Chapter 313 Ah Dong, would you mind?

Upon hearing this, the man glanced at Lin Manshan with disdain, and said without any scruples, "Hehe, I am the first son of a Viscount, my status is honoured, how can an untouchable compare to me, so it's a blessing for them to fall upon my eyes."

After saying that, he turned his head to look at Bibi Dong, "You are the same, if you come with me now, and serve me well in the future, perhaps I will even spare this brat's life after disabling him, and give him a sum of money so that he can eat and drink well for the rest of his life."

He knew the truth of eliminating hidden dangers after doing something. Leaving a hostage as a threat to make things easier was something he also understood.

"If not..." His eyes glanced at Lin Manshan again, "Then, you will have to watch this kid die on the spot with your own eyes. Hehe, there is no need to doubt it, all the hundred miles around this place are my father's territory, and no one will care if I kill an insolent and unruly person."

"As for the Martial Spirit Hall, my family really can't afford to mess with them, however, who let you guys didn't join when you went to certify as spirit masters in the first place."

"And now, you no longer have a chance."

As the words fell, his gaze glanced left and right, and several lackeys immediately surrounded them, sealing off the path of retreat.

So arrogant? It seems that this guy's role setting in the illusion was that he had used this kind of threat to accomplish things many times before, and could be described as unrivalled in this young master plot, which is why he would be so direct when doing this kind of thing right now. It is ridiculous, yet realistic. Lin Manshan sighed dimly.

Sometimes, reality was often more fantastical than imagination.

Moreover, it was not surprising that the vast majority of civilian spirit masters in the spirit master world would choose to join the Martial Spirit Hall.

However, this matter today should be a test given to Bibi Dong by the Rakshasa God, and at the same time, it was also a choice. The divine position of the Rakshasa God was to judge all the sins in the world, and this fellow, obviously, had already committed unforgivable sins, and the crimes had all been directly stated out by himself.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Bibi Dong.

And right at that moment, the nobleman's slightly playful voice was heard, "How about it? Bibi Dong, what is your choice?"

"My choice?" Bibi Dong smiled coldly, "You'll know right away."

As the words sounded, the spirit rings appeared under her feet, and her figure flashed, charging straight at the nobleman. 'So fast!' The latter's pupils shrunk, the three yellow, yellow and purple spirit rings under his feet unfolded, and he raised his hand to make a blocking action. However, Bibi Dong's figure turned on the way, and with a single swoop of her body, she kicked the man in the centre of his heart, "Ah!" The man was kicked off on the spot. In the next second, a ball of spider silk followed. Immediately the man's mouth was sealed, and his body fell to the ground like a caterpillar rolling and twisting, stammering and unable to speak.

At the back, Lin Manshan's speed was even faster, and in a few dashes, he knocked the rest of the spirit masters present to the ground.

As he clapped his hands and turned his head, a stream of light flashed right past his eyes, stabbing straight in the direction of that nobleman.

In the next second, "Oooh." The nobleman's face suddenly reddened, his forehead veins bulged out, and his sealed mouth kept emitting sorrowful cries. As for his crotch, a dagger had already been inserted into it, and the part that hadn't been penetrated was constantly oozing bright red.

"..." Lin Manshan almost subconsciously clamped his legs together.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Bibi Dong's cold voice speak, "Believe me, we'll meet again sooner or later. Right now, my spirit power is at level 22, and the next time we meet, it might be a Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, or even higher. And at that time, if I hear any more bad rumours about you, about your family, I will definitely pay a visit in person, and let you all know what it means to reap what you sow!"

She wanted to directly kill the man in front of her, but that wouldn't change anything. As soon as this person died, the warning effect it brought would quickly dissipate over time.

At that time, it was true that the man in front of her would no longer be able to do evil, but what about the others within his family?

Only if the man in front of her lived could those people always remember and keep in mind the words she had left behind.

In this way, as long as she, a potential threat that could threaten the lives of the entire family was not removed for a day, the man in front of them and the family behind them would be somewhat restrained in their behaviour in the future, and then, those people in this family who used to do evil often would also go out and commit fewer crimes.

Perhaps, compared to directly killing people to get rid of evil, it is more useful to create an environment and rules that can make people have to obey.   

Thinking like this, she turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, her gaze softening, "Ah Man, let's go."

"Uh-huh." Lin Manshan nodded his head and followed Bibi Dong towards the village, and wherever he passed, the onlookers on both sides of the village did not dare to breathe and made a path.

As the two of them walked away, the spider silk on the nobleman's body not far away also finally dissipated.

Not long after, "Hyah!" With a soft shout, the carriage rushed away.

As for Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong, they returned to the wooden house.

The change of clothes had been in the bundle on Lin Manshan's back since the moment he left the academy, so there was no need to pack anything. Searching out a few bundles of paper money from the house, the two of them went straight to the cemetery at the back of the mountain. As for the nobleman, there is no need to worry at all, Dongyang Village is located in a remote area, and even if he took a carriage back to the city, it would take half a day's effort, and nearly a day's round trip, and by the time the people come over, they would have already run away.

After weeding together, Bibi Dong carried a bamboo basket, walked to the tombstone and knelt down, Lin Manshan obediently sat on his knees on the other side.

"???" Bibi Dong instantly showed surprise, then her face turned slightly red and she slightly lowered her head. Lin Manshan had worked as a chef in the restaurant for several years, how could he not have learned some of the local customs from listening or seeing, in her opinion, it should be impossible that he did not know the significance of such an act.

At this time, Lin Manshan's voice sounded, "Ah Dong, although this is an illusion, the scene is no different from what you saw in your childhood."

"The deceased has passed away, but the living is still here, with you here to witness the scenery, what you see in front of you, and the rituals you perform will have meaning. I think that if the deceased uncle and aunt know that you are still holding on to them, they must also be comforted."

"Although I am not your true family, after six years of spending time together, I can be considered a long-time friend. We are friends and peers, so uncle and aunt are also my elders, to put it mildly. And this time when we leave, the next test we have to face is not yet known, and the return date is also hard to predict. Now on the occasion of the departure, as a junior, as a matter of course, I should also pay a farewell visit."

"In addition, it is also considered asking uncle and aunt for good luck."

Hearing these words, Bibi Dong's gaze couldn't help but slightly dim, and in a short while, she raised her head and lightly nodded her head, "Uh-huh."

"???" Damn it, what are you guys mumbling about?

Outside the secret realm, Shan looked with a tangled face.

In this situation, the rituals performed by the living still have meaning, these words have been said, the atmosphere has arrived, and why don't you guys marry on the spot? There are now three gods out there to act as witnesses for you.

Although the Rakshasa God is pushing all this with bad intentions, in the end, the desired result is good. Moreover, to be a witness for someone, especially for Ah Man, his only chosen heir, he felt it was quite novel and meaningful, after all, it was the first time.

How about finding an opportunity to arrange an ecstasy effect to push things forward? On the other side, the Rakshasa God was lost in thought.

"As a big man, what's the point of being entangled?" Shura God shook his head straight as he watched.

In front of the tomb, as Bibi Dong lit the pile of paper money that had been gathered together, the firelight suddenly curled up.

At her side, feeling the soul fluctuations that rose and fell on Bibi Dong's body, Lin Manshan was also dumbfounded for a moment.

Reaching out and picking up a pile of compressed paper money from the bamboo basket, he kneaded and tore it apart, sending several sheets into the fire, half a second later, 'Damn it, when did I become so slow and hesitant.' He cursed quietly, slowly raising his head, and spoke softly:

"Ah Dong, if I say that I already have a partner, and more than one, would you mind?"


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