Chapter 275 Underworld

'I believe it was mentioned in the sequel that Dai Mubai and Tang San found the soul of Huo Yuhao's mother, Huo Yun'er, in the Underworld, and resurrected her and brought her to the Divine Realm. So, there should be an after-death world in the Douluo Continent'

After pondering, Lin Manshan slowly closed his eyes and murmured, "First, I should try to detach my soul from my body."

In between his thoughts, his mind moved, 'Soul Ferrying Technique!'

As the thought passed, the body suddenly felt hot, and then loosened, a feeling of the soul leaving the bondage of the physical body came with it.

This feeling... it is really strange. Lin Manshan couldn't help but be surprised inwardly. In the next moment, his thoughts flickered, and he made a movement to get up, and then he saw "himself" standing up from the physical body that kept its eyes closed.

Within the line of sight, everything seemed to be covered with a layer of luminous green colour, and the ground also rose up with a faint fluorescent light.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand to look at his soul. His skin was no longer a healthy wheat colour, but a slightly darker lilac colour, with a faint greenish tint to it.

Reaching out to touch his cheeks, it was a feeling like substance, but without warmth, and his hair was a glowing green colour.

And when touching the ear.

'Hmm?' His expression flickered for a moment.

After pinching it carefully, "???"

The bottom of his heart couldn't help but be confused, if the sense of touch didn't go wrong, he could be sure that the shape of the top of his ear was pointed, 'Is it because I've cultivated the unique soul power of the Dark Ones, resulting in the essence of my soul being transformed towards the Dark Ones? Or is it that my soul essence, itself, belongs to the Dark Ones? Or, was it the gift of 'Against the Sky' back then?'

At this moment, Lin Manshan's mind was filled with questions.

He clearly remembered that in the anime, after the two main characters gained soul power, their soul forms didn't change at all.

In between his thoughts, "!!!" A considerable suction force suddenly erupted under his feet. He hastily looked down, a glowing green vortex was rapidly forming, 'The Underworld really does exist, this is the passageway to receive souls! However, now is not the time for me to go down and explore the Underworld.' Frowning, he quickly sat down while mobilizing his soul power to reverse the Soul Ferrying Technique. And when the soul overlapped with the physical body, a faint suction force came from it, and his eyes snapped open.

When he let his eyes look again, it was already a colourful world as far as the naked eye could see.

"What a strange experience." Sighing quietly, Lin Manshan raised his hands, then frowned slightly, it wasn't an illusion, within his sight, a faint layer of purple colour was fading from his skin, 'My physical body is also undergoing a transformation?'

'The soul detaching from the physical body and allowing the physical body to enter a state of pseudo-death surrounded by the power of the soul will accelerate this transformation?'

The special physique of the Dark Ones allowed them to survive in the Underworld in their physical form, and their souls could move away from their bodies for long periods of time. The reason for this lay in the fact that the soul power generated by burning the soul could remain in the physical body, keeping it alive and not decaying.

As for the form of his own soul that he saw just now, it was definitely the form of Dark Ones.

The inner doubt suddenly became even greater.

Even gave birth to the question of who I really am.

'Ai, what comes will always come. Perhaps, when I grow strong enough, I will be able to solve this mystery.' Shaking his head slightly, he closed his eyes once again. As of now, he had absorbed two 100,000-year-old spirit rings, and not only had his cultivation and physical body strength been drastically improved, but so had his spiritual power, which had reached a bottleneck, and was visually estimated to be at the pinnacle of the Boundless Realm as recorded in the Purple Demon Eye Technique.

Further, according to his speculation, it should be the Immortal Divine Soul Realm that the original Bo Saixi and Tang Chen attained with the help of the Sea God. In that realm, one would be able to sustain a long-term soul existence by relying on spiritual power alone, without one's will fading away, one's soul would live on forever.

'If I can reach that step, I'll be able to explore the Underworld in the future with a bit more certainty.' Lin Manshan thought deeply.

Although he was able to let his soul wander for a long time right now, considering the difference in worlds, and the situation in the Underworld being completely unknown to him, hell knows how long he would have to stay down there, what if he encountered a messy situation or even a godly existence?

Based on the principle of preparing for the worst, he felt that it would be better to make more preparations.

For example, condensing a Spiritual Soul Core before going, so that the strength of spiritual power could be further enhanced.

With my current spiritual strength, it should be enough. Between his thoughts, he began to meditate and adjust his state.   

He had already asked Shui Zilu to forward the letter addressed to Bibi Dong to Salas, so when Ghost Douluo came with the medicinal herbs and then the pills were refined, the next step would be to carry out the plan of attacking the Clear Sky Clan, but before that, there was nearly a month's time for him to complete this step.

One month, that's enough!


While Lin Manshan was adjusting his state, on the other side, the unknown land.

Inside the empty hall, on a conical round platform that looked like a lighthouse, a huge eyeball with a glistening green body suddenly looked towards the sky, flashing with demonic light.

At the bottom of the round platform, a stout man sitting on the ground, wearing green armour, suddenly opened his eyes.

He then got up abruptly and appeared outside the great hall with just a flash of his body. Looking up at the huge swirling green light mass in the empty sky, then he burst out into an unrestrained laugh.

"Hahaha ha, after many years, a being with a special physique has finally appeared!"

As he said that, his gaze suddenly turned cold, and he turned his head to look at the other side of the sky, where, in the boundless darkness, a round, spherical object of different colours was suspended in midair, and the space around it swirled with ripples. From a distance, it looked as if the sphere was attached to a semicircular cover, and those ripples that kept emerging were from the contact position of the spherical object and the cover.

"The sin of eating up my realm, this throne will soon be able to collect it!" With a cold snort, his body disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he was already sitting cross-legged below the circular platform once again.

"Next time, it will be when we meet." As he murmured, he slowly closed his eyes.

And just as the man closed his eyes, the huge eyeball suspended at the top of the round platform suddenly turned, staring straight in the direction of the vortex.


After an unknown amount of time, within the cultivation room in the backyard of Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes.

"It's time to start." With a murmur, without hesitation, he accelerated the operation of the Meridian Skill, and at the same time, he urged his spiritual power to converge and hover towards the centre of the upper dantian, and gradually, a light blue vortex, which was entirely made up of concentrated spiritual power, began to form.

Although spiritual energy was not the same kind of energy as soul energy, it was in the same body and could influence each other.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as spiritual attributes for spirit masters and spirit beasts.

Externally, there was spiritual energy driven by high-speed operation, and internally, Lin Manshan's consciousness controlled compression and accelerated rotation. Gradually, at the core of the central vortex within the upper dantian, a small light blue orb slowly formed and grew larger as the vortex continued to rotate.

At the same time, a tearing sensation that grew more and more intense was transmitted into the mind and became stronger and stronger as time went on.

Only when a sharp tingling sensation and dizziness came, Lin Manshan gritted his teeth and slowed down the operation of Meridian Skill, and the original rapidly rotating vortex of spiritual power also slowed down, and Lin Manshan's face, which was already a bit pale, gradually began to have a trace of redness.

Consciousness once again sank inside, in the centre of the upper dantian, a dragon's eye-sized aquamarine orb was slowly rotating.

'The prototype form is considered complete, the next step is to continuously compress and condense it.' Secretly sighing in relief, Lin Manshan began to meditate and regulate his spirit.

In the original sequel, spirit masters needed to condense their soul cores in one go, but he didn't need to.

To be able to achieve this result, Dugu Bo's poison pill had inspired him quite a bit, and of course, there was also the Dark Devilgod Tiger Bead in his lower dantian.

However, although he didn't need to condense it all at once, he still needed to condense a prototype that was stable enough not to fall apart, laying the foundation for the subsequent continuous compression and condensation. This method, although it took longer, but it was better in terms of stability and less risky.

But even so, without strong spiritual power and control, it was not easy to condense the prototype.

Between his thoughts, time passed little by little.


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