Chapter 261 Pack and take away (2 in 1)

"Cough." In the forest, Tang San covered his chest with his hands, forcibly enduring the pain of his whole body's tendons and bones cracking as he ran with all his might.

Lin Manshan could fly, and aerial targets were out of reach of his detection ability.

In addition, Lin Manshan was able to find him before, so perhaps he also possessed some sort of investigation means. The key is, in terms of strength, he is clearly above him, so he cannot pause!

Once he stopped and was being caught up, with his current injuries, he would undoubtedly die.

"Lin Manshan, if I don't avenge this debt, I, Tang San, will never be a man!" Gritting his teeth, he glanced back and quickly turned back, his brows furrowed, "My injuries are too heavy, I must treat them as soon as possible."

The Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng medicinal power in his body had already been depleted when he was in the Killing City, now the only way to heal his injuries quickly was through devouring spirit beasts.

In the middle of his thoughts, he plunged headlong into the forest's depths.


On the other end, inside the valley, Lin Manshan slowly stood up. After glancing over the direction Tang San fled, with a pad of his toes, his body rose up in the air and flew in the other direction.

Three days later, in the centre of the forest filled with blue silver grass, Lin Manshan's body slowly landed.

"Does your honour need something?"

Looking at the man who landed from the sky, who even his spiritual power couldn't see through, the Blue Silver King slightly raised the vines all over the ground to make a defensive gesture, while at the same time urging his spiritual power to raise a question in the visitor's ear.

Lin Manshan landed on his toes and said bluntly, "The Junior has come here to take the senior away."

"Are you a human?" The Blue Silver King's tone was suddenly filled with alertness.

"That's right!" Lin Manshan had no qualms about it and then said, "Don't try to resist, with your current cultivation it's impossible to be my opponent." As he said that, his right palm spread out and flames converged extremely fast, forming a fist-sized fireball.

"Resistance will most likely destroy this forest." After saying that, the flames went out with a grip of his palm.

The Blue Silver King instantly fell into silence, while the surrounding Blue Silver Grass swayed its branches and leaves, seemingly expressing its anger.

"But if you come with me, I will help you break through 100,000 years of cultivation. After you complete the sacrifice for my wife, I will bring your seed back to this place to plant. As a token of appreciation, I will leave a corresponding reward."

Lin Manshan continued.

"This payment will allow you and your people to grow at a rate that is several times higher compared to the current rate."

"In addition, once a spirit beast breaks through the 100,000-year level, its bloodline will definitely undergo a transformation. I think that even if Senior Blue Silver King transforms into a seed and recultivates, the benefits gained will be more valuable than a standard cultivation."

"Hey, I suppose I don't have a choice." The Blue Silver King let out a sigh, not believing Lin Manshan's words.

The only thing he could do now was to sacrifice himself to protect his people.

"As a sign of sincerity, the Junior can pay a portion of the reward now." Lin Manshan continued, then his right hand opened and surging life energy welled up.

Almost subconsciously, the surrounding blades of Blue Silver Grass moved towards Lin Manshan like a pilgrimage.

"What a majestic life energy." The Blue Silver King was also shaken in spirit. Immediately afterwards, he saw a green light condensed entirely from life energy shoot straight towards him.

The instant it hit his body, the Blue Silver King only felt that every inch of his body became active, just like a hungry, starving wolf, greedily devouring food.

However, this life energy seemed to be endless, and in just a few moments, it exceeded the limit of what his physical body could digest in a short period of time. Subconsciously, the Blue Silver King hastily activated his ability to convert the excess life energy into cultivation.

But, at this moment, Lin Manshan interrupted the life energy channelling, and a calm voice sounded out.

"Senior Blue Silver King, how is it?"

The Blue Silver King was instantly silent, then said, "I hope that Your Excellency will keep your word." After saying that, his body was haloed with blue light, and his body became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly turning into a half-meter tall Blue Silver Grass with gold stripes on its leaves.

"That is natural." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, then pulled out a porcelain pot from his spirit tool, and slowly approached.

Then he saw the Blue Silver King take the initiative to pull out the roots, and Lin Manshan didn't bother to be ambiguous, squatting down and picking it up and stuffing it into the pot, then digging up the soil to fill it in.

Afterwards, he pulled out two bottles of Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well spring water, one blue and one red, from his spirit tool. Breaking open the bottles, they were poured together into the pit left behind when the Blue Silver King was pulled out, then he quickly pushed the soil to cover it up to avoid the spring water from evaporating.

"This is?!" The Blue Silver King seemed stunned.

The moment the two-coloured spring water was poured out it felt two extremely intense forces, one cold and one hot, and there was a certain peculiar aura radiated when the two forces mingled, giving it a feeling of sublimation throughout its entire body and mind. At the moment when Lin Manshan buried the soil, the Blue Silver Grass with the slightly weaker cultivation all around were growing violently at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lin Manshan then stood up, ''This is my gift, when I bring your seed back, I will leave more. With a guarantee that this effect will last forever, provided that no humans or other spirit beasts will come to destroy it."

"Thank you!" This time, the Blue Silver King was thankful from the bottom of his heart.

"There's no need to be thankful, I'm doing this for the sake of my descendants." Lin Manshan was blunt, "After a spirit beast breaks through the 100,000-year level, it needs to cross the heavenly tribulation. If they know they can't do it, sacrificing for humans may be a good choice. By becoming a seed, the metamorphosed bloodline would still be present, so if you keep accumulating, you might succeed one day, it's better than turning into ashes and perishing."

"..." The Blue Silver King didn't know what to say, and could only shake his blades slightly, saying somewhat sadly:

"I will consider it later."

Although the words weren't very nice, they were indeed the truth. The thunder tribulation was indeed a life-and-death hurdle for spirit beasts.

If they can't bear it, first of all, the cultivation is bound to be lost, and if they don't pay attention, they even may not be able to keep the seed, on the spot the soul will split apart, directly turning into ashes.

He also heard the meaning behind Lin Manshan's words. At any rate, if you fail to cross the tribulation, your cultivation will be lost, why not sacrifice for my offspring? In this way, Lin Manshan will help them to accelerate their cultivation, and at the critical moment, they will even give a push to help them to promote to the 100,000-year level. In this way, it would be considered a mutually beneficial relationship.

He didn't think Lin Manshan would keep supplying the kind of spring water that would accelerate their growth without any benefits.

"In addition..." Lin Manshan suddenly added, "Senior Blue Silver King, it's best to inform your people to be careful of Tang San, he has recently been devouring spirit beasts to cultivate and has long since developed a murderous intent towards you, intending to turn you into his seventh spirit ring." 

"What!?" The Blue Silver King's spirit fluctuated.

"Whether it's true or not, senior will know once he sees it." Saying that Lin Manshan pulled out a few image-retaining stones from his spirit tool and injected spirit power, and in the next moment, images of Tang San continuously killing and devouring spirit beasts within the Star Dou Great Forest appeared in mid-air in front of him.

As the image flickered, not only did the Blue Silver King's mental fluctuations fluctuate violently, but the surrounding Blue Silver Grass was the same.

Let me just ask, are you guys panicking? Lin Manshan's face remained unchanged as he continued, ''This is the image that I recorded with the image retaining stone as I followed him all the way. The fact is he not only devours spirit beasts, he also devours a large number of spirit masters, which is why I was tracking him all the way."

"Unfortunately, just three days ago, he was able to escape."

"The reason why Junior rushed over at this time to move you ahead of time is because I was worried that he would later rush over ahead of me to kill and devour you. His first martial soul is Blue Silver Grass, and he carries the Blue Silver Emperor bloodline, so killing you will not only allow him to obtain your spirit ring to enhance his cultivation but devouring your flesh will also be beneficial to the purification of his bloodline. Anyway, that's what he thinks."

"The reason why I know is that, during the tracking process, I heard the conversation between Tang San and his Father Tang Hao." Saying that, his right hand raised, his fingertips approached the Blue Silver King's blade, "The truth of it is obvious once you see it, senior, please don't resist."   

As the words fell, he utilized his Dark One Soul Link Art to share the corresponding memories with the Blue Silver King.

"My emperor's child was unexpectedly taught to become like this by that Tang Hao." The Blue Silver King who had returned to his senses spoke in an angry tone.

He subconsciously blamed Tang Hao for Tang San's despicable character; their clan's emperor, the Blue Silver Emperor, was kind-hearted and definitely wouldn't be able to raise this kind of person. Now it seemed that that Tang Hao wasn't a good person at all.

"Senior, this point can be discussed later." Lin Manshan shook his head, "The most important thing right now is that after I take senior away. The next time Tang San comes and doesn't find you, he will most likely go after your people. He might not look at the ones with a hundred years of cultivation, but the thousand years and those few with ten thousand years of cultivation will be devoured mercilessly, I believe. After all, their bloodlines are of the same origin, Tang San will only benefit from devouring them."

Upon hearing this, the Blue Silver King instantly panicked, urgently asking, "What should we do then?"

The surrounding Blue Silver Grasses that were beginning to open up their spiritual wisdom also panicked, their branches and leaves trembling.

Of course, they should move into my Skywalker Academy. A mountain full of Blue Silver Grass, wouldn't that be equivalent to a mountain full of 'True Eyes'? We'll only plant and nurture high-aged ones inside, and they'll collect ground intelligence for me, preventing people from climbing the walls in the middle of the night. Lin Manshan thought to himself.

With Soul Perception and Beast Control Art, he didn't have to worry about the Blue Silver King betraying his tribe or running away.

On his tongue, he nevertheless said, "If you really can't find them a new safe place to stay, just move them to a place near you."

"." The Blue Silver King's mental fluctuations took a snap, and then he suddenly asked, "I don't know what level your wife is at now?"

Hehe, you guessed it? The Blue Silver King is so smart even with only 85,000 years of cultivation, how did Xiao Wu grow up to 100,000 years? Feeling the huge gap, Lin Manshan complained in his heart and nodded slightly with a smile, "Counting the time, she should be almost level 65."

"Then there's still some time before she breaks through to level 70, I don't know where Your Excellency wishes to move and plant me?" The Blue Silver King asked again.

"My grandfather has enclosed a forest to establish an academy, there's plenty of space in the back of the mountain." Lin Manshan replied back.

"Then I also ask Your Excellency to be kind enough to transplant my people together with me." The Blue Silver King did not hesitate.

"In addition, I still have an impolite request."

"Senior don't worry, I can guarantee that I won't let the people in the academy trespass freely into the territory that has been divided for you, nor will I harm your people." Lin Manshan spoke bluntly, then shook his head, "As for other places, I'm sorry, I can't guarantee that. After all, your Blue Silver Grass clan grows and spreads too fast, spreading so widely that you could trample a plant to death just by walking in the forest. Some things cannot be avoided."

"This is sufficient enough." The Blue Silver King flicked the leaf surface, then asked again, "I wonder what Your Excellency needs from me?"

"Scout the academy ground for me to prevent incoming enemies." Lin Manshan said.

"Alright." The Blue Silver King responded, "Then, I'll trouble Your Excellency next."

"No big trouble." Lin Manshan nodded and put the Blue Silver King into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, then started digging.

The surrounding Blue Silver Grass was also extremely cooperative, the slightly older ones even dug up their own soil to dig themselves out, and Lin Manshan picked up and stuffed the soil into his Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse.

Of course, the area has been divided properly, with Xiao Wu, who has been medicated unconscious by him on the way, kept far away from them.

After a long time, with a quick pad of his feet, his figure disappeared into the sky.

A few days later, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, Lin Manshan slowly landed inside the valley, and after picking the required medicinal herbs, he walked straight to the side of the Blue Silver Emperor.

A few years had passed, and the Blue Silver Emperor's body had grown a lot, and her cultivation had also recovered to close to ten thousand years. However, this was not enough to support the Blue Silver Emperor's powerful soul and vast memories, and it had only regained some consciousness and was still in a state of ignorance.

After pondering, he bowed and pulled out the Blue Silver Emperor.

Once the Blue Silver Emperor's memories were restored, the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well would be the first to be exposed to her vision, and he needed to avoid all the possibilities.

After putting the Blue Silver Emperor into the Wishful Hundred Treasure Purse, he walked straight to the shore of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well Spring, pulled out the special glazed bottle from the Spirit Tool, and then reached out and attracted it through the air, instantly drawing out the spring water and injecting it into the mouth of the bottle in a controlled manner, and didn't stop until it was filled up.

After filling several bottles to the brim, he took big steps to the cliff wall and flew away.

Three days later, he slowly landed in the small courtyard where Dugu Bo was living and entered the house with big strides.

Dugu Bo, who had sensed Lin Manshan coming in with his powerful spiritual power, also got up from the inner room, then opened the door and went out of the house.

"How did it go?" Seeing Lin Manshan, he couldn't help but ask.

"I let Tang San get away." Lin Manshan gritted his teeth a little, "If my guess isn't wrong, Tang San has been chosen by that god in the Killing City, and during the battle, that god enhanced Tang San's Death God Domain, and even used some of the god's power to boost it."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo couldn't help but frown, "What god? So shameless!"

"No matter what god it is, we have to be on guard." Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "If it's not unexpected, Tang San will most likely reappear in the Killing City next, which is the territory of that god, and it's not a place we can enter for the time being. However, Tang San's level is probably around level 66 right now, and there's still a long period of time before he can complete the Divine Examination."

"This period of time should be enough for us to respond."

Perhaps, when I break through level 80, I need to try using the Dark One Soul Ferrying Technique to see if there's an Underworld in this world or not. If there is, then I can try to have Zhuyun and the girls cultivate soul power as well. In that case, the battle power of a few people will definitely increase greatly. Inwardly, he couldn't help but think silently.

As for me, I might also be able to use this to have a new insight.

"In addition, I have already captured Xiao Wu and brought back the Blue Silver King and Blue Silver Emperor" Lin Manshan continued.

Saying that he voiced out his idea.

"This idea does possess feasibility, and with me here, they won't be able to make any waves." Dugu Bo nodded his head.

"Well, then I'll go back and report to Yan'er and the girls before arranging things." Lin Manshan said.

After saying that, he excused himself and left, returning to his small courtyard.

Walking through the door, he went back to his room, washed up, and waited quietly in the living room until Zhu Zhuyun returned first with Zhu Zhuyu and Zhu Zhuqing. After kissing and pacifying them, Lin Manshan released Xiao Wu from his spirit tool, "Several of her major acupoints have already been sealed by me, and she can't use her spirit power."

"Zhuyun, arrange a room for her when she wakes up. Tell her that Tang San has escaped."

"If Tang San isn't dead, there's still some hope, I know what to do," Zhu Zhuyun nodded.

Nothing else mattered, it was just to make sure that she wouldn't kill herself.

Escaping, that was impossible.

Lin Manshan nodded and turned to leave.


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