Chapter 312 Novice Village BOSS

Speaking of which, Ah Man is also a person who specializes in pharmacology. According to Ah Man's statement, his world is a place that focuses on developing the potential of the physical body, and there is a saying that poor literature and rich martial arts, and people who practice martial arts often need to use medicines to temper the physical body and at the same time to prevent hidden dangers left behind because of the high-intensity physical training. In his early years, he studied medicine to save money, and secondly, he didn't want to join a certain power and be constrained.

For this argument, she felt it was reasonable.

"As for joining a certain power, in our current situation, we are not considered geniuses."

Bibi Dong continued, "Even if we succeed in joining, I'm afraid that we won't be heavily utilized and cultivated with great effort, instead, we'll be constrained and dragged down, so there's more to lose than to gain. As for attending an intermediate spirit master academy, the situation is more or less the same, wasting time in the classroom will only delay cultivation time."

"Indeed." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, waiting for the following words. Then he saw Bibi Dong pursing her lips and adding, "Ah Man, although the way of medicine is not valued highly in the spirit master world, it is prevalent in the commoner class who cannot enjoy spirit skill healings, and in some places, the profession of medicinal farmer has been derived as a result of this."

"Of course, the vast majority of the medicinal herb supply market is monopolized by nobles or clan powers. After all, the continent's population is still dominated by the commoners, and with the nobles and spirit master organizations monopolizing the market, their income is also extremely high as the days and months accumulate."

"However, there are still quite a few civilian retailers who exist."

"These scattered merchants either cultivate medicinal herbs on a small scale on their own or make a living by digging up wild medicinal herbs. Most of them are scattered in some remote mountainous areas where the terrain is more complicated and thus are not targeted by the nobles or spirit master organizations, and they simply sell them uniformly in the nearest towns."

"In these places, I think that with our strength we will be able to fully stand our ground."

Going to the region where the herbs were produced to be buyers? Lin Manshan couldn't help but fall into thought, those who were willing to go to remote areas to plant and harvest medicinal herbs were undoubtedly commoners without spirit power. As spirit masters, the two of them were indeed enough to deter some problems. As long as they offered enough remuneration, it would be easy to get the medicinal farmers to help plant some of the required herbs. It was also possible to coordinate the planting of some that could be sold for money and used to fill in the costs.

In terms of pharmacology, who else knows more than him in this part of the world? With him as the overall organizer, the yield and quality of the medicinal herbs planted by the farmers would definitely be better than before.

Moreover, as long as they didn't expand their operations wildly, they wouldn't be able to touch the interests of certain big families.

Unless, of course, the Rakshasa God insisted on causing trouble.

Thinking like this, Lin Manshan nodded, "This is indeed a good idea, after the New Year, let's go find a good place."

Because of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he hadn't really cared about the distribution of the Medicine Farmer profession on the continent.

"Hmm." Bibi Dong nodded, as the Pope of the Martial Spirit Hall, she did have some knowledge of the industries under her command, and everything in the secret realm was based on reality as a reference point. Therefore, by following the approximate distribution area of the medicinal herb industry, one should be able to find the location of some of the scattered medicinal farmers in the surrounding area, and this, in turn, was the reason why she suggested it to Lin Manshan.

So she continued, "Regarding the distribution areas of these medicinal farmers, I do know some of them."

Saying that, she spoke out about the locations of some of the towns where the medicinal herb industry existed.

Lin Manshan quietly listened, and then selected a few slightly more remote towns with Bibi Dong, preparing to go and take a look together after the New Year.

Unfortunately, all the land around Dongyang Village consisted of arable land, but the villagers inside were now tenant farmers under the command of the nobles of the Principality. Otherwise, they really don't need to run around, so they can't help but sigh inwardly.

Dongyang Village, symbolizing the sun rising from the east, it is the name of the village where Bibi Dong was born.

It is also the origin of Bibi Dong's given name, this name is really random.

While chatting and walking, the two quickly returned to Dongyang Village.

Before they approached the entrance of the village, from a distance, they could see that the entrance of the village had already gathered a large number of people, with a few horse-drawn carriages stopped beside them, one of which was decorated in an extremely flashy manner. The approaching New Year was the day when the nobles sent people to collect rent, so Lin Manshan had seen this kind of scene in previous years. However, this time, there was even a flashy carriage, which inevitably made him wary and frown slightly.   

At this exact moment, beside the flashy carriage, a man suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes and turned his head to look inside the carriage.

In the next moment, the carriage curtain was lifted, and a man in his twenties in flashy clothes poked his head out, his gaze sweeping, quickly landing on Bibi Dong's face, and then froze.

Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong, on the other hand, both had their gazes suddenly turn cold.

A Spirit Elder, a Spirit Grand Master, and several Spirit Masters. Lin Manshan swept his gaze, sensing the strength of the only few Spirit Masters in the crowd, and his gaze finally rested on the man in flashy clothes, and he couldn't help but murmur:

'A Spirit Elder, a Novice Village BOSS?'

'Also, the Spirit Elder in his mid-twenties should have some background. It seems that this is the Divine Examination part that is trying to force Bibi Dong and I to separate.'

Glancing at each other, Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Do we need to take care of Auntie and Uncle's side?"

"A fake is a fake, after all." Bibi Dong shook her head, "However, it's good to go pay a final visit."

"Let's go then, just a few jumping clowns." Lin Manshan nodded, striding forward.

Bibi Dong then followed, and soon, the two arrived at the village's entrance side by side.

At this moment, the man in fancy clothes had already gotten out of his carriage, seeing the two approaching, he immediately took a step across the path to block the way, slightly raising his head, faintly saying, "I heard that two spirit masters have been born in this village, it seems that it is the two of you, are you interested in joining my family?"

"Sorry, not interested." Lin Manshan shook his head without hesitation, "Please also make some way, we want to go home."

A look of contempt immediately appeared on the flashy man's face as he laughed coldly, "Heh, one innate spirit power level 0.5, and one innate spirit power level 1, you really think of yourself as somebody. I didn't come here today to discuss with you guys."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Bibi Dong, "This lord happens to be lacking a concubine, from now on, you will follow me."

Dongyang Village produced a superb little beauty named Bibi Dong. He learned of this news when he returned from the Senior Spirit Master Academy last year, and at that time, he even purposely asked the servant who came down to collect rent to characterize her, and after that, he could be said to be itching for more. However, to go to the Primary Spirit Master Academy to grab people, he dares not do this kind of thing, Bibi Dong's work-study quota is given by the Martial Spirit Hall; before a person has yet to graduate to go and grab her, it is undoubtedly a contempt and disrespect towards the authority of the Martial Spirit Hall, and once it is disclosed and known by the Martial Spirit Hall, he can not afford the consequences.

Therefore, he waited until today and purposely made a trip back from the Advanced Spirit Master Academy.

As the nobleman's words trailed off, the surrounding group of villagers, including the village chief, all became pale, looking at Bibi Dong and Lin Manshan with eyes filled with pity.

On the other hand, the person in question, Bibi Dong and Lin Manshan, who were standing on the side, had no fluctuations on their faces.

"Listening to your words, I guess you surely have done this kind of thing not a few times, right?" Lin Manshan asked blandly, he suddenly understood why the village chief showed fear when he talked about the nobles. These days, it seemed that he must have encountered similar incidents not infrequently in the past.

How could one dare to speak against a noble spirit master in person, not to mention they were just ordinary civilians with no spirit power?


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