Chapter 319 Tragedy

"So fast!" The nearest Ghost Douluo suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand up, the next moment, he only felt a huge force suddenly spread from his chest, "Boom!" The pain hit the body, and the body flew backwards on the spot, within sight, the red light shot toward Chrysanthemum Douluo.

Chrysanthemum Douluo whose strength is not that bad also instantly perceived the danger and was about to turn back.

"Boom!" A sharp pain spread from his waist, and his body flew backwards to the side.

Almost just in the blink of an eye, "ah ah ah ah," the group of spirit masters who were tangling and fighting Bibi Dong let out miserable screams one after another.

"Ninth Spirit Skill, Chrysanthemum Ruins, Fill The Earth With Wounds, Flowers Fall on Broken Hearts! Ninth Spirit Skill, Unlimited Engulfing Shadows!" The Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo who had stabilized themselves at the back saw that Lin Manshan was in an abnormal state and did not hesitate to release their strongest spirit techniques, striving to resolve the battle with the fastest speed possible.

"Ah Dong, take Xue'er and go first!" Lin Manshan shouted as he tossed his daughter's corpse, which he had retrieved from Spirit Douluo's hands to Bibi Dong. With that, he turned around, and the Sword Martial Soul was displayed in his hand and became gigantic in the blink of an eye as he slashed horizontally at the incoming spirit skills.

"Clank." Amidst the ear-piercing collision, through the aftermath of the battle, Lin Manshan's body was suddenly sent back by the explosive wave.

Gritting his teeth, he twisted his body in the air and followed Bibi Dong as he hurriedly swept towards the mountains and forests in the back, and at the same time, he pulled out a porcelain vase from his bosom and threw it towards the back.

"Boom!" With an explosion, the air was filled with white mist.

"It's a poison?!" Both Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who had escaped the aftermath of the battle and caught up at the back, frowned slightly.

They reached out to cover their nostrils, and at the same time waved their sleeves, blowing the poisonous mist in front of them to the other side, and when they raised their eyes to look again, the figure in front of them had already disappeared.

"The secret technique used by Hua Manshan should be related to mobilizing the blood energy in his body, this kind of secret technique is bound to have a great backlash. And before that, he took a hard slap from both of us. When the effect of the skill disappears, even if he doesn't die on the spot, I'm afraid it's almost over." Ghost Douluo's voice was hoarse.

Then he turned his head to look at one of the high-level spirit masters who had caught up behind him, "You return immediately, announce Hua Manshan and Bibi Dong's information to the public, and characterize the two as evil spirit masters, no need to explain more, the two's cultivation speed is enough to prove it."

The two people's innate spirit power is 0.5 level and 1 level, they broke through the Spirit Douluo stage at such a young age, who would believe them if they said they didn't take shortcuts?

"The rest of you, continue to pursue them with me, they can't run far!" Saying that he exchanged glances with Chrysanthemum Douluo and continued the chase.

After an unknown amount of time, inside a cave behind a waterfall.

"Ah Man, are you alright?!" Bibi Dong tearfully put down her daughter's body and turned her head to look at Lin Manshan whose skin was bloodless, the latter sat down with his hand over his chest with his back against the cave's wall and looked at his daughter who was on the ground with a pained face, "Cough cough, Ah Dong, it seems that on the next road, I can't walk with you any longer."

Bibi Dong's face instantly panicked at these words, grabbing Lin Manshan's arm, "Ah Man, don't you scare me!"

"There's no need to be downhearted, being dead in an illusion doesn't mean you're really dead, in the future, we'll see each other again." Lin Manshan tugged out a smile, "Moreover, this kind of result, we had expected it, didn't we? It's just that we didn't expect it to come so quickly."

"It's all my fault, if only back then..." Bibi Dong's face was suddenly crawling with self-blame.

"Ah Dong, don't say that." Lin Manshan immediately interrupted, "Even if there was no Xue'er, this illusion realm would have still led to today's situation in some other way. I was originally an outsider, how could I influence the assessment all the way through, and now it is merely a correction."

"Besides, to be married to you and to have Xue'er through this time is already my greatest fortune."

In the line of sight, Bibi Dong was already sobbing uncontrollably.

"Ah Dong." Lin Manshan continued, "Don't worry, the so-called formula that those two guys from the Martial Spirit Hall took away was a fake, I was just thinking of taking the opportunity to go back to my room to get a bottle of poison out. Originally, I wanted to create chaos and wait for an opportunity to escape with you guys."

"Unfortunately, things went against my wishes." Saying that, his eyes grew heavy.   

Somewhat feebly, he raised his hand, wanting to gently caress Bibi Dong's ear, but was grabbed by the latter and lightly placed on her cheek.

"Ah Dong, next, take the part of my will and move on. I know that you can." Lin Manshan's increasingly weak voice was heard.

As the words fell, everything fell silent except for the sound of the torrent of water roaring outside the cave.

In the next moment, within Bibi Dong's line of sight, Lin Manshan's figure gradually became illusory, turning into dots of green aura that hovered and rose to dissipate.

'The breath has completely disappeared!' Bibi Dong's pupils almost instantly shrunk, for a moment, she was suddenly somewhat unable to distinguish whether the illusionary realm was just rejecting Lin Manshan, or whether he had failed the test because he died in the illusionary realm, and truly died from a broken soul.

Soul, that was the essence of one's life. Although her soul hadn't been promoted to a divine soul yet, coupled with being restricted by the Rakshasa divine power, she wasn't as sensitive to the soul's aura as Lin Manshan was. But the familiar aura had indeed disappeared completely.

Could it be that what Ah Man just said was only to comfort me? As soon as this possibility came to her mind, her face instantly flustered.

Then her body sat paralysed on the ground, her gaze was dull.

"Bibi Dong, what choice will you make next?" Beside the pool, the Rakshasa God couldn't help but murmur.

Time passed little by little, and Bibi Dong just quietly sat paralysed, until the morning came, the sun rose, and the sunlight reflected into the cave through the turbulent currents, lost in thought and looked down at the stalactite floor as the water stains haloed with dots of light rays, and the refraction illuminated the pupils.

It was only then that Bibi Dong came back to her senses because of the discomfort in her eyes, her body suddenly trembled, her gaze subconsciously shifted downward, blinking her eyelashes, then her right hand was lightly raised to shield her eyes from view, and she lifted her eyes to look out of the cave, and the rapid flow of waterfalls flickered with pieces of white speckles, brightening up the vapours in the cave.

A small rainbow appeared and disappeared.

No matter what, right now I can't give up... Bibi Dong lightly bit her lower lip, and her gaze suddenly became firm, "I have to keep going until I become a god and ascend to the Divine Realm."

"Perhaps, Ah Man is waiting for me in the Divine Realm."

Thinking of this, she turned to look to the other side, where the young girl was still lying quietly.

Seeing this, a trace of complexity and pain immediately flashed through Bibi Dong's eyes. Although she knew that it was fake, the feelings she had invested were real. Although the ending had been predicted, when it really came, there was such pain in her heart that it was hard to suppress.

Getting up and walking forward, she slowly picked up the body and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Not long after, in front of the jagged pile of rocks, a short stone monument was erected silently.

"Xue'er, I'm sorry..." Bibi Dong sat on her knees in front of the monument, murmuring in a low voice while withdrawing her bloodstained fingertips from the cracks of the inscription.

Afterwards, she quietly knelt in place and fell into thought, reminiscing about the family's past.

Until Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo came to attack, causing all of this to happen.

'Is it the fault of the Martial Spirit Hall?' As the Pope of the Martial Spirit Hall, this question suddenly rose in her heart.


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