Chapter 327 Direct Title promotion?

It seems that the Gods of the Divine Realm will only select humans when selecting their successors, and the three people in front of them are proof enough of that. Humans and spirit beasts were arch-enemies, so the gods would not allow spirit beasts to become Gods. Snow Emperor immediately thought of this possibility.

Her lips could not help but purse slightly.

She was unwilling, but, again, she was powerless to change this.

"Of course, the rules are not set in stone, there are good and bad people, and the same goes for spirit beasts." Lin Manshan continued, "I intend to help the Spirit Beast Clan open up a path to godhood. However, this must be built on enough trust. And right now, we have only met for the first time, so it is naturally impossible to talk about trust. Therefore, in my opinion, sacrifice is currently the optimal option."

"Because, after the sacrifice, your souls will be constrained by the host to a certain extent. And only then will I fully trust you all in the future."

"Of course, if we get along well in the future, I will remove this constraint for you."

It was indeed a good way to use the controlled top-tier Beast God to rule over the rest of the lower-tier Beast Gods. Inside the Great Hall within the Divine Realm, the Shura God was also lost in thought.

Bibi Dong had only just inherited the divine throne, and the spirit power in her body had yet to be fully transformed into divine power, thus, the divine thought imprint he retained on Bibi Dong's second martial soul had yet to be rejected and removed. As of now, as long as it was not actively invoked, it would not be discovered. However, even if it was inconvenient to invoke the divine thought imprint, it was still possible to observe by sensing the divine thought imprint and confirming Bibi Dong's coordinates in the lower realm.

On the other side, after listening to Lin Manshan's words, the Snow Emperor pondered slightly and then spoke.

"Dare I ask Your Excellency, the path to becoming a god that you are talking about, is it necessary to sacrifice to humans and rely on them to become a god?"

Lin Manshan shook his head, "No, that is an independent path to godhood that can be opened by any spirit beast that has cultivated to the 100,000-year level. Of course, the thunder tribulation still needs to be crossed, as it concerns the strength of the spirit beast after it becomes a god. Regarding this point, I can only say that the more times the thunder tribulation is crossed, the better the foundation can be laid, the stronger one will be after becoming a god, and the greater the potential will be."

"Therefore, before opening this path to godhood that I envision, it's best to continue cultivating in a step-by-step manner. In addition, sacrificing for a spirit master who possesses the qualifications to become a god is indeed considered a shortcut. It is indeed much faster for a spirit master to cultivate than a spirit beast."

Because you spirit masters can hunt and kill spirit beasts to absorb spirit rings. At the bottom, the Ice Emperor's eyes were filled with unwillingness, while the Snow Emperor's face revealed sadness.

Lin Manshan felt the response in his mind, but he ignored it and continued, "As for the specific details, please forgive me for not being able to disclose them at this time. This is not only because the current me cannot yet trust you all. It is also because the current me cannot yet realize the concepts envisioned in my heart."

"So, you can also understand that this is an investment."

"Of course, whether you guys are willing or not, we will definitely not return empty-handed today."

Upon hearing this, the Snow Emperor couldn't help but look at the Ice Emperor and sighed, "I think we have no choice."

"As a matter of fact, none of us have a choice because this is the law of survival in this world." Lin Manshan also sighed.

The Snow Emperor nodded, turned her head to look at the crowd of spirit beasts gathered around her, and said loudly, "For the sake of the future of our clan, I think that this is a choice that must be made."

"Everyone, there is no need to worry about me, I hope that I can see you all on the road to becoming a god in the future."

As the words fell, "roar roar roar", a burst of high-pitched roars resounded in the snow field, with sadness, indignation, and reluctance.

Then he saw the Snow Emperor land beside the Ice Emperor, and turned her head to look at the other king of the Extreme North Land, the Ice Devil Titan, who had already approached, as well as the Ice Bear King, whom she had adopted since young, "Tai, the Extreme North Land and Xiao Bai will be under your care from now on."

Upon hearing this, the Ice Bear King immediately showed sorrow in his eyes.

On the other hand, the Ice Devil Titan on the other side clenched his fists and nodded slightly, "I will."

In the current situation today, they truly had no choice.   

At this time, Lin Manshan also led the crowd to land in front of the several beasts and waited quietly.

Not long after, the Snow Emperor turned back and slowly approached the Ice Emperor, turning her head to look at Shui Yue'er as she spoke, "Although I don't know what this girl's martial soul is, from the fluctuations in the spirit power emanating from her body, it should be the water attribute."

"That's right, Yue'er possesses a water attribute martial soul Dolphin." Lin Manshan nodded his head.

"Dolphin..." The Snow Emperor pondered slightly and raised her head, "Your Excellency, please wait here for a moment."

"Good." Lin Manshan instantly understood and nodded his head slightly.

Thus, under the eyes of the crowd, the Snow Emperor darted off in a direction deep within the Extreme North Lands.

About half a quarter of an hour later, she drifted back again, holding a slender fish-like spirit beast in her hands. With a sharp horn on top of its head, long whiskers on its gills, and fins like sword wings, the most peculiar thing about it was that almost its entire body was transparent, just like a crystal, yet its internal organs could not be seen.

"Crystal Dragonfish?" Lin Manshan's face showed surprise.

Crystal Dragonfish, a pure water-attribute spirit beast with a dragon bloodline, its defence was impenetrable and its strength and speed were also amazing. The means of its attack is very single, that is, by virtue of the impenetrable scale armour and the unicorn horn, ignoring all attacks and crashing the enemy to death.

Because of the impenetrable scale armour, its main living area is in the deep sea, it can withstand extreme cold and high pressure.

It is one of the least documented spirit beasts on the continent, and like mermaids and sirens, it only exists in legends.

In the Extreme North, there is still this kind of spirit beast, and it has also been promoted to the 100,000-year level. Inwardly, he couldn't help but be astonished.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu was also smacking his lips in wonder, the description of this spirit beast, the Crystal Dragon Fish, was still something he had brought back from Sea God Island. When he first travelled to Sea God Island, with the idea that he couldn't return empty-handed, he asked Bo Saixi for a copy of the Sea Spirit Beast Illustrated Catalogue.

This kind of Spirit Beast, according to the records, basically will not leave the deep sea area, but now, it actually appeared in the Extreme North Land, which is located inland.

Could it be that the Extreme North Land was still connected to the ocean below? He could not help but think in silence.

Between his thoughts, the Snow Emperor had already landed in front of Lin Manshan holding a crystal dragonfish, saying, "This is Jing Jing, a 100,000-year-old crystal dragonfish, originally residing in the deep sea fissure below the Extreme North Land, I had once discovered her in my early years, and became acquainted with her."

As the words fell, "You, hello." The Crystal Dragonfish stammered a bit.

"Jing is more introverted." The Snow Emperor chimed in, then sighed, "Sea Spirit Beasts are naturally afraid of thunder, and Jing Jing is about to have her first Thunder Tribulation. I've explained the situation to her, and she's willing to make a sacrifice for this Yue'er girl."

"I don't want to leave sister Xue'er." The crystal dragonfish added.

It's good that it's a female... Lin Manshan nodded and arched his hand, "Many thanks, I will definitely remember this favour."

"As long as Your Excellency can fulfil your promise and try to seek that glimmer of life for my clan, everything we have done today will be worth it." The Snow Emperor shook her head, then turned her head to look at Shui Bing'er and added, "This Bing'er girl's martial soul possesses the Ultimate Ice Attribute, which is indeed a perfect fit for me and Bing'er. And with the current cultivation level of Bing'er and I, it is already enough to help her break through the Titled Douluo Realm in one fell swoop."

There is such a good thing? Two spirit beasts sacrifice to make up three spirit rings, how is it possible? Dugu Bo, Qian Daoliu, and the others were all surprised, except for Lin Manshan, whose expression didn't change much. He clearly remembered that the original Huo Yuhao had enjoyed this treatment. After becoming his soul, the Snow Emperor had directly opened up and attached the second, third, fourth, and fifth spirit rings to him, a total of four.

Huo Yuhao truly lives up to his Son of Plane identity before Tang San's intervention!

Today, this cheating is about to descend on my wife. Inwardly, he thought to himself.


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