Chapter 315 Power and Order

Not long after, the two rushed to the combat site.

When they looked over, it was a Spirit Grand Master with a few First Ring Spirit Masters attacking a merchant caravan. And, as a certified blacksmith, he could tell that it was a blacksmith caravan that was only out to purchase iron ore.

The entire caravan consisted of ordinary people except for one Spirit Grand Master and two First Ring Spirit Masters, and at this moment, a piece of the ground had already collapsed.

Without hesitation, Lin Manshan quickly joined the fray and quickly defeated the few spirit masters who attacked.

Upon inquiry, they were a few civilian spirit masters who had graduated from the Primary Spirit Master Academy and were originally the lapdogs of a noble spirit master, eating and drinking following them, and having a great time.

However, after the noble spirit master went to an intermediate spirit master academy, several people were abandoned.

Because they were used to living a life where they could eat and drink well just by kissing ass, they didn't want to put their feet on the ground and do work after graduating from the academy, even procrastinating on their cultivation.

After many years of accomplishing nothing, the Martial Spirit Hall subsidy was unable to meet the demand of their extravagance, so they took up the business of robbing.

Moreover, they have robbed many people, and their hands can be said to be stained with blood.

For this kind of person, Lin Manshan naturally will not keep his hands, several people will become like this, perhaps there is the influence brought by the noble spirit master, but it is still more of a self-indulgence. Therefore, without hesitation, he abolished them and handed them over to the victimized blacksmiths to take back and dispose of.

Afterwards, the journey continued.

However, not even a few days into the journey, a female corpse that had been abused slouched on the side of the road, by the looks of it, she was extremely well-endowed. There were marks of a carriage stopping next to her, and under exploration, there was also a male corpse not far away, and it was obvious that this was a couple.

The initial guess is that it was done by the people who drove by, the person who drove by looked at her, and then gave birth to evil thoughts, and eventually caused a tragedy.

With a heavy heart, Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong, one took charge of a person, after collecting and burying the body nearby. In the process, a piece of the jade pendant was found in the palm of the woman's hand by Bibi Dong, Lin Manshan did not even need to guess, it was definitely the murderer's possession.

Collecting the jade pendant, the two continued to rush.

Then, something even worse transpired. While passing by a small mountain village, they actually found that everyone in the village was dead. After some searching, the two found evidence and identified the murderer, it was done by a Spirit Master family, the reason being the discovery of mineral deposits.

The people of the mountain village had only been dead for a few days before that spirit master family sent someone to take over the village, and it was easy to associate them with the murder and extermination.

Of course, there must be an element of collusion between snakes and rats in it.

With the strength of the two of them, they were naturally unable to deal with it for the time being, so they could only collect the evidence first and continue on their way.

Then there was one tragic case after another unfolding in front of their eyes.

In the three months or so that followed, the two could be said to have encountered a succession of vicious incidents. If they were just listening to stories or watching images, the two might have been able to remain indifferent.

However, when the events became a pile of events that happened in front of their eyes, their mood could be imagined to be as bad as it could be.

Shan had said that he would see all the sins of the world in the reincarnation of sins. Now it seems that it is only now that it really begins. Although he knew that it was an illusion, who could be indifferent when it was happening so real in front of them? Lin Manshan could not help but sigh inwardly.

Not to mention Bibi Dong, even he had a fire in his heart. Because he knew clearly that similar events had definitely happened in reality, and the Rakshasa God had merely moved them into the illusion. If he could understand this, Bibi Dong could naturally guess one or two.

A proper and open conspiracy, even though it was an illusion, the feelings it brought were real.

These days, Bibi Dong's negative emotional fluctuations such as anger and disgust had obviously become more frequent, and he himself became affected.

Perhaps, when I inherit the divine position of the Shan, I will be able to establish some sort of mechanism for punishing evil in the Underworld. If Shan can spy on everything in the outside world in the Underworld, I should be able to as well. As long as there's a way to record everyone's deeds, they can be punished after their death and used to warn the living. Instead of letting those souls simply fall into the River Styx, and their memories being washed away and then directly entering reincarnation.

As for the means of punishment, he wondered if the eighteen layers of hell could be made. He couldn't help but fall into thought.   

On the other side, Bibi Dong also had a heavy heart, secretly pondering, 'With the innate spirit power that I awakened in this secret realm; if there was no intervention from Ah Man in the beginning to help me cultivate with medicine, I'm afraid that it would have been impossible for me to break through to level 22 when I was nearing graduation from the Primary Spirit Master Academy.'

'In that case, earlier outside Dongyang Village, facing that noble man with Spirit Elder strength as well as the several Spirit Masters under his command, would I really be able to win easily?'

'And if I were to lose the battle, the situation I would face...' Thinking of this, her face couldn't help but sink, and the backs of her hands crawled with goosebumps. That kind of humiliation, even if it turned out to be just an illusion, she definitely did not want to experience it again.

"Ah Dong." Feeling Bibi Dong's soul fluctuations, Lin Manshan also returned to his senses and spoke, "If you really want to do something to change this world, perhaps, you can make yourself the maker of rules and laws, and then create a new order for this world. In this world where force is supreme and the strong prey on the weak, perhaps, only strength can bring constraints and peace. God, without a doubt, could have a nearly eternal influence. The fear that God brings will loom over evil."

"There is no good or evil in power, the difference lies in the person who uses it. The human heart is fickle, and thus good and evil are hard to discern. What power can do is to set up walls and boundaries for these indistinguishable evils, so that they don't rush out all at once and flood the world."

"For example, as human beings, we need to eat to survive. Therefore, we reclaim the wasteland, grow food, and eat to fill our bellies. Is this wrong? In a way, yes, because we destroy the homes of other beings in the wasteland. In this way, does the tool of reclamation in our hands also become a force for evil? Then is the tool evil, or the man who uses and creates it evil?"

"Moreover, if such an evil were not done, man would starve to death from lack of food supplies. On this point, it is not only man but other beings as well."

"Therefore, it seems to me that there are some evils that cannot be avoided because they are the laws of survival in nature."

"Then which are the evils that need to be avoided and stopped?" Lin Manshan added, "To give another example, normally speaking, after a farmer has ploughed a piece of barren land in the mountains and wilderness, he will build a house for shelter in its vicinity. After that, they would nourish it with fertilizers and water to turn it into fertile farmland, which would then be passed down from generation to generation."

"However, some farmers were not willing to do this. After a few years of planting in the reclaimed wilderness, when they see that the land is no longer fertile, they immediately go and cut down the forest and reclaim new fields. Then they continue to plant, continue to cut down, and the cycle continues until that forest is completely barren, and then they continue to cut down a new forest. Even, some farmers don't even think about reclaiming."

"They choose to directly use force to plunder the food grown by other farmers around them."

"And at that time, those farmers who suffered from plundering had only two choices. One is to obediently hand over the grain, and the other is to pick up the farm tools they have built and resist."

"So, in this case, is the power that comes from these tools still evil?"

"So the point of the rule created by the powerful is to make sure that the power brought by the tools is used for the right thing, to control the situation to the point where the farmer's heart and soul is used to maintain the fertility of that farmland so that it can be recycled to keep growing food." Bibi Dong thoughtfully picked up the conversation, "And when that boundary is exceeded, and there are individual farmers who use those tools to endlessly reclaim the land, to destroy land that could be used in a healthy way, or even to plunder others, then that is the evil that must be punished."

"To put it another way, once a powerful rule is generalized, it can also become a tool for individuals to plunder others, and that is also an evil that needs to be restrained and punished."

"But if it is used to protect the people and maintain order and balance, it is a greater good."

Surprisingly, she knows how to cite an example, she's worthy of being my wife. Lin Manshan smiled and nodded, "That's right."

Bibi Dong couldn't help but smile as well, pulling his arm closer, "Manshan, thank you. I think I know what to do."

So, is it time to wrap up this divine examination? Outside of the Secret Realm, the Rakshasa God showed surprise on her face.

'If I had someone to nudge me like this when I took the divine examination, perhaps, it would be a different story now.' Inwardly, she couldn't help but sigh. If she was able to pass the Divine Examination perfectly and become a true Sin God Rakshasa with the strength of a God King, her position in the Divine Realm would definitely not be what it currently is. Rather, it would be the same as the Shura God, ruling over judgment and acting above the gods.

Unfortunately, there was only one chance to choose.

"This kid is simply the best candidate to inherit my divine throne." On the other side, the Shura God's gaze flickered.

Within the Underworld, Shan also had a glint in his eyes and was smiling, "Haha, it seems that placing the Underworld in the hands of Ah Man will be the most correct choice I have made in countless years." With this thought, his eyes glanced in the direction where the Shura God Divine Thought was present.

"Hehehe, no one will be able to snatch Ah Man away from me."

"Let's go, Ah Dong, it's time for us to continue our journey as well." Within the secret area, Lin Manshan, who was sitting on the grass, said softly.

"Hm." Bibi Dong nodded her head and slowly got up, briefly packing up with Lin Manshan and continuing to set off.


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