Chapter 257 Dugu Bo (2 in 1)

"Death Spider Emperor? Looking at this body type, its cultivation should exceed 65,000 years." Seeing the spirit beast's appearance, Dugu Bo's eyes couldn't help but narrow slightly, the reason why the Death Spider Emperor was labelled with the title Death was because of its terrifying poison capability. What's more, this one in front of him had been strengthened by the divine thought imprint, and its own poison ability was also probably strengthened, enough to threaten his life.

In between his thoughts, the peculiar voice sounded once again, followed by the start of the countdown.

"Hiss." The Death Spider Emperor's spider legs pressed down, and venom continuously dripped to the ground from its hideous mouth.

As the countdown ended, a purple light suddenly lit up from underneath its feet, followed by a purple-black breath that rose up and spread around at an extremely fast speed.

The purple-black breath on the ground was as sticky as a swamp, "Gulp, gulp, gulp." There were bubbles constantly rising up and bursting.

'This is a domain, these purple-black breaths should be highly toxic.' Dugu Bo instinctively felt the threat of death.

"Martial Soul True Body!" Without hesitation, he switched on the second stage of the Martial Soul True Body, and his body rose into the air.

"Hiss." The Death Spider Emperor let out an ear-piercing hiss from its mouth, its spider legs flexed and flicked, and just two jumps brought it to the underside of Dugu Bo, and then its head raised up.

 The entire ground was dyed purple in just a few blinks of an eye.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo raised his eyebrows and turned on his Purple Haze Pupils to avoid the venom while simultaneously discharging his spiritual power, 'It's just the right time to try out the Martial Soul Attribute Ability that I just obtained.'

With a thought, the wind surged around his body, then his palms slammed forward, and a fierce wind rose up.

There was no subtle control, it was merely a violent outburst of spirit power and a sudden rise of disorderly wind.

With a "Hoo" sound, the venom that sprayed fell back, and the eight spider legs that supported the Death Spider Emperor's body were also pushed down slightly by this huge wind, the surrounding poisonous mist was cleared, and then.

"Ring Fusion! Eighth Spirit Skill, Time Freeze."

As the voice fell, the air suddenly went silent.

"Now, the toxins can't be touched."

The cultivation of the Death Spider Emperor below was only 65,000 years after all, so how could it possibly resist his full control?

Between his thoughts, Dugu Bo's body transformed into a stream of light, his arms transformed into jade, Refining Jade Hands was activated, and his body swooped down in a twisted position. The Capturing the Dragon that combined the Clear Sky Nine Absolute and Lin Manshan's comprehension of the sword power generation technique, supported by the whole body's spirit bones, struck a full-force strike straight at the Death Spider Emperor's waist.

"Boom!" A violent rumbling sound rang out, the Death Spider Emperor's body was instantly smashed to the ground, the eight spider legs spread out in an extremely twisted position, and a few of them even broke on the spot. Including the joints of the waist, it was also broken.

The blood mixed with poison instantly leaked out like a jet, and the fishy odour filled with a foul smell also rose up with it.

'Surprisingly, even the blood can emit poison,' Dugu Bo only glanced at it, then jumped up and retreated.

"Snap, Snap." Even after being broken at the waist, the instinct to survive still drove the Death Spider Emperor to struggle violently.

But soon, this futile struggle was declared over.

"Challenge successful, the distribution of rewards will begin." The strange voice came again.

At the sound, Dugu Bo hurriedly sat down and moved to a comfortable position.

In the next moment, a purplish-black stream of light struck straight into his chest.

A few hours later, Dugu Bo woke up quietly.

Clenching his fists, he could not suppress the joy on his face, "The spirit rings and the spirit bones age has increased by roughly 3,600 years on average, and the spirit power, well, it's still a little bit worse." Slowly standing up, the colour of joy on his face did not diminish. After a Titled Douluo cultivated to level 95, it could be described as one level equalled to one heavenly rift, and it was naturally not easy to break through from level 96 to level 97. Not to mention that the crystallized energy was evenly distributed, belonging to the overall improvement to lay the foundation.

Physical body, martial soul, spirit rings, spirit bones, spirit power, and spiritual power, are all promoted in synchronization, without the slightest discomfort, all the energy perfectly integrated with him. All he had to do was merely adapt and familiarize himself with its use. In his opinion, this was even more valuable than directly absorbing a 100,000-year-old spirit ring. Although there was no breakthrough in his cultivation, his strength had indeed been significantly increased.

In the middle of his thoughts, he flicked his fingertips, and a dark green mist that glowed with a purple hue rose up.

"It seems that the main thing strengthened in this Death Spider Emperor by the Divine Thought Imprint is the poison attribute, my Martial Spirit's innate poison has obviously been strengthened so much that the colour has changed." Stroking his chin, "Other than that, it feels like the corrosiveness has obviously gotten stronger."

"Whether or not to continue the challenge?" A peculiar voice suddenly transmitted.

Dugu Bo immediately returned to his senses and waved his hand, "Won't continue!"

The next moment, with a swish, a black hole-like portal suddenly appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, Dugu Bo lifted his foot and stepped in.

With a turn of vision, his body appeared inside the room.

"Grandpa!" Dugu Yan instantly stood up and ran towards Dugu Bo.

Lin Manshan was also secretly relieved, got up and approached in small steps, when Dugu Bo lifted his head after pacifying Dugu Yan, he couldn't help but ask.

"Grandfather, how was it?"

"Divinely extraordinary!" Dugu Bo made an evaluation, then touched Dugu Yan's small head, together they walked to the carpet and sat down, then he spoke, "Man'er, as you guessed before, the spirit beasts were teleported into the special space, and"

With that, he recounted the battle against the beast one by one.

"Divine indeed!" Lin Manshan smacked his lips, a trace of envy even rising within him.

After the divine Examination Reward Fusion Crystals, Dugu Bo's enhancement was comprehensive, and his body was also transformed synchronously, so he was able to directly perform the attribute abilities added to his Martial Soul.

Moreover, the intensity was not small, so by his own strong spiritual power and spirit power control, he was able to forcefully cast a storm attack on the spot.

He, on the other hand, could only do it step by step, letting his body slowly adapt first.

Damn it, this was simply getting a cheat (golden finger)!

'But, the direction of the mutation of a spirit beast possessed by a divine thought imprint is indeed related to its own attributes and abilities, and it is mainly a drastic strengthening of the original foundation. But why does the Dark Devilgod Tiger, however, possess multiple attributes?'

Lin Manshan couldn't help but fall into thought, 'Could it be because its original attribute was Light Attribute?'

'The Light Attribute and the Ultimate Evil Attribute are two extremes, so the mutation produced after the two mingled has allowed the Dark Devilgod Tiger's crystal to accommodate other attributes in turn? For example, in the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, the intersection of the Yin Spring and the Yang Spring causes the surrounding environment to be able to accelerate the growth of herbs with various attributes. Putting it this way, the one I obtained, I believe it's the only crystallization that possesses multiple attributes.'

'As for the fact that it can still be maintained after the evil attribute inside got stripped away, it should have something to do with the fact that the energy inside has reached some sort of stabilizing relationship.'

Thinking about this, he once again felt that he didn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

"Man'er, I've decided to continue the challenge after resting for a few days." Dugu Bo raised his chin slightly and continued.

"With my strength, I should be able to deal with any spirit beast below 100,000 years of cultivation."

Lin Manshan nodded and pulled out a few vials of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Spring Water as well as a long-rage hidden weapon from his spirit tool and handed it over, "Grandpa, this is for you, bring a few more vials with you, you should be able to use them. These three Yama's Invitation, I can't use them for the time being, so bring them with you as well. In addition, later I will visit my master's place, and bring you a few pieces of hidden weapons, coating the poison on them may lead to miraculous results."

"Mm, Good." Dugu Bo nodded his head.

Thus, after resting for five days, Dugu Bo continued the challenge.

Stepping into the assessment space, what appeared face to face was a Dark and Gold Dual Attribute Evil Clawed Dragon with 70,000 years of cultivation.

After turning on the second stage of the Martial Soul True Body, it was considered relatively easy to defeat by the hard power gap.

After spending a day absorbing its energy crystal, the spirit rings and spirit bones' age increased by an average of 3,800 years, and the spirit power level also successfully broke through to level 97.   

When he was done, he did not choose to continue the challenge but exited the space to adjust for three days.

Three days later, he entered the space to fight again.

This time, he encountered a poison and earth dual attribute Death Sandworm that was over 80,000 years old.

Because it had left the familiar desert environment, coupled with its overly large size, it was successfully exhausted by Dugu Bo by his speed advantage.

After spending almost two days absorbing its energy crystal, the spirit rings and spirit bone age were raised by an average of 4,400 years.

After walking out of space and resting for three days, he continued the challenge and encountered the 90,000-year-old Nine-Eyed Demon Scorpion Emperor with earth, poison, and darkness, as well as power attributes. Because the Scorpion Emperor's defence was too excessive, coupled with the tail hook containing a huge poison being very flexible, this battle was fought directly for a day and a night. In the end, Dugu Bo relied on Purple Haze Pupils to seize the opening to break the scorpion's tail, and then jumped on the back to attack the blind spot and smashed it to death.

After spending two days absorbing the energy crystal, the spirit rings and spirit bone age increased by an average of 5000 years.

The cultivation level also successfully broke through level 98.

After walking out of the space and adjusting for 5 days, he continued the challenge vigorously.

After entering the space, he encountered a super giant 100,000-year-old Water Attribute Sea Dragon Spirit Beast with a body length of more than 30 meters.

Although after leaving the ocean, its means of attack was limited, the sea dragon's immensely strong, smooth, flexible and tough physical body as well as the seemingly endless amount of energy in its body still put Dugu Bo into a bitter battle. This battle was fought directly for three days and three nights. In the end, Dugu Bo managed to find a way to kill it, risking being bitten by the sea dragon, he took the opportunity to throw a few vials of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Yang Spring into the sea dragon's mouth and then it died.

Subsequently, it took a full 10 days to absorb everything, and the average increase in spirit rings and spirit bones age exceeded 5,500 years.

Although the cultivation level did not directly break through to level 99, the internal spirit power reserve was at the peak of level 98.

At this moment, the colour of Dugu Bo's spirit rings was already black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black and red.

Because of the personality factor, coupled with his family's inherited poison, he had always been a loner over the years, and even the hunting of spirit rings had been done by himself. Coupled with the fact that he was not good at attacking, he could only resort to scheming and poisoning. Therefore, his eighth spirit ring age was only 65,000 years, and the ninth spirit ring was only 75,000 years. If it wasn't for this, his 8th spirit ring could have reached 100,000 years at this point in time.

However, now, although the 8th spirit ring hadn't reached 100,000 years yet, it had also broken through the 90,000 mark.

As for the spirit bones, the head spirit bone had successfully advanced to 50,000 years, and the two Clear Sky Clan inherited spirit bones that had fallen from Tang Hao's body, the right arm bone and the left leg bone, had both reached 95,000 years. As for the rest of the spirit bones, the torso bone had successfully broken through the 100,000-year mark, with the left arm bone reaching 60,000 years and the right leg bone reaching 75,000 years. Of course, this was still the age judged by the energy fluctuations emanating from the spirit bones.

As for the quality and strength, there was no doubt that they were all top-notch, far surpassing spirit bones of the same age.

In addition, the changes in the martial soul were also great.

Not only did it possess six attributes, namely poison, water, wind, earth, darkness, and gold. The appearance also changed greatly, because it absorbed the sea dragon essence that contained dragon bloodline, it had completely left the category of the scaly dragon.

The thin fins on its body have all faded, evolving into a true dragon type.

Both eyes were crimson red, scales all over its body were haloed with colourful light, and its sharp claws were dotted with gold, highlighting the demonic nature in its splendour.

"I have to change the name of my martial soul again." Glancing back at the martial soul, Dugu Bo couldn't help but murmur.

Retracting his martial soul, he mused, "With so many colours, the word Jade Phosphorus is not suitable anymore."

"This form, there's no reference to be found on the continent. It looks evil, and it was promoted because of the Evil God Examination, so let's call it Evil Dragon from now on."

In between his musings, a familiar voice came.

"Whether or not to continue with the examination?"

"Not continuing!" Dugu Bo replied without hesitation.

Joking aside, the sea dragon he had just fought was undoubtedly just a 100,000-year-old spirit beast, but it was also a 100,000-year-old spirit beast that had been strengthened. If the other party wasn't in an environment that it wasn't good at, plus the fact that he was carrying the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Spring, he really wouldn't have been able to beat it.

Encountering a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast in the sixth game, wouldn't he have to fight a super spirit beast later on?

If it happened to be a land spirit beast, wouldn't he be overturned?

'It's better to go back and familiarize myself with the Martial Soul Abilities first, and continue after I've integrated them.'

Between his thoughts, he took a big step into the black hole that appeared.

With a turn of vision, his figure re-entered the room.

Seeing Dugu Bo appear, everyone in the room all secretly relieved. Especially, Dugu Yan, her eyes were almost instantly red. Dugu Bo is her only remaining bloodline relative in the world right now, after waiting for more than half a month with no news, her anxiety can be imagined.

"Alright, alright, it's alright." Seeing that Dugu Yan was almost about to cry out, Dugu Bo rushed forward to comfort her.

"It's good to be back." Lin Manshan's face squeezed out a slight smile.

"Hehe, don't you know what kind of person Grandpa is? A mere 100,000-year-old spirit beast, isn't that just a piece of cake?" Dugu Bo pretended at the right time, then gently pushed Dugu Yan away, and added: "Hehehe, right now Grandpa also have a 100,000-year-old spirit ring."

As the words fell, the spirit power surged, the spirit rings under his feet slowly unfolded, and the martial soul behind him was displayed.

The girls were immediately taken aback, and Lin Manshan's eyes flickered up.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Dugu Bo faintly nodding, "From now on, no one will ever bully us again."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, "Man'er, although my martial soul has multiple attributes, it has not been properly developed. Therefore, next, I may go into seclusion for a long period of time. The reason for doing so is to prepare for the examination afterwards."

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded, "This is indeed necessary."

According to the previous pattern, the spirit beasts Dugu Bo would fight against would only get stronger and stronger. Right now, he encountered a hundred thousand-year-old spirit beast, and next, he might encounter a super spirit beast that had already crossed the Thunder Tribulation. Moreover, the spirit beasts selected by the Evil God's Imprint already possessed a top-level bloodline and were strong. Now that it had been strengthened, its battle power was even more terrifying. The next test would definitely be extremely difficult.

Perhaps, the opponent in the next battle would be a ferocious beast. An enhanced ferocious beast. Thinking of this, Lin Manshan's face couldn't help but look grave.

"In addition, if there is an opportunity. There are some grudges that it's time to end." Dugu Bo continued.

Hearing this, Lin Manshan's gaze also could not help but condense, after pondering, he raised his head and said, "There is no rush in this matter, now that the Clear Sky Clan has been blocked, it will not be able to create much of an impact on us for the time being. The most important thing right now is still your early consolidation and integration of the newly harvested power, Grandpa."

"In addition, Yan'er is now level 69, it is now October, counting the time, after the New Year Yan'er should be able to break through level 70. Yan'er's physical strength is not bad to begin with, and with three spirit bones on her body, along with the addition of my soul power, there is a chance for her to absorb a 100,000-year-old spirit ring for her seventh spirit ring. In addition, I am confident that I will break through level 78 this month, and I should be able to break through level 80 in the first half of next year. On Uncle Yang's side, with the academy's resource tilt, I think it's almost time for him to break through level 89."

After pondering, Lin Manshan added: "In the next two days, I will go to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to fetch a medicinal herb that is full of medicinal power, and then I will refine a pill for Uncle Yang to accelerate the time for him to break through level 90. In that case, we would have a relatively tight schedule spanning from this year to the first half of next year. Finding a suitable spirit beast at that time will also take time, and I'm afraid we won't have the energy to do anything else for a while."

Dugu Bo nodded, "Well, that's also true, and it's going to be New Year's Eve again soon. In that case, let's all stay at home and cultivate properly during this period of time. After helping you guys obtain the 100,000-year spirit rings in the first half of next year, we'll go and settle the score with the Clear Sky Clan."

Saying that, a smile rose on his face and his tone changed, "And by that time, both Old Yang and Old Niu will have already become Titled Douluo, and they will still be Titled Douluo's with 100,000-year spirit rings. While you, Man'er, after breaking through the Spirit Douluo. I believe that your battle power will be beyond that of an ordinary Titled Douluo. Together with me, now that I've accumulated enough spirit power, I'm only a foot away from level 99."

"If I can make a breakthrough next year, our Skywalker Academy will completely have the strength to have a fair deal with the Martial Spirit Hall."

"As for the Clear Sky Clan, heh, it's a good target to kill as a chicken and warn a monkey. It's a way to let everyone know the consequences of actively provoking and making an enemy of the Academy, and it's also a way to proclaim the Academy's might. At the same time, it's also a way to tell the Martial Spirit Hall that the partnership between our two sides is equal."

"It is also to prevent them from suddenly having a brain cramp and running over to pick peaches after they have achieved their goal."

"What Grandpa said is indeed reasonable." Lin Manshan nodded his head in deep approval, while inwardly murmuring:

'Counting the time, it's now been 1 year since Tang San settled down in the Clear Sky Clan, isn't it? Hmm, I have to place more 'True Eyes' over there, I can't afford to lose sight of him.'

Thus, Dugu Bo went out and returned to his own compound next door. Lin Manshan, on the other hand, led the girls to the small forest behind the courtyard to catch birds, do some errands and at the same time, relax the mind that had been a bit tense during this period of time because they were waiting for the end of Dugu Bo's examination.

Not long after, a small bird soared into the sky.


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