Chapter 308 Sister-in-law, where is Brother Manshan?

"Please advise me." After Bibi Dong made the battle salute, she padded her feet and took the lead in launching an attack.

The result, naturally, was useless.

Lin Manshan used practical actions to show Bibi Dong what was called combat instinct. As long as Bibi Dong made a striking motion, Lin Manshan would act as if he had predicted it in advance, making a counterattack before the attack was about to arrive.

Hands, feet, elbows, knees, shoulders, it seemed like every part of his body could be used as a weapon, his methods were ruthless, seemingly unstructured, yet deadly.

"Bam!" In just a moment, Bibi Dong once again landed on her butt, her practice clothes smeared with a layer of grass pulp.

However, there was no time to hesitate, her pupils shrunk, and Lin Manshan's leg sweep had already arrived, striking directly at her head. There was nothing she could do, regardless of the soreness coming from other parts of her body, she hurriedly rolled around in place, then stomped her legs to use the inertia to pull off some distance.

Afterwards, she gritted his teeth and struck Lin Manshan's knee with a leg sweep.

Once again prejudged, Lin Manshan dodged it with just a lift of his leg, and then followed up with a kick, kicking Bibi Dong to the ground, and then followed up with a kick, kicking straight to the neck.

"I admit defeat!" Bibi Dong endured the pain that felt like a tear at the base of her thigh and shouted out in a hurry.

Only then did Lin Manshan stop his movements, put down his right leg and walk forward, extending his hand and saying, "Are you alright?"

Bibi Dong immediately choked and looked up at Lin Manshan, 'What do you think?' She wanted to ask a rhetorical question, but couldn't say it. Because she knew that real battles would be like this, throwing away all emotions, there was no etiquette, no shame, no distinction between men and women. There was only one purpose, and that was to kill the opponent. Only by killing the enemy as fast as possible could one live.

Regarding this point, she had already come to her realization when she was practising in the Killing City back then.

However, this guy, Ah Man, his strikes can be really heavy A vague pain in her chest was caused by Lin Manshan's close-up backhanded elbow on the top. Her thighs were burning hot, caused by Lin Manshan's kick. Both arms are also painful, by Lin Manshan's hand hard chopping. Her butt, she didn't know how many times she had fallen.

She now only felt like her whole body was about to fall apart.

But her mouth was downplaying it, "It's fine."

After saying that, she reached out and grabbed Lin Manshan's fingers, and used her strength to get up, "Hiss" her face turned pale, and her body froze on the spot.

"Let me carry you back to the dormitory." Lin Manshan subconsciously uttered.

As the words trailed off, Bibi Dong's face suddenly turned red, but she still nodded slightly, "Uh-huh." She really didn't want to move right now.

Thus, Lin Manshan carried Bibi Dong on his back and rushed towards the dormitory.

Because he was afraid that the bumps would affect Bibi Dong's wounds, his speed was not fast, and as he walked, he said, "Bibi Dong, your combat talent is actually very good, especially your perception, which is not bad, it's just that there are still some flaws in your critical response in battle."

Bibi Dong had passed through the Hell Road, and was able to return from that kind of brutal environment in the Killing City, so naturally, her combat skills and insight wouldn't be that bad. It's just that later on, she was too busy with her official duties as the Pope, and her skills were inevitably a bit rusty.

Coupled with this world's unique cultivation system, the practitioners' fighting style relies heavily on spirit skills, relying more on absorbing spirit rings to strengthen the body and spending most of their time cultivating their spirit power. As a result, the research and development of physical training programs as well as fighting techniques have been in a relatively primitive state, without forming a systematic framework. Because of this, the spirit master practised following some relatively rough training methods at the golden cultivation age, which inevitably left behind some bad combat habits.

At the later stage, the habit has matured, so it's not easy to change it.

What's more, after returning to the Martial Spirit Hall from the Killing City, Bibi Dong became the Pope and basically didn't need to fight in person.

Right now, the only solution is to use a strong force in the actual battle. Without hitting the south wall, she would not turn back, and that was why he used a heavy hand.

As for why he could easily defeat Bibi Dong, it was actually simple.

Within this fantasy realm, both of them were in the state of souls, their martial soul abilities could not be used, so Bibi Dong had no advantage at all. As for him, he had already advanced to Divine Soul, his perception ability was naturally above Bibi Dong, therefore, these bad habits were easily captured and magnified by him, which naturally formed a suppression effect during the actual battle.

If it was on the outside, solely Bibi Dong's level 99 cultivation would be enough for him to eat a pot.

You have to seize the opportunity if you want to beat the Pope. Inwardly, he darkly thought.

Thinking back to that year, he also dreamed of beating the Pope to the ground, and now it has been realized.

Thinking in this way, he continued to speak, revealing some of the problems exposed during the previous battle and the solutions to those problems.

When it came to serious matters, Bibi Dong's face was also extremely serious, making inquiries from time to time.

Not long after, the two returned to the dormitory.

Just after a violent battle, the clothes were also dirty, so Bibi Dong naturally wanted to wash up properly.

Looking at Bibi Dong who was walking towards the bathroom with somewhat unnatural steps and legs, the two dorm mates who were chatting couldn't help but widen their eyes, turning their heads to look at Lin Manshan with a swish, giving a thumbs up and mouthing, "Brother Man is awesome!"

"???" Lin Manshan was dumbfounded, and when Bibi Dong walked closer to enter the bathroom, he hurriedly made an explanation.

The two roommates didn't give a damn about it, greeted him, and directly closed their eyes and entered the cultivation state.

Lin Manshan: "..."

The next day, at dawn, Bibi Dong woke up early, as soon as she rolled over, she immediately induced a wound and frowned in pain. Just then, Lin Manshan was also awakened by the nature clock and rolled over to get up, then he heard Bibi Dong's voice, "Manshan, I'm not going to go for a run today."

It seems that the injury is still not healed... Lin Manshan nodded, "Then I'll stop by later and bring you back breakfast."

"Good." Bibi Dong nodded and watched Lin Manshan leave.

Not long after, the rest of the dorm mates woke up one after another.   

A few seconds later, a high-pitched yelling sound suddenly echoed from within the dormitory, "Sister-in-law, where is Brother Manshan?"

Bibi Dong: "????"


On the other end, outside the illusion realm, the Shura God sitting in front of the pool was still pondering.

Although a night had passed in the illusion realm, within the Divine Realm, only a few moments had passed.

'This child's combat skills have actually been refined to such a level, and I don't know from what plane he came from. Besides, just which God sent him into the Rakshasa Secret Realm? I haven't heard that the Rakshasa God is on good terms with any god. Unfortunately, this person is now a divine soul, and with the Rakshasa God's divine power shielding his body, I can't sense the inherited divine power aura of his.'

In the middle of his thoughts, the pool in front of him suddenly rippled.

The Shura God instantly returned to his senses, and then his face sank, his sleeves flung out, and the pool image changed.

When he looked over, Tang San had already swum across the sea of blood to the other side, and was sitting in an empty space to mediate, his face was slightly flushed, and he seemed to be a little off his feet.

"Waste!" Finally, he couldn't bear the urge to lightly exclaim.

Tang San had arrived early, which also meant that Tang San hadn't utilized the Third Examination to quench his body.

At this moment, no matter if it was compared to Bibi Dong or that unknown divine soul in the secret realm of the Rakshasa divine Examination, he felt that Tang San was a huge step behind.

As a Divine Realm Law Enforcement God, a God King level powerhouse, the chosen heir couldn't compare to other Gods, or Gods weaker than him, he also felt his honour was lost.

"Looks like the Divine Examination will have to be adjusted." With a cold smile, his fingertips lightly tapped in the direction of the pool.

The next moment, a peculiar voice suddenly entered Tang San's mind.

"Shura God's third exam completed, but perfect passing conditions were not met. Reward, Shura God affinity 5%."

'Didn't reach the perfect passing condition!?' Tang San stared blankly, and then his face sank.

Although he didn't know what Shura God Affinity was, 5% was really little, and passing the third exam didn't give him a boost to improve his strength.

This clearly failed to satisfy him.

'Could it be that one needs to perfectly complete the examination to obtain it?' Thinking of this possibility, he somewhat unwillingly looked up to the sky.

"Dare I ask what is the condition for the third examination to reach a perfect score?"

In the next second, the indifferent voice sounded again, "Shura God's fourth examination, completing the Ancient Battlefield Ten Thousand Slaughter Record Achievement, will open in twelve hours, with no time limit for completion. Also, being killed within the examination period will result in a true death."

Just ignore me? Tang San's expression grew more and more cloudy. But there was nothing he could do, so he could only close his eyes and continue to meditate.

Twelve hours later, a peculiar voice sounded, "The Ancient Battlefield opens!"

"Damn it!" Tang San opened his eyes, with a chill in his eyes, this feeling of being completely manipulated by others really irked him.

However, this thought had only just risen when his eyes suddenly went black, and after a second, the feeling of his feet landing on the ground came.

"Rumble!" The earth suddenly trembled.

"All soldiers follow me to attack!" A thick and heavy shout sounded, and silhouettes ran on both sides.

As he raised his eyes to look, Tang San's face instantly turned pale, in the distant sky, a torrent composed entirely of armour-clad soldiers was running wildly. When he looked down, he was already dressed as a soldier with a long sword at his waist, and, he couldn't sense the presence of his own spirit power.

"Massacre ten thousand people, how can this be done?" When he realized the content of the test, his face was grim.

'This Shura God is really teasing me.'

"Tang San, what are you standing still for? If you don't advance when the drum is beaten, you'll be beheaded according to the law!" An explosive shout suddenly came from one side.

'Damn it!' Tang San wanted to curse out, but he could only draw out his longsword and rush out because of the situation.

"Heh," Outside the secret realm, Shura God lightly chortled, his sleeves swept, his gaze once again focused on the Rakshasa secret realm, carefully observing the body, his eyes narrowed.

"After excluding the colour of the skin and the shape of the ears, there's really some resemblance, especially those eyes."

"The two are allies in the outside world, so it's reasonable for the two gods behind them to choose to cooperate."

"The difficulty of the Sin Reincarnation level is quite high, pulling another person in is really a good breaking point, and it's not a violation of the rules, it's a good move."

"However, this Bibi Dong seems like she doesn't know anything about it. As for this little guy, if it's really him, then today's form is the result of using divine power to cover it up?" As if he thought of something, his eyes lit up, "These two old fellows, they are actually calculating their heirs like this."

After a moment of silence, he muttered under his breath, "Tough enough!"

"However, if it really works, it doesn't seem to be impossible! Moreover, I can use the same opportunity as well..."


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