Chapter 318 Heaven and Earth are intolerable (2 in 1)

"This seat is also looking forward to it." The Rakshasa God's expression remained unchanged as she nodded indifferently.

In fact, she was indeed looking forward to it.

The Rakshasa God was originally on the same level as the Shura God in terms of divine throne level, but because she hadn't been able to inherit the divine throne back then perfectly, her strength had been restricted. She had been unable to match the Shura God's status in the divine realm and had even been belittled and ostracized by the gods.

Not being able to perfectly pass the divine examination and inherit the complete divine throne of the Rakshasa God was indeed her own incompetence, which could not be blamed on anyone else. But that didn't mean that she could bear the contempt from the Gods of the Divine Realm without complaint, which would be infuriating to anyone.

And now, if Bibi Dong could perfectly inherit the divine throne and become a God King realm powerhouse on the same level as Shura God, governing the power of judging all the gods, that would be considered as taking a breath of fresh air for her. It was true that she couldn't control the gods, but her chosen heir could.

Moreover, Bibi Dong was not a good person, and this Ah Man beside her was even less of a good person. In the future, when the couple ascended to the Divine Realm together, there would definitely be some good fruit in store for those gods who were usually careless and accustomed to enjoying themselves, and just thinking about that scene made her feel very happy.

More importantly, by passing on the divine position, she would be able to completely get rid of the constraints of the divine position on her, and in the future, as long as she practised diligently and comprehended properly, she would have the opportunity to rely on herself to go further. At the same time, she would also be able to detach herself from the Divine Realm, not subject to constraints, and go wherever she wanted to go.

The gods in the Divine Realm, on the other hand, could not do so.

No matter which point of view she looked at it from, it was something to rejoice for her.

With this thought, her right hand gently waved, and a great suction force immediately came from behind Lin Manshan.

In just the blink of an eye, Lin Manshan disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, there was already a giant vortex within his sight, as well as the wide River Styx below the vortex.

'Ah Manshan, the divine thought of the Shura God is not far from you, and I have already covered up your soul form. Don't worry, your wife will be fine, and if the Shura God intervenes next, I will stop him.' Shan's voice suddenly entered his mind.

'You have my divine power inside you, when the time comes, I will prompt you, so hurry back.'

'I think that when your wife comes out, the one she wants to see the most should be you.'

Shura God. Lin Manshan frowned slightly as he looked down with his spare gaze, his skin changing to the colour of a human soul.

Looking back, there was a huge circular space below, and through the green light shield, one could vaguely see the internal sky colour mapped out, it was still nighttime.

Without hesitation, he quickly rose into the air and flew towards the hollow space.

On the other side, next to the pool, looking at Lin Manshan's form after he left the Divine Examination Secret Realm, the Rakshasa God's face showed surprise, "It's actually him."

Through the divine thought imprint left in Bibi Dong's body, she would occasionally observe the lower realm.

Back when Dugu Bo led the attack on the Clear Sky Clan, she even observed it in real-time from her residence. After all, long before that battle began, she had learned from Bibi Dong's conversations that Dugu Bo might have gained the favour of a certain god, so she had purposely kept an eye out.

As for Lin Manshan's performance in that battle, it could be described as outstanding, so she naturally paid some attention to him.

As a god, one could get a glimpse of the whole picture with just a thought, and although Lin Manshan was wearing a mask back then, she could still easily compare and distinguish it through other physical features.

Especially that peculiar mark on Lin Manshan's forehead, it couldn't be more obvious.

After pondering, she withdrew her gaze and lowered her head to continue to look within the secret realm.

"As expected, it's that little fellow." Inside another large hall, the Shura God revealed a sure enough look, then looked down towards the surface of the pool, his gaze flickering, "Next, it's up to you couple to decide which one of you will get the Shura Sword first."

In between his thoughts, within the Skywalker Academy, Lin Manshan, who was sitting cross-legged in the cultivation room, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Cough." After not returning for nearly a month, his soul was promoted into a divine soul, and now that he had returned to merge with his physical body, his body felt a bit uncomfortable for a moment, and his mind was slightly swollen, accompanied by a sense of dizziness and nausea that hit him, and his right hand was subconsciously placed on his heart.

After sitting quietly for half a minute, the feeling of discomfort quickly subsided, and the original somewhat white skin also gradually restored the colour of blood.

Immediately, a buzzing sound suddenly rang in his mind, and the light in his eyes was dense, and everything in front of him suddenly turned colourful.

"Spiritual power has also broken through, and, this feeling..." Lin Manshan was inwardly surprised, at this moment, he suddenly had a feeling of being one with the surrounding heaven and earth and could feel the leaping fluctuations coming from every element of heaven and earth in the air.

Reaching out, he gently waved his hand, and the star-like elements in front of him were instantly rattled.

When he subconsciously operated the Meridian Skill, the Soul Core in his body was running rapidly, and the surrounding elements surged in at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"The cultivation speed has unexpectedly increased by so much!" Lin Manshan was instantly surprised.

After feeling it carefully, he instantly realized.

It was that after the promotion of the divine Soul and the subsequent surge in his spiritual power, his perception, affinity, and control of the elements of the surrounding heaven and earth had all increased. And with that, naturally, the efficiency of absorption increased dramatically.

As if he thought of something, his mind suddenly moved, and the surrounding dots of red aura quickly converged towards his fingertips, transforming into a bright blaze.

Seeing this, a certain thought could not help but spring up in Lin Manshan's mind.

'Since after the soul grows, the spiritual power as well as the control over the elements of the heavens and earth will also increase. Then, as the Lord of the Underworld, if Shan, condensed a physical body at the time of his birth, when he appears outside of the Underworld, what level of control over the elements of the heavens and the earth should he have reached? The essence of the soul is life, and losing the soul means losing one's life. As for being blessed with power over the source of the soul, that would mean...'

'No wonder, no wonder Shan has not been able to condense a physical body since the day he was born, and is bound to the Underworld.'

'If Shan had appeared in the outside world, with his attainments in the Way of the Soul, he might have been able to communicate and then manipulate all things in the heavens and earth, and even influence the rules with his own will.'

An existence that is incompatible with heaven and earth. Lin Manshan couldn't help but have this evaluation flash through his mind.

Shaking his head, he quickly stood up and walked towards the bathroom in large strides.

Since the day he decided to announce his seclusion, he had already informed all the girls that this time, the seclusion would probably be a bit long. Because of this, even after almost a month had passed, no one had ever come in, which could be seen from the accumulated dust on his clothes.

After quickly taking a hot shower and changing his clothes, Lin Manshan briskly walked out of the door.

"Ah Man!" The few girls who were sitting in the living room chatting away saw Lin Manshan come out and immediately brightened up, lightly shouting to get up.

Looking at the several girls who were gossiping, Lin Manshan had a feeling of being a world away in his heart. Although less than a month had passed in the outside world. But in the secret realm, he practically experienced decades, so his state of mind was inevitably affected.

He quickly approached and embraced them one by one and kissed them, then turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuyun, "Zhuyun, I now need to immediately set off on a trip to the Martial Spirit Hall, and I will trouble you to help clean up the cultivation room. If Grandpa Dugu comes to look for me, just have him wait at home as well."

"Good." Zhu Zhuyun nodded slightly without thinking and instructed, "Be careful along the way."

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded and loosened his hands, striding towards the gate.

When his figure disappeared from sight, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help but turn her head to look around at the several girls, her face tinged with deep musing.

"Do you guys have the feeling that Ah Man seems a bit different."

"I also got that feeling, but I can't tell what has changed." Dugu Yan said while nodding her head.

"Forget it, it's good that Ah Mann is fine." Zhu Zhuyun shook her head, "You guys chat here first, I'll go clean up the cultivation room."

"It's a day off anyway, so I'll go help too." Dugu Yan answered.   

As the words fell, the few girls nearby followed suit, indicating that they wanted to help out together.

"Let's go then." Zhu Zhuyun nodded and led the few girls to turn towards the cultivation room.

In a moment, with a creak, the door to the cultivation room was pushed open.

"???" Seeing the interior, several girls were stunned, except for the pair of butt prints on the futon and the series of footprints on the floor, the entire cultivation room floor was covered with a layer of light grey, including the innermost bed and the bedding on it.

So, Ah Man had been practising on the futon without moving for almost a month? This thought rose in unison in their minds.

What on earth had happened? Zhu Zhuyun had a puzzled look on her face, then she turned her head to look at the several girls who had the same expression on their faces and spoke, ''Let's clean up the room first. As for the rest, we'll ask about it when Ah Man returns."

Saying that she walked towards the interior of the room with large strides.

The several girls followed closely behind.

At the same time, in the sky above the academy, a meteor suddenly crossed like a comet.

A meteor in broad daylight? Looking at the stream of light rapidly passing through the sky, some of the students in the academy who were looking up at the sky couldn't help but wonder.

"It's Ah Man, this direction, it looks like he's heading to the Martial Spirit Hall." Inside the Strength Clan's compound, Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, who were in the middle of a conversation, looked up in unison.

After all, he was taking off from within the academy, and with the strength of the two men and their head spirit bones, they still sensed something.

"Let's go find the girls first and ask about the situation." Yang Wudi said, walking quickly towards the gate.

"Hm." Niu Gao followed closely behind.

"This is truly what it feels like to ride the wind." In the sky, Lin Manshan, who was flying rapidly, couldn't help but sigh. It was too unrestrained, there was almost no need to mobilize the wind attribute energy within the Elemental Soul Core, it just felt like he had become one with the entire heaven and earth. The surrounding wind elemental energy could be mobilized at will as if he were a wisp of fresh wind. This kind of feeling was something he had never experienced before.

'I'm afraid that it's not just because I've already promoted to Divine Soul, but it's also related to the divine energy that Shan left in my body.' With this thought, his mind moved, and the surrounding wind attribute energy was immediately pulled, accelerating and converging towards his body's surroundings, dragging his body to accelerate the flight.

And right at this moment, in the secret realm where Bibi Dong was located, the time had reached the early hours of the morning.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill, Two Layer Immobilization Domain!" A wave of abundant energy rippled, enveloping the entire bedroom.

At the same time, "Boom!" In the other direction, the sound of a broken window suddenly sounded.

"Eh?" Bibi Dong and Lin Manshan, both of them woke up instantly.

"This is!" Their bodies were unable to move, and they couldn't even open their eyes, but the energy fluctuations surging in the air were what made the two understand that they were being controlled by a spirit technique.

"Boom!" Without the slightest hesitation, majestic energy suddenly erupted from Lin Manshan's body.

Almost instantly, the restraints were broken free.

"Ah Dong, you go save Xue'er, I'll stall them." Without waiting for Bibi Dong to reply, he directly rushed out the window.

"Ah Man." Bibi Dong had a worried look on her face, but she didn't hesitate, and instantly exploded her strength to dash in the other direction. In just a few blinks of an eye, she came to her daughter's room, and then, after not finding the figure, she couldn't help but turn around and rush towards the broken window.

Jumping out of the window, she immediately saw her daughter, who was already unconscious, being carried by a middle-aged man under his armpit.

"Surprisingly, you were able to break free from our Martial Soul Fusion Skill." A surprised voice was heard, followed by two figures slowly falling down.

When they raised their eyes, it was none other than Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"Both of you, come back to the Martial Spirit Hall with us." Ghost Douluo's voice was hoarse, his face always indifferent.

At those words, Lin Manshan, who had stopped fighting not far away, turned his head to look at Bibi Dong.

"." For some reason, from this glance, Bibi Dong felt that Lin Manshan at this time seemed a little different from before.

Having been husband and wife for many years, the two of them could usually grasp each other's thoughts with a single glance. But right now, she didn't feel that sense of tacit understanding in Lin Manshan. However, now that the situation was urgent, there was no time for her to think too much, and she just wanted to open her mouth.

Lin Manshan's voice had already sounded, his tone suppressed, "I wonder what the two Coroners are doing this for?"

"Very simple." Ghost Douluo continued, "The mystery of the two of you being able to cultivate to Spirit Douluo realm in such a short period of time."

Lin Manshan didn't hesitate and immediately replied, "If you're referring to the prescription, I can give it to you right now."

"Very well! I, Yue Guan, like people like Your Excellency who know what's important." Chrysanthemum Douluo, who was standing on Ghost Douluo's side, immediately revealed a smile.

"Please wait a little longer." It was difficult to see the sadness or joy on Lin Manshan's face as he turned around and walked back into the house.

Not long after, he walked out with a booklet.

Ah Manshan has written down a prescription for medicine? How come I didn't know? Bibi Dong's brows suddenly furrowed as she felt that there was something odd going on.

At this exact moment, "Hmm," Hua Qingxue, who had originally been knocked out not far away, suddenly woke up, rubbing her eyes, just in time to see Lin Manshan walking towards the two men with a book in his hand, and then glimpsing at the spirit masters surrounding her, her eyes instantly reddened.

"You bad guys, you want to use me to threaten Dad and Mom, don't even think about it!" Saying that, while the sight of the person who was clamping down on her was focusing on the booklet in Lin Manshan's hand, she slapped her palm to her own head with a swift speed, and her body loosened up in an instant.

"Xue'er!" Lin Manshan and Bibi Dong both exclaimed in shock as their eyes turned red.

At this very moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo flew and swept in unison, aiming precisely at the booklet in Lin Manshan's hand.

"Ah! You both deserve to die!" Lin Manshan let out a furious roar, his body's aura suddenly erupted, and he was about to shatter the booklet in his hand.

"How dare you!" ChrysanthemumDouluo and Ghost Douluo immediately struck out with their palms.

"Boom!" Lin Manshan was sent flying on the spot, the book flying in the air and was quickly snatched down by Ghost Douluo.

With a swipe of his hand he put it into his spirit tool and glanced at Bibi Dong, who was not far away and was being held back by other high-ranked spirit masters, and immediately let out a low shout, "Old Guan, I'll deal with him, you go and deal with Bibi Dong. Things have come to this, we must do what we can to eliminate the roots!"

"If we don't get rid of the two today, they will definitely become strong enemies of our Martial Spirit Hall in the future."

"Good!" Chrysanthemum Douluo didn't hesitate and immediately turned around and rushed towards Bibi Dong.

And right at this moment, "Ah!" With a furious roar, a mist of blood like silk suddenly rose from Lin Manshan's body. His eyes were crimson, and his skin also took on a crimson colour.

Along with that, there was a terrifying aura that climbed up and down, as well as a blood-coloured stream of light.


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