Chapter 274 Return and Preparation (2 in 1)

One hour later.

Under the trio's astonished gazes, the Eight Spider Spear's original glistening green colour found all over gradually transformed towards gold, and then it slowly darkened again, eventually turning into a dark gold colour throughout with a metallic lustre, looking extremely sturdy.

'One hundred thousand years, it's worthy of being a same-origin spirit beast, it's amazing that the Eight Spider Spear can evolve so fast.'

Lin Manshan sighed inwardly, and the joy on his face was hard to suppress.

However, the changes continued.

After every inch of the Spider Spear's surface changed to a dark golden colour, a flash of green light suddenly rose. The next moment, a crack appeared with a click. This was followed by a second, third, and successive clicks.

Lin Manshan raised his eyes to take a closer look, and underneath a crack, there was an emerald-like texture.

Looking at it as a whole, it was as if an eight emerald gemstone had been inlaid as a whole inside a thick dark gold strip that had been moulded.

'Rather, it's a bit like my martial soul, could it be that the soul power within my body is also at work?' Lin Manshan couldn't help but think silently, at the same time a thought rose up in his mind, 'If I could Spiritize my Eight Spider Spear into a soul gear, what kind of appearance would it have?'

Between his thoughts, a little bit of time passed.

After another hour, the surface of the Soul Devouring Spider Emperor's corpse had completely turned greyish-white. Only then did Lin Manshan pull out the Eight Spider Spear, reach out and stroke it, feeling it carefully.

In a moment, he couldn't help but raise his head and glance at the greyish-white corpse in front of him and was inwardly shocked.

'Too strong! This Soul Devouring Spider Emperor has actually caused my Eight Spider Spears' age to increase by a full 40,000 years!'

'It's probably close to 110,000 years already, isn't it?'

'The efficiency of devouring is also much stronger! However, because it's a same origin spirit beast, the energy essence seems to have been used to enhance the external spirit bone, the Eight Spider Spear. The other parts of the spirit bones didn't improve much, only around 5,000 years.'

'This, is already a lot.' There are a few pieces of his spirit bone that are already more than 100,000 years old, having such a foundation and still being able to raise it by 5,000 years is already extremely remarkable.

Thinking of this, he smiled faintly, retrieved the Eight Spider Spear, and turned towards Dugu Bo.

Seeing Lin Manshan approaching, Dugu Bo raised an eyebrow, "Man Er, judging by your happy expression, this enhancement must not be small, right?"

Lin Manshan nodded, "Indeed not small, perhaps because of the same origin, the flesh essence of this Soul Devouring Spider Emperor has brought a great enhancement to my Eight Spider Spear, I'm sure that it has now broken through the 100,000 years level."

"One hundred thousand years!" The two were taken aback in unison.

"Hmm." Lin Manshan smiled, "Not only that but the devouring ability has also been greatly enhanced."

"This one is rather obvious." Dugu Bo skimmed over the greyish-white corpse not far away, Tang San's figure suddenly appeared in his mind, as he continued, "It's a pity that you never use this devouring ability to aid in your cultivation, or else you might have broken through the Titled Douluo by now."

Lin Manshan shook his head, "By witnessing the devouring effect displayed by the Eight Spider Spear's enhancement these past few times, I'm even more glad that I made this decision back then."

"Since the devouring ability can be further enhanced, it means that the previous one still has flaws."

"It also means that the spirit energy transformed through the Eight Spider Spears' devouring isn't perfect."

"I at least have spirit bone and bead as a carrier for the life energy I got from devouring, and it's not directly stored in my physical body, so the impact is very small. Whereas the energy that is converted into spirit power cultivation has to run through the meridians all the time, which may have subtle effects that even I can't perceive. There might not be any problems in a short period of time, but under the accumulation of days and months, who can possibly be certain?"

Of course, devouring life energy being fine should also have something to do with the fact that I've eaten Immortal Grass, as well as having soul power in my body. Every burning of soul power is actually a quenching of the body, just like the principle of the Dark One's Art of Refining Medicine.

However, pies don't fall from the sky for no reason, so it's better to be cautious.

Besides, with my cultivation speed, I don't need to take such a risky shortcut as devouring. Lin Manshan thought inwardly.

"That's true." Dugu Bo nodded, "For example, Tang San, I feel that he should have already been affected. In the image you showed me last time, his Eight Spider Spear had turned blood-red, and even his spirit energy was tinged with a hint of blood, I'm afraid it's the effects of the imperfect devouring transformation. As the saying goes, too much is not good at all, that kid devours so frequently, I don't think it's possible without something happening to him."

"Hehe, he's the one to be blamed for that." On the side, Yang Wudi laughed out coldly.

But even so, the Shura God still chose to save him. The so-called gods were nothing more than that. Lin Manshan's gaze flared with coldness.

"Alright, let's not talk about this. Let's go, let's look for that Thousand Catties Ant Emperor." Dugu Bo raised his hand.

"Hmm." The two nodded and followed Dugu Bo out of the cave.

Two days later, they finally arrived at the area where the three Thousand Catties Ant Emperor brothers were initially discovered.

"It seems like the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor has already migrated." After carefully feeling the surroundings, no soul fluctuations of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor were found. However, the soul link with the insect and bird left behind was still present, but it was extremely weak, so it should be very far away.

"And looking at the situation, it seems that it isn't in the core area either, but has run to a place further away."

"It shouldn't have circled around to the Star Luo Empire's side, right?" Dugu Bo couldn't help but say, "Since the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor was driven out from the core area, I think it knows about the existence of the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python. In the last battle, it should have also seen Man'er's true cultivation level. So, is it worried that going to mingle with the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python will also lead it to our doorsteps, and purposely avoid it from a distance?"

"Not impossible." Yang Wudi pondered slightly, "The intelligence of high-level spirit beasts isn't lower than that of humans, and when we used the elixir to raise the cultivation of its other two brothers, the purpose was for the 100,000-year-old spirit rings and the spirit bones. Regarding this, it, which has personally experienced this process, is very clear about it. Thus, it was only natural to guess that we might go after the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python in the future. So it chose to avoid the situation from afar, and perhaps it also had the idea of using the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Azure Bull Python as a shield."

"Of course, it could also be thinking that it has travelled a long way, and we won't be able to find it and will go find other high-level spirit beasts."

"Makes sense." Dugu Bo nodded, then sighed, "If it wasn't for the lightning tribulation thing to curb the growth of spirit beasts, perhaps this continent would have long been ruled by the Spirit Beast Clan. With a long lifespan, coupled with remarkable intelligence, with certain spirit beasts being extraordinarily fertile, such as rabbits, snakes, and the like."

"With a constant supply of frontline fighters and no shortage of high-end combatants, how could humans be a match?"

Lin Manshan shook his head, "Perhaps, there is some kind of heaven and earth rule balancing all of this in the shadows."

"Who knows." Dugu Bo shrugged, then raised his hand, "Let's go, far away is far away, just think of it as a wilderness trip."

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded his head and took a step towards one direction, "This way, it will be closer."

Thus, with Lin Manshan leading the way, the three of them continued to set off.

The core area of the Star Dou Great Forest belonged to an area unknown to mankind, so naturally, Lin Manshan would not be foolish enough to risk crossing it.

Going around the edge of the core area, exploring the high-age spirit beasts and collecting medicinal herbs along the way, undoubtedly became the main theme of the journey.

Time passed little by little.

Taking advantage of the rare medicinal herbs he collected from time to time on the way, Lin Manshan also casually discussed medicinal theory with Yang Wudi, successfully attracting the attention of this pill-refining master who had become obsessed with medicine and was keen on collecting medicinal herbs, causing him to forget about cultivation for a while.

Then, after six days like this, Yang Wudi woke up from a sleep and made a breakthrough just like that.

"It seems that sometimes being too obsessed with one thing isn't a good thing." Yang Wudi also expressed an emotional sigh on the spot.

"That's it! The most important thing for a human is to have a happy life." Dugu Bo commented, "Shouldering too much is easy to make people lose their fun and their brains will become dull, and too relaxing will make people slack off, one work, one relaxation, combining labour and leisure is the best."   

"Makes sense." Yang Wudi and Lin Manshan both nodded their heads in deep thought.

Thus, the three of them continued their journey.

Eventually, two days later, they found the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor in an extremely dangerous valley.

Following Lin Manshan as he jumped down the valley, the three of them quickly arrived in front of a stone wall, and looking at the fresh dirt piles stacked up at the bottom, Dugu Bo couldn't help but complain, "This guy is quite good at finding a place, and he even dug a nest in such a hidden valley."

No, I think it's quite miserable. It's even hiding here and was still found by us. Lin Manshan mourned for it from the bottom of his heart.

In the next second, with a smile, he spoke, "It's quite a stroke of luck, its cultivation has already broken through 100,000 years."

"Then it really saved us some medicine." Dugu Bo grinned, striding forward, raising his hand to slap a cloud of poisonous mist into the cave entrance.

Lin Manshan followed closely behind, waving his hand and raising a wisp of sharp wind, directly blowing the poisonous mist into the cave.

Not long after, the ground and stone walls trembled violently. Just a few breaths later, "Pfft!" A huge Dark Golden Ant sprang out violently from the ground with an audible thud.

In the next moment, everything around it stood still, and then a half-moon shaped blade light slashed through, cutting straight through the neck joint, a white scar was immediately generated, and the body was squashed. This was followed by a second and third slash, which directly hit the leg joints on both sides.

"Ka-chow. Click," The limbs twisted and snapped.

The next second, "Boom!" A black-light descended from the sky, directly stabbing the already cracked neck, the spear embedded deeply.

"Humans, you will never get my spirit ring!"

The Thousand Catties Ant Emperor suddenly uttered human words, its body began to glow with golden light, and a horrifying force was constantly emanating from its body.

"Wanting to blow yourself up, it's not that easy." Lin Manshan's eyes flickered, and in just a moment, he spat out two streams of light, hitting the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor directly in the head.

"Ah!" The latter immediately let out a miserable scream, and the golden light emanating from its body also came to an abrupt end.

At this time, Dugu Bo also arrived and smashed his fist on the side of its head, directly smashing the struggling Thousand Catties Ant Emperor into the ground.

The Soul Breaking Spear in his hand was deeply inserted into the neck of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor, and Yang Wudi, who was thrown off by it, immediately seized the opportunity, landed on the armour with both feet, and twisted his hand violently with force, and the body of the spear was suddenly inserted a few more points. In the next second, his calves bowed and he quickly leapt backwards.

"Explosion!" A soft cry rang out in the air.

"Boom!" The tip of the spear that was inserted into the neck of the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor instantly exploded violently.

Juice and debris splattered as the Thousand Catties Ant Emperor's body fell to the ground in response. When he looked again, a huge bloody hole was revealed above the thick neck joint, both sides of its armour were also blown apart, and its head drooped and hung down silently, leaving only its legs still trembling.

In just a moment, a blood-red spirit ring floated out.

"Damn, this guy is much more powerful than its two brothers who made a fresh breakthrough." Dugu Bo couldn't help but lament.

"This is natural! It was promoted by devouring the corpses of the other two Thousand Catties Ant Emperors and counting the time, several months have passed, so its body has long since adapted, so it's natural for it to be able to exert a lot more strength." Lin Manshan gave a slight nod and pointed out.

With that, he turned his head to look at Yang Wudi, "Uncle Yang, there's no time to waste, hurry up and sit down to absorb it."

"Good." Yang Wudi nodded and approached quickly, picking up a piece of right arm spirit bone from the right side of the corpse.

"Uncle Yang, you also have a spirit tool, keep it to yourself, just absorb it directly after absorbing the spirit ring later." Lin Manshan's voice was heard once again.

"Hmm." Yang Wudi nodded, sat down in place, and began to absorb the spirit ring.

After waiting quietly for some time, Lin Manshan approached with small steps, jumped on the head, and extended the Eight Spider Spear to insert it into the bloody hole in the neck.

After a few hours, the Eight Spider Spear was slowly pulled out.

After carefully feeling it, he couldn't help but feel happy inside.

I didn't expect that after the Eight Spider Spear evolved again, it would be able to distribute Soul Beast Essence according to my physical condition.

The ones with a quality of more than 100,000 years had only been raised by about a thousand years, but the others had been raised by ten thousand years or more. In particular, the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's left and right palm external spirit bones, which had the lowest age, were actually both elevated by 15,000 years, and their age went straight past 50,000 years!

Lin Manshan was undoubtedly elated inwardly at this enhancement. From the flesh essence of 100,000-year-old spirit beasts, under the condition of equal distribution, for the spirit bones with a quality of more than 100,000 years old, the enhancement is undoubtedly limited. But for those that did not exceed it, it would be a great tonic.

The feeling of cheating is so cool. Thinking happily, he walked towards Dugu Bo.

Sitting cross-legged on the carpet, he ate something and began to cultivate with his eyes closed, familiarizing himself with the latest enhancement he had gained in the meantime.

Half a month later, Yang Wudi opened his eyes and slowly got up.

Under questioning, just like Niu Gao at first, his spirit power had been raised by 3 levels, reaching level 93.

At this point, this trip out came to a successful end, the three of them packed up and set off to return.

It had to be said that this time, they had indeed travelled a bit far, and they couldn't take a straight line across the Star Dou Great Forest. Therefore, the three of them chose to bypass the core area first, and when they were close to the edge of the core area on the side of the Heaven Dou Empire, they then relied on their flying ability to quickly hurry.

It took 14 whole days before they finally returned to the academy.

After nearly two and a half months of living in the wild, Lin Manshan also felt that he really couldn't stand it. Therefore, the first thing he did when he came back was to greet all the girls and rush into the bedroom, take a hot bath comfortably, and then made his own delicious meal to enjoy.

At night, he accompanied his wife to play games and duelled until dawn.

The next day, only when the sun rose above the horizon did he get up, tiptoeing out of the house, dressed, and walked into the practice room.

Came to the table and took out the letter, began to write a letter sent to Bibi Dong.

When finished, he went out and found Shui Zilu, telling him to go to the Saint Spirit Hall at night and hand it over to Salas.

After doing this, he returned to his room and started making lunch.

After that, he brought the girls to visit a few places leisurely. After returning home, he continued his simple and boring cultivation routine.

He had to reorganize the things that he had obtained, further adapt to the Spirit Douluo realm that had only been promoted not long ago, and adjust his state for the upcoming attack on the Clear Sky Clan.

"After this, it's time to give that skill a try."


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