Chapter 314 Husband

At these words, Bibi Dong's body stiffened, and instead of raising her slightly lowered head, or answering directly, she whispered.

"Ah Man, I am already over half a hundred years old, no longer young."

Being over half a hundred years old, no longer young, and perhaps having married someone, Bibi Dong was hinting and asking if he would mind her past. Lin Manshan instantly understood and shook his head, "So what? Rumour has it that gods have endless lifespans. Let alone half a hundred, even a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, after experiencing countless years, it is just a drop in the ocean. Furthermore, the physical body is nothing more than a shell, it can be remodelled or even replaced. But the soul, Ah Dong, that is what truly represents the essence of a person."

"And you, in my opinion, undoubtedly possess a noble and pure soul."

Seeing Lin Manshan utter such an evaluation, Bibi Dong's heart suddenly and inexplicably sprung up with a sourness, her eyes gradually reddened, and her body trembled slightly as if the emotions that had been stagnating for many years within her heart had suddenly been given an outlet. The next moment, she just felt a hand full of strength wrapped around the other side of her body, sticking to her left shoulder, and then, there was a gentle pulling force.

As if finding support, the body fell down smoothly until it was pressed against the chest.

"Ah Man..." Murmuring softly, curling up and drilling her body gently, a faint sobbing sound began to echo.

It seems that Bibi Dong's life these years had not been easy ... Lin Manshan did not say anything more, just while holding Bibi Dong tightly, his left hand gently caressing the hair on the side of her head, while using his free right hand to continue to add paper money one by one towards the fire, to make sure that the fire would not go out.

Time passed little by little.

It was not until half an hour later that Bibi Dong gently rubbed her reddened eyes and pulled up her body.

Lin Manshan sensed something and immediately looked down, and the next moment, the two of them looked at each other. Bibi Dong almost instantly dodged her eyes to the side, thinking of how long she had just cried in Lin Manshan's arms, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and at the same time, a trace of shyness rose on her face. With a slightly red face, she subconsciously lowered her head slightly. Seeing this, Lin Manshan obediently lowered his head, and his lips lightly tapped her forehead.

The latter's head immediately buried even lower.

I didn't realize that the world-renowned Pope Bibi Dong still has such a cute side. Lin Manshan could not help but smile, and then looked at the sky, although it takes nearly a day for the carriage to go back and forth to the nearest town, there is no guarantee that the nobleman's family did not have a high-level spirit master, if there is, then it would not take a day to rush over.

When he thought of this, he could not help but lightly shake Bibi Dong's shoulder, "Ah Dong, for the sake of insurance, we should leave here as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong also associated with a variety of accidents that may occur, and with a light "hmm" sound, she quickly braced herself. Turning her head, she swept her eyes over the gravestones on the side, as well as the familiar surroundings, and the fond memories of her childhood immediately flooded her heart.

Turning her head towards Lin Manshan, she softly said, "Ah Man, let's get married, right here."

Although what they see in front of them is an illusion, it is also the scene that most closely matches her childhood memories.

In this memory, her hometown and her parents were there, and looking at these, it was as if she had returned to her childhood, to the carefree life she had lived during that time.

In addition, this place was also another starting point in her life, it was from here that she left her hometown holding her parents' ashes and travelled to the Martial Spirit Hall.

If she could go back in time, she really wished that the path she took all these years would be a different path.

A path that was accompanied by her relatives and loved ones, and that she could walk through her life without any worries.

But now, since there was no other choice in the outside world, let a new beginning begin from this world of illusion. Just like what Ah Man said, the dead have passed away, the living still exists, and with the people and things from the memories here, everything would have meaning and be enough.

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded without hesitation.

He could guess the significance of everything before them to Bibi Dong.

"However, I don't know much about the customs of your hometown, do I need to pay attention to anything?" Another uncomfortable question.

"Well, there is nothing to pay attention to." Bibi Dong sat down and said seriously, "First, worship heaven and earth, seek the blessing of heaven and earth. The second, worship parents, honouring the parents who gave birth and raised us. The third worship partner, promises to support each other and grow old together. With these three worship, it is enough."

"Although it is simple, it also has a deep meaning." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, then smiled, "Speaking of which, we still have witnesses? Since this place is a divine Examination Secret Realm, then the two Gods behind us must have been paying attention to the outside world at this time, right?"   

"The visitor is a guest, let's give them a bow later as well."

"Good." Although she didn't like being watched, Bibi Dong still nodded slightly.

Thus, the two packed up their things and began to follow the ritual of three worships and one bow.

So, I'm rubbing off on the witness? Outside the Secret World, Shura God's gaze moved slightly, and his heart was unexpectedly a little happy for some reason. In the Divine Realm, he was the Shura God that everyone feared, and even if a god got married, the witness wouldn't fall on his head.

As for before he became a god, he was dedicated to cultivation and his hands were stained with countless blood, so he was also an existence that everyone avoided.

It was the first time in countless years that he had been a witness for someone.

These two little guys are still quite polite, much better than that waste of time Tang San. He commented inwardly.

This feeling of being a witness is not bad. Shan smiled and nodded his head within the Underworld.

"It's almost time." On the other side, the Rakshasa God murmured with a slightly condensed expression.

At that very moment, Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong had already completed their rituals and both stood up.

Then, almost simultaneously, they turned their heads, and Bibi Dong, with a slightly flushed face, lightly called out, "Husband."

Lin Manshan was instantly jolted, and even said, "Ah Dong, normally you should just call me Ah Man. It's weirdly unsettling to call out so formally."

"Hm." Bibi Dong did not do anything he suspected and nodded slightly.

"Then, before we leave, we still need to make some preparations." Lin Manshan's face turned solemn.

After saying that, he pulled Bibi Dong to a vacant lot, squatted down and unwrapped the package, from which he took out a round porcelain jar and opened it, revealing an internal paste-like pigment, as well as a few tiny vermillion brushes.

While picking up one of them, he explained.

"This is the ointment used to simply change your look, Ah Dong, your appearance is too striking. In the beginning, I also considered that my destination after graduation was unknown, so I prepared it earlier to avoid trouble. Now that we have offended a noble spirit master, it is just the right thing to use. Stay put, I'll dot some freckles and birthmarks on your face as camouflage."

"Good." Bibi Dong closed her eyes and stayed still.

Not long after, under Lin Manshan's operation, Bibi Dong's face value dropped from 10 points straight down to 4.5 points.

Afterwards, Lin Manshan took the mirror and smeared it on his own face for a while to hide the somewhat purple skin colour. As for the pointed ears, they could only be hidden by clothing.

After doing all this and packing up their things, the two of them walked straight into the mountain forest at the back and disappeared in a few jumps.

Half a month later, on a certain mountain path.

"Someone is fighting in front." Lin Manshan suddenly stopped and frowned, "Let's go, go and take a look."


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