Chapter 280 The unexpected first kill

And just as a few people's thoughts were fluttering.

"Dragonization!" Dugu Bo lightly shouted, the Martial Soul True Body that covered the area around his body rapidly shrunk, and in just the blink of an eye, it disappeared into his body. With a dragon's horn on top of his head, golden pupils and grey scales, and a dragon's tail sticking out from his back, it was precisely the second stage of Dugu Bo's Martial Soul True Body. Moreover, with the emergence of this stage's appearance, a terrifying pressure suddenly swept across the entire area.

At the same time, the time freeze control effect in the atmosphere also dissipated, and the poisonous rain rolled over Tang Xiao and the others below and landed on the ground, raising a faint green poisonous mist.

Although the surrounding temperature was bitterly cold and snowy, it did not restrict the spread of the poisonous mist in the slightest.

His present-day innate poison was not something that could be suppressed by an ordinary low-temperature environment.

"Level 99 Limit Douluo!" During the flight, the faces of Tang Xiao and the others who felt the pressure in the air suddenly changed drastically.

At the same time, the faces of the surrounding onlookers and the rest of the high-level figures of the other forces also changed drastically. Although they hadn't come into contact with spirit masters who had reached the level 99 realm, such majestic pressure had effectively made them feel their own insignificance.

It felt like they didn't even need to make a move, the mere spirit power outburst could shock them to death.

"Ah!" Right at this moment, within the Clear Sky Clan's compound, a miserable scream suddenly broke the silence.

Tang Xiao and the five elders turned around to look, and their eyes instantly burst with rage. Green, as far as the eye could see, the entire mountain peak where the Clear Sky Clan was located had turned green.

The snow was melting, and the clan disciples responsible for guarding the open area were lying on the ground, rolling around, their haloed green skin festering and sprouting a fishy odour.

The entire compound was completely shrouded in a layer of greenish poisonous mist.

"Ah ah ah ah," One after other miserable screams rang out, even some of the ones inside the building were not spared.

"Dugu Bo!" Tang Xiao suddenly turned his head, his eyes red as he looked towards Dugu Bo. In the next moment, his body accelerated in a single motion, turning into streams of light and charging straight at Dugu Bo suspended in the sky, with the rest of the Elders following suit.

Only by defeating Dugu Bo could the clan be saved, at this moment, they were all very clear about this.

"Clear Sky Nine Absolutes, Nine to One!" Tang Xiao, who was the first to approach, did not hesitate to launch the strongest strike of his life, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand grew against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, its length reached nearly thirty meters, and the huge hammer struck Dugu Bo's head like a huge curtain.

"Good timing!" Dugu Bo was not afraid, his right hand slowly raised.

"Boom!" A huge rumble sounded.

'Is this the strength of a level 99 Limit Douluo? Even an attack of this calibre can't budge him.' The pupils of Ning Fengzhi, who was watching from afar, shrunk violently, and within his line of sight, Dugu Bo quietly levitated where he was, his right hand making a lifting motion, not even budging.

The earth and metal attributes are really good to use. Lin Manshan, who stood not far behind in the back of the Shui Chaozong Martial Soul True Body, also sighed, after the Martial Soul evolved again, Dugu Bo, who entered the second stage of the Martial Soul True Body, had outrageous defensive power. Now mobilizing the earth and metal attributes to enhance his body, together with the Refining Jade Hands, in this state, his defence power is simply off the charts.

Between his thoughts, "Boom!" A majestic aura suddenly erupted from Dugu Bo's body.

"Poof!" Tang Xiao felt like he had been slammed hard, his body quickly fell back and was caught by one of the elders who had arrived behind him.

"Swoosh." The remaining four Titled Douluos stormed up one after another, and right at this moment, "Ninth Spirit Skill, Thousand Pounds Strength. Ninth Spirit Skill, Thousand Thrusts." The spirit rings under the feet of Yang Wudi, who was standing on the back of the Shui Zilu martial soul true body, suddenly unfolded, and the outermost 100,000-year-old spirit ring flashed twice in a row, and almost instantly, Yang Wudi's body was dyed with a layer of dark golden light. The Soul Breaker Spear Martial Soul in his hand, which was also dyed with dark golden light, was held high, his gaze was like a torch as he looked directly at the Seventh Elder Fierce Sun Douluo who was rushing at the very front.

"Yang Wudi has actually broken through the Titled Douluo level, and he also has a 100,000-year spirit ring!!!?" Everyone present, except for Dugu Bo and a few others, had their expression change. On the other hand, Fierce Sun Douluo, who was being looked directly at by Yang Wudi, felt his scalp numb and subconsciously raised the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul in his hand.

In the next moment, a black light flashed.

"Clank" Ear-piercing sounds of gold and iron intersecting rang out.

Immediately after, "Poof!" The sound was clear and crisp.   

"Ah!" Miserable screams followed.

"Hiss" The surrounding onlookers felt their breath stagnate, their scalp numb, fast, really too fast.

A spear was thrown out, even the trajectory of the movement can not be captured, just like a silent black lightning struck from the sky, with a flicker, leaving no traces.

When they looked, a wisp of black smoke rose from Fierce Sun Douluo's chest, and an arm-sized hole was visible inside. The next moment, in full view of everyone, "Boom!" Fierce Sun Douluo's body suddenly exploded with his chest as the centre, and the entire person turned into a cloud of blood mist.

"Old Seven!" The rest of the Clear Sky Clan elders who were shaken away by the explosion and splattered with blood subconsciously let out a shocked cry.

He died just like that? Just one blow. Unbelievable, followed by a chill down their spine.

"Using overwhelming force in exchange for absolute speed and attack power, the effect is almost equivalent to a locking technique." Not far away, a trace of amazement also flashed in Qian Daoliu's eyes, and then he murmured, "It seems like the Skywalker Academy has spent a lot of effort on Yang Wudi."

"I believe it's more than that." Bibi Dong's tone was flat, but inwardly, she was inexplicably a little envious.

She didn't even need to think about it to guess that the ninth spirit ring that Dugu Bo and Lin Manshan had found for Yang Wudi was definitely from a top-tier power-type spirit beast.

And this type of spirit beast happened to be exactly what she needed at the moment.

However, it was others' ability that they could find it, and since the spirit ring had already been absorbed, it was useless to think about it more.

Upon hearing this, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but focus his gaze on Niu Gao, nodding his head slightly. When the two had just joined Skywalker Academy, Niu Gao's spirit power was higher than Yang Wudi's, and now that Yang Wudi had broken through the Titled Douluo level, then Niu Gao must have broken through the Titled Douluo level as well.

A hundred thousand-year-old spirit ring was just given away, maybe he even absorbed a hundred thousand-year-old spirit bone. The elders behind them were also instantly enamoured.

It is important to follow the right person. Ghost Douluo also sighed quietly, thinking about the single attribute four clans back when they were with the Clear Sky Clan, tsk, there is really no comparison. Not only they didn't give benefits, but they also got pitted. Now, it is also considered retribution.

With a thousand thrusts skill, the strength of attack multiplied. The Thousand Pounds skill added gravity to the martial soul and increased the falling speed. The two added together, counting the Soul Breaking Spear's own defence-breaking ability and extreme attack power, as well as the augmentation brought about by the Martial Soul True Body. The effect was indeed good. At this moment, Yang Wudi only felt an incomparable pleasure in his heart, as if years of depression had suddenly poured out with that one spear thrown out.

At the same time, his emotions were also a bit surging.

A spear throw to kill a Titled Douluo, still a Titled Douluo with Clear Sky Hammer Martial Soul, this kind of battle record is not something that anyone can do. Although this strike had the element of surprise, the other party did not know the effect of his ninth spirit skill.

However, with the result at hand, everything else was secondary.

"Well done!" Dugu Bo also immediately turned his head to praise.

"It was so-so, there was an element of surprise." Yang Wudi said humbly.

"Who cares if he was unprepared, a kill is a kill." Dugu Bo nodded slightly and turned back to meet several pairs of blood-red eyes. "Yang Wudi!" Tang Xiao and the remaining four elders who had recovered from their grief and shock were all enraged.

"Heh, the moment Tang Hao brought people to surround and kill me, you guys should have thought that there would be today." Dugu Bo smiled coldly.

What he got in response was, "Clear Sky Nine Absolutes. Nine Returns to One" in the form of five giant hammers that rapidly enlarged.

"Good timing." Dugu Bo's gaze turned cold, and his figure directly disappeared from the spot.


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