Chapter 259 Am I such a person? (2 in 1)

A few days later, the two entered the core circle range one after another.

As he continued to go deeper and deeper, Tang San's pace of advancement was obviously much more cautious than before.

However, with the excellent scouting ability, the journey was also considered to be without danger. After dodging a few high-level spirit beasts one after another, he finally arrived at the real core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, and Lin Manshan also recorded the location of these few spirit beasts in the process.

Passing through a dense forest, there was a clear lake in front of him, twisting and stretching, accompanied by the mists spreading towards the sky. Both sides of the lake reflected the surrounding sky-high trees and colourful grasses, and under the reflection of the sunlight, it was crystal clear and beautiful.

Seeing this kind of beautiful scenery and exotic place, Tang San who had just stepped out of the forest couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the sight.

In the next second, his pupils shrunk violently, and his body trembled slightly.

On the one side of the lake's shore, an extremely tall giant ape silently squatted there. Even though it was on all fours, the height of its shoulders was still more than seven meters, and if it was upright, he was certain that the height would definitely be more than fifteen meters.

On the shoulder of the giant ape, a young girl was swaying her slender legs, wearing a white dress with a stunningly beautiful face and black hair like a waterfall hanging down to her hips.

"Xiao Wu." Looking at the stunningly beautiful figure in the distance, Tang San's gaze instantly became somewhat infatuated.

Xiao Wu, it's been three years. I finally saw you again, my love. His heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate a bit.

Right at this moment, the lake in front of the young girl suddenly swelled up, followed by a large bull's horn rising from the water's surface, closely followed by a robust body.

Eyes like two large turquoise blue lanterns, looking straight over, lips and mouth wriggled, issuing a cold rumble.

"Human, this is not a place for you to come!"

As soon as the words sounded, the Titan Giant Ape as well as Xiao Wu, who was sitting on its back, turned their heads in unison.

Only then did Tang San return to his senses, without the slightest bit of fear on his face, not retreating but advancing, lightly shouting as he dashed.

"Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu's originally slightly wrinkled brow froze, but when the four eyes met, her eyes suddenly moistened. The appearance had changed, the temperament had changed, but that kind of eyes and the tone of the call was still the same, as it was during the years when they had gotten along.

"Third Brother!" Swishly, she jumped off the Titan Giant Ape's shoulder, her Teleportation Skill was activated, and she ran with all her might when she landed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, she crashed into Tang San's arms with a flying pounce.

"." The Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python exchanged glances, the former's face filled with unhappiness.

"Looks like he is the Tang San that Sister Xiao Wu has been longing for, truly gifted." The Sky Azure Bull Python hung its head and sized him up, the violent emotional fluctuations caused Tang San's spirit power fluctuations to overflow, and it could sense that Tang San had already attained the strength of a Spirit Emperor right now. At the same time, the aura on Tang San's body originated from his bloodline and uniquely belonged to spirit beasts, although it was extremely weak, it was enough for it to confirm.

As Xiao Wu had said before, Tang San was indeed born to a spirit beast.

This kind of bloodline aura was impossible for humans to discern, the reason why human spirit master powerhouses could see through highly cultivated spirit beasts in human form was mainly because of the souls of the spirit beasts. The physical body can be changed, but the soul essence can never be changed.

As the soul is combined with the physical body, the martial soul and spirit power will be affected by it, thus emitting energy fluctuations that belong exclusively to the spirit beast. The strength of a spirit beast that has just recultivated is too low to suppress and hide this fluctuation, and thus it will be noticed.

Because of this, spirit beasts must get close to human beings after recultivation, let their souls be tainted by human beings and mimic the human aura through constant contact with them. The so-called maturity stage specifically refers to the fact that the simulated aura has become indistinguishable from that of a human. However, the essence of the soul still won't change, which is also the reason why a mature stage transformed spirit beast would still produce a spirit ring and spirit bone after being killed.

As for a 100,000-year-old spirit beast of its realm, it could make a judgment just through the bloodline aura emanating from the flesh. This is an ability unique to the spirit beast race, just like the natural ability to sacrifice, which cannot be acquired by humans at all.

'Perhaps, this is also the reason why Sister Xiao Wu would choose to get close to Tang San after she met him back then.'

Inwardly, he couldn't help but conclude.

After all, she was once a 100,000-year-old spirit beast, even if her cultivation has to be recultivated after reshaping, and her spiritual power will be sharply reduced due to the reshaping of her physical body, the essence of her powerful soul is still there, as long as she lives close enough, after a long period of time, she can perceive a trace of a bloodline aura no matter what.

Moreover, it is still the Blue Silver Emperor's breath, Sister Xiao Wu used to eat Blue Silver Grass every day, so she should be familiar enough.

In between his thoughts, he turned his head to look at the Titan Giant Ape.

"Er Ming, this is Sister Xiao Wu's choice, we can only respect it, we can't make her sad."

Hearing this, the Titan Giant Ape hammered the ground with both fists and remained silent.

Not long after, Xiao Wu pulled Tang San closer.

After introductions, she pulled Tang San again and walked to the grass not far away to sit down and chat.

"Third brother, I'm sure you already know my identity, right?" While asking, she was somewhat nervous inside.

"Well, after you left, Father already told me." Tang San nodded, then turned his head, gazing fondly, "Xiao Wu, so what if you're a human? So what if you're a beast? I only know that you're my beloved, and that's enough."

"And," Tang San smiled faintly again, "If I really have to say, I also have half of a spirit beast bloodline flowing in me."

Although Tang Hao didn't say it explicitly, during the Blue Silver King's process of helping him with his martial soul's second awakening, he had already guessed that his mother might very likely be a recultivated 100,000-year-old spirit beast, the Blue Silver Emperor, which should be the reason why the Martial Spirit Hall would hunt down and kill his father back then.

The hatred of killing his mother will not be forgiven, Martial Spirit Hall, wait for me!

One day, I will personally destroy all of you with my own hands. His face remained unchanged, but his heart actually turned solemn.

"Third brother." Xiao Wu was already moved to tears, tears falling down.

"Alright, silly girl, don't cry." Tang San returned to his senses, his expression was soft and relieved.

"Uh-huh." Xiao Wu wiped her tears, moved her body closer, and softly said, "Brother, tell me all the things you did."

"Hm." Tang San nodded and began to narrate.

Of course, some of the finer details were hidden, such as devouring evil spirit masters, devouring spirit beasts, and so on.

Xiao Wu's face changed continuously as she listened, and after learning that Tang San had just come out of the Clear Sky Clan and hadn't found Tang Hao, she couldn't help but ask.

"Third brother, then what is your next plan?"

"I'm going to go back to that valley and wait for Father to return." Tang San didn't think twice.

"That valley is surrounded by blue silver grass, it is inherently the most suitable mimicry environment for me to cultivate."

Moreover, it's close to the Blue Silver King, so when I break through level 70, I can go hunt to obtain its spirit ring. There are quite a few spirit beasts around, although their age is not high, but it is enough to satisfy the usual devouring and cultivation. After all, after devouring so many spirit beasts in the past few days, the body has already reached its limit, the next cultivation does not need to devour too many spirit beasts at once, it is best to take things slowly. Inwardly, he thought deeply.

"Then I will accompany you." Xiao Wu did not hesitate to say.

Saying this, her hands pulled Tang San's arm tightly, her head was close, whispering intimately, "Brother, I don't want to leave you anymore."

"Xiao Wu, I also don't want to leave you." Tang San pulled her small hand tighter, gently rubbing her ear, then continued, "Since you want to follow, just follow. That valley isn't far from the Star Dou Great Forest, if you want to come back to see Da Ming and Er Ming, I can always accompany you back."

"Then it's a deal, I'll go talk to Da Ming and Er Ming later." Xiao Wu instantly clapped her hands together and then skimmed her lips.   

"After staying here for so long, I've long since gotten tired of staying here."

Thus, the next day, escorted by the Titan Giant Ape, Tang San brought Xiao Wu to leave the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest.

After a few days of rushing, they finally got out of the Star Dou Great Forest.

After a simple relaxation, they talked and laughed as they continued their journey towards the waterfall.

Now that both of them had drastically changed in appearance, as long as they didn't use their Martial Souls, they didn't have to worry about outsiders recognizing them at all.

Three days later, on the way to the waterfall, the two walked out of the dense forest and came to a rocky and overgrown valley.

As they walked, they walked around a fallen giant boulder.

"Eh?" Tang San suddenly stopped and raised his eyes.

An upright figure dressed in black slowly descended from the sky, a mask on his face, and his eyes looking lazily at the two of them.

"It's you!" Tang San and Xiao Wu's expressions changed in unison, looking left and right.

"Tang San, long time no see." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I'm the only one here."

Tang San didn't believe it at all, he subconsciously urged his spiritual power to establish a link with the surrounding blue silver grass, indeed he didn't find anyone else. But as soon as he thought of the several people in Skywalk Academy including Dugu Bo possessing the ability to fly, he pulled Xiao Wu without any hesitation.

"Xiao Wu, go!" Before the words fell, their figures had already turned and dashed out at the same time.

"Tang San, Xiao Wu, the grudge between us, it's time to end it." The flat voice sounded again, and then without warning, Lin Manshan's figure suddenly appeared on the front path, the Great Sword Martial Soul already gripped in his hand, and his gaze blandly looked over.

"Instantaneous movement?" Tang San's face instantly grimaced, then he coldly snorted, "It's not that easy to kill me!"

As the words trailed off, the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul appeared in his hand, while many thoughts swirled in his mind.

'How did Lin Manshan appear here? My appearance has changed drastically now, how did he recognize me? I didn't use my martial soul at all after leaving the Clear Sky Clan, unless, there was a special means, or they knew my whereabouts from early on, including the second awakening of my martial soul was clear as day. Besides, judging from the situation, the tracking time is definitely not short, maybe they even knew when I went to look for Xiao Wu.'

'Could it be that Dugu Bo saw through Xiao Wu's identity a long time ago, so he's been keeping a close eye on her all along?'

'It's just that he didn't do anything because Father was guarding beside us?'

'Father hasn't returned to the waterfall for so long, could it be...' Thinking of a certain possibility that he didn't want to believe, his eyes instantly reddened, and his fingers gripped the Clear Sky Hammer tightly, gritting his teeth and letting out a tentative harsh cry, "Lin Manshan, what have you done to my Father!?"

At the same time, he dragged Xiao Wu behind him.

Lin Manshan didn't reply, his figure directly disappeared in place.

"So fast!" It was simply too late to think, completely out of the battle instinct that he had gained from training in the Killing City, his body instantly tensed up, "Spirit Bone Skill, Space of Illusion! Purple Demon Eye! Eight Spider Spear! Death God Domain!"

He quickly raised his Clear Sky Hammer to block.

"Boom!" A violent impact sound rang out, "Poof!" A mouthful of blood sprayed out, and his body directly flew backwards.

"Third Brother!" Xiao Wu instantly let out a scream, and in the next moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, followed by blood flowing from her seven orifices as her consciousness fell into darkness.

Not even a Spirit King in cultivation, under Lin Manshan's spiritual attack, she didn't even have a chance to fight back.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San crawled up from the ground with his eyes wide open, and then he saw Lin Manshan's fingertips swipe the pouch on his waist, and Xiao Wu's body directly disappeared in place.

'A Spirit Tool that can store living things?' This possibility immediately came to his mind.

"Give Xiao Wu back to me!" With a stern shout, his body directly scrambled out.

Heh, once Xiao Wu got injured, his IQ lowered itself, I knew you would rush over. Lin Manshan sneered.

"Limit Break!" Unwilling to give Tang San any chance to resist, he directly erupted the strongest strength, his body's aura suddenly erupted, and his body once again disappeared in place.

The next second, "Buzz!" A strange fluctuation rippled, the killing aura around Tang San's body that was permeated because he was unfolding the Death God Domain suddenly rioted, and a red shadow could be vaguely glimpsed behind him, "Death God Domain, Killing Assault!" Lin Manshan instantly felt like he was locked by some kind of killing intent, and Tang San's speed suddenly skyrocketed.

"Clear Sky Nine Absolutes!" He swung his hammer.

Killing Assault, the evolutionary skill of the original Death God Domain, it seemed that Tang Xiao hadn't given Tang San much of a kick in the pants over the past year. However, the shadow behind him, Shura God manifestation? The final evolution skill of the Death God Domain, how could Tang San comprehend it now? Well, the way I remember it, in the state of this move, Tang San was able to temporarily draw on some of the Shura God's power. A certain possibility came to his mind all of a sudden.

The Shura God was paying attention to this place and was aiding Tang San!

'Vanishing Art!' Thinking of this, his body instantly came to midair, raising his head to look far into the sky, his tone was clear and cold.

"Shura God, as a Law Enforcing God who enforces the law, aren't you afraid of the judgment of the committee?"

"This child is indeed a certain god's chosen heir." In the Unknown Land, through the divine thought imprint that Tang San had stamped on top of the Clear Sky Hammer martial soul when he obtained the Death God Domain, the white-clothed Shura God looked down at the pool image below with a slight frown on his brow.

The energy fluctuations that Lin Manshan had erupted just now already had the strength of that world's equivalent of a Titled Douluo, this kind of talent had undoubtedly far surpassed Tang San.

Most importantly, he unexpectedly couldn't perceive the fluctuation of divine thought imprint on Lin Manshan's body.

Out of trial and error, and also out of a desire to have more than one inheritor candidate, he utilized divine thought to accelerate Tang San's Death God Domain evolution. At the same time, he also detached a thread of divine thought to approach Lin Manshan, but unfortunately, it didn't work out the way he wanted it to, the divine thought couldn't enter Lin Manshan's body at all, nor could it be imprinted on the martial soul.

Outside of Lin Manshan's body, there was a very peculiar energy burning, exuding the fluctuations of a soul, yet it was clearly not a soul, and it was also this power that caused his divine thought to dissipate as soon as it approached.

Besides, the deeper he went, the more he was rejected.

"This child knows of my existence and that of the Divine Realm Committee, and is clearly the chosen heir of a certain god."

"And this energy is most likely a protective measure done by that god out of fear that the heir will be robbed. Maybe, it was placed after I saw Tang Hao last time because he/she found a divine thought imprint belonging to me on Tang Hao's body?"

"The heir killed Tang Hao, fearing that I would make a move? Worried that I would come to his door to rob him? That's why he utilized the Divine Examination to specially create an odd energy to protect him?"

Thinking of this possibility, the Shura God couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as well.

Am I such a person?

"Ai, right now, we can only retreat and try it later." He had to admit that his heart was indeed moved,

But now that he was being guarded like this, there was nothing he could do about it. Every god in the Divine Realm had their own unique abilities, and many of them had lived for a long time.

He didn't know what these gods were researching usually, so he couldn't just go to the door and ask them one by one.

If it is that Sea God who likes to flaunt his skills, I would definitely recognize it at first glance. Inwardly, he thought quietly.


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