Chapter 307 Blue Silver Realm

Looking further, because of the different flow of time, Tang San moved very fast, crossing over several corpse mountains in just a matter of tea time.

'The blood mist around seems to have gotten thicker.' After reaching yet another mountain peak, Tang San stopped and looked around, compared to when he had just stepped in, the distance ahead that could be observed with the naked eye had obviously become shorter, and a faint blood mist could even be seen around him already.

Moreover, he also vaguely felt an inexplicable burning sensation in his muscles.

In the outside world, at this distance, even running for a much longer period of time, his body would not produce this kind of reaction.

'Could it be that this blood mist contains toxins?' The first thought that came to his mind was the Bloody Mary at the bottom of the Hell Road which was like an ocean, 'The entrance to the Secret Realm is established in the Hell Road, which means that the Secret Realm is connected to the Hell Road. Therefore, it's not impossible to transport the Bloody Mary at the bottom of the Hell Road here.'

When he thought of this, his heart sank.

"Blue Silver Domain." Without hesitation, he immediately released the domain to resist the blood mist infestation, and his steps quickened as he ran towards the bottom of the mountain.

Although he hadn't yet understood the specific characteristics of the toxin, in terms of the body's reaction, it did have something in common with Bloody Mary, which also acted on the blood. The toxin followed along the blood veins through the entire body, thus causing the muscles throughout the body to react and cause a burning sensation.

"???" On the other end, watching Tang San release the Blue Silver Domain skill, Shura God froze instantly.

Then his face instantly turned gloomy, "Humph!" With a cold snort, he whisked his sleeve and headed towards the gate.

The blood mist within the secret realm's tempering effect on the physical body was indeed compounded the deeper one went, and with the travelling speed Tang San had shown before, arriving at the Sea of Blood would actually only take five days. Within these five days, how could one also notice physical changes?

But Tang San, obviously, has already noticed.

But the choice he made had really disappointed him, he actually took the same action as Tang Chen did back then, and actively rejected it.

Originally, he also thought that Tang San in these five days would perceive the effect, and then quietly feel the benefits of the blood mist brought to the body and its tempering effects, with that he would calm down and make good use of the remaining twenty-five days, stopping to use the blood mist to quench the body properly all over.

But now, by choosing to actively reject it, the probability of subsequently waking up is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

In addition, the suspicion Tang San displayed was just too heavy, even pushing down rationality. With such a heart, how could he perform the duties of a Shura God, being in charge of judgment?

He now even suspected that even if he let water in, Tang San wouldn't be able to pass the final Seven Emotions Examination.

The Seven Emotions Examination was the most challenging test of the mind.

No matter what, he really doesn't want to look any further now in any case, he'll just look at the results directly when the time comes, to avoid it affecting his mood.

As he walked, as if he thought of something, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to walk back to the pool.

With a flutter of his sleeve, the picture suddenly changed, and within the dark hall, a bright green light rose from the pool. The light was mottled, and the surface waves twisted and swirled, blurring the silhouette, but one could vaguely distinguish that it was a human body submerged in the pool of water.

"Surprisingly, she has already proceeded to the final step, she has gone to the Underworld Divine Examination Secret Realm already?"

The Rakshasa God had made a move to taint the divine thoughts he had left in the Killing City back then, and although he chose to let it go at that time, he was not completely indifferent in his heart, and he was certainly displeased. Therefore, he had also put a divine thought in the Rakshasa God's Divine Examination Secret Realm.

This term's Rakshasa God had not reached a perfect fit with the divine position, so her powers were limited, could only utilize the strength of a first-level God, thus naturally she could not detect the small actions that he, the main God, had set up. The reason why he did that at that time was mainly for the purpose of monitoring and preventing Rakshasa from making any more small moves. If he was in a bad mood, he could also casually add a bit of hindrance to avenge the revenge of that year.   

'Anyway, there's nothing to do, so it's a good time to see how this twin martial soul possessor chosen by the Rakshasa God performs in the Seven Emotions Divine Examination, to kill some time.' Thinking like this, his sleeves flung out once again, and the image travelled to the secret realm created by himself on the outskirts of the Underworld. By tapping his fingertips remotely, a strand of hair-thin divine thoughts scurried out from it, breaking away from the secret realm barrier and sweeping towards another spherical secret realm in the distance.

In just a moment, it gently landed on it, one of its ends slowly rooting into it.

The Underworld and the Divine Realm were far apart, and with the strength of the Rakshasa God, she couldn't penetrate everything across such a long distance. Which, in turn, gave him just the right opportunity to drill a hole in the wall.

"Hm? Shura God's divine thoughts." Within the Underworld, Shan was instantly alerted, although he was unable to condense his body to achieve true godhood, after all, he was an innate deity born with the divine position of the Lord of the Underworld in tow, and in his own territory, there was nothing that could escape his eyes yet.

Of course, what happened in the lower realms couldn't escape his eyes either, including the matter of the Rakshasa God engaging in small moves to pollute the Shura God's divine thoughts.

'So, the Shura God came here this time to take revenge and spoil the Rakshasa God's good fortune?' Such thoughts could not help but rise in his mind.

After pondering, he continued to watch, "Let's take a look first. Anyway, the Underworld is much closer to the lower realms, and even if the Shura God wanted to pick a peach and rob Ah Man, he wouldn't be able to do it as fast as I could. If he is here to do something bad, I'll just secretly make some small moves to remind the Rakshasa God."

"Speaking of which, the Shura God's behaviour like this is undoubtedly knowingly breaking the law. The Gods of the Divine Realm are really not as good as one generation after another." Lamenting, he shook his head slightly.

Then his eyes flickered, "And this, how is this not an opportunity for my Underworld?"

'I was restricted and failed to bring the Underworld to prosperity. With Ah Man, it will definitely be possible.'

Thinking like this, a smile could not help but rise on his face, Lin Manshan's recent performance in the secret realm made him very satisfied.


On the other side, with his eyes looking at the images coming from the surface of the pool connected to his divine thought, the Shura God could not help but stare, 'Surprisingly, there's a divine soul there! Could it be that another god has reached a cooperation with the Rakshasa God? This is the Sin Reincarnation, which god dares to send his heir in? However, with other gods involved, I'm afraid I can't mess around.'

The Rakshasa God was already on bad terms with him, and was also on bad terms with the other gods in the Divine Realm, not to mention the fact that it was the Rakshasa God who had been wrong back then, so he wasn't afraid of being reported. But by adding another one to the mix, then it wasn't a personal vendetta, it was knowingly breaking the law.

Especially, since he is still a Law Enforcement God, it's even more of a crime.

'Regardless, since I've come, what's wrong with observing from the sidelines? The Sin Reincarnation is known to be the most difficult of all the divine examinations, whether or not these two will be able to pass through it, this throne is also a bit curious.' Thinking like this, he sat down and quietly watched.

Right at that moment, within the secret realm where Lin Manshan was located, several days of time had already passed.

In addition to the night when Lin Manshan stayed next to Bibi Dong as she stood on the horse and some other stances, the rest of his work and rest remained unchanged.

Time passed like this day by day, until nine months later, with the help of Lin Manshan's series of training-level programs such as the horse stance and the frog jump, Bibi Dong's foundation was finally firmly established. Then Lin Manshan also followed the momentum and kicked off the next stage of the program for Bibi Dong, the actual combat.

"Come on." Within the forest of the back mountain, in the moonlight, Lin Manshan said with a serious face.


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