Chapter 256 Divine Test (2 in 1)

Spirit City, Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"Your Holiness, Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan are not at the academy, and according to the word of the deputy dean Bai Xue who hosted me, they have led a team to the Spirit Beast Forest to conduct some sort of experiment in secret."

Ghost Douluo bowed and saluted, "My subordinate has already handed over the spirit tool containing the books to Bai Xue. After waiting many days in the Saint Hall without any luck, I could only return first to report."

Going to the Spirit Beast Forest to experiment. Bibi Dong's gaze couldn't help but flicker as she thought inwardly, 'It seems that my previous guess was right, Lin Manshan is really researching medicines that can help spirit beasts break through the 100,000-year threshold. This time, I believe that he led the team to the spirit beast forest to capture spirit beasts on the spot and examine and understand their physique, so that he could prepare the right medicine to enhance the efficiency of the medicinal power assimilation on the spirit beasts.'

Wanting a high-level spirit beast's cultivation to break through 100,000 years, there was no doubt that the pills refined would definitely contain a huge amount of medicinal power within them, which would require a massive amount of medicinal herbs, and if they couldn't find a way to enhance the absorption rate of the medicinal power, it would really be too much of a waste of medicinal herbs. Even if Skywalker Academy collected more medicinal herbs, it couldn't withstand this consumption. After all, there were simply too many to be used.

When she thought of the female lovers beside Lin Manshan, Bibi Dong couldn't help but chuckle.

In order for all those girls to have 100,000-year spirit rings in the future, Lin Manshan had considered to have spent a great deal of energy and effort.

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded slightly, "Everything will continue as usual, go down."

"Yes." Ghost Douluo nodded and turned around to walk out of the grand hall.

"Hundred thousand-year spirit ring," Bibi Dong, sitting on the throne, then slightly clenched her fists and murmured in a low voice.

She certainly wanted the spirit ring of the Super Spirit Beast, but obtaining a 100,000-year-old spirit ring is also sufficient, as long as she can step through that step, all of this is no longer important.

Slowly standing up, she walked towards the inner room on the side.


On the other end, Skywalker Academy, during the night, Lin Manshan and the others returned to the academy.

As soon as they landed, everyone went back to their own homes, Lin Manshan greeted Dugu Bo and also went straight back to his house. Having not seen each other for nearly two months, Lin Manshan's feelings of longing were already overflowing, therefore, Lin Manshan didn't choose to absorb the spirit bones that night, but instead chose to accompany the girls.

The next day, he woke up early and made breakfast with his own hands.

As soon as everyone was seated at the table, the sound of crisp footsteps came, and the closest Ye Lingling left her seat to open the door.

Soon, Dugu Bo walked in, striding over to the table to brush off some food.

"Ghost Douluo dropped by and handed over the spirit tool containing spirit beast knowledge-related books to your mother-in-law Bai Xue. Just now, your father-in-law has come over and handed it over to me." Receiving the well-served millet porridge from Dugu Yan's hand, Dugu Bo shook his head in a slightly bitter manner, "Hey, the books inside are just a bit too many, they are simply piling up like a mountain, even if I can read at a glance right now, I guess I would have to read them for more than a month."

"So next, I might have to seclude myself for a while longer."

Lin Manshan nodded, "After absorbing the spirit bone, I suppose I will also need to be in seclusion for a period of time to digest the gains. As for the Martial Spirit Hall's side, there should be no need to care for the time being. With Bibi Dong's intelligence, she must have already guessed the deeper meaning expressed in my letter. At the same time, it is also clear that this kind of matter is not something that can be researched overnight. Besides, this matter will be extremely beneficial to her, so she will be willing to wait."

"If I'm not wrong, I believe that she has already sent people out to find suitable spirit beasts to make preparations."

"Hmm." Dugu Bo nodded and sipped his congee with a stuffy head, then strutted out the door.

Lin Manshan then got up, greeted all the girls, and walked towards the inner room where he usually practised closed-door seclusion.

Walking into the inner room, he came to sit down in front of the futon, pulling out the left arm bone that the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor had dropped from his spirit tool, and without hesitation, Lin Manshan placed it close to his left arm.

Immediately after operating Meridian Skill, in the dense light, the spirit bone transformed into a wisp of breath and integrated into his arm.

Three days later, Lin Manshan slowly woke up.

Lifting his left arm and clasping a grip, he couldn't help but smile, "Worthy of being a 100,000-year-old spirit bone, the power has unexpectedly increased so much, and the spirit power is also at level 77. It's only 3 levels away from level 80. After adapting for a while, I'll go out to say hello to Zhuyun and the girls, and then continue my cultivation."

Goals that could be reached in the short term would stimulate the fighting spirit more, Lin Manshan felt exactly the same at this moment, he only felt that the level 80 Spirit Douluo realm was beckoning him.

Two hours later, he slowly stood up from his seat and walked towards the outdoors.

After accompanying the girls for a meal and exchanging pleasantries, he returned to the inner room to continue his cultivation. Seeing this, the girls were also not willing to be weak, and after simply packing up their things, they also started their respective cultivation schedules, those who went back to their rooms went back to their rooms, and those who went to the Mimicry Environment went to the Mimicry Environment.

Time passes day by day like this.

More than half a month later, Zhu Zhuqing announced that she had broken through level 60.

Without disturbing Dugu Bo who was preparing for the Divine Exam, Lin Manshan called up Shui Chaozong and set off for the Sunset Forest that night. With his current strength, he wasn't afraid of even encountering a Titled Douluo, so helping Zhu Zhuqing hunt a 40,000-year-old spirit beast was a piece of cake.

The reason for calling his old father-in-law, Shui Chaozong, was just to make it easier to travel by flight.

Regarding the Sunset Forest, Lin Manshan could be considered quite familiar with it, and he easily found a suitable spirit beast. Delightfully, a piece of right leg bone was dropped after the hunt. After absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone, Zhu Zhuqing's spirit power also successfully reached level 65.

From departure to return to the academy, the 15-day journey was declared over, and Lin Manshan once again devoted himself to cultivation.

Soon, a month passed, and Dugu Bo came to the small courtyard where Lin Manshan resided with great vigour.

Waiting for Lin Manshan to come out from the inner room, he immediately said, "Man'er, I'm almost ready, let's start tonight."

Lin Manshan nodded, "Let's go to my inner room."

"With me and Lingling around, if an injury breaks out, we'll be able to provide the quickest treatment."

"Well, good." Dugu Bo nodded, walked into the inner room, and began to sit down to regulate his breathing and adjust his state.

Night came quickly, and Dugu Bo, who had eaten and drunk enough for dinner, exercised his body in the courtyard, adjusting his state to the best. Afterwards, flocked by Lin Manshan and the others, he walked into the inner room with big strides, and under the eyes of everyone, he urged his spirit power to surge towards the eyebrow mark.

Immediately, he only saw a flash of silver light from that eyebrow mark, and a black line suddenly appeared in the empty space in front of him.

In the next second, without warning, it suddenly grew larger, as if it was torn apart by great power, transforming into a two-meter-high black portal.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo took a deep breath, turned his head and nodded towards the group, lifting his foot to step in.

As Dugu Bo's figure completely disappeared, the black portal suddenly disappeared without warning.

Standing at Lin Manshan's side, Dugu Yan's complexion suddenly became somewhat tense, her small hand tightly pulling on her partner's arm. Lin Manshan also smoothly pulled Dugu Yan close to his embrace, his fingertips gently patting her shoulder, "Yan, don't worry. With Grandpa's strength today, he should be fine."

"Hm." Dugu Yan nodded her head, but the look of worry on her face did not fade.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan moved Dugu Yan to sit on a side carpet and waited quietly with the group.

On the other end, inside the strange space, "Roar!" A loud roar rang out, and a three-meter-long giant wolf with a black body appeared thirty meters away in front of Dugu Bo's eyes who was glancing around the room, its limbs spread out, its face was fierce as a ghost's face, and its eyes showed a fierce light as it looked at him.

"Welcome to the Life and Death Arena. The winner will receive everything the loser has." The empty and inexplicable strange voice then echoed in the space.

'Damn, a Ghost-faced Demon Wolf with dual attributes of wind and darkness, isn't this thing extinct?' Looking at the huge black wolf in front of him, Dugu Bo's gaze couldn't help but flicker with a hint of surprise. According to the records, the Ghost-faced Demon Wolf had appeared on the western side of Heaven Dou Empire's Lima Plains a thousand years ago. Later, when humans continued to develop and utilize the grasslands, the living space for spirit beasts there was compressed, and this race was never seen again.

Strong speed and strength, known as the God of Death in the Night and the Tyrant of Wolves, this was the description of the Ghost-faced Demon Wolf.

'Fortunately, with only 50,000 years of cultivation, it shouldn't be my match.' Dugu Bo thought inwardly.   

Between his thoughts, the countdown ended.

"Roar!" Suddenly fluctuations of wind force violently raised around the body of the giant wolf, and then it rushed over like a black hurricane when the words fell, when the distance was close to more than ten meters, its feet lifted, and dozens of wind blades condensed and surged out of thin air.

The next second, a flash of black light condensed in the empty space, the wind then surging.

"Puh-puh-puh-puh." Dugu Bo's arms turned into turquoise colour, and a few slaps scattered the wind blades.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a black ball the size of a single person spinning at a breakneck speed with terrifying wind fluctuations and suction ejecting from the giant wolf's mouth.

"Blinking Step!" Dugu Bo's toes nudged and he turned like flowing streams to evade.

Immediately afterwards, his body twisted and turned, charging towards the direction of the giant wolf.

Seeing Dugu Bo taking the initiative to rush over, the giant wolf seemed to feel the provocation, its crimson eyes suddenly glowed ferociously, its hind limbs stomped, its claws went in front of it, the tips of its claws glowing with black and green light, and its huge body swooped straight over, "Roar!" The giant mouth roared loudly throughout the air.

'There is still a sonic-type skill to go along with it! Dammit, do the Spirit Beasts that are possessed by the Divine Thought Imprint have rare skills like they don't cost a dime?' Dugu Bo's body leapt, turning on his martial soul, the spirit rings unfolded underneath his feet, and he flew up into the sky to avoid the two attacks of pouncing and sonic cannon, 'This thing surprisingly hasn't claimed its dominance in the Lima Plains after so many years, it seems that there is also an unrivalled existence there that restrains this guy.'

While he was groaning to himself, the giant wolf below saw the spirit rings underneath Dugu Bo's feet, and its body stiffened significantly, becoming cautious.

"Roar!" Tilting its head and letting out a prolonged roar, its body swirled with black light, and the surrounding space suddenly darkened.

"Fuck, it also has a domain skill!" Dugu Bo's eyes shone with a gleam, the purple haze pupils turned on, and under the spiritual world perspective, the wind attribute energy around the giant wolf's body was turbulent and violent, and the wind blades were condensed and then shot out.

Just in the blink of an eye, within his line of sight, a meter-long wind blade was everywhere.

"If a dragon doesn't make a move, do you think I'm a cauliflower snake!?" Dugu Bo's eyes glared, "Martial Soul True Body!" The body twirled, and immediately transformed into a huge dragon, which directly spun up and swooped down, "Poof, Poof, Poof." The sound of collision rang in the ears one after another.

Within the field, the giant wolf's vision was unobstructed, lifting its feet and opening its mouth, it bit towards the head of Dugu Bo's Martial Soul Body.

"Fuck!" Dugu Bo's right hand flung, martial soul true body suddenly spit out the natal poison, a mass of green mist was sprayed into the mouth of the giant wolf, and then the head twisted downward, to avoid the wolf's mouth, and then the dragon body coiled under the crotch of the giant wolf, and instantly bound the giant wolf.

"Ow ow ow " Dugu Bo's native poison entered its mouth, and the corrosive effect was immediately apparent, the giant wolf wailed in pain on the spot.

At this moment, Dugu Bo had already urged his Martial Soul True Body to perform the Death Roll, and directly tackled the giant wolf's three-meter-long body. The dragon's head position was exactly at the lower abdomen position of the giant wolf, which was the biggest weak point of wolf-type spirit beasts by far.

"Bah!" A mouthful of saliva was sprayed at the balls and then aimed at the waist and ribs, then brandishing the fist to slam down a part of its body.

"Ow ow ow," The corrosive effect of the poison was continuous, and it was attacked by the violent giant sandbag-sized fist, the giant wolf's heart was bursting with pain, and it couldn't even launch its skills.

Its four feet continuously flailing around, but because of the pain in the lower body, it could not use its strength to break free from the bondage and restraints.

"Bang Bang Bang" The sound of fists smashing continuously was heard, and the poison was also gradually entering its body.

The wail of the giant wolf became weak.

After an unknown period of time, the atmosphere became silent again.

Only then did Dugu Bo revoke his Martial Soul True Body, stopping his movements and jumping to the side.

Right at that moment, a strange voice suddenly rang out, "The challenge is successful, rewards will be handed out."

As soon as the words fell, the corpse of the giant wolf in front of him disappeared from head to toe without even a spirit ring appearing, suddenly dissipating with the wind like smoke after burning.

Only a greenish-black bead was left in mid-air.

Under Dugu Bo's astonished gaze, the bead suddenly shone brightly, and then a green and black light suddenly burst out, shooting straight at Dugu Bo's chest.

"???" Dugu Bo was startled and subconsciously wanted to evade, however, his body couldn't move.

The light struck his chest directly, and behind him, the Jade Phosphor Dragon Martial Soul appeared immediately, as did the spirit rings under his feet.

"This is?" Dugu Bo instantly felt a majestic energy being injected into his body, and with a thought, he let go of his spiritual power to observe the changes in his body while operating the Meridian Skill. Under his perception, his own cultivation was growing sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye. The muscles of his body trembled as if a vicious dog had seen some food, frantically absorbing some kind of strange energy, and the strength of his physical body rapidly increased.

The spirit bones in his body were also being affected by this power, slowly increasing in strength, and his spiritual power was also skyrocketing.

What surprised him the most was that the martial soul that emerged behind him was also undergoing a transformation.

Green and black were dominant, mixed with a tiny strand of grey diffused from the heart of the dragon's body, and was spreading to the head and tail at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, the colour of the spirit rings underneath his feet was actually deepening.

Among them, the most obvious change was the first two, hundred years spirit rings, the transformation of which was visible to the naked eye as it changed from yellow to deep yellow.

"The winner gets everything of the loser." Dugu Bo suddenly understood the true meaning of these words, everything, naturally everything, including the soul, "The spiritual power that has skyrocketed in my body, I'm afraid that it was transformed from the soul."

'Too terrifying, God actually has such great power.' Inwardly, he couldn't help but be deeply shocked.

'The cultivation, life force, and even the flesh and soul of this Ghost-faced Demon Wolf are all being transformed into the purest energy and injected into my body, my cultivation, physical strength, spirit bone strength, spirit ring years, and spiritual strength are simply being raised in all aspects. Although the energy has been divided up, and it's not a maximized boost to my cultivation, the strengthening of the foundation is incomparable.'

Between his thoughts, a little bit of time passed.

A few hours later, the light in the space dissipated, and Dugu Bo looked down and saw that the colour of the spirit rings under his feet had turned purple, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black and black.

"The age of both spirit rings and spirit bones have probably been raised by about 3000 years on average, shit, awesome!"

Looking back again, the dragon body of the Jade Phosphorus Jiao Emperor Martial Soul had haloed in green and black colours.

His eyes instantly widened, 'Crap! The wind and darkness attributes have been attached to my martial soul, although the intensity isn't high, this is an attribute addition. That is something that even absorbing a 100,000-year-old spirit ring may not necessarily result in.'

Dugu Bo was confused on the spot.

Just then, the strange voice once again sounded, "Whether or not to continue the challenge?"


Dugu Bo blurted out excitedly.

In the next moment, his face was stiff, and he awkwardly asked, "May I ask, can I take back what I just said?"

There was no response, there was only a huge black hole appearing out of nowhere thirty meters ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a giant black and purple spirit beast landed on the ground.


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