Chapter 279 Poison Rain

"It is indeed level 99."

On the other side, Qian Daoliu frowned slightly, "Moreover, I'm afraid that the one who chose Dugu Bo is an Evil God, I felt an extremely evil aura on him."

As the spokesperson of the Angel God in the lower realm, he who possessed the Holy Attribute Six-Winged Angel Martial Soul has an extremely sharp perception towards the evil aura. The first time Dugu Bo released his martial soul, he sensed the supreme evil aura on his body.

"Surprisingly, it's him." A low murmur echoed within the Unknown Great Hall.

"None of this matters." Bibi Dong slightly relaxed her brows and spoke in a flat tone, "Dugu Bo obtained the Divine Examination and his strength broke through level 99, and his Martial Soul also evolved again. With the confirmation of this intelligence, one of the purposes we came here for today is considered fulfilled."

"Then, the next step is to see how much strength the Clear Sky Clan can force out of Dugu Bo." Qian Daoliu nodded slightly and raised his eyes to continue to observe the battle, inwardly sighing, 'I didn't expect that Dugu Bo's eighth spirit skill's control range would be so wide.'

The snowflakes stopped in the air, the grass and trees no longer swayed, and the effect of time and space freezing could be discerned with the naked eye alone. Now the entire mountain peak where the Clear Sky Clan stood had been shrouded by Dugu Bo's spirit skill. Furthermore, looking at the intensity, it was simply impossible for anyone under a Titled Douluo to break free.

With such a wide range, the control ability could still reach this level, which was a bit scary.

One person destroys a city, it is not a false statement. The surrounding elders were also surprised.

Between their thoughts, within their sights, Dugu Bo's manifested dragon martial soul true body suddenly spat out a huge green orb high in the sky in front of him. And right at this moment, a stern shout rang out, "Dugu Bo, how dare you, how dare you offend my Clear Sky Clan!"

As the words trailed off, a pitch-black figure rushed out of the stone building, raised his head to look distantly, and his face instantly froze.

He was aware of the effect of Dugu Bo's eighth spirit skill, moreover, Dugu Bo had long since explicitly stated that he would be an enemy of the Clear Sky Clan, so after feeling controlled inside the room earlier, he thought of Dugu Bo in the first instance.

However, precisely because he was inside the room, his field of vision was limited, and his perception was also restricted due to the effect of Dugu Bo's Spirit Skill Time Freeze, therefore, he only thought that Dugu Bo was controlling the building that he was in. But now, when he had a look, the snowflakes and the mist were halted wherever his eyes reached.

Especially, the spirit rings under Dugu Bo's feet.

Eight black and one red.

His face suddenly turned grave, and his tone softened slightly, turning into, "Coronet Dugu, why did you commit a crime against my clan?"

"Your face-changing skill is quite fast, but unfortunately, there is no room for manoeuvre in the feud between us. From today onwards, the Clear Sky Clan will cease to exist!" As the words ended, Dugu Bo clenched his right hand.

"Pfft!" The orb in the sky suddenly exploded, turning into a curtain of fine rain that fell.

Tang Xiao's expression changed drastically, and at the same time, a huge cry came out from the other side of the building, "Dugu Bo, how dare you!"

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh." Five figures dashed out one after another.

The face of Ning Fengzhi, who was standing in the distance watching the fray with Sword Douluo, couldn't help but change as the five Titled Douluos appeared.

At this moment, he tangibly felt the threat posed by the Clear Sky Clan. Together with Tang Xiao, there are six Titled Douluo, and even if they cooperated with them to destroy the Martial Spirit Hall, he was afraid that their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan's situation wouldn't improve, and it would even get worse. The Clear Sky Clan had secretly cultivated five Titled Douluos without revealing a single piece of information to him, and the deeper meaning and ambition contained within this was something to ponder over.

For example, after resolving the threat of the Martial Spirit Hall, they would exterminate or subdue his Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan.

Thinking about Tang San, who has now become an evil spirit master and is hunting and killing spirit beasts with cruel means, this sense of crisis is even greater.   

Perhaps, letting Dugu Bo destroy the Clear Sky Clan isn't a bad thing. Inwardly, he thought darkly.

"Second Elder, Seventh Elder, follow me to take down Dugu Bo and force out the antidote. Third Elder, capture that masked youth and deal with the rest of the others." Inside the Clear Sky Clan, Tang Xiao's words sounded out as his feet pushed off, his body rising sharply into the sky as he rushed towards Dugu Bo.

The only way to solve the problem was to take down Dugu Bo or Lin Manshan as fast as possible so that he could force Dugu Bo to stop such a wide range poisonous rain, his Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul didn't have a wide-range defensive ability, so he couldn't block the poison at all.

On his side, the Seventh Elder's cultivation had now reached level 94 after consuming the Ten Headed Fierce Yang Serpent's inner dan given to him by Tang San, and the Second Elder also possessed level 94 strength. Although they couldn't perceive Dugu Bo's true strength from a distance because they were within the range of Dugu Bo's control spirit skill. But counting him, a level 97 Titled Douluo who had just broken through, when the three of them joined forces, how could he still have the power to fight?

As for Yang Wudi, Niu Gao, and Shui Chaozong, based on the intelligence brought back by Tang Yuehua earlier, how could they possibly reach the Titled Douluo Realm now? Shui Zilu and the even younger Lin Manshan were even worse. Sending out the remaining three Titled Douluo Elders would be enough to take them down swiftly.

"Bring out your full strength and be fast!" The second elder added, rising into the sky, with the rest of the elders close behind.

"Just with you guys?" Above the sky, Dugu Bo laughed coldly.

Then he raised an eyebrow, "There are five new Titled Douluos, haven't you guys withdrawn from the world? Where did the ninth spirit rings come from? As far as I know, within this snowy mountain, there are not many high-level spirit beasts. You guys, it wouldn't be that you've already cooperated with the spirit beasts, right?"

"Hehe, that Tang San has a real spirit beast bloodline, and the little girlfriend he found is also a 100,000-year-old spirit beast."

"Hmph! Don't slander my Clear Sky Clan!" Tang Xiao snorted coldly, his speed accelerating once again.

On the other side, Ning Fengzhi, as well as the several high-ranking members of the various forces who had arrived one after another and were hiding in the shadows to watch, all their expressions changed.

Yes! How did Clear Sky Clan obtain the ninth spirit rings for these five new Titled Douluos? This secluded place is quite a distance away from the Sunset Forest, and, as an elder of the Clear Sky Clan who possesses the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul, their ninth spirit rings must have been from hunting high-age, power-type spirit beasts. This kind of spirit beast is not easy to find in the Sunset Forest, let alone five of them.

Unless they sneak out to look for them at the Star Dou Forest further away. Thinking of this, the image of Tang San meeting with three 100,000-year-old spirit beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest couldn't help but appear in their minds, and then they thought of Tang Hao's wife being a 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor.

A thought couldn't help but rise in their minds.

'The Clear Sky Clan might have colluded with the Spirit Beast clan a long time ago, and the fact that Tang Hao would be so strong might possibly be the result of the support from the hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beasts. For example, guidance on where they could hunt the most suitable spirit beasts for their spirit rings. In the Spirit Beast clan, there were also hostile relationships between the various races. It doesn't seem impossible to find a hostile race, point out the way, and help with the hunt in the process.'

'Also, sneaking out to hunt spirit beasts, does this count as actively tearing up the withdrawal agreement signed with the Martial Spirit Hall back then?'

Clear Sky Clan is done for. For a moment, a few people thought this in unison.

Today, even if Dugu Bo failed to destroy the Clear Sky Clan, in the coming days, the Martial Spirit Hall would send people to attack.

Even if Tang Chen reappeared, he is only one person, how could he fight a crowd all alone?


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