strong unwillingness surged within him.

After the Spirit Master Tournament was over, he was going to follow Tang Hao out for further special training, so he probably wouldn't be able to see Lin Manshan for a long time after that.

So the next grand final could be said to be his last chance to defeat Lin Manshan head-on.

It was also under the witness of many forces in the spirit master world.

The fusion skill that the team had learned specially for him had not been used yet, and he had been cultivating hard during the days he had been travelling, and now that his spirit power had already broken through level 49, and his understanding of his own abilities and the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes had progressed considerably, he clearly still had a chance to win!

Should I give up this chance?

Avoid it? No, this is escaping, accepting defeat!

Thinking of this, Tang San raised his head, his tone resolute, ''Master, I can't give up on this! For the academy to get to this point in this Spirit Master Tournament, it's not the result of my efforts alone. If I were to abandon my teammates because of my personal safety, then I would never be able to forgive myself. And once I have a knot in my heart, I think that my future cultivation will inevitably not go smoothly."

"Moreover, this crisis is also considered an important tempering in my life, if I can push through it. I believe that when I face similar crises in the future, I will be able to face them with ease, and it will become difficult for the Martial Spirit Hall to deal with me again in the future."

"Therefore, I must participate in the next finals." Tang San said nonchalantly.

"Moreover, master, didn't you just say this? The Martial Spirit Hall wouldn't be able to make any blatant moves against me before the end of the tournament, so having this as a guarantee is already enough. As for purposely targeting me on the tournament venue, I believe that my strength is enough to deal with it."

"And after the tournament is over, as long as we follow the large group, we should be fine. No matter how strong the Martial Spirit Hall is, it can't cover the sky with one hand. The accompanying team has the Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan Leader, do they dare to kill them all?"

At those words, Yu Xiaogang instantly fell into silence, then sighed, "Xiao San, perhaps you're right, it's me who's too worried." With that, his gaze shifted to Flender, "Flender, please go and call Sect Master Ning over, just say that I have something to ask."

Flender instantly understood, nodding slightly as he turned around and pulled open the carriage door.

Not long after, Ning Fengzhi arrived.

Just as soon as he got into the carriage, Yu Xiaogang spoke bluntly, "Sect Master Ning, I have a favour to ask."

Looking at Yu Xiaogang, who was wrapped up into a dumpling with only a pair of eyes showing, lying on the carpet, Ning Fengzhi sat firmly and slightly arched his hand, "No need to be polite, Master, there's no harm in saying it."

"I hope that after the Spirit Master Tournament is over, Shrek Academy will be able to return along with Sect Master Ning." Yu Xiaogang politely said.

Ning Fengzhi instantly understood, nodding slightly towards Yu Xiaogang, then turning his head towards Tang San, "Don't worry nephew, the upper three clans are in the same breath, and you're also my little daughter's teammate and friend, for this part of the trip during the Spirit Master Tournament, uncle will personally ensure your safety as much as possible."

"Thank you, Sect Master Ning." Yu Xiaogang was the first to respond.

Tang San on the side also turned solemn, "Uncle Ning, perhaps I won't join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, but as long as I'm alive, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan will always be my friend."

Ning Fengzhi nodded with a smile.

Not long after, he stepped out of the carriage and left.

Flender re-pulled the carriage door shut before speaking out, "Xiaogang, the injuries on your body were healed with Lin Manshan's help. He only had one condition, and that was for you to personally go in front of him to apologise for what happened back then, which I have already agreed on your behalf."

"At that time, all the wounds on your body were festering and pus-ridden, and your body was extremely weak, so the healing spirit skills simply failed to do their job. Sect Master Ning, who was invited, was also at his wits' end, stating outright that you probably wouldn't last that night. Among the many accompanying academy teams, only Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo, who are proficient in medical techniques, are capable of treating and healing the injuries on your body, and I had no choice but to travel to seek help."

"Lin Manshan also guessed the purpose of my visit and agreed without hesitation, and bluntly stated that it was out of his identity as a doctor that he was willing to step in. The conditions were put forward in the carriage, and he did not make things difficult, you should just need to make a statement, and I think that as long as you go to apologise privately, it will be enough."

It was also considered to be giving us enough dignity, otherwise, it would have been completely possible to bring it up in public and ask for a public apology, making Xiaogang lose his dignity in public. Flender also sighed dimly.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaogang instantly fell into silence, and then flatly spoke, "Let's talk about this matter after I've recovered from my injuries."

Flender was also clear about Yu Xiaogang's temperament, it was definitely difficult for him to accept it in a short while, so he did not persuade him any further and nodded his head slightly, "Well then, you have a good rest."

Saying so, he turned around and walked out of the carriage, setting it up and leading the way in the direction where Ning Fengzhi's carriage was.

Not long after, in the other direction, Lin Manshan opened his eyes and inwardly laughed coldly, 'Heh, interesting.'

The last thing lacking in the wilderness were bugs and with a large troop travelling along, controlling a few to crawl into the Shrek Battle Team as well as the carriage Ning Fengzhi was in during the night and hiding them was naturally extremely simple. These days, the conversation between the Shrek members, Ning Fengzhi and the others, he had heard them clear.

Closing his eyes, he continued to cultivate.


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