Chapter 254 Absorbing the spirit ring

'This is the ability gained after advancing to the 100,000-year level? It looks like a defence-type skill.'

Looking at the golden colour cover around the two beasts, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think.

What he had just thrown out was the Yang Spring from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, the original Tang San had used it to kill the Evil Spirit Orca King, so naturally he wouldn't forget it, so he had isolated and taken some of it with him. From the previous performance, the three Thousand Catties Ant Emperors seemed to really regard him as a kindred spirit beast, which was a point that could be utilized. He just didn't expect that it would really work, and the two beasts didn't have the slightest intention of preventing it.

I guess it could be regarded as a good thing. The vial he had specially made really sealed the Yang Spring Breath very well.

Although this method was a bit despicable, it did seem to be a very effective strategy right now.

In between his thoughts, "Swoosh swoosh swoosh."

Dugu Bo and the others dashed out from all directions.

Feeling the human aura on the group, the three Thousand Catties Ant Emperors snapped to their senses and realized that they had been tricked and that this was a trap. This human's previous gift was to advance their cultivation to 100,000 years and then kill to obtain 100,000-year spirit rings and spirit bones.

"Damn it!" Looking at the two brothers who were writhing on all fours in agony, the Third instantly became enraged.

Raising his large pincers, he rushed towards the culprit, Lin Manshan.

"Step aside." Dugu Bo who has entered the second stage of the Martial Soul True Body immediately displayed the Blinking Step and flashed over, the Old Third who hasn't been promoted to 100,000 years is obviously not the opponent of Dugu Bo who is fully equipped with spirit bones and whose spirit power has already reached the level 96, the strength may still be comparable, but the speed is simply not at the same level, and he was directly kicked in the buttocks and flew out several meters on the spot.

"Leave now, I will not kill you." Dugu Bo folded his arms around his chest and said indifferently.

At that moment, a sharp cry suddenly came from the side, and Dugu Bo turned around to see that the carapace of the two 100,000-year-old Ant Emperors who had swallowed the Yang Spring of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well had already glowed orange, like shrimps about to be cooked.

With red eyes, they charged straight towards Lin Manshan, letting out ear-piercing tweets as they did so.

"Hiss, hiss!" The other Giant Ant climbed up from the ground, shook its big head, glanced at everyone, then turned around and ran away.

But its direction was not the periphery, but the core circle.

'Vanishing Art!' Utilizing the Vanishing Art to dodge the attack, Lin Manshan glanced at the departing Thousand Catties Ant Emperor with his spare light, and his gaze narrowed, "Grandpa, go and knock out that Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, it might be trying to go and notify the 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts in the Core Circle."

Upon hearing this, Dugu Bo's face couldn't help but change, and he immediately chased after it.

"Eighth Spirit Skill, Soul Breaking Strike." At this exact moment, Yang Wudi, who had already finished storing up his strength, directly threw out the long spear in his hand and stabbed straight at the back of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, who had already gone berserk right in front of Lin Manshan. Because of the severe pain, the two beasts were already unable to maintain the defence skills they had just acquired, and their already fragile thin wings were naturally unable to withstand Yang Wudi's all-out strike.

With just a "Boom!" With a sound, the thin wings were pierced through.

Immediately afterwards, "Boom!" A violent rumbling sound rang out, and the thin wing was turned into powder on the spot.

"Ominous Moon Light Slash!" A blazing blade light was swung out by Lin Manshan, and the other one's wings were also chopped off.

"It seems like, we're no longer needed." Shui Chaozong and Shui Zilu looked at each other and murmured.

Originally, they had thought that it would be a big battle, but they didn't expect it to be resolved by Lin Manshan's two vials of poison.

From the physical changes alone, it could be seen that these two Thousand Catties Ant Emperors couldn't live much longer, their bodies were smoking.

The toxicity of this poison is truly fierce. Inwardly, they could not help but sigh deeply.

Not far away, Yang Wudi had the same idea. He glanced at Lin Manshan with his peripheral vision and felt extremely lucky to have chosen to join Skywalker Academy. It was a blessing to work with Lin Manshan. His strength had increased rapidly, and he would even have a hundred-thousand-year spirit ring.

Which force would provide such treatment? Tang Hao and his son, and the Clear Sky Clan are just piles of rubbish.

And being Lin Manshan's enemy will definitely lead to a tragic ending.

Creating a poison that could even kill a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast, what difference did a Titled Douluo make?

In the middle of his thoughts, he turned his head to look at the other side, the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, whose cultivation was only 90,000 years old, was simply unable to match Dugu Bo's speed, and was caught up in almost the blink of an eye.

With his unrivalled speed, Dugu Bo was beating the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor senseless.

His strength was also amazing, with one punch, the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor flew out several meters.

Not far away, the bodies of the two Thousand Catties Ant Emperors that had been poisoned had fallen to the ground in an eastward direction, their bodies were smoking with steam, especially their mouths, with massive mouthfuls of blood spewing out, with the thickest of fumes too, obviously, this was a symptom of the poison of extreme heat scorching through their bodies.

"Uncle Niu, quick, you handle the one on the right. The fire poison has already eroded their organs and soul breath is rapidly declining, they could die at any time." Lin Manshan shouted towards Niu Gao while urging his spirit power.

"Okay!" Niu Gao responded and immediately activated his Martial Soul True Body and launched his spirit skill to empower himself, then utilized the Refining Jade Hands and the Blinking Steps to jump a few times to the side of the closest Thousand Catties Ant Emperor on the right side.

Without hesitation, with a vertical leap upwards, his body rose ten meters, he aimed at the waist joints, and made a dive downwards, "Bang!" The fist struck the waist joint directly.

A violent rumbling sound rang out, and the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor's huge body was immediately smashed and twisted.

The joint tissues that had already been eroded by the extremely hot Yang Spring from the inside were also overwhelmed, and with a click, they were fractured in the first instance, followed by Niu Gao's endless fierce punches.

Of course, it wasn't just Niu Gao's main body that was swinging his fists, the huge Martial Soul true body that overlaid the body's surroundings was trampling on it.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the defenceless Thousand Catties Ant Emperor's body was smashed into the earth, dying.

On the other end, "Limit Break, Ominous Moon Extreme Light!" Lin Manshan made a straight stab, and the arrow-like blade light burst out from the edge of the sword, stabbing the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor straight in the waist, "Pfft!" The soft tissues of the joints that were already somewhat festering from being scorched by the extremely hot Yang Spring were pierced through on the spot, and juices gushed out like water leaking out.   

"Limit Break, Ominous Moon Light Slash!" Another slash was slashed out, and blood and juice poured out from the neck joints.

The Thousand Catties Ant Emperor's huge body shuddered and collapsed with it.

Almost at the same time, at the foot of Niu Gao's Martial Soul True Body, the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, who had already got half of its body stuck in the ground, also lost its breath.

When he raised his eyes to look, Dugu Bo had also already knocked out the other Thousand Catties Ant Emperor and was dragging it back.

As he looked back, the bright red spirit ring slowly rose up.

Seeing this, Niu Gao immediately looked a little excited, a 100,000-year spirit ring, a true 100,000-year spirit ring.

His eyes swept over Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo, his eyes were full of gratitude, there was no doubt that it was because of the two of them that he could obtain such achievements and honours.

The rest of his life, only with his life, can he repay this nurturing and the kindness of knowledge and power. Inwardly, he couldn't help but murmur.

"Uncle Niu, hurry up and absorb the spirit ring." Then Lin Manshan said, gesturing slightly towards the corpse of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, "After absorbing the spirit ring, then absorb the left arm bone underneath as well."

A hundred thousand spirit beast would surely pop a spirit bone, and he could already sense the fluctuation.

"Man'er, forget about the spirit bone. I'll just absorb the spirit ring." Niu Gao immediately said.

Lin Manshan slightly shook his head, "Uncle Niu, there's no need to push it off, this spirit bone and spirit ring came from the same spirit beast, and if you absorb it, the effect will undoubtedly be the best. Moreover, now that we are both in the same academy, we have long been a family, so why bother separating out from each other."

"If you really want to thank me, in the future, we will all work together and guard the academy well."

"That's right, don't mention it in the family, hurry up." Dugu Bo, who was walking halfway down the path, also chimed in.

"Hm." Niu Gao nodded with somewhat moist eyes, "Don't worry, I, Niu Gao, will certainly guard the academy with my life."

After saying this, he walked to a vacant space and sat down, starting to pull the spirit ring.

Lin Manshan also sat down, closed his eyes and operated the Meridian Skill, pulling the spirit ring to start absorbing.

Old buddy, I'll do the same. Yang Wudi's gaze swept over Niu Gao's body, and his eyes were also filled with determination.

"Old Yang, do you have any sleeping pills with you, come feed this guy a vial. Absorbing a hundred thousand-year-old spirit ring is not something that can be accomplished in a moment, I can't just knock this guy out every time it wakes up." Dugu Bo's voice suddenly came from not far from his side.

"Have it, just happen to have brought it with me." Yang Wudi immediately responded and quickly ran over.

Soon after, the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor lying on the ground slept peacefully.

However, as a precaution, Dugu Bo chose to continue guarding the side after collecting the spirit bone.

The rest of them were responsible for guarding the surrounding area.

Of course, during this process, their eyes were more on the two people absorbing the spirit rings.

Time passed little by little, and under the slightly surprised gazes of the crowd, the two of them were constantly glowing with a dark golden lustre. Especially Lin Manshan, who had the most prominent changes, on his forehead, the once seen mark that looked like a bull's horn or a flower reappeared. Behind his back, the external spirit bone which had propped open his clothes and revealed itself, was also dyed with a dark golden lustre, and there were even golden threads surging and flowing on the surface.

'Could it be that the external spirit bone has evolved?' Dugu Bo couldn't help but guess.

'Worthy of being a 100,000-year-old spirit ring.' The rest of them also sighed.

After an unknown amount of time, Niu Gao was the first to wake up, with nine spirit rings arranged in order below his buttocks, the outermost layer being the bright red 100,000-year-old spirit ring, which was particularly blinding under the dark night. When he turned his head to look around, Lin Manshan was still absorbing the spirit ring.

His eyes continued to sweep, and when he swept over to Dugu Bo, he only saw the other party raise his hand and directly throw a piece of left arm bone over.

Niu Gao hastily took it, the violent energy fluctuation was felt clearly at once, his mind fluctuated a little, and his eyes were unconsciously acidic, but he quickly suppressed it, nodding towards Dugu Bo, withdrawing the spirit rings underneath his body, he began to absorb the spirit bone.

"Outrageous, this spirit ring took 10 days to absorb even for Niu Gao." Dugu Bo shook his head and sighed.

It was really boring to wait 10 days.

Turning back to look behind him, he looked at the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, who was still lying down and sleeping and couldn't help but skim his lips.

In order to make sure that this fellow didn't starve, he had even wasted a few beneficial elixirs that supplemented vitality and blood to feed it.

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

After 20 days, Lin Manshan woke up quietly.

"Damn, finally woke up." Dugu Bo immediately blurted foul words, then got up, "Manshan, it's better to go back and absorb the spirit bone later. You've been absorbing this 100,000-year-old spirit ring for almost 1 month, we just can't stay here anymore."

"That being said, how is the enhancement?"

While approaching in large strides, he asked.


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