Chapter 211 Are you ready?

Noon, Guesthouse, Shrek Academy Suite.

"Hmm," A soft murmur sounded, and Yu Xiaogang, who was lying on his back on the bed in the bedroom, turned around and woke up.

"Xiaogang." Liu Erlong, who was waiting by the side, immediately turned around and lightly called out, "How are you feeling right now?"

Yu Xiaogang did not answer this question, instead, he jerked his eyes open and turned his head to ask urgently, "Erlong, has the match started yet?"

"No, everyone has only just finished lunch and are all resting in their respective rooms." Liu Erlong responded softly.

"That's good." Yu Xiaogang's tone was suddenly relieved, then he slightly propped his hands underneath, "Erlong, quickly help me up."

Liu Erlong hurriedly supported Yu Xiaogang, looking at his bloodless face, she couldn't help but advise him, "Xiaogang, you haven't recovered from your injuries yet, it's better not to force yourself. The afternoon match will be fine with Boss watching over it, there's no need for you to personally appear in the arena."

"No, the afternoon's match is extremely crucial for the battle team, I must attend." Yu Xiaogang's attitude was resolute, gritting his teeth and enduring the pain to get up, "Erlong, later you will help me bring a soft cushion, there is only one match in the afternoon, the time won't be too long, it should not be a problem."

Liu Erlong saw that he couldn't be persuaded, and slightly nodded, "Good, you lean back first, I'll go and bring you some food over."

Saying this, she carried over a side pillow and placed it against the head of the bed, assisting Yu Xiaogang to roll over and lie down.

As soon as the buttocks fell, "hiss" Yu Xiaogang's face immediately revealed the colour of pain, veins bulged up on his forehead, but he still gritted his teeth and sat properly, and then didn't move at all.

He didn't dare to move, it really hurts to move a little.

Only then did Liu Erlong turn around and leave the room.

Half an hour later, everyone gathered out of the room, looking at Liu Erlong supporting Yu Xiaogang, they all looked surprised, and Ning Rongrong even mentally groaned:

'This Yu Xiaogang wouldn't still want to follow the team, would he? With him present, I would feel quite ashamed.'

Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others had the same thought, and in their hearts, they didn't want Yu Xiaogang to continue to follow the team.

Flender took small steps to the other side of Yu Xiaogang, helping to support him. The matter of Yu Xiaogang wanting to go with the team to watch the tournament had already been told to him by Liu Erlong just now.

Looking towards Qin Ming, he slightly nudged his head, "Qin Ming, you take everyone to the carriage first, I'll be right behind you."

"Alright." Qin Ming nodded and raised his hand, leading everyone out of the building first.


A little more than half an hour later, the numerous academy teams gathered in front of the Pope's Palace once again.

When the crowd was seated, the door to the Pope's Palace slowly opened, and Bibi Dong led Chrysanthemum Douluo, Ghost Douluo and the others to enter and take their seats. With a glance at Yu Xiaogang, who was sitting in the rest area with a pale face, she inwardly sneered and turned her head to look at the cardinal referee, faintly saying, "Begin."

"Yes." The cardinal respectfully saluted, then walked forward in large strides and said aloud, "Please invite both sides' participants to enter the arena."

As the words fell, on the Shrek Academy's side, seven people, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Tai Long, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu, and Huang Yuan, stood up from their seats.

On the other end, on the Skywalker Academy's side were Lin Manshan, Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuyu, and Shui Yue'er.

"Five people, Skywalker Academy surprisingly only sent five people onto the arena." The spirit masters present were all taken aback.

"This is simply not taking Shrek Academy seriously."

"There was no need to take Shrek Academy seriously, besides Tang San being able to hold his own, who can the other team members possibly defeat?"

"Let's just see what hidden means Shrek Academy has, otherwise I'm afraid they'll lose badly."

How dare you underestimate me. Tang San's eyes flickered as he coldly swept a glance at Lin Manshan, striding forward.

Not long after, both sides stood still, and the Cardinal didn't hesitate much, immediately announcing the start of the match.   

"Formation!" With Tang San letting out a low shout, the seven of them instantly retreated simultaneously in an explosive manner, then quickly formed a circle with Ning Rongrong and Oscar at the centre, quickly roaming around in a peculiar rhythm. Although none of them released their martial souls, as the outer five rotated, a strong spirit power fluctuation simultaneously diffused out from the seven and madly converged towards the centre of the formation.

"A Seven-Person Fusion Skill?" The Heaven Dou Empire's crowd of Spirit Masters were all astonished.

Back then, the Godwind Academy had performed a multi-person fusion skill, however, looking at this situation, the two seemed to be different.

Looking to the other side, the five people from Skywalker Academy were already lined up in a single line. Lin Manshan stood at the front, and the remaining four stood at the back, hands against their backs in tandem, none of them emitting much spirit power fluctuation. The only obvious change was Lin Manshan's forehead, where a peculiar green pattern gradually emerged, the centre resembling a candle flame, and the two sides were in the shape of a ram's horns.

"What is this?" At once, someone was puzzled.

'This kind of imprint, could it be that Lin Manshan has obtained a certain god's divine examination?' Bibi Dong's gaze couldn't help but flicker, but she quickly dismissed it, if he had truly obtained a divine examination, when the imprint surfaced, it would definitely emanate a faint divine power, and with her strength, it was impossible for her not to sense it.

'Could it be due to the martial soul? This colour, it's consistent with Lin Manshan's martial soul and spirit power.'

In between her thoughts, a seven-coloured gem light suddenly rose from Ning Rongrong's body in the Shrek line-up.

At the same time, Oscar's body was also haloed with a faint red light, and the two streams of light crisscrossed and circled, rushing straight into the sky. And right at that moment, "Change!"

Tang San let out a low shout, and the rest of his teammates quickly changed formation, standing behind him in a zigzag line.

Hands against the back, connecting to form a chain as a whole.

In the next moment, the red light from Oscar's body quickly surged into Ning Rongrong's body in front of him along his arm, causing the seven-coloured light on Ning Rongrong's body to suddenly rise. Immediately, the three spirit rings under Ning Rongrong's feet lit up at the same time, and the rich seven-coloured light on her body suddenly grew a few points stronger.

Subsequently, with Ning Rongrong's palms lightly pushing, the gorgeous seven-coloured light began to rapidly pass towards her teammates in front of her. Every time it passed through a teammate, the seven-coloured light would once again grow a few points stronger. And when that light passed through Dai Mubai's arm to Tang San.

A strong spirit power fluctuation and pressure suddenly erupted from Tang San's body.

Almost subconsciously, Tang San's right hand clenched, and the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spoul appeared in his hand and quickly grew larger until it reached a height of two metres. In the next moment, Tang San only felt a wave of clarity suddenly surging through his heart, then he immediately closed his eyes and slowly raised the Clear Sky Hammer above his head with both hands.

Immediately, a light pattern which densely covered the head of the hammer suddenly erupted into an eye-catching dark gold lustre, bright and incomparable in the sunlight.

Seeing this scene, Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting on Bibi Dong's side, immediately uttered in surprise, "This is, the Weapon Martial Soul True Body!"

The surrounding numerous academy spirit masters were even more shocked.

"The Spirit Ancestor is actually able to manifest a Weapon Martial Soul True Body, doesn't that mean that the current Tang San's cultivation has already reached the level of a Spirit Saint?"

"This Seven Person Fusion Skill seems to be a bit powerful. Surprisingly, it can bring together the cultivation of teammates in one person, now, it's really hard to say who will win and who will lose."

"Yeah! Spirit Ancestor and Spirit King, in front of a Spirit Saint with the Martial Soul True Body, they're simply not enough to compete with."

"It's not that simple to judge. Look at Lin Manshan's face, he's not panicking at all. And with this lined up stance, maybe he's also performing some powerful fusion skill."

"." The crowd exchanged words and discussed.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang looked at the huge Clear Sky Hammer being held aloft in the air by Tang San, pride rising from the bottom of his heart, and with a glance at Bibi Dong sitting in front of the Pope's Palace, depression was pouring out, wildly bellowing in his heart, 'Bibi Dong, did you see that? This is my latest research result, a multi-person fusion skill that allows a Spirit Master to display the Martial Soul True Body at the Spirit Ancestor realm.'

'Unique in the continent, it is my personal creation!'

The depression in his heart was swept away as he swept his gaze over everyone present, 'A group of shallow-eyed people, did you see that? I, Yu Xiaogang, am by no means a waste!'

His gaze continued to move, eventually landing on Lin Manshan on whom he couldn't feel any change in the aura, disdain flashed in his eyes, 'So what if the team has multiple Spirit Ancestors? So what if there are Spirit Kings? In front of Xiao San, who has now manifested his Weapon Martial Soul True Body, all of them are nothing but ants, and will surely be defeated.'

The next moment, Lin Manshan's bland voice reached his ears, "Tang San, finally ready?"

"???" His face instantly stiffened.


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