Chapter 326 Come and work for me

On the other end, Bibi Dong, who was sitting in her seat, also sensed the change in Dugu Bo's mood.

However, she didn't show any expression, but instead moved her gaze to Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, glancing at them before moving back to Lin Manshan and slowly getting up.

"Since everyone has arrived, let's set off."

"Good." Lin Manshan nodded.

Now that it was already the New Year, there was only a month before the start of another continent-wide spirit master tournament. Although Bibi Dong did not need to participate in the qualifier and promotion matches, there were still some matters within Spirit City that Bibi Dong would need to be present to handle during the tournament's duration.

Thus, the crowd left the inn and continued their journey.

Shui Bing'er herself possessed the ability to fly, thus, Lin Manshan only needed to carry Shui Yue'er on his back and fly. And with the wind flying ability he had now mastered, flying with a person would hardly have any adverse effects, and his speed naturally wouldn't be too low.

In just a few days, the group entered the Extreme North Land core area, and the entire process was described as a rampant flight.

As they continued forward, flying, the sky in front of them suddenly bloomed with white and turquoise light, and with it, there was a clear and cold female voice.

"Humans, you shouldn't have come here."

When he looked up, there was a snow-white silhouette in the sky in front of him, and in the snowy ground below him, there was a turquoise scorpion, which was holding up both of its pedipalps and looking up at their side.

At the same time, "Roar Roar Roar" strong breaths are rising from the back of the two beasts.

In this burst of majestic breath stirring, the surrounding wind and snow also suddenly become more powerful.

In just a moment, on the distant horizon, a spirit beast figure appeared.

Seeing this, Lin Manshan turned back, swept his eyes at Bibi Dong and the others, nodded slightly, and handed Shui Yue'er over to Shui Bing'er at the side.

Afterwards, flying alone towards the Snow Emperor for some distance, he said bluntly, "Snow Emperor, Ice Emperor, if my expectation is not wrong, the two of you should be about to encounter a bottleneck, right?"

"Although the two of you have extraordinary qualifications, I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to pass through the next thunder tribulation."

"May I ask what Your Excellency means?" The Snow Emperor frowned slightly and asked in return.

"Xue'er cut the crap with him! They must have come this time for our Spirit Ring and Spirit Bone." The fiery-tempered Ice Emperor interjected forcefully, "If we are going to fight, let's fight, even if we die in battle, I will never let my spirit ring and spirit bone fall into the hands of humans."

Lin Manshan was not bothered, but continued, "What if I have a way for you to be promoted to Divine Beasts?"

"Little brat, you're fooling the ghost!" The Ice Emperor's tone was disdainful, "If you could help us pass through the heavenly tribulation to achieve Divine Beast, you would have already become a god yourself first. In that case, how easy it would be to hunt and kill us, why would you still be here to say such nonsense."

"Hmph! You, humans, are only capable of playing these schemes and tricks, none of you are good."

Lin Manshan looked down at the Ice Emperor and shook his head slightly, "Ice Emperor, I am by no means teasing you. Because."

"Because I am a god!" Bibi Dong's voice suddenly rang out from behind Lin Manshan.

As soon as the words sounded, the surrounding space was instantly heavy, and in the next second, an enchanting back suddenly appeared in front of Lin Manshan, ten spirit rings slowly unfolding underneath her feet.

"Ten spirit rings!" The Ice Emperor's body instantly froze, and she was horrified inwardly.

At this moment, under the gaze of the woman in the sky, she only felt that some kind of cold and majestic evil power locked her body. Under this power, it was as if she was just a snowflake in the cold winter, and would melt and dissolve with just a gentle pinch.   

On the other side, Snow Emperor and the many high-level spirit beasts behind her were also instantly stiffened.

Ten spirit rings, being a God at a hundred levels, the woman in front of them was truly a God!

"Now, do you still think that this throne needs to use plots and tricks on you?" Bibi Dong's voice sounded once again.

"." The Ice Emperor stayed in place, not daring to utter a single breath.

"Cough." Seeing this, Lin Manshan immediately coughed out lightly to break the deadlock.

Only then did Bibi Dong withdraw her spirit ring and dash back behind Lin Manshan.

Bibi Dong seems to attach great importance to Ah Man's face, she unexpectedly defended him this much. Dugu Bo who was not far away on the side subconsciously glanced at Bibi Dong, however, after careful consideration, he felt that Bibi Dong's behaviour was reasonable, and that knocking on the mountain to shake the tiger was indeed useful at times.

If I become a god, I also would not like to beep too much. Inwardly, he thought quietly.

In between his thoughts, Lin Manshan in front of him spoke again, "Ice Emperor, your guess was actually correct, I am indeed about to become a god."

After saying that, his mind moved, the power of the divine soul carrying majestic spiritual power instantly burst, the wind element in the surrounding kilometre was immediately triggered, and the crowd of spirit beasts within the range seemed to sense something, and looked to the sky in unison, only to see the clouds in the sky rapidly churning, the snowflakes fluttered, and drifted in all directions at a very fast speed.

In just the blink of an eye, when they looked again, there was already no wind or snow within the range of a thousand meters, and the sky was clear.

'Crap, Ah Man has obtained the Divine Examination? When did this happen?' Dugu Bo was instantly taken aback.

This kind of manipulation, honestly speaking, even he couldn't do it. Just this outburst of spiritual power directly left him behind by several streets.

'Ah Man has actually obtained the Divine Examination as well, this spiritual power would never be something a Titled Douluo could possess.' On the side, Qian Daoliu was also inwardly shocked, at that moment just now, he actually had a feeling of his soul trembling.

Awesome. Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, on the other hand, adored Lin Manshan even more.

"And, it's not just me." Lin Manshan dispersed his spiritual power and turned his head to look at Dugu Bo, "This person is also a God's Successor."

"Therefore, the two of you must also be able to understand. If we have an intention today, the two of you will never be able to resist." Lin Manshan added.

The Snow Emperor gritted her teeth, "Then why is Your Excellency doing this?"

"For the sake of my wife." Lin Manshan spoke bluntly, turning his head to look at Shui Bing'er, "I'm sure you two have also noticed that my wife's martial soul carries the Ultimate Ice attribute. With her qualifications, coupled with my help, I believe that she can become a god in the future. As for you both, if you can make a sacrifice for her, it will allow her to walk smoother on her next path to godhood."

"And after the sacrifice, you guys can keep your souls to reside within Bing'er's spirit ring and follow her as she grows. And when my wife is promoted to godhood, your souls will also be promoted to god souls just like the current me, realizing soul immortality."

"After that, I will reshape a physical body for you both. At that time, you will be able to become true divine beasts."

"By the way, as far as I know, spirit beasts are unable to cultivate into gods." Lin Manshan added, "Therefore, even if you survive the next thunder tribulation, or even advance to million-year-old spirit beasts in the future, there is absolutely no possibility for you all to become gods. Being struck to death by a thunder tribulation or dying of old age due to a great age, this is your established end."

"And I, on the other hand, can precisely help you guys walk on the third path."

"Spirit beasts can't become Gods..." The Snow Emperor's expression was instantly a bit dull.

"That's right." Lin Manshan nodded, then pointed his fingertip at the sky, meaningfully saying, "This is the rule."

So, all of you can come to the Underworld and work for me. Ox-heads, horse-faces, whatever, I happen to be short of them. Inwardly, he thought so.


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