Chapter 210 Are you drifting? (2 in 1)

"The three spirit bones are," Ghost Douluo, who stood behind Bibi Dong, began to introduce in his slightly low voice, and when he was finished, Bibi Dong took over, her tone full of authority, "There is only one winner, therefore, these three spirit bones only belong to the ultimate winning team. Therefore, we hope you will do your best and take this honour from us with your excellent performance."

After saying that, she recollected the spirit bones and returned to her seat.

The cardinal on the side stepped forward and spoke out with a straight face, "The morning's match is an individual elimination match, with three teams competing together, with each of the three teams sending seven people. In the first match, each team will send one person, and the opponent will be decided by drawing lots, the one who wins will accept the challenge from the competitor two team's members, and then the winner will continue to accept the challenge from two team's members, and so on and so forth."

"Victory scores one point, defeat is not counted, in the end, the winning points will be summarised, the winning team will enter tomorrow's final, the two teams at the bottom of the rankings will enter the loser's bracket, and the final final place will be decided in the afternoon by a team match."

"Isn't this a wheel battle?" There was an immediate exchange of words in the viewing gallery.

According to the Cardinal, the three teams had to send one member each to fight in the first match, and as for which two teams would fight first, it would be decided by drawing lots. The winner would then have to accept the challenge of the two team members in turn, with the loser going down and the winner continuing to accept the challenge.

This is undoubtedly a great test to a team's comprehensive strength because this system is equivalent to one team fighting against all the members of two teams if they continue to win, it is absolutely impossible to rely on one or two strong team members alone to hold up in this kind of wheel battle. Sending the weak ones first is giving away points, sending the strong ones first, unless they can fight several one by one, or even 1 against 14, or else when the strong ones are brushed down, their weaknesses will be exposed immediately, and the weaker teammates who come on after them will be giving away points.

"This, this is extremely unfavourable to Shrek Academy."

Shrek Academy has a total of two Spirit Ancestors, and after the two fights, the ones behind them are all giveaways.

The crux is, that Dai Mubai's strength is really not that great, it is estimated that he can't even beat one of them in the ring.

As for Tang San, let's not talk about the other participants, he didn't win a single fight against Lin Manshan, once he gets swiped down, there's no need to think about anything after that, he certainly won't be able to get into the finals given the grudge between him and Lin Manshan.

"It seems that this time the champion is going to be decided between Skywalker Academy and Spirit Hall Academy." Someone concluded.

"Now then, please send the three teams back to the rest area." The cardinal's voice came again, "You all have a quarter of an hour to discuss the contestants for the first match, and after a quarter of an hour the three contestants will go up to the stage and draw lots to officially start the match."

As the words fell, the three teams returned to their respective rest areas.

On Shrek Academy's side, just as the crowd of students returned to the rest area and sat down, Yu Xiaogang slowly got up.

"???" The crowd present froze.

Then they saw Yu Xiaogang with one hand behind his back, with waist straight, and gaze looking distantly at Bibi Dong sitting in front of the Pope's Palace, indifferently speaking, "Your Holiness, I have something to say."

This tone and manner... Yu Xiaogang, are you drifting? The numerous academy spirit masters immediately displayed their dumbstruck looks.

This is in front of the Martial Spirit Hall, facing the Pope, you should at least bow before you speak, right?

Moreover, this is a tournament, if you have something to say, you should first ask the cardinal referee nearby, who gave you the courage to look at the Pope Bibi Dong like this?

This Yu Xiaogang was actually so rude and disregarded the occasion. Ning Fengzhi also frowned slightly.

Even though the abandonment of the individual elimination round was discussed, you don't have to be so pretentious, right? Ning Rongrong, who was sitting behind Yu Xiaogang, also looked confused.

Not only her, but the surrounding teammates and even Flender also looked bewildered.

This idiot. Tang San cursed angrily inwardly.

Did he drift off after winning a few matches before? Or is it that the habit hasn't changed yet? Lin Manshan was also surprised for a moment, Yu Xiaogang was only just had his Martial Soul crippled by Bibi Dong not long ago, and almost lost his life because of it, but he still didn't learn from his mistakes, was he sick in the head just now?

"Bold! How dare you be so rude and look directly at the Pope!" The cardinals sitting behind Bibi Dong all glared angrily, and the cardinal at the head who was the referee of the match even stood up from his seat and shouted harshly.

The surrounding knights on guard duty also looked over with cold eyes.

It was only then that Yu Xiaogang reacted, his heart trembled inwardly, but his expression remained unchanged. His behaviour just now was indeed a bit rude, but in full view of everyone, he would never bow down to Bibi Dong. Even if he had become a waste, he still has his own pride.

Bibi Dong lightly pressed her right hand and glanced at him blandly, "What is it?"

Yu Xiaogang's expression remained indifferent, neither saluting nor speaking in a respectful tone, but rather, his tone was flat as he continued his foreword bluntly, "What I'm about to say is Shrek Academy is giving up the first half of the finals, and voluntarily entering the losers' bracket round in the afternoon."

Giving up the individual matches they were not good at, and wrestling in the team match. The spirit masters of all the academies instantly came to a clear understanding, and at the same time, they also mentally spat out, 'Indeed, it's a good choice, but, do you have to be so arrogant? Titled Douluo are not as arrogant as you are, those who do not know will think that the Martial Spirit Hall is your property.'

The spirit master affiliated with the Martial Spirit Hall, on the other hand, had an even colder gaze.

"Why?" Bibi Dong's expression remained unchanged.

"No reason." Yu Xiaogang faintly said, "I think that admitting defeat is a right that belongs to us."

"???" The faces of the spirit masters from all the academies immediately changed again, there was nothing wrong with Yu Xiaogang's sentence itself, but counting the tone of speech, the intended recipient, and the occasion, there were big problems. There was no salute, nor was there a salutation such as the Supreme Pontiff added, and the occasion was still in front of the Pope's Palace, in front of the eyes of the many Martial Spirit Hall spirit masters. Such a reply in public is undoubtedly contradicting Pope Bibi Dong and contempt for the entire Martial Spirit Hall.

Is this Yu Xiaogang a brain-dead person? Is he really not afraid of death? Inwardly, they all thought the same thing.

He was abolished and still doesn't remember the pain, now he's just an ordinary person, what the hell are you pretending to be?

Contempt for the Martial Spirit Hall, contradicting the Pope in public, even if Pope Bibi Dong herself does not care, do you think the spirit masters under the command of the Martial Spirit Hall as well as the spirit masters in the spirit master community who respect the Pope will not care? If this matter is spread out today, as long as Yu Xiaogang dares to go out alone in the future, he will probably be given a slap in the face by a spirit master. Perhaps it would also involve Flender and the others, or even the entire Shrek Academy.

Originally, they still did not believe that Yu Xiaogang dared to take the Pope's Order of unknown origin to enter the Pope's Palace to see Bibi Dong, and contradicted her words. But now, they believed it, this guy's brain is truly abnormal.

Whoever clings to him will be in trouble, it is necessary to avoid him in the future.

In between the thoughts of the crowd, Bibi Dong's nonchalant voice came, "It is indeed your right to admit defeat, but..."

The tone suddenly shifted, and her voice was cold.

"Speaking rudely, contradicting this throne in public, and defying the Martial Spirit Hall, it is not your right to do so."

Saying that, she slowly stood up.

Yu Xiaogang's face instantly turned pale, and the Shrek crowd's faces also changed in unison.

"Someone come, take him down!"

Bibi Dong's clear and cold voice followed.

"Yes!" Four halberd-wielding Palace Guarding Knights at the back of Shrek's rest area instantly stepped out and ran forward with orderly steps.

"I knew it!" Many spirit masters revealed gloating expressions.

"Do you really think that the Martial Spirit Hall is a paper tiger?"


"Xiaogang-" Liu Erlong immediately wanted to get up to protect him but was quickly pulled back by Flender who was at the side.

Bibi Dong's voice also sounded again at this time, with a solemn and majestic tone, "Mu Xiaogang has brought the Pope's Order of Unknown origin previously with unclear motive and entered the Pope's Palace to see this throne, and his words repeatedly confronted this throne, and now that it's a second offence, it is a deadly sin, and he should be killed on the spot as an example to others!"

When the words fell, Yu Xiaogang's face instantly turned white, and his body trembled a little.

Liu Erlong on the side was discoloured as well, struggling even more.

"But considering that this is the period of the tournament, with all the distinguished guests in front of us, and in front of the Martial Spirit Hall, this throne doesn't want to let the holy land be stained with blood and let all the guests spoil their moods."

"Together with the fact that Mu Xiaogang is now an ordinary person, he is hereby pardoned and given a lighter sentence of twenty canes in public."

"On the other hand, this throne hereby declares that Mu Xiaogang is formally included in the unfriendly list of the Martial Spirit Hall. In the future, Mu Xiaogang will not be allowed to engage in any affairs or places related to the Martial Spirit Hall. If he is found to have defied the Martial Spirit Hall, once he is found to have done so, he will be considered a three-time offender and will be killed without any amnesty!"

As the words fell, Bibi Dong retook her seat again.   

The numerous academy spirit masters immediately looked at Yu Xiaogang with pitying eyes, twenty canes, it didn't sound like much, but Yu Xiaogang was now an ordinary person with no spirit power, whereas the Palace Guarding Knights who were executing the sentence were Spirit Masters, and all of them were Spirit Elder.

If these twenty canes hit down, at least half of Yu Xiaogang's life will be lost. This is not the most tragic, included in the unfriendly list, it is obviously fully banning Yu Xiaogang.

The crowd could completely imagine the subsequent impact.

From now on, there would not be any other spirit master power on the continent would be willing to accept Yu Xiaogang. As for Shrek Academy, if they chose to keep accommodating him, there would definitely be a large number of students and instructors withdrawing from the academy. While travelling outside, he will be chased and chopped by the spirit masters who idolise Bibi Dong.

Yu Xiaogang was considered completely finished. This thought rose in everyone's minds.

So, why did you pretend to be a badass just now?

"Erlong, don't be impulsive." Flender pulled on Liu Erlong with a deadly grip, and spoke using spirit power to form his voice into a thread, "After all, this is the territory of the Martial Spirit Hall, and there are many experts around, if you go up now and make a move to stop the action, not only will you not be able to save Xiaogang, but it will also be regarded as a blatant provocation by the Martial Spirit Hall, and at that time, not only will Xiaogang's sentence be aggravated, but you will also be dragged into the trouble, and perhaps Bibi Dong will even directly capture you and have you executed."

"Don't worry, with Jiang Zhu and Oscar around, Xiaogang will at most suffer some flesh and skin pain, nothing will happen."

Hearing this, Liu Erlong finally gave up struggling, and with gritted teeth and red eyes, she watched as the shivering Yu Xiaogang was picked up by the two Palace Guarding Knights and dragged into the square.

Then she saw Yu Xiaogang being directly pressed to the ground, while the two knights following behind him were holding their halberds in their hands upside down, aiming their positions to directly strike.

"Pah ah." The crisp sound of hitting mingled with Yu Xiaogang's miserable screams echoed in the air at once.

Flender and Liu Erlong's expressions changed with it.

They could hear the sound, the halberd's handle was made of iron, and the blow was heavy. These two knights definitely struck with passion, and they were extremely skilful in the way they struck the halberd, it was the kind of strike that would beat a person's skin to the point of bleeding and pain without hurting his bones or flesh.

The person would not pass out because he would feel the pain and wake up.

Soon, the first ten hits were completed, and Yu Xiaogang's pant was drenched in blood.

In the next moment, the two men's faces changed again.

The two knights' techniques changed, "Pfft!" The sound of the staff strikes also changed, becoming more dull, the kind of strikes that only injured the flesh and bones but not the skin.

"Ah!" With just a single hit, Yu Xiaogang's body trembled as if he had been electrocuted, and then he directly fainted and passed out.

But the staff strike continued.

Tang San also instantly recognised this kind of caning technique, he had seen it in his previous life when the Tang Sect's Punishment Hall openly punished offending disciples, he was completely certain that after the latter few strokes, Yu Xiaogang would definitely suffer from tendon injuries and bone cracks, and it would be impossible for him to recover without ten days and a half month of healing.

Injury to the bones and roots, even if a spirit master uses a healing spirit skill, it is not possible to recover so quickly.

It is best to be killed directly, lest he continue to disgrace me. Inwardly, he coldly grunted, and there was not the slightest pity in his eyes.

In the front, Liu Erlong's face was a little more agitated, but Flender held her with a death grip.

It seems that right now Tang San's current feelings towards Yu Xiaogang aren't good huh? Sensing Tang San's mood fluctuations Lin Manshan couldn't help but wonder.

"So miserable!" The crowd of academy spirit masters expressed some intolerance.

The two punishment-executing knights hit one stroke a person at a time, the speed was not slow, and it didn't take long to finish the beating.

Using a cloth towel to clean up the bloodstains on the halberd, they turned towards Bibi Dong and saluted respectfully, "Your Holiness, the execution is complete."

"Well, all go down." Bibi Dong nodded slightly.

"Yes!" The four knights immediately lined up and turned around in unison to leave the stage, leaving Yu Xiaogang sprawled on the ground like rotten mud.

Only then did Flender let go of his hand and ran to Yu Xiaogang's side along with Liu Erlong, making a concerted effort to help the man out of the ring, blood running down his pant legs and trailing on the ground.

As he walked away, Flender signalled, and Jiang Zhu, who had already stood up, instantly cast a spirit skill to heal him.

"Tsk, with this beating, Yu Xiaogang's lifespan will be reduced by at least another two years." Dugu Bo also smacked his lips and sighed darkly.

The body was already weak, and now that it was injured and bleeding so much, it would affect more than just his bum cheeks.

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang had already been dragged back to the rest area, Bibi Dong turned her head to look at the cardinal who was the referee, and said indifferently, "Since Shrek Academy has decided to give up the morning match, then, let the remaining two teams continue the individual match."

As the words fell, Lin Manshan slowly stood up and bowed towards Bibi Dong.

"Your Holiness, our Skywalker Academy will also apply to forfeit from the morning's individual match and enter the loser's bracket in the afternoon."

"Oh? State your reason." Bibi Dong frowned slightly, pretending to be displeased.

Lin Manshan arched his hand and politely said, "Your Holiness, the Martial Spirit Hall battle team is quite powerful, and our academy thinks that it will lose a great deal of battle power against them. On the contrary, Shrek Academy's overall strength is a bit weaker, so it would be easier to win. In this way, our academy will be able to save our strength, and with a night's rest, it will be enough to adjust our team's condition back to the best to deal with tomorrow's strong opponent."

Upon hearing this, all the academy teams present also nodded slightly, feeling that Lin Manshan's decision was reasonable.

Compared to the Spirit Hall Academy which has three Spirit Kings, Shrek Academy which only has two Spirit Ancestors, its comprehensive strength is indeed much worse.

If he chose to continue competing with the Spirit Hall Academy in an individual match, if things didn't go well, there would be mutual losses, and he wouldn't be able to adjust in one night. In this way, maybe they might accidentally overturn the cart tomorrow, letting Shrek Academy pick the peach, and then it would be too late for them to cry.

Instead of taking this risk, it would be better to look for soft persimmon to pinch, and sweep Shrek Academy out of the tournament first.

After all, in the past, when Skywalker Academy fought Shrek, it was all explosive sweeps.

Justified and reasonable!

Bibi Dong also nodded slightly and turned her head to look at the Cardinal on the side.

The latter understood and stood up from his seat.

"In that case, the morning match will be called off, all of you please return to your residences under the guidance of the staff to rest, and the match will continue in the afternoon."

And so, the morning match ended dramatically.

The teams from all the academies rose from their seats in unison and retreated in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff.

'Lin Manshan, in the afternoon, I will definitely make you regret your decision just now.' Looking at Lin Manshan who led his team away, Tang San quietly thought.

Then he turned his head and glanced at Yu Xiaogang who was carried by Flender, his eyes flickering.

It is simply a shame for me if this Yu Xiaogang continues to live in the world. Now not only is his reputation notorious, but he has also been banned by the Martial Spirit Hall, keeping him will only affect the reputation of the newly built Tang Sect as well as the Clear Sky Clan, which will not be conducive to the development of the clan.

Finding an opportunity to get rid of him in the future is necessary.

'Eh? Tang San has begun to have a killing intent.' Lin Manshan turned his head to sweep his eyes and immediately raised an eyebrow.


When he turned his head back, the corners of his lips were slightly hooked as he continued to walk forward.


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