Chapter 242 Hair is red

'This bead of mine, what's the difference between it and a martial soul that can't attach a spirit ring?' Lin Manshan smiled faintly.

'It can store eight attribute energies such as darkness, lightning, wind, time, space, holiness, flame, and life, and the first seven can also be absorbed from the outside world through cultivation.'

'Subsequently, as long as it's developed properly, how many more means of attack would be created out of thin air?'

"This, it's simply a huge profit!"

'It's just that the absorption speed is a bit slow right now, the recovery speed is not enough, so I have to save it. Moreover, the energy all goes into the bead, and it doesn't do anything to enhance my cultivation, what a pity!'

"In addition..." Recalling how he felt when he used the ability just now, he couldn't help but sigh quietly, "My current physical body's resistance to these attributes is actually a bit low."

"Even drawing an arc of electricity can numb me a bit first, if I really rubbed a lightning, I might end up hacking myself silly first, wouldn't I?"

'I don't know if this bead in my body will continue to improve my physical attributes. Well, the bead absorbs external energy, it also has to pass through the physical body, this process should slowly improve the physical constitution, and correspondingly improve the resistance.'

'I really hope that I can reach the level where I can walk on the wind, roll lightning in my hands, and play with space-time displacement.'

'Since it can carry so many attribute energies, then this bead will be called the Elemental Soul Core from now on.'

Although, it doesn't have much to do with my spirit power cultivation. Thinking like this, he walked out of the room with great strides. Reported his safety to the group, and went back to his room to continue practising.


At night, Shrek Academy.

"Ah!" Ma Hongjun who was cultivating inside the room suddenly opened his eyes, held his head and grunted in pain, then his body flushed red, he was more obese than before, and he rolled all over the bed, and in the centre of his sunken eye sockets were crimson eyes that flashed with a demonic and evil light.

"Come in!" Suppressing the pain, he shouted towards the outside of the room.

Ta Ta Ta, the sound of hurried footsteps soon came, followed by a cackle, two gorgeous women with hot bodies walked in. Seeing Ma Hongjun in this condition, they immediately understood what had happened, a hint of fear flashed in their eyes, they looked at each other, and approached with small steps.

They were slaves bought back by Ma Hongjun from the auction house and had no qualifications to resist at all.

Soon, slightly mournful screams echoed in the room. The evil fire erupted Ma Hongjun didn't know what it meant to cherish, there was only the most primitive desire.

After an unknown amount of time.

"Ah!" A scream resounded within the room.

On top of the soft bed, Ma Hongjun with sunken eyes fell down softly with his eyes dilated, and blood flowed out of his seven orifices.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Flender rushed into the room, his eyes swept over Ma Hongjun who was lying on the bed with his eyes wide open, he trembled all of a sudden, and then quickly approached and stretched out his hand to check.

In a few moments, with red eyes and clenched fists, tears of remorse filled his eyes, "If I had known that you would not know how to restrain this much, I shouldn't have, I shouldn't have taken you to the auction house!"

Not knowing how to exercise restraint every day, causing the body to be weak, and then encountering the outbreak of evil fire, finally, the kidneys were the first to be unable to carry the load.

On the other side, the two women kneeling on the ground stiffened at Flender's words and then kowtowed repeatedly.

"Master, it's all the slave maid's fault. Please, please, please don't sell the slave maid."

They knew very well that if they were sold to that kind of place, their lives would be absolutely miserable, and they had heard a lot about the tragic events therein.

Flender wiped his eyes to hide his sadness and turned his head to look over, "Get up, this is not your fault."

Both of them were civilians without spirit power, and in the face of Ma Hongjun's demands, they were powerless to resist. However, how to arrange the two next was really a problem.

He ate at the academy, and he usually dealt with academy affairs other than cultivation basically and didn't need anyone to serve him. Moreover, as the academy's dean, he also had to consider the issue of influence, both of them were still young, what kind of affair would it be to bring them around?

If Liu Erlong knew about it, she might probably spat at him for not respecting the old and delaying people's youth.

As for Yu Xiaogang, he already has arranged for an old woman who is diligent in household chores to help him out.

When the time comes, let's see the situation and then arrange things. Between his thoughts, he continued, "Come over and help Hongjun clean up, I'll go and be right back." After saying this, he turned around and left the room.

Not long after, he carried a coffin back.

The next day, as former good brothers, Dai Mubai and Oscar were responsible for carrying the coffin.   

Glancing at the two men carrying the coffin, and then the two women who were trembling on the side, Flender pondered.

On the third day, when the funeral was over, Flender called Dai Mubai and Oscar into the room, and when the two of them stood firm, he turned his head to look at the two women standing at his side.

"Mubai, Oscar, you guys also live alone now, do you need any helpers in the house?"

"???" Dai Mubai and Oscar immediately froze, then turned their heads to look at the two women.

Ma Hongjun's vision was indeed good, the two women were at the top of the heap in terms of body shape and face value, and now they seemed more like two ripe peaches.

Dai Mubai was silent and took the lead to ask, "Which one of you is best at cooking?"

"Me," The older one responded in a small voice.

Seeing this, Flender turned his head to look at Oscar.

"." Oscar instantly squirmed a bit, glancing at the peach-faced sister, and eventually nodded and gave an explanation, "Then the other one will follow me. My mimicry environment is the kitchen, and I need just the right amount of personal help in carrying plates and washing dishes and such."

So, one person left the room with one each.

That night, at the dinner table, looking at the voluptuous girl standing in wait, Dai Mubai eventually failed to hold back.

A month later, "Vomit!" The sister who had just served the meal on the dining table suddenly bent over.

"???" Dai Mubai was instantly confused.

"Of course, she's bearing a child!" Oscar, who was approached by Dai Mubai for advice, didn't hesitate to say.

"Counting the time, it should be your seed."

"Oscar, you mustn't spread the word about this." Dai Mubai said and returned with trepidation. After all, she was a civilian woman or an oversold one, and as a country's prince, he couldn't marry her by any means, he could at most keep her by his side.

So, ten months later, there were a lot of people standing outside the house.

Dai Mubai's work and rest have suddenly become more regular, and he stopped going outside to get high, so this matter ultimately couldn't be suppressed.

"Wuu" A baby cried, and Dai Mubai was the first to rush in.

Afterwards, he walked out with a glum face.

"What's wrong, Mubai?" Oscar couldn't help but ask. Immediately afterwards, he saw Liu Erlong walk out of the house, glancing inexplicably at Dai Mubai, taking small steps to Flender's side, and speaking softly, "The hair is red..."

"." The atmosphere was suddenly quiet.

Luckily, I held back earlier. Oscar was relieved for a moment.

"In the future, they, mother and daughter, will live with me." Looking at Dai Mubai who had a gloomy face, Liu Erlong suddenly spoke up.

"Good idea." Flender nodded slightly with a stiff face. Ever since she had a falling out with Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong had lived in the Mimicry Cultivation Facility, and apart from eating and practising, she had been doing nothing. He was slightly worried that something would go wrong with her.

Now that she was willing to move out of it, it was also a good thing.

"Ahem." Coughing lightly, he continued, "Erlong, why don't you guys just live in the small courtyard you originally lived in? Anyway, I'm usually busy with official business and rarely go over to live there. In addition, after all, Hongjun is my personal disciple, and now that I have no children at my knees, in the future, this child will be equivalent to my grandchildren. If you live in that small courtyard, I can also go over to see her when I have time."

"Hmm, then in the future, I will accept this child as my righteous granddaughter." Liu Erlong nodded slightly.

Compared to a white-eyed wolf-like Xiao Wu who followed Tang San, she still felt that the one she raised from childhood would be more reliable.

Flender glanced at Liu Erlong and nodded slightly.


PS: A kind of transitional chapter for the time skip, I don't want to go straight to a year later. I can only sacrifice Ma Hongjun.


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