Chapter 303 Peace of Mind

"It's nothing more than a little thought."

Lin Manshan smiled and did not choose to voice out the speculation that the Divine Examination Illusion Realm might next use Bibi Dong's previous vulnerabilities or the unpleasant things that she had once encountered in her life as a breakthrough to stage an event.

After all, human nature is repetitive, if there is no personal experience, just listening to people, they will not wake up at all. Even, saying it will make them fall even harder.

"Too much cleverness leads to failure" is not just a saying.

Thinking like this, he put off his shoes and sat on the bed with his feet up, "In the afternoon, I am going to cultivate without heading out. After last night's experiment, I found that cultivating here seems to be able to strengthen the soul, and perhaps, this is one of the reasons why the Rakshasa God set up this test."

"After all, inheriting the divine throne in a mortal body, whether it's the physical body or the soul, there should be certain rigid requirements."

After saying that, he sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

"Surprisingly, he guessed it," Outside the illusionary realm, the Rakshasa God couldn't help but be surprised.

'For this person to be selected, it seems that he does have uniqueness, or at least, a person who is intelligent enough.' Inwardly, she thought quietly.

'It's actually true!' Bibi Dong was also shocked inwardly, her beautiful eyes unconsciously sized up Lin Manshan, and for the first time in her life, she felt inferior to others.

Although she didn't know Lin Manshan's exact talent and growth history, at least with the combat skills and experience he had shown so far, as well as the wisdom he had demonstrated in judging things, she felt slightly inferior to him.

In addition, the fact that Lin Manshan had been sent to her divine examination was a testament to the confidence that the God behind the scenes had in Lin Manshan.

As for this confidence, it was naturally a reflection of Lin Manshan being strong enough in certain aspects, such as talent, strength, wisdom, and comprehension.

Even, in that god's eyes, she is simply weaker than Lin Manshan, which is why he/she didn't hesitate to send him here.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong pursed her lips and also raised her feet to sit on the bed and began to cultivate with her eyes closed.

"It seems like having an extra person is indeed useful, or at least motivating." The Rakshasa God couldn't help but sigh deeply.

As the possessor of a Twin Martial Soul, having attained the level 99 Limit Douluo at a young age, and being the Pope of the Martial Spirit Hall, standing at the pinnacle of the continent, Bibi Dong undoubtedly had her own pride within her heart. Now that she has encountered a person who is vaguely stronger than herself in every aspect, it is inevitable that she will have a comparative heart. Perhaps, at this point, even Bibi Dong herself didn't realize it or didn't want to admit it.

However, her body was honest.

No matter what, this was beneficial in terms of passing the Divine Examination, and that was enough.

"Besides, it looks like there's a chance. If it works out, then..." Her eyes flickered, and she continued to look into the pool.

Time passed little by little, and near evening, several dormitory residents finally returned, while Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong woke up at the sound of their voices.

"Brother Manshan, Sister Dong, you guys actually cultivated in the dormitory for the whole afternoon!?" One of the dormitory mates let out an exclamation.

"Looks like we need to fuel up as well." The other dormitory mate said and quickly ran to the bed to start cultivating.

Brother Manshan, Sister Dong. Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong exchanged glances and subconsciously averted their eyes.

"Let's eat before we cultivate." Lin Manshan carried the package from the bed, took out the dry food he bought in the morning and handed it to Bibi Dong.

"Thanks." Bibi Dong slightly lowered her head and reached out to take it.

"What are you polite for?" Lin Manshan smiled and ate on his own, thinking in his mind as he did so.

'If this illusion is really a reflection of reality evolution, then can raising strength be done with the help of external objects? For example, medicines, this is my speciality. In addition, no matter what the final requirement for clearing the illusory realm is, improving strength is still the main theme. Whether it's to strengthen the soul, or to cope with the events that I might have to face next, it's necessary.'

'After all, even in real life, it is the weak who have to face more heart-wrenching events.'

'By raising one's strength, the limitations of the divine power on one's body should be liberalized with it, and the higher the ability one will have to change things.'

'No matter what, it is better to treat this place as a real world and deal with it carefully.'

Thinking like this, he raised his head and looked around at the dormitory friends who were practising with their eyes closed, then he looked straight at Bibi Dong and said in a low voice, "Bibi Dong, I'm going to go out tomorrow afternoon to buy some herbs, to try and see if I can use the medicines to aid in my cultivation here."

"You also know how to refine medicine?" Bibi Dong couldn't help but ask.

At this point, he is somewhat similar to Lin Manshan, and his nickname is also the same. However, with this appearance, he was clearly not the same person.   

"Not only I can refine medicine; I also cook a good handful of dishes." Lin Manshan smiled, "Next time, I'll personally cook and make it for you."

Bibi Dong didn't doubt it and nodded slightly, "Then I'll trouble you."

"It's a small thing, if my expectation is not wrong, the flow of time here should be different from outside. It passes quickly here and slowly outside. This kind of thing, I've encountered it in previous assessments, when I stayed in there for a year, only a day passed outside." Lin Manshan continued, "Hehehe, this is a good thing. It just so happens that we can use this time difference to experiment with something new here."

"For example, before, I relied on this to properly hone my combat skills."

So that's how it was. Bibi Dong realized why Lin Manshan's combat skills and experience were so powerful, perhaps it is precisely because of this.

"This is indeed a good opportunity." She nodded slightly.

Cheating, that god is helping me cheat by using his divine exams? Outside the secret realm, the Rakshasa God's beautiful eyes widened slightly, the words from Lin Manshan during this period of time had almost stripped out the secrets of this divine examination of hers, colourfully hinting to Bibi Dong in a different way.

To put it another way, it was that god who had deliberately revealed this information to Lin Manshan through the divine examination he had arranged before.

"So, which god is actually helping me?" She couldn't help but fall into thought.

Inside the dormitory, Lin Manshan also nodded his head, "However, before that, I have to go earn some capital."

"If you need my help, just mention it." Bibi Dong said without hesitation.

"This is not necessary, in the future, you can just feel at ease in the dormitory in the afternoon and cultivate well." Lin Manshan smiled.

"If you meet the examination requirements earlier, we can go out earlier as well."

"Good, then I'll trouble you." When it came to the main business, Bibi Dong did not say any more and nodded her head in response.

Thus, after eating, the two continued to cultivate.

The next morning, as roommates, the two attended class together. In the afternoon, Bibi Dong stayed in the dormitory to cultivate, learning that cultivating within the illusory realm could strengthen her soul, she was now quite excited. As for the knowledge taught by the instructor, she knew it a long time ago, if it weren't for the academy's mandatory rules and the fact that she had just enrolled in the academy and couldn't find a good reason to leave, she would have found a reason to take a leave of absence and train in the dormitory without worrying about it.

As for Lin Manshan, he left the academy in uniform and managed to get a job as a chef in a civilian restaurant with his good knife skills and exquisite cooking skills. As for why he looked for a civilian restaurant. A spirit master as a chef, this in itself could be used as a gimmick to pull in customers. In addition, with the identity of a spirit master, it would be easier to find a hotel owner who is a commoner to talk about things.

Running together in the early morning, occasionally exchanging some insights on cultivation. During the morning, attending classes together. In the afternoon, Bibi Dong would stay in the dormitory to cultivate, and Lin Manshan would go to the restaurant to work. In the evening, they cultivated together in the dormitory.

The time passed bit by bit like this.

Two months later, with the performance share, Lin Manshan finally gathered two medicinal herbs, after all, it is a commoner's hotel, the dignitaries and spirit masters will not come to consume, and the income is naturally a little less. However, he didn't encounter any bad things because of this.

This was also something that made him feel quite surprised that nothing bad had happened in the past two months.

Could it be that the Primary Spirit Master Academy is a novice village and right now, they are still in the novice protection period? This speculation often arose from the bottom of his heart.

However, no matter what, it was considered a good thing that nothing bad had happened, so Lin Manshan didn't delve deeper into it.

In the evening of that day, carrying the pills that he had prepared with the equipment he had borrowed from the pharmacy as well as the dinner that he had bought, Lin Manshan returned to the academy.

In order not to delay his cultivation, and also to avoid any accidents, Bibi Dong's dinner had always been brought by him from outside. Of course, he would occasionally cook some dishes over a charcoal fire in the dormitory for Bibi Dong and a few of his dormitory mates; anyway, the dormitory was a large place, yet there were only a few of them.

For this, he had also gained a lot of praise from Bibi Dong and a few of his dormitory mates.

Walking to the door of the dormitory, that was closed, Lin Manshan directly pushed the door in. When he looked around, Bibi Dong had long since woken up from her cultivation and was quietly sitting in front of her bed looking towards the door. Seeing Lin Manshan come in, her expression instantly relaxed, and at the same time, a smile appeared.

Today was the first day that Lin Manshan had returned a little late.

The feeling of having been cared for by her elders was something she could currently feel in Lin Manshan. Whether it was the guidance in cultivation, in life, or the care she received during the daily routine, all of it made her feel at ease.

Perhaps because of this, with Lin Manshan by her side, she inexplicably could feel peace of mind.


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