Chapter 325 The little Witch has been surrendered

This is also what I am worried about. Lin Manshan thought to himself.

It's just that this matter shouldn't be left up to him to decide. At this moment, the person in question, Bibi Dong, had obviously already made her choice.

Thus, Lin Manshan nodded and continued, "That's why I thought of using that immortal herb as compensation to help her become a god."

"Moreover, I have already talked to Qian Daoliu, and when he needs to initiate the Ninth Examination for her, I will find a way to exempt him from sacrificing himself. In this way, when she becomes a god, she will inevitably take Qian Daoliu with her as she ascends to the Divine Realm, and in the future, she will count on having a family member by her side to rely on."

"As for you, Ah Dong, when the dust settles, let's all live in the Underworld as a family."

Dying of old age might also be a good choice. Qian Renxue might desire to recognize Bibi Dong in the future, but Bibi Dong might not wish to. Because, even if she was her own daughter, Qian Renxue's appearance would definitely remind Bibi Dong of that past.

All people have their own selfishness, he didn't want to see his wife's mood affected by the appearance of Qian Renxue.

Besides, Qian Renxue is now over 30 years old and has long since left the age of needing to be coddled by her own mother, so why should he care so much?

Seeing that Lin Manshan had already made proper arrangements, Bibi Dong's face was slightly relieved, and with a nod, she lowered her head and continued to lean against his shoulder.

Lin Manshan gently held her shoulders, "In that case, let me go and talk to them about this matter."

Saying that, with a thought, he cancelled the Soul Link Art.

In the next moment, consciousness returned to their physical bodies.

Under the soul perception, Bibi Dong's mood was still a bit low. Seeing this, Lin Manshan began to change the topic, asking about Bibi Dong's experience in the illusion realm after he left.

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong began to narrate.

A little bit of time passed.

With the passage of time as well as Lin Manshan's interjections and comments, Bibi Dong's mood was getting better and better.

And by the time the story was finished, the time was already in the early hours of the morning, and it was not far from dawn.

At this moment, Bibi Dong tilted her head to look at the sky outside the window, raised her head again and twisted her body.

"Ah Man, it's not even dawn yet."

And so, cackling, the soft bed rocked until the window was blindingly bright.

Like a lion at thirty, like a dragon at forty. It's true. As expected of someone who has already become a god, her physical body is simply vigorous. Lin Manshan jumped off the balcony and flew back to the residence at a low altitude. Only when he landed and returned to the house did he bend down, rubbing his waist and secretly sighing.

"Pfft." On the other side, Bibi Dong finally couldn't help but purse her lips.

As a god, her recovery ability was naturally extremely high, and the current Lin Manshan was not comparable to her yet.

However, once she remembered last night's madness, her face still couldn't help but blush. After Lin Manshan had left, she had stayed alone in the Illusion Realm for nearly twenty years, and her emotions had inevitably been pent up, now that they had met again, she really couldn't help but want to pour out some of them.

Moreover, this was the first time she had won. Inexplicably, her heart was a little proud.

Stretching her waist, she started to get up and get out of bed extremely nimbly. Glancing at the messy sheets in the bed as well as the dots of stained red on it, her face suddenly became more and more flushed, and she began to carefully clean up. After cleaning up, she walked into the bathroom and started to wash up.

And when the clothes were changed and the makeup was done, it was already bright outside the window.

Reaching out, the Pope's Exclusive Scepter appeared in the centre of her palm, and striding out the door, she walked in the direction of the Pope's Hall.

Not long after, inside the Pope's Hall.

"Looks like you've already taken that step." Qian Daoliu's silhouette slowly emerged, his gaze slightly complicated as he looked towards Bibi Dong, who was seated on the main throne.

The introversion of her breath, her temperament, and the obvious change in her appearance were all signs that Bibi Dong had already become a god.

Becoming a god had once been his dream as well. Unfortunately, he failed and had to settle for the second-best choice, which was the position of the Grand Worship.

"Not bad, I have already attained godhood." Bibi Dong responded blandly.

Qian Daoliu's face regained its composure as he nodded, "In that case, next, things are going to be much simpler."   

With that, he narrated Lin Manshan's visit.

I knew about it last night. Bibi Dong's expression did not change, "I will respond to this matter."

After saying that, she looked up to the outside of the great hall, "Someone come."

With a creak, the door of the great hall was pushed open, followed by the arrival of a temple knight walking in with small steps, Bibi Dong's voice followed, "Go and invite the noble guest who visited earlier over, and say that this throne has already come out of the seclusion, and invite him to come and meet us."

"Yes!" The knight immediately halted his steps, and after respectfully saluting, he turned around and left.

Not long after, he arrived in front of Lin Manshan's door and knocked on the door of the room.

Soon, Lin Manshan, who was wearing a black robe with a mask over his face, pushed the door open and walked out.

"Greetings Elder, Her Holiness the Pope has already emerged from the seclusion and is waiting in the Pope's Hall." The knight bowed slightly and politely said.

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded and followed the knight as they hurried to the Pope's Hall.

Upon arriving, he walked straight into the Pope's Hall, and when he looked around, only Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were there.

What needed to be said had already been explained to Bibi Dong last night, so the process of this conversation was very simple and was quickly finalized.

According to the established plan, Bibi Dong would depart first with Qian Daoliu shortly, heading to the nearest city in the extreme north. Lin Manshan would return to the academy first, bring along Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er and then rush to the meeting point, after which they would enter the Extreme North Land together.

After the discussion, Lin Manshan didn't stay any longer and immediately left to return to the academy.

After a few days of flying, he finally arrived and met Dugu Bo, who was out of seclusion at the first instance.

After inquiring, he learned that he had been out of seclusion for nearly half a month. This time in the life and death arena, the one he defeated was a 150,000-year-old metallic spirit beast Dark Gold Griffon Emperor, after absorbing its energy crystal, the spirit ring and the spirit bone advanced simultaneously, both of which raised about 8,000 years of age.

The reason why he didn't continue to challenge, firstly, the enhancements needed to be digested, secondly, the time was already approaching the New Year, and thirdly, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er broke through level 70 one after the other.

Next, they would definitely have to go to the Extreme North Land to obtain their spirit rings, and he was required to follow them over to help.

In addition, Dugu Bo also guessed that Lin Manshan's purpose for going to the Martial Spirit Hall was to ask Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu's help. After all, there were three Super Spirit Beasts of unknown strength in the Extreme North, and there were quite a few 100,000-year-old Spirit Beasts under their command, so they were not easy to deal with.

After a brief conversation, Lin Manshan didn't delay much and brought along Dugu Bo, Shui Bing'er, and Shui Yue'er together and immediately packed up and set off. As to why he didn't bring along Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, Dugu Bo also raised the question, and Lin Manshan's reply was very simple.

Bibi Dong had already become a god, there was no need.

As for the relationship with Bibi Dong, it was not revealed for the time being, and this was also Bibi Dong's wish. With the huge age gap between the two and their sensitive identities, Bibi Dong was not ready to face Lin Manshan's family and friends around him as his wife for the time being.

For this, as a husband, Lin Manshan naturally chose to respect it.

On the other hand, after learning that Bibi Dong had become a god, Dugu Bo could be considered quite shocked. Subsequently, he also couldn't help but sigh, it was fortunate that the Skywalker Academy and the Martial Spirit Hall were allies, or else it would have been dangerous, after all, he hadn't become a god yet.

Not having become a god, and having become a god, those were two completely different concepts.

To put it simply, if the current Bibi Dong really wants to do something, there is nothing they at Skywalker Academy can do to stop her.

Don't worry, I have already subdued this witch Bibi Dong. In response to Dugu Bo's sentiments, Lin Manshan only nodded slightly.

A few days later, the four of them arrived at a small town thirty miles away from the Extreme North Land.

With his soul sensing, Lin Manshan quickly found the inn where Bibi Dong was staying, and without delay, they rushed straight to the rendezvous.

After meeting Bibi Dong in the guest room, Dugu Bo also could not help but be secretly surprised, the change was too great. Not only did she become younger and prettier, her temperament was even more outstanding, and most importantly, he couldn't feel any aura on Bibi Dong's body at all.

God, it's true that no mortal can compete with them. He knew very well that this was the gap brought about by absolute strength.


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