Chapter 243 Tang San’s journey to hell road

Time flies, turning to October.

Killing City, inside a certain room, Tang San slowly retrieved the Eight Spider Spear that was already covered in blood-lines, and glanced at the corpse on the ground, without a single fluctuation in his indifferent and stiff expression, only the corners of his mouth were slightly wriggling.

"Level 60 Spirit Power now."

This time, the one he devoured was a Spirit Saint.

In the past two years, even he himself couldn't remember how many spirit masters he had already devoured. He was no longer much touched by the fading of life, only knowing that doing so would raise his cultivation, restore his spirit power and injuries, and keep himself alive here.

Moreover, under the influence of constantly devouring life as well as the murderous aura in his body, his Eight Spider Spear had indeed evolved. Not only did it become stronger, but the speed and efficiency of devouring also increased quite a bit, and with that, the strength of his physical body and his cultivation progressed at a rapid pace.

After only two years, he had cultivated from level 53 when he first came in, to level 60 today.

At the same time, the two years of killing had also allowed him to finally understand why he had lost to Lin Manshan back then. The skills and combat experience gained from killing were something that could never be comprehended in a place like Spirit Master Academy.

Taking himself as an example, he could now be absolutely certain that his combat power was definitely more than twice as much as before he came in, which was almost like a gap between heaven and the earth.

If it was a life and death battle, one move, just one move, he would be able to kill the person he was back then.

"Now then, Lin Manshan, in the outside world, how much progress have you made?"

"A flower in a greenhouse, now, I'm afraid this saying is going to be realized on you." Tang San raised his head to look in a direction, his eyes flashing with demonic blood light.

"Enjoy this period of my absence. Next time we meet, you'll surely die!"

Between his thoughts, he dragged up the corpse and walked out the door, directly throwing it out.

Right at this moment, a Hell Slaughter Arena staff member walked over, bowed slightly, and respectfully said, "Honourable Shura King, your 100th duel has already gathered a number of people, and the time of the match will be tomorrow morning."

"Hmm." Tang San lightly responded, turning to go back to the house.

The next day, in the morning, Hell Slaughter Arena.

"Boom!" A loud sound echoed, and the last opponent was reduced to mush.

"Congratulations to you, young Shura King." A slightly shrill voice suddenly came from all directions.


"There is no need for further words, Slaughter King, open the entrance to the Hell Road. Death, has I experienced it less in these two years? Compared to escaping, I am more eager to face it." Facing the Slaughter King's invitation, Tang San responded blandly.

"In that case, as you wish." As the words fell, a terrifying killing aura like a red mist spread in all directions with the Slaughter King as the centre, and all the spectators in the stands who came into contact with it had their eyes turned crimson, and then they madly mutilated themselves, their blood scattered and flowed.

Soon, on the ground of the Hell Slaughter Arena, a huge blood-red pattern was outlined by blood.

"I wish you good luck on the Hell Road."

As the Slaughter King's voice came again, Tang San only felt an empty space under his feet, and his body disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already in a five-meter diameter circular platform, surrounded by blood-red.

Briefly observing the environment, Tang San stepped onto the path.

After killing a large number of bat swarms with the help of Blue Silver Domain and hidden weapon attacks, the Dark Golden Three-Headed Bat King appeared in front of him.

After discovering that it possessed regeneration abilities under the hidden weapon attack, Tang San, who was all alone, decided to take the risk.

With the hidden weapon harassment, the dark golden three-headed bat king was forced to go to the upper part of the path, then he pulled out the flying god claw, wrapped it directly on the bat king, and pulled it to fly up. After using Godly Zhuge Crossbow to blow up a head in the middle of the way, he pulled hard and fiercely to make the bat king's body unbalanced while jumping onto the bat king's back, and struck the Clear Sky Nine Absolutes Shock Technique, and directly knocked all three heads that had been growing again.

With that, he jumped off its back and landed straight on the path.

With a bang, the Dark Golden Three-Headed Bat King crashed down, hitting the path in front of him.

Fortunately, it didn't collapse the path.

Seeing this, Tang San walked straight forward, stretching out his Eight Spider Spear and stabbing into the Dark Golden Three-Headed Bat King's wound.

Murmuring in a low voice, "A ferocious beast with regeneration ability, I hope it can bring me a slight surprise."

In the next moment, under his spiritual perception, Tang San could completely feel that the depleted spirit power in his body was rapidly being replenished. The blood was boiling, and the physical activity seemed to have increased. Looking sideways, the Eight Spider Spear covered in blood-lines also became more scarlet.

"Not bad."

Retracting the Eight Spider Spear, he continued to walk forward.

Soon, the path shook violently, and a giant serpent shadow appeared ahead, writhing closer as it wrapped around the narrow path.

"Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent?" Seeing the giant snake's appearance, Tang San's brows immediately frowned, his palm brushed at the spirit tool on his waist, and a chunk of realgar appeared in his hand, when the giant snake approached, he immediately threw the realgar out, and then urged the hidden energy left on it to stir it up. At the same time, from the spirit tool he took out a leather bag with wine and threw it out, the wine spilled out and instantly mixed with the yellow realgar scattered in the air.

The roiling curtain of liquor fell on the giant snake.   

However, it was useless.

Instead, the giant snake increased its speed and charged straight ahead.

"To think it's useless!?"

Tang San's face revealed a trace of surprise, and then he vigorously opened his Eight Spider Spear, a purple aura flickered in his eyes, at the instant the giant snake violently opened its huge mouth to bite down, he bounced to the top of the giant snake's head, and his Eight Spider Spear ruthlessly pierced into the flesh tumour.

While madly stirring and injecting poison, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand swung, "Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer!" Hammer after hammer smashed down.

The giant snake was in pain, and immediately flung its head downwards, and when it was below the road surface, it violently slammed upwards against the road surface. Tang San seemed to have anticipated this, jumping onto the pavement before the giant snake could start crashing, then pointing his toes in succession, "Boom!" Jumping onto the snake's body before the pavement collapsed, relying on the Eight Spider Spear to grab along while swinging to smash all the flesh tumours he could reach, and injecting the Eight Spider Spear with the highly poisonous poison contained within.

"Shahh." The giant snake madly twisted its body, its head twisted over, the nine flesh tumours on its back simultaneously exploded, trails of red liquid shot out towards Tang San in the air and converged in front of him, coalescing at a speed visible to the naked eye to form a fist-sized golden-red ball.

"Inner Dan?" A trace of surprise flashed through Tang San's eyes, and then he twisted his body, holding the Clear Sky Hammer with both hands, maintaining a diagonal forward posture, "Clear Sky Nine Absolutes, Nine Returns to One!" With a bang, his figure turned into a black light, shooting straight towards the lower abdomen and brain of the giant snake.

And right at that moment, the small golden-red ball smashed down.

However, it was a step too late.

"Plop!" With a sound on the ground, the giant snake's head fell backwards uncontrollably, and along with it, its huge body was dragged away, "Ka-ching. Boom." The road that it was entangled in suddenly snapped inch by inch, and the chaotic rocks quickly fell, carrying the giant snake's twisted and huge body.

Tang San, on the other hand, landed firmly on the road ahead.

Looking back, he was secretly relieved, the broken road was less than twenty meters in length, while his modified flying rope was forty meters in length, enough to carry him across. Between his thoughts, he walked to the golden-red orb that had followed him flown over and fallen to the ground, he reached out and picked it up, "Unfortunately, the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent is a fire-attribute beast, and this inner elixir isn't the right one for me. However, in the future, when facing snake-type spirit beasts, it can play an excellent deterrent role."

With a sigh of relief, he put it into his spirit tool. Then, he pulled out his Flying God Claw and pulled the trigger, stabbing straight at the road in front of him.

With a heavy pull, he pulled the trigger again, and his body was taken flying, quickly landing on the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly ran forward.

Time passed little by little, Tang San could clearly feel the temperature around him rising, the murderous aura unconsciously released by his body also began to become stronger and stronger, and a dry heat rose in his chest, "Blue Silver Domain!" He hurriedly opened the domain, and his body suddenly became a few degrees cooler, and his consciousness cleared up quite a bit, "Illusion Space." Just in case, the Spirit Bone skill was activated.

He accelerated and ran forward.

Not long after, he finally came to the end of the road.

Looking at the blood-coloured ocean nearly a thousand meters before him, his brows furrowed. Raising his eyes to look around, the height of the top of the cave was around two hundred meters, "My Blue Silver Emperor's reach is about 120 meters, Flying God's Claw is 40 meters, and I'm still 40 meters short."

"Depending on the Eight Spider Spears to bounce, using the Flying God Claw in the air, and then grabbing using Blue Silver Grass, it should be fine!"

As soon as he said it, Tang San hastily summoned the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, while stretching out his Eight Spider Spear and bracing himself against the ground. His body then pressed down, and his feet violently tensed.

Utilizing the power of his feet, coupled with the Eight Spider Spear's borrowed power, what he wanted was to succeed at once.

Like an arrow leaving the string, his body shot straight out, and the ground under his feet was overwhelmed, suddenly cracking and collapsing.

As the height scaled, his mind couldn't help but relax.

'The force of the Eight Spider Spear is surprisingly stronger than I imagined, it seems that after devouring so many Evil Spirit Masters, the strength of the Eight Spider Spear has indeed evolved quite a bit.' Looking at the ceiling of the cave in the sky above, which was only a hundred meters away from him, Tang San couldn't help but secretly think inwardly.

Between his thoughts, his body had already scaled to the highest point, then he immediately brushed his hand over his spirit tool, pulling out his Flying God Claw and snapping down the mechanism. At the same time controlling the blue silver grass to wrap around the grip, and with a "snap" sound, barbs deeply embedded in the top of the hole, dragging Tang San's feet to the ground.

With the Eight Spider Spear's strong penetrating and gripping power, he moved in the direction of the cave entrance as if he were walking on a flat surface.

After landing, he looked back at the red ocean below and took a big step into the white light screen.

When his sight turned, his body was already in a strange white space. When he wanted to take a look, endless icy coldness kept pouring into his body, "This is, materialized killing aura!" Intense pain attacked his body, and his consciousness gradually went numb and then disappeared into the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up silently.

The first thing that caught his eye was the Clear Sky Hammer held in his left hand, with a peculiar white pattern spreading on the top of the hammer head.

With a flash of realization, a surge of white light from the Clear Sky Hammer blossomed and filled the air, quickly fading into nothingness.

However, the dullness and depression in the air was still there.

"Death God Domain, is this Death God Domain?" Murmuring, he revoked the domain. Two years of grinding like hell had long since smoothed out his edges, making it difficult for his mind to fluctuate, with only the thirst for battle and a desire to kill.

He slowly stood up and walked towards the only bright light in the distance.

His body touched the light, and with a ripple in space, Tang San's silhouette disappeared in place.


PS: I originally wanted to summarize it, but writing it that way will probably make a lot of people question the process, so it's better to cover it in one chapter. It's also good to connect with the plot after going out, especially making the exit clear. The exit of the hell slaughter arena should be with the nature of teleportation, because if there is only one exit, the original Tang Hao should be fighting with Chrysanthemum and Ghost Douluo, let alone be able to talk outside for so long.


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