Chapter 258 Tang San is more of a spirit beast than a spirit beast (2 in 1)

Half a month later, Clear Sky Clan.

Inside the wide inner hall, the pleasant string music came to an abrupt end.

"Pah-pah-pah-pah," Tang Yuehua lightly clapped her palms with a smile on her face, "Xiao San, your performance today was good, form and spirit are consistent."

"All thanks to Aunt's careful teaching this year." Tang San smiled warmly, and then a trace of hope flashed in his eyes, "Aunt, can I graduate from this program yet?"

"Are you in a hurry to find your Xiao Wu sister?" Tang Yuehua smiled, reluctance flickered in her eyes.

Tang San scratched his head, Xiao Wu's face surfaced in his mind, his heart was on fire, but his face was smiling without saying a word.

"Alright, I won't tease you anymore." Tang Yuehua laughed, her face turning serious, "Xiao San, the clan's current situation is clear to you. Although your appearance has changed drastically, no one will recognize you when you go outside. However, once you display your martial soul, you might still attract a lot of trouble, even if you only use the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul. There are almost no spirit masters on the continent who can cultivate the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul to the Spirit Emperor level, not to mention having a 10,000-year-old Fourth Spirit Ring. Thus, no matter which martial soul you use, your identity would likely be exposed."

"So, promise your aunt that everything will be done with your own safety in mind, and never act emotionally, okay?"

Saying that, she let out a light sigh, "Your father was just too emotional in the past, the reason why he handed you over to me, the main purpose should be to exercise your heart, to avoid you making the same mistake he did back then because of your impulsiveness."

"Aunt, nephew understands." Tang San nodded.

"Hmm." Tang Yuehua's face regained its smile, "Alright, go back and clean up. It's been a year, and aunt knows that you're anxious to meet your father and Xiao Wu. Come with me to meet your uncle later, and we'll get together again tonight and depart later."

"Hm." Tang San nodded heavily.

Right now, the outskirts of the Clear Sky Clan were dotted with secret sentries of the Martial Spirit Hall, so as a precaution, it would be best for him to leave while it was still dark.

So in the wee hours of that night, Tang San took advantage of the night, following the route he had taken to enter the Clear Sky Clan back then, walking through an iron rope, crossing over a mountain peak, weaving in and out of stone walls and tree shadows, and walking out of the Clear Sky Clan when the sky was still dark.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed straight towards the waterfall.

"Kiki." Feeling the familiar soul fluctuations, above the sky, birds scattered and flew in all directions.

A few days later, the Skywalker Academy.

In the inner room in the backyard, Lin Manshan sat cross-legged, his handsome face was serene, a gentle breeze was blowing around him, the whole person was quietly suspended in mid-air less than half a meter from the ground, and in the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the ventilation window.

After withdrawing his spirit power, the breeze suddenly subsided, Lin Manshan's body slowly landed on the ground, and he got up and walked to the window.

"Finally came out..." Between his musing, he turned around and walked towards the outdoors.

Not long after, he came to the small courtyard where Dugu Bo was and knocked on the door of the room.

"Man'er, what's wrong?" Dugu Bo opened the room door and asked.

"Tang San has already left Clear Sky Clan and is rushing towards the waterfall." Lin Manshan spoke concisely.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go, go and kill him." Dugu Bo immediately said.

"I'll just go alone." Lin Manshan answered, "Grandpa, remember what I told you back then? Xiao Wu is suspected to be the partner of the 100,000-year-old spirit beasts Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python, and the three of them jointly occupying the core circle of the Sky Dou Great Forest."

"Tang San went to that waterfall this time, and if he didn't see Tang Hao, I guess he would definitely go to look for Xiao Wu. That's why I need to get as close as possible when he goes this time and use the image-retention stone to record the images of Tang San's meeting with Xiao Wu, and at that time, the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python will most likely be there as well. These images will be enough evidence to put the Clear Sky Clan to death, and will be extremely favourable to our next actions."

"Therefore, the only time to kill Tang San has to be after he meets with Xiao Wu. Given Tang San and Xiao Wu's strength, if they were to be alone, I am enough to kill them. But if the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python are around, we shouldn't startle the snake. After all, right now no one among us needs to use the spirit rings of these three spirit beasts, if we startle them, I'm afraid that if we want to hunt and kill them next time, the difficulty will be elevated quite a bit."

"In addition, I am also worried that alarming them in advance, in which case, perhaps you will be forced to clash with the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python in the process, exposing your strength, which will trigger the occurrence of the Blue Silver Emperor's sacrifice that year."

"In that case, wouldn't it be cheaper for Tang San."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo couldn't help but frown slightly, then nodded, "It's really not advisable to startle the snake now."

The Sky Azure Bull Python's spirit ring is extremely suitable for his granddaughter, losing it would be a great loss.

After pondering, he added, "And the spiritual power of 100,000-year-old spirit beasts is not low, I have only just finished absorbing the energy crystal of the 100,000-year-old sea dragon spirit beast not long ago, my martial soul has just evolved, and my cultivation is not yet stable, so if my breath leaks out, I may also be detected."

Moreover, if there were a conflict, once his nine spirit rings appeared, Tang San would surely guess that he would go back to hunt the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python as Lin Manshan's spirit rings in the future. If this is a gust of neglect, Xiao Wu will add more fire, and maybe they will all sacrifice themselves to Tang San.

This possibility is very small, but it is realistic.

If it was Lin Manshan who discovered, since Lin Manshan didn't have a spirit ring, at most they would be shocked by his strength, and they wouldn't consider extreme behaviours such as sacrifice. Thinking of this, Dugu Bo nodded his head slightly, "Right now, I really shouldn't approach them too closely."

Lin Manshan followed and nodded, "While I don't have such a problem at all. Most importantly, with my speed and the fact that I can fly, even if I'm discovered, if I want to leave, the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python won't be able to stop me, so safety won't be a problem."

"Grandpa, what my thought is that after Tang San met with Xiao Wu, he won't possibly stay in the core circle all the time without coming out, and he doesn't know that Tang Hao is dead right now, so he would definitely return to the waterfall again to wait for Tang Hao to come back, and maybe he would even bring Xiao Wu with him."

"Therefore, after recording the image with the image-retention stone, I will wait quietly around them. I will wait until Tang San returns to the waterfall away from the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python, and then I will look for an opportunity to strike on the way, kill Tang San, capture Xiao Wu and bring her back."

"Zhuyun is now level 75, breaking through to level 80 should only be a matter of two or three years, so Xiao Wu will just come in handy."

If the Shura God doesn't pull any tricks.

Thinking of the original Shura God's action of resurrecting Tang San using tricky methods, he couldn't help but add in his heart.

"However, this operation not only requires stealth and not being discovered. The waiting time might also be a bit long." Lin Manshan continued, "Therefore it would be convenient for me to act alone, without delaying anyone's cultivation time."

"When I come back, it's also the right time to make a trip to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to fetch medicine and refine pills for Uncle Yang to accelerate his cultivation."

Dugu Bo nodded, then suddenly asked, "Man'er, can you still consume Immortal Herb now? How about refining one for yourself as well?"

Lin Manshan shook his head, "I can eat it, but with my physical state now, it doesn't serve much purpose anymore, and at most, I can enhance my cultivation. This time, I am refining it because Uncle Yang needs to break through the Titled Douluo urgently, it would be a bit of a waste to give it to me."

"Besides, there has to be some left for the children, right?"

"It is true." Dugu Bo glanced at Lin Manshan and felt that it made sense.

"In that case, be more careful on this trip."

"Hm, grandson knows." Lin Manshan nodded and excused himself.

In the evening, he greeted the girls who had returned from cultivating in the Mimicry Environment, and that night, he took advantage of the night's darkness to fly on the wind and leave the academy.

After his cultivation broke through the Spirit Saint, not only did his physical body strength and cultivation greatly improve, but his spiritual power and control of spirit power also reached a whole new level, and after a period of time of comprehension, his use of wind attribute energy had also greatly progressed.

Flying in the wind was one of the major gains.

A few days later, Lin Manshan reached the waterfall first.

Tang San relied on running, while he was flying in a straight line, his speed was naturally greatly ahead.

Finding a suitable location, he cleaned up and began to cultivate on his knees and wait.

After an unknown amount of time, Tang San flew over the mountain, dusty, and rushed to the water pool.

Raising his eyes and looking around, he didn't find Tang Hao's figure, because close to the water pool, the surrounding ground was full of mosses and weeds, there was no fire to make a bonfire, and there were no footprints left behind by people who walked by, it looked as if no one had been there for months.

This was judged based on the height of the weeds growing on the ground.

Immediately, he activated his Spirit Bone Skill and released his spiritual power with all his might to establish a link with the surrounding Blue Silver Grass.

The result was nothing.

The blue silver grasses in this area were all very low in age and had very short memories, and the information that could be collected was very limited. However, through the only information collected, it was still possible to tell that no one had been in this area for a long time.   

'Where exactly did Father go' Tang San instantly looked puzzled, 'Could it be that his injuries were on the verge of erupting, and he went out to look for medicines to treat the injuries on his body? But if that's the case, why didn't he go to Clear Sky Clan through a secret route?'

'Or perhaps, he may have been found by the Martial Spirit Hall, and has already,' Thinking of this possibility, his face changed, but he quickly shook his head in denial, 'If Father is dead, I'm afraid that the Martial Spirit Hall would have long since begun to attack the Clear Sky Clan, and that the secret outposts outside would have already made their moves.'

'Father must have gone to do something important, maybe it's even related to Mother.'

After pondering, he lifted his feet and darted towards the other side.

'Let's go to the Blue Silver King first, and ask it if it has seen Father.'

'Going to see the Blue Silver King?' Sensing Tang San's direction of departure, Lin Manshan seemed to be enlightened and immediately flew to catch up, not touching a single leaf as he passed. Tang San's ability to link with the Blue Silver Grass could only detect the wind and grass on the ground, and the sky area was its blind spot, which he had known for a long time. Moreover, just now he had already felt the detection range of Tang San's ability through his spiritual power.

The result was obvious, not to mention the soul perception ability, his spiritual perception range was far superior to him.

Between his thoughts, he followed without slowing down.

Five days later, after following Tang San, he finally came to the area where the Blue Silver King resided. However, because the Blue Silver King's spiritual perception was extremely strong, Lin Manshan chose to remain far away, sending the birds that had followed him over to check out the situation.

On the other side, after a few polite words, Tang San immediately inquired.

"Grandpa Blue Silver King, did you find any humans wandering around these days while I was away?"

"Your Majesty, I have not found any traces of human presence in my territory." Blue Silver King replied as he shook his leafy top.

Hearing this, Tang San couldn't help but show a trace of disappointment in his eyes and nodded slightly.

"Grandpa Blue Silver King, the junior still has important matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave first."

"Farewell, Your Majesty." Blue Silver King immediately bent his leafy surface.

Tang San nodded and turned to leave, and when he walked away, his gaze suddenly flickered, "After last time, the Blue Silver King's bloodline and cultivation has indeed refined, that kind of fluctuation, it gives me the feeling that it shouldn't be far behind my Blue Silver Emperor bloodline."

'If I can devour it, I believe that my Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul can go even further.' This thought subconsciously rose in his mind.

'Let's wait a little longer, after breaking through the Spirit Saint, absorbing its spirit ring will maximize the gains.'

'As for now, since Father isn't around, let's go find Xiao Wu first.' Between his thoughts, his eyes couldn't help but turn gentle, and a hint of a smile spread across his face as he accelerated his pace with a quick dash towards the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest.

'Hehe, just after looking at Blue Silver King and inquiring, you have a murderous intent immediately afterwards, you are worthy of being you. You really haven't changed at all,' Lin Manshan scoffed and flew to follow.

A few days later, Tang San dashed into the Star Dou Great Forest and rushed straight to the ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts' living area.

"Pfft." A Ten Thousand Years Tiger Spirit Beast suddenly sprang out of the bushes on the side.

"Since you took the initiative to provoke and want to kill me for consumption, then you are an evil spirit beast, and you have taken the way of death. Since this is the case, don't blame me for being ruthless." Blandly glancing at the giant tiger that burst out, Tang San raised his right hand, "First Spirit Ring, Bind."

As the words fell, spirit rings appeared under his feet, the first spirit ring then lit up, and the roots of the vines stretched out.

In just a few moments, the giant tiger was tied up tightly.

Seeing this, Tang San immediately stretched out the eight spider spears, then approached with a bounce, and the spider spears stabbed down fiercely.

In a moment, he retrieved the Eight Spider Spear, clenched his fist, and let out a low murmur, "Cultivation is still a bit low, the improvement is very small, it can't be compared to the fallen evil spirit masters that I devoured in the Killing City, it seems like there's still a difference between spirit masters and spirit beasts."

In the one year in the Clear Sky Clan, his cultivation had only risen by 2 levels, and the speed was completely incomparable to what it had been when he had devoured the Evil Spirit Masters in the Killing City.

However, with Tang Xiao often guiding him, his foundation had become much more solid.

Because of this, as soon as he entered the Star Dou Great Forest, as long as he encountered spirit beasts that took the initiative to jump out and attack him, they would all be killed and devoured by him. With his foundation, they were enough to sustain him for the time. It was just that, because of the age and the devouring conversion rate, the results were minimal.

In between his thoughts, he continued on.

'Heh, Blue Silver Grass, Eight Spider Spear, Tang San, there's no need to guess your identity even if your appearance has changed drastically.' Lin Manshan retrieved the image-retention stone and continued to follow.

After an unknown amount of time.

'Eh? It's a herd-type spirit beast, with cultivation between 10,000 and 20,000 years old' Tang San turned his head to look to the side.

'Let's go and check it out' Between his thoughts, he turned around and dashed.

Soon, a group of Man Faced Demon Spider appeared in front of him.

"Hmph! Man Faced Demon Spiders, forest slayers, life-devouring existences, undoubtedly evil spirit beasts."

'Maybe this group of Man Faced Demon Spiders have even attacked human spirit masters, it's simply an unforgivable crime.'

'It's just right for me to use you guys for practice.'

With a cold snort, he didn't hesitate to spread out the Eight Spider Spears, and with a grip of his right hand, the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul appeared.

"Clear Sky Nine Absolutes!" With a pivot of his feet, he directly charged over.

A quarter of an hour later, the ground was littered with Man Faced Demon Spider corpses, not a single one was left out.

He slowly walked in front of one of them after retrieving his martial soul, and the Eight Spider Spears behind him stabbed down fiercely.

Soon after, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes as he murmured, "My Eight Spider Spear, it seems to be evolving!"

"Is it because what is being devoured is a spirit beast of the same origin? If that's the case..."

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and when he finished devouring the corpse in front of him, he quickly ran towards the other end.

After a long time had passed, with a somewhat unwilling expression, he withdrew the Eight Spider Spear.

'The strength of the Eight Spider Spear has indeed greatly improved, and the devouring efficiency is also higher. Unfortunately, it still hasn't evolved the ability to store life energy, but Lin Manshan has it, could it really be because the origin of the external spirit bone is different?' This thought could not help but rise in his mind, 'In that case, how about searching for a Soul Devouring Spider to devour? Or, directly kill and devour Lin Manshan.'

"Lin Manshan," When he thought of Lin Manshan, even if he was well-cultivated this year, a trace of anger still could not help but rise in his heart.

Then he shook his head slightly and took a big step, "Let's keep on rushing."

"Still really good at finding reasons." Lin Manshan, who arrived later, glanced at the corpse and shook his head as he stepped forward to spread out his Eight Spider Spear, picking up a leak in the process.

His Eight Spider Spear's devouring efficiency was somehow stronger than Tang San's.

Two days later, Tang San withdrew his Eight Spider Spear, lightly clenching his fist, ''Level 66 now, and the body has reached its limit, so I can't devour any more. It's a pity that I haven't encountered a Soul Devouring Spider in the middle." Shaking his head slightly, "Then, let's rush on with all our strength next."

Saying that he padded his toes and continued towards the depths of the forest.

'Tang San, the spirit beasts I've killed in these ten years aren't as many as you've killed in these few days' Lin Manshan, who arrived later, finally couldn't help but complain.

Just by absorbing the corpses left behind after Tang San had finished devouring them, his Eight Spider Spear's age had been raised by 10,000 years, and the rest of the spirit bones had each been raised by 5,000 years, which was a clear reflection of how many spirit beasts Tang San had killed along the way. At first, it was just killing and devouring those spirit beasts that were actively attacking, later Tang San simply ran straight for the spider-type spirit beasts and searched all the way here, destroying several spider swarms in a row.

Tang San, you're really more of a spirit beast than a spirit beast.

Sighing deeply, he flew to follow.


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