Chapter 276 Trivial matters of refining medicine

A few days later, the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

"Your Holiness, a letter from Lin Manshan." Ghost Douluo respectfully handed over the letter.

"Hm." Bibi Dong slightly nodded her head, reaching out to draw over the letter, opening it and glancing at it with a lowered brow. The content was very simple, beginning with a direct acknowledgement that the experiment had been successful, followed by the words of experience in feeding the spirit beast and waiting for it to break through, followed by a note of the prescription.

Finally, it mentioned that Skywalker Academy would set off to attack Clear Sky Clan within ten days after handing over the pills.

Ten days would be completely enough for the Martial Spirit Hall to make good arrangements.

After reading the prescription, Bibi Dong unhurriedly put the letter back into the envelope, and then took out two pieces of spirit bones from her spirit tool, a piece of left leg bone dyed with black aura, and a piece of right arm bone dyed with purple light, then raised her head, and without any hesitation, she raised her hand, and the spirit bones and the letter drifted towards Ghost Douluo.

Bibi Dong's bland tone accompanied it.

"These two spirit bones, the right arm bone is the payment to Lin Manshan, and the left leg bone is the reward this throne promised you. After you go back and absorb it, gather all the herbs according to the letter's prescription and set off immediately."

"Yes!" There was no time to think in front of the boss, Ghost Douluo hastily accepted it, then respectfully saluted and turned to leave.

After returning to the room, he took out the two spirit bones to have a look, and when he touched the right arm bone all over, he could not help but be silent, and then exclaimed, "A big gesture!"

"An 80,000-year-old superb power-type spirit bone is given when you say it's given, the face of a Level 99 Limit Douluo is really big enough."

He didn't think that Bibi Dong had given out this spirit bone simply for the sake of trading, Dugu Bo had only said that the required age of the spirit bone had to be above 70,000 years back then. Still, Bibi Dong had directly taken out a piece of extremely high-quality spirit bone with an age of 80,000 years. Undoubtedly, it was Dugu Bo's level 99 strength that played a key role.

Thinking like this, he put the right arm bone back into his spirit tool, and his eyes looked towards the left leg bone rewarded by Bibi Dong.

An agility-type spirit bone with an age of more than 40,000 years, its attributes also fit me extremely well, and its quality isn't low. I didn't expect to get such a reward for being an errand boy, the errand boy Ghost Douluo suddenly had an odd expression on his face, and the thought rose in his mind, 'Giving such an extremely high-quality agility type leg bone, is it because she thinks that I'm not fast enough to travel to and from the Skywalker Academy?'

With the Agility System, and having dealt with Skywalker Academy for many years, there was no doubt that no one was better suited to correspond with Skywalker Academy than he is.

Who cares, as long as there are benefits. Shaking his head slightly, he brought the spirit bone close to his left leg and began to absorb it.

After a few hours, he slowly opened his eyes, his face showing joy.

'I didn't expect this spirit bone to even help me break through the bottleneck, allowing my spirit power to break through to level 96.'

Looking back out the window, he restrained his smile and slowly stood up, walking towards the outside of the house.


A few days later, Skywalker Academy.

Under the lead of the gatekeeper, Ghost Douluo once again arrived at the familiar meeting hall.

Not long after, Shui Zilu walked out from the side door, "Elder Ghost, please follow me, the dean and Man'er have already gone to the alchemy room."

"Good." Ghost Douluo nodded and followed Shui Zilu towards the side door.

About a quarter of an hour later, the two arrived at the alchemy room.

"Elder Ghost, congratulations." At the first sight of Ghost Douluo, Dugu Bo raised his eyebrows in congratulations.

"Just luck." Ghost Douluo smiled faintly, but inwardly, he marvelled at Dugu Bo's cultivation and perception, that he could see through the fact that he had broken through with a single glance.

"Alright, let's not delay. Elder Ghost, hurry up and bring out the herbs." Dugu Bo urged out, "Let's finish refining early so that you can go back early to hand in your work, and We'll also make preparations early to go find trouble with the Clear Sky Clan, I still have other things to take care of when it's done."

He is also waiting to continue the Divine Examination challenge.   

"Good." Ghost Douluo nodded, striding over to the table and began to take the herbs from the spirit tool.

Watching Ghost Douluo take out the required medicinal herbs one by one, Lin Manshan also secretly marvelled at the richness of the Martial Spirit Hall, in just a few years he hadn't seen them, they had collected so many more rare medicinal herbs. Obviously, this was the result of sending a large number of high-end combatants out to search. After all, the prescription was written by him, and he knew very well about the medicinal herbs recorded in it, some of which could never be found within the general mountains and forests.

For the sake of the 100,000-year-old spirit rings, Bibi Dong had put in a lot of effort. Sighing inwardly, he picked up the herbs and walked towards the furnace.

Because there was no main herb with enough potency, the prescription he wrote to Bibi Dong was mainly based on rare herbs, in short, the quantity would be enough to make up for the lack of quality. Because of this, the number of medicinal herbs required to refine an elixir was extremely high.

This also led to the process of refining pills skyrocketing.

It took three days, three whole days before Lin Manshan finally finished refining three pills.

If it wasn't for the fact that his Spiritual Soul Core had already condensed and crystallized, allowing him to keep his energy high for a long period of time and stay awake at all times, it was unknown how many more days he would have to grind.

However, even so, after handing the pills over to Ghost Douluo and obtaining the spirit bone, Lin Manshan still chose to leave and go back to his room to rest at the first opportunity. After returning to the house and handing over the spirit bone to Zhu Zhuqing, he walked straight into the bedroom and slumped on the bed, sleeping until high noon the next day.

After a simple meal, he continued to devote himself to cultivation.

After the Spiritual Soul Core was crystallized, although it was still uncertain whether the spiritual power had reached the so-called Immortal Divine Soul realm. However, Lin Manshan could personally feel that his degree of control over his physical body as well as his control over his spirit power had indeed been elevated to another level. Regarding this point, it was especially evident when practising using the multiple attribute energies of the elemental soul core in his lower dantian every day.

It had clearly become easier, and this was his greatest feeling.

Things like kicking wind blades with his feet, rubbing fireballs with his hands, and snapping his fingers to shoot lightning were practically a matter of choice. Although he hadn't yet developed any powerful skills, his basic utilization had suddenly improved immensely, and it was enough to describe it as if he was using his arms.

Of course, except for time and space.

These two types of energy, he still didn't know how to mobilize them even now. Even the hundred-tested soul power could not allow him to deeply analyse these two energies.

Without being able to understand it, there was naturally no way to utilize it.

Thus, he had spent his efforts in recent days on trying to further utilize the remaining several attribute energies.

However, he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and gradually progressing in an orderly manner was what he needed to do at the moment.

Time passed like this day by day, until three days later, Zhu Zhuqing, who was absorbing the 80,000-year-old right arm bone in her bedroom, came to her senses. Under her probe, the spirit power didn't directly breakthrough level 70, but was raised by like 2 and a half levels to reach the peak of level 69, which was also considered a good improvement.

Then, in order to break through level 70 early, Zhu Zhuqing cultivated even harder.

While Zhu Zhuqing and Lin Manshan were focusing on their cultivation, a few days later, on the other side, Ghost Douluo finally returned to Spirit City and rushed to the Supreme Pontiff Palace as fast as he could to have an audience with Bibi Dong and deliver the elixir. After getting the elixir, Bibi Dong didn't lead the team to obtain the spirit rings at the first instance, but instead led a group of Titled Douluo Elders to depart for the outer premises of the Clear Sky Clan.

Qian Daoliu also led a few worships to accompany them.

The two were naturally interested in Dugu Bo's first battle after breaking through the level 99 Limit Douluo or fighting against the Clear Sky Clan, which possessed 6 Titled Douluos. For one, if Dugu Bo had been chosen by a god, his means would naturally be extraordinary and by no means comparable to his former self, and they also wanted to see his true battle power. For two, battles between Titled Douluos were already rare, not to mention battles involving a Level 99 Limit Douluo. Such an engagement would be beneficial not only to the future cultivation of the Titled Douluo Elders under their command, but also for themselves, as they might also be able to gain some insights.

A few days later, early in the morning, outside the Skywalker Academy.

"Go..." With a soft cry from the coachman, a carriage slowly came to a stop.


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