Chapter 320 Return to Spirit City

There was silence for half a second, and her fists couldn't help but clench with slightly more force. She had to admit that she might have done the same if it was the old her. In this illusion, the innate spirit power that she and Lin Manshan had awakened was simply too low.

Yet, they were able to break through to Spirit Douluo in such a short period of time; anyone would have suspected it, and anyone would have tried to do everything they could to find out the cause and then take possession of it for themselves.

Not only would the Martial Spirit Hall, she believed that any of the forces on the continent would do the same.

Because one could grow themselves and enhance their ability to protect themselves quickly with such a secret.

Today, it was just a role reversal, and the Martial Spirit Hall used tougher means.

This is the style of Qian Xunji, anyway, they would offend other parties, so why not have a strong attitude, first siege followed by courtesy. With the power to pressure people in the front, and tongue persuasion in the back. In the beginning, this is how Qian Xunji dealt with Tang Hao. He can naturally get what they want if they give in and agree. If he is worried about retaliation afterwards, killing on the spot or abolishing spirit power can be chosen according to the situation.

Perhaps, in this world of the weak and the strong, there was no absolute right or wrong, no matter who it was, survival was always the first priority. In order to survive, all people must use all means to grow themselves and cut down the potential hidden dangers.

Perhaps it is not the people who are wrong, but the world. Bibi Dong could not help but think of the farmer's argument that Lin Manshan had mentioned to her previously.

Nowadays, in the outside world, several spirit master forces stand side by side in the entire continent, each with its own family rules and regulations. In addition, precisely because of the existence of spirit masters, the status difference between ordinary civilians and spirit masters is very substantial, oppression is everywhere, which also leads to all kinds of tragic cases endlessly.

Perhaps, just as Ah Man said, the only way to fundamentally change all this is to use more stronger strength, unify the continent, and unify the rules.

Thinking like this, she couldn't help but raise both her palms and scarlet blood was immediately reflected in her eyes.

"The rules of this continent, it's time to change it."

Clenching her fists tightly, she slowly stood up, and after looking down at the stone monument, she turned around and took big steps towards the outside of the cave.

Walking out of the cave, she looked up at the clear sky and glanced in the direction of her home. Without hesitation, she immediately plunged towards the depths of the forest. While travelling, she gathered medicinal herbs. Having stayed together for many years, Lin Manshan had also imparted quite a bit of pharmacological knowledge to her.

Among them was the recipe for the ointment that was used to coat the skin for disguise at the time.

Right now, the Martial Spirit Hall would probably still be searching for her on a large scale, so disguising herself to avoid the search was very essential.

About two hours later, Bibi Dong finally found all the medicinal materials, then immediately mixed them into an ointment, smeared it on her face, and then began to follow her memory and headed towards the nearest human village. She was still wearing her pyjamas and had to go change into new clothes.

In the late hours of the night, she finally arrived at a village, took clothes from a drying rack and changed into them.

'I will have to find a place to cultivate first, everything will wait until after I break through the Titled Douluo level.'

Thinking like this, she headed towards the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Although she was unable to use ordinary medicinal herbs to refine an incredibly potent pill like her husband, Ah Man, she could still prepare a pill according to a prescription. Because it is an Illusion Realm, as long as the prescription is right, and the refining process does not go wrong, there will not be any so-called impurities in the made pills after they are taken.

Because of this, Lin Manshan had taught her several prescriptions, and as long as she found the herbs, she would be able to make highly effective pills.

They were able to cultivate Spirit Douluo so quickly because of the help of these high-efficiency medicines.

When it came to medicinal resources, the Star Dou Great Forest was undoubtedly the place with the most abundance, and it was also possible to avoid searches there.

Most importantly, with her current strength, she would be able to survive inside there.

More than twenty days later, Bibi Dong finally arrived at the Star Dou Great Forest and began to search for medicines and refine them while trying to cultivate.

Time passed just like this day by day.

It was only a few years later that Bibi Dong finally broke through level 90. After obtaining a spirit ring by virtue of her wisdom, her strength in the illusion realm also formally stepped into the realm of the Titled Douluo level, and her soul also stepped into the realm of the divine soul, so her battle power was qualitatively improved. After this, Bibi Dong walked out of the Star Dou Great Forest and started travelling the continent in the name of Rakshasa, constantly recruiting spirit masters on the way, and growing her own power.

In this process, she naturally encountered countless trivialities, drama, tragedy, and farce, all of them.

In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed, and in the inner room of a certain residence, Bibi Dong slowly opened her eyes.   

"Soon." With a low murmur, she raised her head and looked out the window in the direction of the Martial Spirit Hall.

And right at this moment, in the outside world, within the Blue Silver Forest, Tang San stood in the centre of the many Blue Silver Grasses with a gloomy face.

"Sure enough, Lin Manshan found this place out, the Blue Silver Grasses with slightly higher cultivation levels were all taken away."

Originally, he wanted to go directly to the Star Dou Great Forest, but thinking that the Blue Silver King's forest was close to the Star Dou Great Forest, he decided to detour over on the way to explore the situation first. But after arriving at the outskirts of the Blue Silver Forest, after sensing it, he realized that the Blue Silver King was no longer there.

Taking a deeper look, the scene in front of him even made his heart burst with anger.

"Lin Manshan, this hatred, I, Tang San, will inevitably settle it with you." Gritting his teeth, he turned around and left.

Meanwhile, on the other end, Spirit City had already appeared within the field of view of Lin Manshan, who was clad in black robes.

After pondering for a moment, he swooped down and landed in a small forest not far from the entrance of the city, and then walked out with large strides towards the entrance of the city.

At this time, it was already close to the New Year, and at lunchtime, only a few sparse people were travelling outside of Spirit City. Without lining up, Lin Manshan came to the city gate unhindered, and with a wipe of his right hand, a delicate token appeared in his hand.

Since from outside, only spirit masters could enter Spirit City, the soldiers guarding the city were naturally also spirit masters, and they were also well-trained spirit masters, with not bad eyesight and the ability to read people's words. Therefore, when Lin Manshan had just pulled out his token, the soldier saw it.

A black robe, naturally, in order not to reveal his identity, the soldier instantly understood, and immediately bowed slightly, sidestepping to make way.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan slightly nodded his head, retrieved the token, striding in, and then rushed straight towards the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

After about half a quarter of an hour, he finally arrived at the foot of the Supreme Pontiff Palace.

Before the guardian knights on both sides of the palace could make a move to stop him, Lin Manshan had already pulled out the Pope's order and showed it, saying bluntly, "Take me to the Supreme Pontiff."

"Elder, Her Holiness the Pope is still in seclusion and has refused to see the guests." The head knight respectfully replied back.

Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "I know, just take me to the Pope's Hall."

"Yes!" The head knight immediately stepped out of the formation, bowed slightly, and turned towards the steps up the mountain.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan then followed.

Not long after, the two arrived in front of the gate of the Pope's Hall.

The knight leading the way reported to the guardian knights outside the gate and turned to leave. Subsequently, the guardian knights outside the door pushed open the gate in unison and respectfully said, "Please stay inside for a moment, subordinate will go and notify Her Holiness the Holy Maiden to come and meet you."

Lin Manshan immediately spoke, "There's no need to go find the Holy Maiden, please go to the Enshrinement Hall and call the Grand Worship over, just say that a friend is visiting."

Grand Worship. The Guardian Knight's pupils instantly shrunk, and he immediately bowed and replied, "Yes!"

Seeing this, Lin Manshan walked into the Pope's Hall in large strides, came to sit down on the side seat, removed the black robe on his body, drank tea and waited.

Not long after, without any urgency, he put down his teacup and looked to the other side of the table, and between the golden aura spreading out, a figure appeared on the seat.

"It seems that your strength has advanced again." Qian Daoliu said with slight emotion.

Lin Manshan shook his head slightly, "It was just a bit of a chance."

"There aren't that many chances in this world." Qian Daoliu shook his head slightly and continued, "Speak, what is it that you're looking for old man?"

"I've found a fire attribute immortal herb that happens to be suitable." Lin Manshan immediately said.


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