Chapter 300 Bibi Dong’s new realization

Upon hearing those words, Bibi Dong instantly frowned slightly.

Following the voice, she saw a few students wearing school uniforms, led by an eleven or twelve-year-old pale-skinned male spirit master, with a gold-rimmed jewelled bracelet on his wrist, judging from the circumstances, he should be a nobleman's son.

Lin Manshan's heart didn't fluctuate, he stopped looking after glancing at them with his afterglow, "Don't worry about them, let's go."

In the Primary Spirit Master Academy, it was a very common thing for noble spirit masters to look down on commoner spirit masters. Regarding this, Bibi Dong, who was the Pope, should have heard about it as well. Only, it might be the first time she had experienced it in person like this.

Experiencing this might also be a good thing. Lin Manshan thought as he walked.

"Hm." Bibi Dong nodded slightly and stopped paying attention, as she followed and continued to walk forward.

On the other hand, when the noble male spirit master saw that the two of them didn't give a damn about him, his face immediately turned a little red, as if he felt belittled.

"Two untouchables, how dare you ignore me!?" He gritted his teeth a bit and said.

"Boss, they should be work-study students by the looks of it, do you want me to bring my brothers to beat them up?" A lackey on the side hurriedly flattered.

"No, I want them to be my slaves, as bulls and horses." The male spirit master said viciously.

Upon hearing this, the surrounding lapdogs' bodies instantly trembled, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes, and then they quickly nodded and said yes.

Seeing this, the male spirit master's face instantly glowed with pride as he turned around and walked in the other direction.

Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong, on the other hand, came to the Registrar's Office, and after registering and receiving their uniforms, they walked towards the dormitory.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's original intention was obviously to have the branch hall supervisor personally greet the dean, but on the next day, Chrysanthemum Douluo followed Qian Xunji early in the morning. Perhaps after learning about their background, the supervisor felt that Chrysanthemum Douluo merely acted on a whim and wouldn't pay attention in the future. In addition, after the two awakened low pitiful innate spirit power, their achievements would be limited, and it is unlikely that they will have the opportunity to see Chrysanthemum Douluo again in the future.

Therefore, there was no more effort put into it, he just wrote a letter and sent a staff member to drop them off at the academy.

Judging from the attitude of the instructor at the Registrar's Office just now, perhaps the letter didn't clarify the intention of looking after them that Chrysanthemum Douluo had mentioned.

After leaving the Registrar's Office, Bibi Dong also realized this point, and her eyes couldn't help but have a trace of coldness.

Although it was an illusion, she understood that this kind of thing had definitely happened in reality. Thinking about it, after Gengxin City's bishop was reported by Lin Manshan, the report was proved to be true upon investigation. Even the bishop of a city was like this, let alone a remote area branch hall.

In this situation, with only a slight thought, she was clear about how helpful that instruction from Chrysanthemum Douluo would be for a civilian spirit master. Let's not mention other things, if the branch hall supervisor bought them slightly newer clothes to change into before sending them, and then fulfilled the instructions to personally take them to see the dean of the academy, those noble spirit masters encountered on the road will not dare to spout nonsense.

The impact of that will be far-reaching, at least in the primary academy during their stay, no one will dare to rashly bully them.

A strong person or a person in a high position every sentence can decide a lot of things, even the lives of the weak. While, whether or not a person in a lower position carries it out directly determines the future of the commoners. Thinking of these, Bibi Dong's heart inexplicably sank.

In the past, she might have thought about it, but she had never paid too much attention to it, just treating it as an insignificant trivial matter.

But now that she had experienced it personally, she truly realized the impact of this neglect.

With this in mind, the two of them arrived at the dormitory where the work-study students lived. Looking at it, shabby, this was Bibi Dong's first impression, the walls were murky, and the aisles were full of debris, compared to the tidy dormitory of the noble students beside this one, it was a world apart.

"Don't be surprised, I lived in a dormitory like this when I studied as a child." Lin Manshan slightly nodded his head.   

"It's understandable when you think about it, didn't that instructor in the office introduce it just now? Work-study students attend classes for free and usually earn their meals by doing some cleaning work. This is already a good source of money for work-study students who are still young and far away from home and don't have a skill yet." In any other extraordinary world, sweeping floors to get paid would be a dream.

It would be a compulsory academy free labour in other worlds.

"And for the academy that follows this rule, not being able to gain any wealth from the work-study students, and having to spend a portion of the money out to subsidize them, they are naturally unwilling to spend more money for repairs." Lin Manshan continued, "Unless, someone is willing to pay to fill this loophole."

"Under my rule, this is indeed what was done. But right now, the situation of the continent in my world is not under my rule, and there is nothing I can do about it." Bibi Dong shook her head slightly.

The Primary Spirit Master Academy was affiliated to an empire or a principality, and it was true that her Martial Spirit Hall couldn't control it. However, regarding this situation, it wasn't like the Martial Spirit Hall hadn't done anything.

The spirit master subsidy system was established under the push of the Martial Spirit Hall. Although the initial purpose was to cultivate and pull in civilian spirit masters with the help of the two empires' financial power. However, she was certain that back then, if the Martial Spirit Hall hadn't proposed it, the two empires would never have taken the initiative to do it. Even if they did, it would be extremely restrictive and aimed at squeezing and suppressing, instead of allowing civilian spirit masters to freely choose.

After the establishment of this spirit master subsidy policy, it at least ensured that the majority of spirit masters would be able to grow up smoothly in the early stages. Although one needed to break through level 10 spirit power to be certified as a spirit master before they could receive it, this was already the limit of what the Martial Spirit Hall could do at the moment.

As the Martial Spirit Hall grew stronger, the two empires' scruples grew heavier, and the funds to support the spirit master subsidy had long since been cut in half for various reasons.

Under these circumstances, if the subsidies were to be sent down to lower-level spirit masters, with the financial power of the Martial Spirit Hall, it would be really powerless.

Unless she could unify the continent and support it with the financial power of the entire land.

Lin Manshan was also clear about the current situation on the continent and nodded slightly, no longer talking further on this topic.

In a short while, the two walked up the stairs and came to the dormitory door along the aisle.

Because it is not the normal enrolment time to enter the academy, they are students joined in the middle of the day, at this time in the morning, the students should still be in the teaching building classes, there is no one in the dormitory, and the door is locked. Good thing, that before in the Registrar's Office, the instructor distributed secondary keys.

Pushing open the door of the room and walking in, when they looked around, the internal space was not small, with a bed every 1 meter and a half or so, with a total of 50 beds. However, most of them only have wooden frames, and the ones with bedding are very few, only eight, apparently, this is the number of work-study students in the academy at the moment.

"No cubicles?" Bibi Dong couldn't help but stare.

"Obviously, that's only for noble spirit masters." Lin Manshan shrugged.

"Moreover, with our current appearance, we have not yet reached the age where we will need to shy away from the opposite sex, and the academy has saved money." While saying this, he walked towards one of the beds.

"..." Bibi Dong was silent, and also followed behind, thinking that when the continent was unified in the future, she needed to improve the accommodation environment of all the Primary Spirit Master Academies. Everything in this illusory realm, presently, it seemed that it should have been laid out with reference to reality.

All of a sudden, she seemed to have realized the essence of this examination.

Taking large strides, she walked over to the bedside and sat down, separated by a not-so-wide distance, the two of them looked at each other, and immediately the atmosphere was a little awkward.

The Martial Spirit Hall staff who had brought them here didn't purchase bedding for them on the way.


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