Chapter 306 Tang San’s Complaint

"This kind of muscle reaction is not something that can be adapted in a moment." Lin Manshan shook his head.

"Now that we're in the mountains, the road back isn't really close, and it's still a bit steep, it's better for me to carry you. If we go back earlier, you can also take the potion earlier to condition yourself and recover. With the aid of medicine, I think you can recover faster as well, and you can recover tomorrow after sleeping tonight, and it won't affect your classes."

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong's face instantly became even more flushed, but she still nodded and said in a small voice, "Then I'll trouble you."

"It's a small thing." Lin Manshan answered while crouching down.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong didn't hesitate much, pressing down and crouching on Lin Manshan's back, bending her arms to latch onto his shoulders. Lin Manshan, on the other hand, smoothly supported Bibi Dong's thighs, straightened up, and trotted down the mountain. The night wind gently blew, and hair fluttered, Bibi Dong subconsciously lowered her head down. Although it is not possible to feel the heartbeat of the soul body, but that soul fluctuation, Lin Manshan really can actually feel it.

This is, is she embarrassed? This thought could not help but rise within his heart.

After all, she is still a girl. Sighing quietly, Lin Manshan's footsteps accelerated, quickly running towards the dormitory.

Not long ago, the two were close to the dormitory.

"In the middle of the night, what are you doing here!" A light shout suddenly sounded from the side.

The two turned their heads to look, it was a young female instructor with a somewhat unhappy face.

Lin Manshan immediately spoke out, "Teacher, we went for a night run. Ah Dong should have exercised a bit too much, and now her legs are a bit sore, so I can only carry her back."

Ah Dong. Bibi Dong subconsciously recited in her heart.

Exercise overdose. The female teacher looked surprised and doubtful, and then she jogged over and pinched Bibi Dong's thighs.

"Hiss" Bibi Dong instantly bit her teeth in pain.

The face of the female teacher only then eased, a trace of relief rose in her eyes, and her tone also softened a lot.

"Diligent training is a good thing, but you should also pay attention to the scale, you guys are still young, and your body is important. Hurry back and rest, sleeping should make you feel a little better tomorrow."

"Thank you, teacher." Lin Manshan immediately nodded his head and carried Bibi Dong up the stairs.

Watching the two go upstairs, the female teacher shook her head and sighed, "Ai, for us civilian spirit masters, relying on diligence is the only way to make a difference."

On the other end, Lin Manshan carried Bibi Dong back to the dormitory, and seeing that his dormitory mates were still practising, he didn't try to take a big step and walk quickly, instead, he padded his steps and returned to the bedside to put the person down, and then took out a potion from within the bedside package, a bottle for one person was taken, and they started to cultivate.

'Having an heir, who loves to use his brain, really saves a lot of work.' Outside the secret world, the God of the Underworld, Shan, and the Rakshasa God simultaneously thought to themselves.

The former had a smile on his face, secretly sighing that he was lucky.

The latter's heart rose with a hint of envy, secretly thinking that if she had chosen Lin Manshan initially, She could have left the Divine Realm decades ago. However, now that she could have Lin Manshan's assistance, Bibi Dong would at least not have any problems in the early stage of the process.

"However, the subsequent hurdle, I'm afraid that it will become much more difficult." A trace of worry couldn't help but rise on her face again.

"Ai, the calm before the storm," With a sigh, she continued to watch.


On the other end, the Killing City.   

Blood mist filled the space, Tang San's face frowned tightly as he ran quickly to the top of a mountain of corpses, when he looked around, it was very dense, an endless blood-coloured cluster of mountains, and his heart sank, 'So many corpses, how many people have to be killed to make this?'

'This Shura God is definitely unforgiving and evil. Moreover, this mountain of corpses is continuous and there is no sun in the sky, I'm afraid that if I go deeper inside, I'll lose my way if I'm not careful, how can I get out in a month's time? Not to mention the sea of blood at the back.'

One month, after spending an entire month within the special space, he finally finished absorbing the God-given Spirit Ring. Moreover, he obtained a 100,000-year-old spirit ring, and his spirit power broke through to level 74 with it. The reason why he knew the time it took to absorb the spirit ring was because he stayed awake at all times during the process of absorbing the spirit ring, and could perceive his body and the outside world through his spiritual power.

At first, that peculiar voice had mentioned that the preparation time was one month, passing through the mountain of corpses and sea of blood was one month, and failure would result in obliteration. With such a severe punishment, he naturally didn't dare to slack off in the slightest, so he firmly noted down the time.

In addition, although he hadn't absorbed a hundred thousand spirit rings before, based on the experience of the ten-thousand-year-old spirit rings he had absorbed previously, he guessed that even if he absorbed a hundred thousand-year-old spirit ring, it wouldn't be possible for it to take more than a month, and this was the reason why he dared to absorb the God-given Spirit Ring first.

Of course, it was also for the sake of being able to pass the level of the Mountain of Corpses and Sea of Blood faster after his strength had increased.

The thing that made him feel peculiar was that the time it took to absorb the spirit ring was exactly one month.

A month had already passed in a period of two months, and in order not to waste time, he had started climbing Corpse Mountain after only a slight adjustment. But now that he climbed the first peak to check it out, the situation was even worse than he had anticipated.

'No matter what, I must hurry up.' Thinking like this, he took a step and ran quickly.

Just passing the first exam had allowed him to harvest a 100,000-year-old spirit ring. Then this second exam, if he could pass it quickly, he would surely be able to harvest the same remarkable benefits, allowing his strength to be rapidly promoted. In this way, he would be able to go out and save Xiao Wu.

Time is pressing, so he had to be quick!

As for the question of whether or not it was the Evil God's inheritance, he didn't care, what he needed most right now, was strength.

'Xiao Wu, my love, wait for me!'

At this exact moment, inside a large hall.

"Rubbish!" The Shura God's gaze was as cold as ice.

Now that Tang San had only proceeded to the third exam, he naturally wouldn't throw him into the special secret realm built on the outskirts of the Underworld, which was the secret realm he had set up back then specifically for the ninth exam. But even if it wasn't, within the secret realm built in this Killing City, the flow of time was still much faster than in the outside world, Tang San had spent a month absorbing the seventh spirit ring inside, but in the outside world not even a day had actually passed.

Therefore, Tang San didn't need to rush at all.

However, regarding the point that time flowed differently, he hadn't said anything about it, so it was fine if Tang San didn't know.

What really made him angry was that after absorbing the God-given spirit ring he had bestowed, he was still complaining.

The moment Tang San climbed to the top of the first Corpse Mountain summit to observe the surroundings, he tangibly felt that emotional fluctuation from the divine thought imprint.

In addition, absorbing the spirit rings had taken just about 1 month, wasn't this hint obvious?

After Tang San had got his God-given spirit ring, he had already made it clear when he released the contents of the third exam with the divine thought imprint. One month of preparation time, one month of passing through the mountain of corpses and sea of blood. The preparation time of one month corresponded exactly with the time Tang San had spent absorbing the spirit ring, not even slightly different. This, in his opinion, was simply an indication that the time spent normally through the Corpse Mountain and Sea of Blood is abnormal.

It was common knowledge in the spirit master world that it was impossible to speed up the absorption of spirit rings, this was actually already implying that there was no need to rush things. Just one month, wasn't that coincidental enough? The first month of absorbing the spirit ring was not rushed, and the second month of passing through the mountain of corpses and sea of blood was naturally something that could not be rushed either.

I hope that in the next path, you can realize and change, otherwise. I can only make a different decision. His gaze could not help but flicker.


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