Chapter 302 Guidance

"Fine, I'll agree to this bet." Saying that, Lin Manshan took a step forward, "However, we have to be servants and slaves if we lose, but you don't have to pay anything if you lose, this doesn't seem appropriate, right? It seems like you should be from a noble family, if such a thing that is out of noble graces were to be spread out like this, I'm afraid it would make outsiders laugh that your family's elders failed to educate you and that your clan's children would only bully others."

At those words, the lead noble spirit master instantly flushed red, sweeping his eyes around the audience, he immediately puffed out his chest, "Hmph! I just didn't finish my words earlier, it was you the insolent untouchable grabbed the lead."

"Say it, what bet do you wish to make?"

"It's simple, in the future, you'll cover the cleaning work for the work-study students, and I'll receive the money as usual until I graduate." Lin Manshan smiled.

'Untouchables are Untouchables, their vision is just short-sighted. In front of this young master, unexpectedly, he can only think of such a simple bet.' The noble spirit master revealed a sneer and disdainful expression, then nodded slightly, "Alright, I promise you, this young master will honour his word."

"Well, whoever reneges is a puppy, short and impotent down there, would shoot in seconds. Also, when you go out, you will step on dog shit, in the future, your child will definitely not be your blood, and when you get up early, you will wet the bed." Lin Manshan spoke clearly, saying countless types of contract-breaking retribution in a row.

"???" Bibi Dong showed a confused expression.

As a top-tier powerhouse, how could he say such words and not feel that it was beneath his dignity?

As a companion, in full view of the public, Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel her face redden as she inwardly muttered, 'Vulgar!'

On the other hand, even the NPC that the Divine Examination Illusionary Realm had derived froze at this time, it clearly didn't have these words in its archives.

"Okay, okay, it's just a cleaning," He quickly waved his hand, and then couldn't wait to shout, "Give him a beating!"

At the sound of the voice, the surrounding several lapdogs immediately summoned their martial souls, waving their fists and rushing over.

All of them were first-ring spirit masters, but their spirit ring colour was just white.

It was quite in line with the actual situation of the Primary Spirit Master Academy, there was no cheating ++difficulty. Lin Manshan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, one ring, or white ring, only has a very limited physical strength growth, so they won't be too much stronger than him. Based on the strength of the divine power restriction on his body, the soul power he could currently utilize that converted into spirit power should only be around level 1, however, the soul perception was still there.

Anticipating the enemies' movements was his biggest advantage right now.

Look at my nut kick. Looking at the tall man who rushed to the front, Lin Manshan pressed his body and kicked.

"Ah!" With a scream, the tall man covered his balls and knelt down on the spot. The next second, "Boom!" The back of his head was slammed by a kick.

Immediately, in order to avoid the remaining people pouncing together to fight together chaotically, Lin Manshan took the initiative to attack, the small body dashed left and right avoiding a head-on collision while stepping on toes, kicking the hemp tendon in a variety of underhanded tricks to bring them down, in the blink of an eye, two knocked down.

This kind of manipulation. Bibi Dong looked stunned. This kind of attack, she who often stayed in the Spirit City, had never seen it before. Even during the time when she was studying at the Martial Spirit Hall Academy and travelling around, she had never seen anyone use this kind of trick.

Honestly speaking, it was a bit despicable and nasty, yet it worked well.

"You bunch of losers! Go together and squash him." Not far away, the noble spirit master's body retreated while exasperatedly shouting.

Lin Manshan's underhanded tricks had indeed scared him.

Worthy of someone who grew up from the bottom, this means of attack. By the pool in the main hall, the Rakshasa God also looked with a twitch at the corner of her mouth, 'I'm afraid that the God who chose this person to be the heir isn't a serious God either' The search narrowed down, and her mind couldn't help but flash through a few figures.

On the other side, the two lapdogs who had originally surrounded Bibi Dong stiffened and immediately turned their heads towards Lin Manshan and rushed towards him.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang," Without even touching a hair, they were struck painfully and fell to the ground with a gasp.

What strong fighting skills. Although the fighting method was a bit unpleasant, but under careful consideration, Bibi Dong also had to marvel at Lin Manshan's strong fighting skills and experience. When asking herself, she, who was also restricted, couldn't do this to this extent with such ease.   

If all restrictions were to be released, to what extent would his strength reach? Inwardly, she couldn't help but think.

In between her thoughts, "Pa pa pa..." Lin Manshan lightly clapped his hands and turned his head to look at the noble spirit master, "You've lost."

After saying that, he slightly nodded again, "If you're not convinced, you can also fight."

"No need, you won, I- I'll keep my word." The latter's face turned slightly pale, and he subconsciously swallowed. He now suspected that the instructor had lied about the information.

"Then I will trouble you." Lin Manshan nodded, turned around and walked over to Bibi Dong, carrying the bedding while saying, "Let's go."

Bibi Dong nodded and followed with the same steps. Right at this moment, several spirit masters of varying heights and shapes suddenly ran over.

Upon asking, they were all work-study students who had just been watching the battle.

So, in the sound of thanks and admiration, Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong handed the things to a different person to carry.

In the afternoon, the garden was indeed swept. Since they didn't have to go to class and didn't have to sweep the garden, several of their roommates decided to go out and play with each other. Lin Manshan politely declined, and Bibi Dong naturally chose to stay.

Soon, the door of the dormitory was closed by the dormitory mates, and Lin Manshan's slightly heavy voice was heard, ''Bibi Dong, you just had the urge to kill. Tell me, in that instant, did you have the thought of purging the noble spirit masters?"

"How do you know?" Bibi Dong was surprised, she had indeed subconsciously had this thought at that moment.

Lin Manshan shook his head, "It's not hard to guess, you're in a high position, a single word can determine the life and death of countless people. If that noble spirit master was placed outside, he would be nothing more than an ant in your eyes. Now that he has confronted you and threatened you with certain consequences in public, you will naturally subconsciously have the intention of executing this kind of ant and drag his family into it, perhaps even more broadly."

"Not only you, this is what many powerful people would think when faced with this kind of situation."

"You should have been sitting in a high position for too long, so your angle of thinking about things will inevitably be affected. As a result of this, it is easy for you to subconsciously treat things as trivial and insignificant, deciding them as you please. However, these small matters that you think as trivial are heavenly changes for certain people or things."

"For example, the noble spirit master mentioned just now, from what he said, he might have indeed done something outrageous, and if you find evidence, killing him would be of no consequence to anyone. However, if you take the wrath out on his family because of this, what about those innocent people who don't know about it or who are insignificant and powerless to stop him from doing so?"

"If you kill these people as well, then is it going to be the sin of that spirit master just now, or is it your sin?"

"." Bibi Dong instantly fell into silence.

Killing innocents indiscriminately would naturally be her fault and her sin.

"A single leaf can blind one's eyes, making it impossible to see a cluster of mountains. Bibi Dong, the truth of it, I believe you can understand." Lin Manshan continued, "When things transpire in the future, you can try to put down your personal preconceptions first and think about things from a wider range of perspectives."

"Perhaps, you can gain more."

Bibi Dong mused and nodded slightly.

"Many thanks, Your Excellency, for your advice."


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