Chapter 301 Conflict and Alertness

It is good that they gave us 1 Gold Soul Coin. Lin Manshan immediately spoke, "The dormitory has been found, so let's go out together and buy some living supplies."

Although it was his soul that descended, he could still feel the hunger and cold in this illusionary realm, this point, he had experienced yesterday.

However, last night, because he was staying in the Martial Spirit Hall room, the interior was still warm, so it was considered a peaceful experience.

In the meantime, he also tried to see if he could cultivate in the illusionary realm. After all, since you can awaken the martial soul, it is necessary to consider the next problem of cultivation within this Divine Examination Secret Realm to be realistic, and the results also really surprised him, that it is possible to cultivate.

However, what comes from cultivation is not spirit power, but the soul's energy.

This allowed him to realize the other purpose of the Rakshasa God setting up this divine examination, which was to shape the divine soul for Bibi Dong.

If one wished to host a divine position, both the strength of the physical body and the strength of the soul would certainly need to reach a certain standard. The physical body can be strengthened through reconstruction, such as what the original sea god did to Tang San, using the reconstruction of the whole body spirit bone to achieve the purpose of strengthening.

As for the soul, the God of the Underworld Shan had said that the secret realm the gods had constructed on the outskirts of the Underworld could absorb the soul power overflowing from the River Styx below to nourish the souls of the gods living in it. Therefore, the Rakshasa God constructed this secret realm as a place for the final examination to refine Bibi Dong's mind and help her cultivate her Divine Soul in preparation for her eventual divine throne succession.

Perhaps, it was also to eliminate the hidden dangers left behind back then due to devouring the Qian Xunji.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that the Rakshasa God was not that bad.

At the very least, she had thought of everything that should be thought of, and the rest depended on whether or not Bibi Dong had the ability to pass.

In the middle of his thoughts, Bibi Dong's clear childish voice was heard, "Good!"

Thus, to avoid trouble, the two changed into their school uniforms and got up to go out. Because of the uniform, after leaving the academy, the two didn't encounter any trouble and smoothly purchased what they needed. As in reality, the purchasing power of one Gold Soul Coin wasn't low, and after the two of them bought two bedding, a few lining clothes for changing, and some dry food for the night, they still had more than enough.

Because the time was close to noon, the two also ate a meal at a roadside stall.

It had to be said that everything in this illusion was extremely real, and even eating a meal could make one feel full.

Lin Manshan also guessed that it should be related to the divine power attached to the surface of the soul body, and it was because of this layer of divine power that was regulating everything they could perceive.

Perhaps, the ability to use the soul body to launch a spirit skill or something like that later on might also have something to do with it.

However, he did not think this was the Rakshasa God's creation.

The complexity of this illusion was far beyond imagination, and the gods of the Douluo Continent, he didn't think they could be this awesome.

Perhaps, it was a Divine Position condensed from the Laws that was influencing all of this. Lin Manshan couldn't help but think.

It may seem like the Rakshasa God is choosing an heir, but in fact, it is also the Divine Position choosing a suitable heir for itself. Otherwise, how could it be that the Underworld God Shan had said that the current Rakshasa God was much weaker than the first generation, and was unable to utilize the full power of the Divine Position?

Obviously, it was the Divine Position that had not fully recognized the current Rakshasa God.

While thinking about this, he carried his things back to the academy. Of course, the one carrying both bedding was Lin Manshan. Even though he was within the illusionary realm, he still felt a bit uncomfortable letting a lady walk down the street carrying a large bundle of bedding, so he took the initiative to carry the bundle.

Bibi Dong did not refuse, but also took the initiative to take on the task of carrying the rest of the package, carrying it full in both hands.

Not long after, the two returned to the academy, and when they were about to walk to the dormitory gate, they were surrounded by a group of people, blocking the way.

When he raised his eyes, it was the same noble spirit master who had taunted him in the morning.   

"I don't know what the few of you intend to do?" Lin Manshan put down the bedding and gazed at the leading noble spirit master.

The latter crossed his arms in front of his chest and smiled with his head held high, "Nothing much. Just want to tell you about the rules of the academy."

Saying that he swept his eyes at the surrounding lackeys, "If you beat my group of friends, you will have peace and quiet life in this academy in the future."

"If you can't win, hehe, in the future, you two will have to be my pet dogs. Anyway, both of your family members are already dead, if you become my dog, perhaps I can reward you with a meal if I am in a good mood, it is better than starving to death on the streets with fewer arms and legs in the future."

After hearing this, Bibi Dong's face already looked gloomy and cold.

This person had obviously investigated their current identity information, and to be able to know this in less than half a day's time, it was obvious that it was revealed by that instructor in the office, who was the only one who, in the morning, had read the letter written by the Martial Spirit Hall in-charge, who they were handed over to.

In addition, being so brazen to threaten them with their lives at the academy.

If everything in this illusion is truly mapping reality, then this kind of thing must have happened in the Primary Spiritist Academy out there. Moreover, it definitely wasn't one or two cases, after all, within the spirit master academies opened by the two empires, almost a noble spirit master existed in every one of them, and it was the noble spirit masters who were given priority for admission. From this, it was enough to imagine the encounters that commoner spirit masters might face within these academies.

These rotten nobles, all deserve to die. If I managed to unify the continent, I would definitely cleanse them all!

This thought subconsciously sprouted in her heart.

"Eh?" Lin Manshan also instantly sensed Bibi Dong's killing intent, while at the same time coming to a realization in his mind.

'This is the way the illusion affects the participants, instead of directly displaying the sins and tragedies one by one in front of their eyes, they are woven into daily life, allowing people to empathize with them, and slowly submerging into them with time.'

'Bibi Dong was in a high position at a very early age, and was undoubtedly outstanding in terms of political ability, but because she had not experienced the life of the underclass, she was greatly lacking in this aspect of her experience.'

'And with Bibi Dong's ruthlessness, and with the eyes of those in high positions looking at the problems at the bottom, it's likely that the idea of a sweeping, complete clean-up will be born.'

'For example, if Bibi Dong wants to purge the nobles of the two empires, then the innocents among them will be implicated.'

'Originally, it was the sin of this noble spirit master or his family, but if Bibi Dong makes a clean sweep, then Bibi Dong is also guilty. This kind of simple judgment and decisive overall sentence is definitely contrary to the function of the sin god Rakshasa's divine position.'

'Perhaps, for every event encountered in this illusionary realm, Bibi Dong's response, or even her thoughts, will affect the final result of the divine examination.'

'And this, this is just the beginning. If the follow-up is guided this consistently, then the consequences.'

Thinking of this, Lin Manshan's mind couldn't help but sink, 'No wonder the original Bibi Dong's thoughts became more and more extreme, this may not be without the influence of the divine examination.'

Moreover, the original Bibi Dong clearly chose the same path of degradation as this Rakshasa God.

Then, Bibi Dong's lack of experience, as well as some unpleasant past events she had experienced, would most likely be used as a breakthrough by the Divine Examination next.

I must intervene to cause a change. Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Manshan reached out and stepped in front of Bibi Dong.


PS: It's going to speed up soon.


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