Chapter 253 The two brothers are feeling very uncomfortable

Star Dou Great Forest.

After a few days of rushing, Lin Manshan and the others finally found the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor once again in the Star Dou Great Forest.

However, instead of choosing to rush up at the first opportunity, according to the plan, Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan approached first.

When the distance approached twenty meters.

"Ring Fusion, Eighth Spirit Skill, Time Freeze!" Dugu Bo did not hesitate to launch his control skill.

The three Thousand Catties Ant Emperor siblings who were creeping and crawling ahead immediately stopped in their tracks, their bodies being fixed in place. Immediately afterwards, they saw a flash of green aura in the space in front of them, and a black-clothed man with a mask on his face, whose breath could not be perceived, suddenly appeared in front of them.

Right hand flung, two baby fist-sized blood-red beads swooshed over, one on each side, straight into the mouth.

Subsequently, the green aura flashed, and the man disappeared out of thin air. In the next moment, they only felt their bodies relax, and their bodies resumed action.

"???" The three siblings instantly shook their heads alertly, looking left and right.

Unfortunately, they were all soldier ants, apart from their strength and defence, they didn't have any other special abilities, and their mental power wasn't strong, so they couldn't sense the enemy's presence at all.

In a short while, the two brothers who were waving their pincers and pulling something into their mouths suddenly stopped.

As soon they resumed action, they almost reflexively searched for the incoming enemy, and the two red beads slid into their throats with quick movement, quickly melted away.

At this moment, they only felt a huge amount of energy surging from within their bodies, their cultivation level rising by leaps and bounds.

Feeling this change, the two beasts hastily turned their heads, "Hiss." Informing their brothers.

"Huh, me too!" The second replied as such.

"Could it be that fellow who we couldn't see just now is a powerful spirit beast, and this is a reward bestowed upon us?" The eldest remarked.

"Why don't I have one?" The third instantly felt a bit aggrieved.

"Old Third, it's probably because your cultivation is still poor. Help us keep an eye out first, we need to focus on absorbing it." The oldest hurriedly said.

Why refuse the benefits that were given for free?

"." The tentacles above the heads of the three beasts shook as they communicated, quickly completing the division of labour.

The two slightly larger ones quickly moved to lie still under a large tree, while the other one was in charge of guarding in front.

On the other side, Dugu Bo who returned to the team couldn't help but complain, "These three siblings, why do they seem naive."

"My aura was concealed by my soul power, so they weren't able to perceive a human aura on my body, so maybe they took me as a senior who was giving away benefits. I can sense the emotions of excitement and joy coming from those two Thousand Catties Ant Emperors." Lin Manshan uttered a guess.

"It's really possible, my 8th spirit skill coupled with your Teleportation Technique has probably really fooled them." Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Probably thinking that you are too powerful and that you would have killed them a long time ago if you wanted to kill them, thus in turn, they have dropped their guard. Most importantly, they have sensed that their cultivation level is rapidly rising."

"Let's wait slowly next." Lin Manshan nodded with a smile, then turned his head to look at the group, "These three Thousand Catties Ant Emperors all fall into the category of Soldier Ants, they don't have any special abilities, and their means of attack are very single when it comes time to fight, just pay attention to avoid the head and don't get bumped into or caught by the front pincers. As for the weaknesses, the front pincers are unable to attack behind them, and the joints in the waist are fragile."

"Therefore, we just need to damage their wings first, and then focus on the waist to attack."

"Good." The group nodded their heads in succession, and they understood the weaknesses of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor. The reason why this race was known as the spirit beast world's waste spirit beasts and the reserve food for other meat-eating spirit beasts was precisely because their means of attack were too singular, and their weaknesses were obvious.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan did not say anything more.

When a spirit beast advanced into a 100,000-year-old spirit beast, the completion of the physical body metamorphosis would be slow. So they didn't wait, they found a suitable open space and started to set up camp, and then did a proper division of labour, those who should be on guard were on guard, while the rest of the people were concentrating on cultivating and adjusting their state.

Time passed little by little, this wait was three days.   

In the afternoon, Lin Manshan vigorously opened his eyes.

The next moment, with a "buzz", two faint energy fluctuations diffused one after another, and the surrounding shrubs rustled.

"Success?!" The other people around them also sensed the energy fluctuations and brushed up to their feet.

Lin Manshan, who had already got up, nodded and then said, "Their bodies have completed their transformation, and it cannot be ruled out that they have acquired new abilities. However, it's certain that they who have just completed their promotion definitely haven't fully adapted to these gains yet."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's hurry up." Dugu Bo hurriedly said.

"Now that they are 100,000-year-old spirit beasts, if they have adapted, the difficulty of hunting them will definitely increase greatly."

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, "Let's go."

"I have an idea, maybe we can give it a try."

"Shh, Shh, Shh" Several figures turned into streams of light, rushing directly in the direction of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperors.

"Ya Ya Ya Ya" On the other side, the two brothers who had just completed their transformation were chatting happily, after they were promoted to 100,000-year-old spirit beasts, their bodies underwent a huge transformation, and even their voices changed, they felt that they could simulate human voices. However, because the strength was raised up lot in a short period of time, the transformation was too fast, so their bodies did not adapt to it, and the words they uttered were a bit garbled.

"Hiss, hiss!" The third beside them shook his big pincers enviously

The two brothers had just broken through the major barrier, their breath was not stabilized, so it could completely feel the strong energy fluctuations emanating from them.

"Old Three, when we stabilize our strength, we will take you back to the core circle and snatch the territory back from those two guys. You will be able to cultivate there in the future, and your cultivation will be able to grow a bit faster. When there is some refinement, maybe that lord earlier will also reward you with one of the beads from earlier." The Eldest comforted with great gusto, the bead fed by that being had given it a truly astonishing boost.

It had already decided in its heart that that being must be a very powerful spirit beast transformation.

"Hiss." The Third immediately shook its head to express its joy.

In the next moment, the air suddenly froze.

Could it be that the lord had returned? This thought instantly rose in the minds of the three brothers, and joy rose within their hearts.

The lord is so good, in the future, we must repay him properly.

In between their thoughts, they actually forgot to break free from their bonds.

The next moment, the familiar black shadow appeared in front of the eyes, with two crystal clear red vials appearing in its hands, and then they were flicked and flew straight over. The two freshly promoted Thousand Catties Ant Emperors instantly brightened up, allowing the vials to be fed into their mouths without any resistance.

"???" Why are the two big brothers got it again, the third next to them had tears in its eyes and became sour all of a sudden.

Then the next second, "Pffff." Two crunching sounds echoed in the air.

The vials that were thrown into the mouth exploded in unison, and the blood-red liquid splashed out at once, flowing into the mouth.

Sharp pain, as sharp as a burning fire, instantly swept from the mouth into the belly.

"YaYaYaYa" Violent screams were heard, golden light filled, their bodies subconsciously unleashed their defence skills, and just instantly, their shells were covered by a layer of golden attachments.

"???" The third beside them was confused, it seemed, the two old brothers were feeling very uncomfortable in their bodies.


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