Chapter 262 Trading Spirit Bones

Walking out of the room, Lin Manshan went straight to the Defense Clan's residence to find Niu Gao and then called someone to invite his master, Lou Gao, to bring the topographical map of the academy. When people arrived, he informed the news that he had brought back the Blue Silver King, the Blue Silver Emperor and their subjects, and then talked about his own ideas.

When the two men finished listening, they both looked surprised, then they spread out the map to check things out.

After a short while, Niu Gao pointed to a mountainous terrain, ''Man'er, I think this valley near the Holy Healing Faculty is good. When I explored the terrain of the academy before, I had gone to see it, this place is surrounded by mountains on all sides, it is a natural barrier, and there is a water source, it is very suitable for the growth of plants, and there is a large amount of Blue Silver Grass growing there. We only need to dig out a hidden passage to enter and make a slight arrangement."

"Being close to the Holy Healing Faculty also makes it convenient to send someone to meet them, and externally it can be described as a private medicinal garden."

"Not bad idea." Lou Gao nodded.

"In that case, let's choose this place." Lin Manshan followed with a nod, "Then next, it will be trouble for Master and Uncle Niu."

After discussing in detail some more, Lin Manshan excused himself and left.

When he returned to the compound, opened the door to the living room, and raised his head to see that all the girls were there, Lin Manshan took off his mask and smiled as he approached to sit on the sofa, took the tea handed over by Zhu Zhuyun and drank a mouthful of it, then turned his head to ask:

"How is that rabbit?"

"Woke up and cursed, and wanted to fight me to the death, but was taught a lesson by me and became honest." Zhu Zhuyun shrugged, "Now arranged by me to stay in the basement room, the place there is so big that she can't be heard from above, so she can make as much noise as she wants."

"Well, it's good to calm down there." Lin Manshan nodded.

"What a surprise, she's actually a 100,000-year-old spirit beast?" Shui Yue'er, who had just learned about the situation on the side, couldn't help but sigh.

"No wonder she was so vulgar and spiteful in the arena before, so she's not a human being." Another added.

"Ah Man, do we really have to kill her in the future?" Zhu Zhuyu, who was at his side, spoke out and inquired.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan nodded, "I admit that there are indeed kind-hearted spirit beasts in this world. They are innocent from the perspective of being the same life on this continent. But we are spirit masters after all, and hunting spirit beasts to obtain spirit rings is the rule of this world. Standing on our respective perspectives, if we want to survive in this world, the first thing we must consider is to grow ourselves, none of us have a choice."

"Most importantly, Xiao Wu and I are mortal enemies, and she has wanted to kill me for more than a day or two."

"That's right, Sister, you mustn't feel pity for her because of her current humanoid appearance." Zhu Zhuyun immediately responded.

"Hmm." Zhu Zhuyu gently nodded her head.

"Alright, let's not talk about this." Lin Manshan slowly got up, "I'm going to cook a few dishes for you guys, so let's go out for a walk together after eating. The academy has been built for so long, I've been busy with cultivation and other things, I haven't properly accompanied you guys to go for a stroll yet."

Thus, Lin Manshan plunged headlong into the kitchen.

After eating and drinking his fill, he led the girls to wander the academy's walkways.

It was mid-October, which was late fall, and looking up, the golden sunset reflected the golden sky. The yellow fallen leaves drifted down welcoming the afterglow, paving the ground into a golden colour as well, the beauty of nature could be said to be displayed to the fullest at this moment.

With such a beautiful view, there were naturally quite a few students in the academy who wandered around to enjoy the scenery, either in pairs or alone.

After Lin Manshan and the rest appeared, all of them couldn't help but look sideways.

Within the current Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan and the group were considered to be legendary figures. Especially Lin Manshan, who had long since become the idol of all the civilian spirit masters. A poor civilian's comeback, a double success in career and love, who wouldn't want that? In addition, the love story between the few people, especially Zhu Zhuyun trio encounter with him, was just like a fairy tale, and is still a topic of discussion in the academy today.   

On top of that, the several girls with peerless looks standing together were already a bright spectacle.

Regarding the crowd's sidelong glances, Lin Manshan had already expected it and continued on his way with the girls in tow.

After an unknown amount of time, they returned to the top of the hill behind the residence, sitting on the grass quietly watching the afterglow of the setting sun, chatting about the experience of these years, until the setting sun sank into the mountain, the shadow behind the back was stretched long, the sky reflected a reddish colour. Only then did Lin Manshan greet all the girls to get up and return to the small courtyard, go back to the room to comfortably soak in a close bath, and once again devote themselves to spirit power cultivation.

To cultivate to become a Titled Douluo still remained the most important goal for all of them at the moment.

Late at night, inside the bedroom.

"Ah Man." Zhu Zhuyun, who was snuggled in his arms, suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Lin Manshan stopped brushing his fingertips.

"After thinking about it, I still think that rabbit's spirit ring is more suitable for Zhu Zhuqing." Zhu Zhuyun raised her head slightly.

"Compared to me, Zhuqing started absorbing spirit rings over the level from her third spirit ring, and she also has a 10,000-year-old fourth spirit ring, and acquired the Hell Body skill early on, in terms of single attack power, Zhuqing undoubtedly outperforms me."

"Furthermore, that rabbit's second spirit skill is Charm, and her third spirit skill is Teleportation, so I'm sure that absorbing her spirit ring is likely to yield these two skills. If Zhuqing can absorb her spirit ring, she will possess the ability to quickly approach and land a killing blow."

"At this point, Zhuqing's potential is superior to mine."

"So, Manshan, what do you think about it?"

Hearing this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but fall into contemplation, Zhuqing only has a single spirit bone in her body right now, and it's not of a high quality, even with his soul power boost, wanting to absorb a 100,000-year-old spirit ring would be almost impossible, unless she gets another 10,000-year-old spirit bone of a not-so-low age to absorb. In addition, after the original Xiao Wu's sacrifice, the two skills of Invincible Golden Body and Teleportation were retained within the spirit bone.

This also meant that if Zhuqing was allowed to cultivate soul power in the future, these two skills would inevitably be lost.

Of course, there was a difference between actively sacrificing and being killed. The situation might be different if Zhuqing absorbed Xiao Wu's spirit ring.

However, no matter what, if Zhuqing wanted to absorb a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, he would have to go and find a decent-quality spirit bone first.

Currently, Zhuqing's spirit power was at level 66, and if she wanted to break through to level 70, it would take more than a year, so he had time to make preparations.

Thinking of this, he nodded slightly, "Well, I'll help Zhuqing get a piece of spirit bone first during this period of time."

As if he suddenly thought of something, he added, "If we really can't, we can go and exchange a piece from the Martial Spirit Hall."

"With Grandpa's strength right now, we can go and do some trading with Bibi Dong. Tang Hao is fully equipped with spirit bones throughout his body, and Bibi Dong must be as well. In other words, when Bibi Dong hunts the 100,000-year-old spirit rings next, the spirit bones that fall off won't be able to be absorbed."

"I can help her to promote the high-age spirit beast she found to a 100,000-year-old spirit beast in exchange, let's not talk about a 100,000-year-old spirit bone, exchanging for a piece of a slightly lower-year-old one should be fine. Anyway, Zhuqing can continue to evolve it after absorbing it, so it doesn't matter if it's only nearly as old as it should be."

"This is indeed a good idea." Zhu Zhuyun nodded, showing a smile.


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